Haydenredacted/Guide to Smithing
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Pull Request: Meet the Smith - New Supply Role
Departmental Head
Quartermaster • | Miner • | Explorer • | Cargo Tech |
So you're lucky enough to be assigned to be the Smith (also known as the Metalworker or Tinkerer). This guide aims to provide how all the new machines and tools work and hopefully be officially added to the wiki once it gets merged. With your new machines, you are able to be more efficient at ore refining than the Ore Redemption Machine, this is your main job. On the side, you can take the ores you've been delivered and make them into a variety of items that can modify external wear, energy weapons, and tools. You have two workplaces, one on the station that will be a place you can pawn off or give away your creations and a room on Lavaland where you will be spending most of your time.
Your Smithing Machines
The Smart Hopper
This is the place the wonderful Shaft Miners and Explorers (if you're lucky that they're mining.) will drop off the ore they will mine. Once dropped off, the raw ore will be liquefied into the magma crucible and the Miners/Explorers will get their much desired points once they swipe their ID.
Magma Crucible
The main hub of your ore storage. After all the ore has been deposited, the magma crucible will sort the slurry of ore into their respective tanks and they will be ready for you to work with. Sheets of ore can also be directly inserted as well. If you're ever curious on the amount of ores you currently have, use a multitool (very OOC but if this gets merged which it hopefully will, this acts as a reminder to poke hayden to add this function to the multitool page if needed) on your magma crucible to get a full list. The main thing you will be doing with your magma crucible is casting your liquid slurry into a Casting Basin.
Casting Basin
The first step you'll want to take to make some ☼masterful☼ creations is to retrieve the casts from your CastiVend vending machine, located in your Lavaland workstation. As refining ore is the first and foremost thing you should be doing, we'll discuss that first. The following are the basic steps you'll need to take to create sheets of ore:
- Vend a sheet cast from your CastiVend and then press Z to select the type of sheet you want to make.
- Alt-Click the cast to select the amount of sheets of ore you want to cast.
- Place the cast on a Casting Basin and click on it with an empty hand.
- After a few moments, your sheets of ore will be dispensed! Don't forget, if you accidentally make too many, you can just insert sheets of ore right into the magma crucible.
Now, let's move onto to the secondary and more exciting part of smithing (DO NOT NEGLECT ORE REFINING, IT WILL PROBABLY BE AGAINST YOUR SOP).
Alt-Click on the casting basin to remove your cast. For this example, we'll be making a standard ballistic insert.
- Vend yourself a insert frame cast, insert lining cast, and a trim cast.
- Press Z to select what kind of product you wish to make. Select Ballistic option on both the insert frame and insert lining, while setting the trim to Metal.
- 'Alt-Click on your casts to select the quality you want to create.
- Next, you'll want to place each cast into the Casting Basin and click on it with an empty hand. You will get a HOT frame of whatever you cast. Make sure you have your smithing gloves on or you will not be able to pick up your frame and it will burn you!
Power Hammer
Lava Furnace
Kinetic Accelerator