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{{toc_right}}<onlyinclude>The [[skrell]] are a species of amphibious humanoids, distinctive for their green-blue gelatinous appearance and the tendrils on their head. They originate from the world of [[Jargon 4]], known as Qerrbalak in skrellian, the native tongue. A planet with a humid atmosphere, Jargon 4 features a wide array of swamps and jungles. The skrell people are currently more technologically advanced than humanity, emphasizing the study of the mind above all else.</onlyinclude>
| assign=Lore Team}}

'''Additional Information:''' [[Jargon 4]]

== Game Mechanics ==
* Skrell language is known as Skrellian, which can be used in game by typing '''say ":k'''

* Due to their tendrils, a large amount of headgear designed for humans or other species causes stress on their head tails and can be uncomfortable to wear. Hardsuit helmets not designed to facilitate skrell physiology however are impossible to wear.
Skrell are a amphibious species, that come from tropical world of Qerrballak, or "The Crown", a humid planet filled with swamps and archipelagos. Skrell are a highly advanced and logical race who live under the rule of the Qerr'Katish monarchy, the main govermental body. Skrell are herbivores and opulent in nature thanks to central tenets of the Skrellian religion. While classically preferring diplomacy, the Skrell participate in the largest military alliance in the galaxy, the Solar-Central Compact."
<div style="display: grid; float: right;">

* Skrell are similar to humans in most ways, and have little physical disadvantages or advantages compared to them.
| name      = Skrell
| image      = Skrell.png
| homeworld  = The Crown
| system    = Indus Eridus
| language  = Skrellian (:k)
| height    = 175cm
| lifespan  = 70 years
| breathes  = Oxygen
| features = * No special features.
| boons    =

* Skrell are able to breathe underwater.
* Headpocket (fits one small item).

* The skrell also possess a robust immune system, which makes them resistant to a wide array of diseases. However, they are not immune to all diseases, which still makes them susceptible to sickness.
* Underwater breathing.

* Cannot become obese.

=== Biology and Appearance===
| maluses =
Standing at about 1.7 meters with females being slightly taller, Skrell appear as opaque, gelatinous humanoids with moist, pliant skin covered in a layer slime due to a constant secretion of moisture and acts as a respiratory membrane. Their flesh is generally a green-blue color, though they are capable of other hues. They possess large, black eyes with nictitating membranes for eyelids and are capable of potent vision underwater, which suits their amphibious nature and excellent swimming skills. Their noses are nothing more than slight bumps on their faces with two vertical slits next to each other. While capable of breathing air, these nostrils are more akin to gills, heavily folded within a complex respiratory system that filters dissolved oxygen from water, allowing them to breathe in their natural aquatic environments. Their amphibian brain is highly evolved and bears some similarities with a salamander's.

One of the primary physical aspects of a skrell are their three head-tresses, sometimes referred to as head tails. These are long, translucent tendrils that extend from their scalp and are of varying lengths, with female tails tending to be longer, though this is not always the case. They possess no musculature and as such are not capable of any independent movement, serving various biological purposes for the skrell.
* -400% alcohol tolerance

One of the oldest and more traditional uses for these tails is to facilitate reproduction. Skrell do not possess exterior sex organs and fertilization is instead performed by the male on eggs that the female has secreted from her body beforehand. These eggs must be stored in a safe, moist environment, of which the areas underneath each tendril as they meet the head a ripe area to protect the unborn young and to provide a proper environment until hatching. As skrell society and technology evolved, some skrell tend to use artificial means to store their fertilized eggs, which range from specially made habitation contraptions to a simple pail of water.
Another use of these tails is typically used to attract a willing partner. Practiced by both sexes, this tendency has evolved to decorating a skrell's tendrils with various paints, jewelry, and cloth made of a non-absorbent material native to Jargon 4.
The Skrell are an amphibious species from the tropical world of Qerrballak, or "The Crown," in the Jargon system. Their society is a long-standing constitutional monarchy that thrives on unity achieved through alliances among influential leaders and nobles. This unification allowed them avoid major conflicts and usher in a golden age of exploration, which allowed the Skrell to explore outside their aquatic society and colonize both land, and the stars.

=== Growth ===
Despite perceptions of physical frailty, Skrell are renowned for their diplomatic prowess, and spiritual tenets. Skrell disdain acts of violence or force, and cater more toward the battle of words and debate, as their religion encourages them. It also has led to Skrell being focused on fashion, and the culture around them, to be underdressed or appear out of style is damaging to their reputation and the arguments they speak. This has established them as key negotiators within the Solar Central Compact and anyone seeking mediators in galactic affairs. Their approachable relations with most species, except those from past conflicts, make them one of core pillars of the Solar Central Compact. The Skrell's engagement with the Trans-Solar Federations megacorporations has significantly boosted their economy, shifting their society towards an oligarchic structure in which money can prioritize most forms of growth, as some counter culture groups within their society argue.
A skrell clutch usually contains about 50 eggs and when fertilized, hatches after a period of three months into larvae similar to a tadpole and are no more than a centimeter long upon hatching. These larvae inhabit a completely aquatic environment and feed on vegetation in the environment, their motor skills unable to function outside of water. Of the 50 larvae hatched, natural causes typically reduce the number to about 5. These causes typically consist in the form of genetic defects, immune deficiencies, and other factors. In the more rural parts of Jargon 4, predators are still a factor. While during this cycle, a larva is not officially considered to be a child due to the high mortality rate after hatching. Despite this, however they are specially protected by various legal bounds and the deliberate killing of them is considered a grave offense, being one of the highest crimes in skrell society with the punishment being exile. This larval period lasts eight months, in which the larvae will grow and develop legs as well as the cognitive functions equivalent to a human toddler. It is this point in which a skrell is considered to be a sentient being in the eyes of the law.

A skrell child stands at about 50 centimeters and will continue to grow until adulthood. Most children will retain the tail of their larval stage for several months after the development of legs until it will naturally fall off. Skrell children develop skills and basic cognition similarly to a human, though higher standards of education in skrell society typically has the equivalent of a fourth grader learning calculus as basic curriculum.
Today, the Skrell monarchy remains intact, managing governance through appointed nobles and governors. However, humanity's influence has introduced challenges, including corporate interference and the emergence of counter groups, which has created active tension within Skrell society. Even with formed tension, Skrell are still considered some of the most noble and well mannered species in the Orion Sector.

=== Diet ===
Skrell are herbivores, and as such their nutritional diet consists of vegetation, with a preference typically leaning towards various native fungi. While a skrell is capable of consuming meat, they recieve little to no nutritional benefit, and can lead to gastrointestinal problems. Regularly eating meat over a long period of time can pose serious health risks. Most skrell additionally have difficulty processing alchohol and as such beverages consisting of such can have adverse affects, the most common being inebriation far sooner then expected, which has given them a reputation as being a species that is "Unable to hold their liquor."
Skrell biology is aquatic in nature, they have gills along their necks that allow them to breath underwater. They can grow tendrils around their head region, these tendrils allow them to store tiny items within and keep them secure. Their digestive system metabolizes food to avoid obesity, but possess weaker than average livers and experience the effects of alcohol by 400%.

==== Lifespan ====
Normal life expectancy for most Skrell is 100 human years. However, through technological enhancement, some may live upwards of 135 years old. A skrell who reaches the age of 20 is considered an adult. A Skrell year is measured at roughly 1.5 human years.
Skrell are inherently aquatic beings, having over millennia, adapted to thrive in environments far removed from bodies of water and developed the ability to breathe out of water with certain limitations. To preserve their skin's moisture and maintain their natural mucous coating, crucial for their immune system, Skrell require access to water sources. Without such access they face issues of potential drying, a condition in which their skin becomes unhydrated, and progressively compromises their immune system after 5 days away from water. This challenge is prevalent when Skrell venture beyond their oceanic homeworlds into land or space for long periods of time. Modern Skrell have found practical solutions, opting for regular showers or splashing water on themselves. Well hydrated Skrell exhibit smooth, slippery skin adorned with a thin slime layer from the mucous shield, facilitating natural breathing through their skin. While also possessing a sense of smell from their nose, Skrell can detect scents even while holding their breath, a trait that brings its own issues or benefits depending on the situation.

==Society and Culture==
Skrell possess webbed feet and hands, adaptations designed to navigate both the powerful ocean currents and serene streams of their homeworld. Naturally honing their swimming skills allows them to navigate across The Crown, particularly underwater. However, these webbed features hold no practical purpose on land or in the vastness of space. Some Skrell report that, after centuries of residing far from their oceanic lifestyle, the absence of webbing has emerged as a potential birth defect. Although genetically akin to their webbed counterparts, individuals with this condition often perceive it as a curse or harbinger of a shorter life compared to their webbed counterparts, due to other organs defects accompanying it.
The skrell are a socially advanced people with a varied and colorful culture. Jargon 4's vast swamps facilitated many independent communities to form without much contact with each other, as such, practices and norms can vary widely from region to region. Gender equality is also a commonly accepted and unspoken norm to the point that most skrell have been confused by the tendency of humans or other species to even reference one's gender, especially in business. To a skrell, gender only matters in reproduction, and both sexes are equally capable of achievement. This is further facilitated that male and female skrell are physically similar, and are difficult to tell apart. Most relationships in Skrell society compared to other species is described as open. A female will usually have multiple male partners to help facilitate a large number of fertilized eggs.

Skrell have a long history involving the arts in addition to their scientific pursuits. Skrell literature and paintings are typically very cerebral and focus on the mind. Recent movements even emphasize the mind's influence of that around it. Skrell martial arts are also not unheard of and are typically focused on disabling and self-defense. Skrell society is also very involved in the interstellar community, and frequently works with aliens not only for scientific collaboration, but to observe alien species and immerse in their culture, which has likely contributed to many interesting skrell trends along the years.
Organically, Skrell share many similarities with amphibious species, such as frogs and mollusks, possessing a complex organ system adapted for aquatic environments. Their blood contains the blue copper-based pigment hemocyanin, from their natural oceanic origins, giving them a distinct blood composition compared to other species. Skrell also feature lungs and hearts capable of withstanding pressure in deep water regions. The skin enhances their breathing in high-pressure, low-oxygen areas. However, their liver, while essential, are weaker compared to those of other species, making Skrell vulnerable to toxic elements that can overwhelm their liver functions, possibly killing them.

=== Home Planet ===
The most noticeable feature among Skrell is the tendrils along their bodies, only found around the head of the Skrell. Functioning as water reserves for their skin and serving as a unique form of self-expression within the species, tendrils are critical in biology and physiology. Many Skrell take pleasure in cultivating their tendrils as they age, with the first tendrils typically appearing around their sixth sol year and reaching their maximum sprout count by adulthood. These tendrils can grow on the head, sometimes extending around the face and chin akin to a human's beard. All tendrils are flexible, allowing Skrell to wrap, move, and adjust them. Even being cutable to the discomfort of the Skrell, with the ability to regrow as the skin absorbs excess water to replenish storage reserves. Beyond their role in skin hydration and fashion, tendrils also serve as natural hiding places for small items, tightly securing objects to prevent them from falling out. Skrell can effortlessly unlock or tighten their tendrils at will, without needing much thought or focus to maintain.
{{Main|Jargon 4}}

Skrell come from the world of [[Jargon 4]], known to the them as Qerrbalak. It is a planet with a humid atmosphere and has vast swaths of jungle and swamps along the planet's surface. The skrell homeworld is filled with cities that have been considered architectural feats, as entire districts can be stilted over kilometers of marshland.

=== History ===
===Naming Schemes===
Skrell history possesses large amount of conflict until about six hundred years before present day. However, technological progression soon followed a space race after contact with an alien lifeform. The Skrell later unified their efforts, and eventually, their governments as they began to interact with the interstellar community. Sometime after meeting the humans as they began to enterprise along the cosmos, Skrell scientists and doctors have left to human governments and work in their fields while many others have taken human colleagues in their fields with the intention of observing this new, interesting species.
Traditional Skrellian names typically consist of a long string of alternating vowels and consonants with the surname typically incorporated into the main body of the given name. This peculiar system of naming appears to have been borne out of ancient Skrellian orthodoxy, where oneness of family (and thereby the incorporation of a surname into a given name) was held as a key tenet of Skrellian society.

Despite their current state of technology, they have historically made slower progress in innovations in a span of time versus humans. By Earth year CE 1950, Skrell were at the technological level they are today while humans have made similar advancements in nearly 50 years. The reasoning for this is that Skrell scientists have their products go through extensive testing and observations. It's in addition to this, due to a large amount of skrell population has pursued fields such as neurology and psychology, as observing interstellar planes have made the focus of skrell society a focus of the mind. They also spend much of their efforts observing the minds and goings on of the other sentient aliens as well.
However, with the incorporation of foreign culture - particularly human culture - this custom has begun to fall out of favour with Skrellian families no longer native to the Crown with many families christening themselves with new surnames.
=== Language ===
The Skrell language can be best described as a series of hums, warbles, or croaks that linguists have difficulty deciphering. Much of this difficulty is attributed to the range of emotion and tense a skrell is able to convey compared to most human languages. Due to the dissimilar aspects of the two languages, the vocal structure of a skrell is intrinsically different than that of a human, and as such, when learning a language such as human English, they typically adopt the accent of their tutor.

Skrell have trouble expressing emotion through simple words and body language when speaking a human language such as English due to its limitations, but are naturally more capable than a human in the arts if they were to sing or play an instrument due to their use of tone when speaking their native language. However, how different emotions are expressed between different species often differ.
The Skrellian language consists of a series of higher pitched sounds which are mostly inaudible to non-Skrell. Due to these variations in intonation and pitch, often beyond the frequency most species are able to detect, Skrellian has few non-native speakers as it can't be reproduced or understood without mechanical assistance.

Derogatory terms used to refer to Skrell have included 'Frog', 'Salamander', 'Squid head', and various other amphibious creatures. Skrell are typically not very offended by such remarks and consider them to be the musings of a less developed people.
Though there are a few notable dialects on the world of the Crown, Skrell by and large all practice a common language understood by almost all speakers on their world. Following the advent of the Solar-Central Compact in 2385AD many Skrell have also began to practice Galactic Common; some families have even as far as to supplant the native Skrellian language with the far more broadly understood Galactic Common. Due to this linguistic shift, the Skrellian government issues documents and legislation in both Skrellian and Galactic Common.

=== Military ===
Skrell military forces typically have multiple tiers with a caste system. Each group has their own specific function in relation to each other which makes for a swift and responsive military force. Due to their more humanitarian nature, their tactics usually involve enemy surrender in as few casualties as possible for both them and the enemy. They have a completely modern force and are known for their famed warships and hardened infrastructure.
The Skrellian homeworld known as the Crown, or Qerrballak in native Skrellian, is notable for its humidity, long island chains, lack of any continents, and its possession of three lunar satellites. The hot and cold seasons on the Crown are often mild, the vast oceans and high humidity isolating the world from drastic temperature changes. The average surface temperature on the Crown is 30C°, and prolonged periods of heavy rainfall or coastal storms are not unusual.

== Relations with other Species ==
Though Skrell prefer to dwell underwater, much of the advanced industry on the Crown is located above water due to the exorbitant costs and difficulties associated with underwater construction. Despite land being at a premium, Skrellian industry is known for its high levels of productivity. This factor, combined with their cordial trade relations with Humans, has lead the burgeoning economy of the Crown to become one of the largest in the galaxies and subsequently a popular destination for intergalactic tourism.
Historically, skrell are accepting of other species, although they do tend to treat those with inferior technology or intellect in the same respect that one treats a child. In most cases, this is not out of any true prejudice. The skrell additionally are a people who are intrinsically curious of other species, and work to insert their scientists in the research of others so that they may learn more of their culture and people.

===Human Relations===
Though Skrell native to the Crown enjoy a variety of comforts, this productivity has not been without its costs. The citizenry of the Crown, having initially seen their borders expanded beyond the reach of their solar system with no alien contact, called for the dismantling of their naval forces. This act, though a noble cost-cutting measure, left themselves open to both political outliers and what would become a rapidly growing pirate population. It wasn't until first contact with Humans, and the subsequent establishment of the Solar-Central Compact, that the Skrell were able to effectively rebuild their naval forces stamp out the issue of piracy, both on the Crown and abroad.
Humanity and the skrell have enjoyed a peaceful relationship since their first contact and are known to trade technology and intellectuals. Many skrell scientists have found success among human business and government just as many humans tend to travel to Jargon 4 due to its facilities and the hopes to work with influential colleagues.

===Diona Relations===
The jungles of the Crown are also inhabited by a species known as the Fyrsskar, reptilian sentient species that have been locked in perpetual animosity with the Skrell. Their technology is comparatively primitive, and is mostly salvaged from abandoned Skrellian ships and factories. While incapable of space flight, some Fyrsskian individuals have been occasionally hired as mercenaries and enforcers by certain companies despite objections from Skrellian officials.
The skrell and dionae pose what can be construed as artificially symbiotic between the two species. Having established first contact with the primary diona gestalt over 300 years ago in the Epsilon Ursae Minoris system, they have reached a series of mutually beneficial agreements. For the dionae, the skrell have agreed to spread the seeds of the gestalt to other systems to propagate their species and in return, the dionae have allowed skrell researchers to create habitats on the gestalts so that they may harvest the rare elements they produce.

===Grey Relations===
==A Brief History [[file:Skrellflag.png|32px]]==
Since their foray into the interstellar community, skrell and grey societies have built their relationship upon years of scientific cooperation. Both being societies that prize intellect, the skrell and greys have the distinction of being a collaborative force in the name of science. The only real strain between the two people's is the grey's deadly weakness to water. This prevents a grey from being able to be exposed to the humid atmosphere of Jargon 4 for any period of time and the constant secretion of moisture from a skrell has warranted extra precautions during any kind of physical interaction.
{| class="wikitable" style="float:right; margin-left:10px;"
|style="text-align:center;"|<font size="2">Jargon 4</font>
|}Skrellian history is rife with varying degrees of political and internal conflict. From the early wars between neighbouring enclaves of Skrell and the more recent issues of piracy, Skrell - despite their typically peaceful nature - are no strangers to political disagreements becoming violent. Though initially divided in their formative years, the population of the Crown was finally brought under a unified banner in the year 1396AD after a long and particularly costly war known as The Conflict of the Adrat Sea; a battle which was waged over the limited surface land available.
Once this battle had been laid to rest the Skrellian entered an era that they documented as "Adrat's Peace". Lasting from early 1400AD up until the later years of 1800AD, the Skrell were left undisturbed by the large military conquests of their ancestors and set their sights on the stars. Though the damage from the earlier conflict was immense, the Skrellian people were already well-industrialized and quickly set about to rebuilding their homeworld under the auspicious gaze of their new planetary government. By the year 1632AD, both the words of Jargon 3 and Jargon 5 had seen multiple missions, and eventually the establishment of permanent colonies upon their surface.
Bolstered by a space tourism boom and the discovery of FTL technologies, Skrell quickly explored the world beyond their immediate solar system and established several more colonies on the worlds bordering their system. After the proliferation of numerous border colonies with no sign or hint of alien life beyond their borders, Skrellian society turned their focus inward. Both emboldened and disheartened by the idea that they may be the only intelligent life in the galaxy, Skrellian arts and culture saw a revitalization that has lasting implications to the modern day.
This inward focus would lead to the eventual dismantling of the Skrellian navy in 2142 and the subsequent proliferation of piracy on the Crown based out of the Skrellian rimworld colonies. It wouldn't be until the discovery of the Skrell by Sol-Gov in 2296AD, and the later establishment of the Solar-Central Compact in 2385AD, that the Skrellian navy would once again be rebuilt and returned to full strength. First testing its strength by tackling the rampant rimworld piracy, before coming to the aid of the Sol-Gov fleet 2414 against a short-lived Kidan incursion on Human colonies. The SCC would later evolve to serve as peacekeepers throughout known space, seeking to prevent and deescalate conflicts between the various species inhabiting the galaxy.
Though the Skrellian naval fleet is dwarfed by the sheer size of the Human fleet, both species enjoy cordial diplomatic, military, and trade relations - a boon which has further bolstered the economic and artistic vibrancy of the Skrellian homeworld and its colonies.
Skrell traditionally live in large family groups that emulate band-like structures, with the oldest living parent taking charge of and organizing household affairs. Skrellian culture stresses the importance of their varied cultural practices and an appreciation for the arts - which play a central role in Skrellian education.
Still exuberant at the somewhat recent discovery of alien cultures, Skrellian society is one of the more receptive to exchange and interaction with alien species. Though Skrell freely allow immigration of foreign species to their homeworld, the vetting processes are often rigorous and the wait lists long due to the Crown containing little arable land.
Spiritual pursuits are held highly in the Skrell society. While no specific religion practiced on the Crown, the belief in individual souls is common with many Skrell adamantly believing in a blissful afterlife that comes to those who are in touch with their inner selves. Skrell, who typically live in comfort, traditionally believe that material enrichment also plays an important role in reaching one's true self.
Likely due to the fact that Skrell are herbivores, Skrellian orthopraxy considers all life - no matter how small - to be important and have intrinsic value.
===Present Day===
One of the oldest species on the galactic arena, the Skrell have secured a comfortable position both in terms of their economic output, as well as quality of life. Currently their government focuses on bringing artistic enlightenment to less culturally refined species, as well as enforcing peace in the galaxy in cooperation with Sol Gov and subsequently enjoys friendly relations with most known species.
Though many Skrell never leave the comforts of their homeworld or its colonies, commerce and the arts often necessitate Skrell emigrating to other worlds or working under the employ of foreign companies.
'''Remember, crewmember, mutual respect and cooperation are the cornerstones of success and productivity!'''



Latest revision as of 22:03, 5 September 2024

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Lore Team
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LanguagesInterstellar TravelPlanetary Classifications
SyndicateTrans-Solar FederationUnion of Soviet Socialist Planets
Sol System
HumansTajaranUnathiSkrellSlime PeopleVoxDraskGreyDionaIPCKidanPlasmamanVulpkaninNian

Skrell are a amphibious species, that come from tropical world of Qerrballak, or "The Crown", a humid planet filled with swamps and archipelagos. Skrell are a highly advanced and logical race who live under the rule of the Qerr'Katish monarchy, the main govermental body. Skrell are herbivores and opulent in nature thanks to central tenets of the Skrellian religion. While classically preferring diplomacy, the Skrell participate in the largest military alliance in the galaxy, the Solar-Central Compact."

Basic Information
Homeworld: The Crown
Language: Skrellian (:k)
System: Indus Eridus
Height: 175cm
Lifespan: 70 years
Breathes: Oxygen
Game Mechanics
  • No special features.
  • Headpocket (fits one small item).
  • Underwater breathing.
  • Cannot become obese.
  • -400% alcohol tolerance


The Skrell are an amphibious species from the tropical world of Qerrballak, or "The Crown," in the Jargon system. Their society is a long-standing constitutional monarchy that thrives on unity achieved through alliances among influential leaders and nobles. This unification allowed them avoid major conflicts and usher in a golden age of exploration, which allowed the Skrell to explore outside their aquatic society and colonize both land, and the stars.

Despite perceptions of physical frailty, Skrell are renowned for their diplomatic prowess, and spiritual tenets. Skrell disdain acts of violence or force, and cater more toward the battle of words and debate, as their religion encourages them. It also has led to Skrell being focused on fashion, and the culture around them, to be underdressed or appear out of style is damaging to their reputation and the arguments they speak. This has established them as key negotiators within the Solar Central Compact and anyone seeking mediators in galactic affairs. Their approachable relations with most species, except those from past conflicts, make them one of core pillars of the Solar Central Compact. The Skrell's engagement with the Trans-Solar Federations megacorporations has significantly boosted their economy, shifting their society towards an oligarchic structure in which money can prioritize most forms of growth, as some counter culture groups within their society argue.

Today, the Skrell monarchy remains intact, managing governance through appointed nobles and governors. However, humanity's influence has introduced challenges, including corporate interference and the emergence of counter groups, which has created active tension within Skrell society. Even with formed tension, Skrell are still considered some of the most noble and well mannered species in the Orion Sector.


Skrell biology is aquatic in nature, they have gills along their necks that allow them to breath underwater. They can grow tendrils around their head region, these tendrils allow them to store tiny items within and keep them secure. Their digestive system metabolizes food to avoid obesity, but possess weaker than average livers and experience the effects of alcohol by 400%.


Skrell are inherently aquatic beings, having over millennia, adapted to thrive in environments far removed from bodies of water and developed the ability to breathe out of water with certain limitations. To preserve their skin's moisture and maintain their natural mucous coating, crucial for their immune system, Skrell require access to water sources. Without such access they face issues of potential drying, a condition in which their skin becomes unhydrated, and progressively compromises their immune system after 5 days away from water. This challenge is prevalent when Skrell venture beyond their oceanic homeworlds into land or space for long periods of time. Modern Skrell have found practical solutions, opting for regular showers or splashing water on themselves. Well hydrated Skrell exhibit smooth, slippery skin adorned with a thin slime layer from the mucous shield, facilitating natural breathing through their skin. While also possessing a sense of smell from their nose, Skrell can detect scents even while holding their breath, a trait that brings its own issues or benefits depending on the situation.

Skrell possess webbed feet and hands, adaptations designed to navigate both the powerful ocean currents and serene streams of their homeworld. Naturally honing their swimming skills allows them to navigate across The Crown, particularly underwater. However, these webbed features hold no practical purpose on land or in the vastness of space. Some Skrell report that, after centuries of residing far from their oceanic lifestyle, the absence of webbing has emerged as a potential birth defect. Although genetically akin to their webbed counterparts, individuals with this condition often perceive it as a curse or harbinger of a shorter life compared to their webbed counterparts, due to other organs defects accompanying it.

Organically, Skrell share many similarities with amphibious species, such as frogs and mollusks, possessing a complex organ system adapted for aquatic environments. Their blood contains the blue copper-based pigment hemocyanin, from their natural oceanic origins, giving them a distinct blood composition compared to other species. Skrell also feature lungs and hearts capable of withstanding pressure in deep water regions. The skin enhances their breathing in high-pressure, low-oxygen areas. However, their liver, while essential, are weaker compared to those of other species, making Skrell vulnerable to toxic elements that can overwhelm their liver functions, possibly killing them.

The most noticeable feature among Skrell is the tendrils along their bodies, only found around the head of the Skrell. Functioning as water reserves for their skin and serving as a unique form of self-expression within the species, tendrils are critical in biology and physiology. Many Skrell take pleasure in cultivating their tendrils as they age, with the first tendrils typically appearing around their sixth sol year and reaching their maximum sprout count by adulthood. These tendrils can grow on the head, sometimes extending around the face and chin akin to a human's beard. All tendrils are flexible, allowing Skrell to wrap, move, and adjust them. Even being cutable to the discomfort of the Skrell, with the ability to regrow as the skin absorbs excess water to replenish storage reserves. Beyond their role in skin hydration and fashion, tendrils also serve as natural hiding places for small items, tightly securing objects to prevent them from falling out. Skrell can effortlessly unlock or tighten their tendrils at will, without needing much thought or focus to maintain.


Naming Schemes

Traditional Skrellian names typically consist of a long string of alternating vowels and consonants with the surname typically incorporated into the main body of the given name. This peculiar system of naming appears to have been borne out of ancient Skrellian orthodoxy, where oneness of family (and thereby the incorporation of a surname into a given name) was held as a key tenet of Skrellian society.

However, with the incorporation of foreign culture - particularly human culture - this custom has begun to fall out of favour with Skrellian families no longer native to the Crown with many families christening themselves with new surnames.


The Skrellian language consists of a series of higher pitched sounds which are mostly inaudible to non-Skrell. Due to these variations in intonation and pitch, often beyond the frequency most species are able to detect, Skrellian has few non-native speakers as it can't be reproduced or understood without mechanical assistance.

Though there are a few notable dialects on the world of the Crown, Skrell by and large all practice a common language understood by almost all speakers on their world. Following the advent of the Solar-Central Compact in 2385AD many Skrell have also began to practice Galactic Common; some families have even as far as to supplant the native Skrellian language with the far more broadly understood Galactic Common. Due to this linguistic shift, the Skrellian government issues documents and legislation in both Skrellian and Galactic Common.


The Skrellian homeworld known as the Crown, or Qerrballak in native Skrellian, is notable for its humidity, long island chains, lack of any continents, and its possession of three lunar satellites. The hot and cold seasons on the Crown are often mild, the vast oceans and high humidity isolating the world from drastic temperature changes. The average surface temperature on the Crown is 30C°, and prolonged periods of heavy rainfall or coastal storms are not unusual.

Though Skrell prefer to dwell underwater, much of the advanced industry on the Crown is located above water due to the exorbitant costs and difficulties associated with underwater construction. Despite land being at a premium, Skrellian industry is known for its high levels of productivity. This factor, combined with their cordial trade relations with Humans, has lead the burgeoning economy of the Crown to become one of the largest in the galaxies and subsequently a popular destination for intergalactic tourism.

Though Skrell native to the Crown enjoy a variety of comforts, this productivity has not been without its costs. The citizenry of the Crown, having initially seen their borders expanded beyond the reach of their solar system with no alien contact, called for the dismantling of their naval forces. This act, though a noble cost-cutting measure, left themselves open to both political outliers and what would become a rapidly growing pirate population. It wasn't until first contact with Humans, and the subsequent establishment of the Solar-Central Compact, that the Skrell were able to effectively rebuild their naval forces stamp out the issue of piracy, both on the Crown and abroad.

The jungles of the Crown are also inhabited by a species known as the Fyrsskar, reptilian sentient species that have been locked in perpetual animosity with the Skrell. Their technology is comparatively primitive, and is mostly salvaged from abandoned Skrellian ships and factories. While incapable of space flight, some Fyrsskian individuals have been occasionally hired as mercenaries and enforcers by certain companies despite objections from Skrellian officials.

A Brief History Skrellflag.png

Jargon 4

Skrellian history is rife with varying degrees of political and internal conflict. From the early wars between neighbouring enclaves of Skrell and the more recent issues of piracy, Skrell - despite their typically peaceful nature - are no strangers to political disagreements becoming violent. Though initially divided in their formative years, the population of the Crown was finally brought under a unified banner in the year 1396AD after a long and particularly costly war known as The Conflict of the Adrat Sea; a battle which was waged over the limited surface land available.

Once this battle had been laid to rest the Skrellian entered an era that they documented as "Adrat's Peace". Lasting from early 1400AD up until the later years of 1800AD, the Skrell were left undisturbed by the large military conquests of their ancestors and set their sights on the stars. Though the damage from the earlier conflict was immense, the Skrellian people were already well-industrialized and quickly set about to rebuilding their homeworld under the auspicious gaze of their new planetary government. By the year 1632AD, both the words of Jargon 3 and Jargon 5 had seen multiple missions, and eventually the establishment of permanent colonies upon their surface.

Bolstered by a space tourism boom and the discovery of FTL technologies, Skrell quickly explored the world beyond their immediate solar system and established several more colonies on the worlds bordering their system. After the proliferation of numerous border colonies with no sign or hint of alien life beyond their borders, Skrellian society turned their focus inward. Both emboldened and disheartened by the idea that they may be the only intelligent life in the galaxy, Skrellian arts and culture saw a revitalization that has lasting implications to the modern day.

This inward focus would lead to the eventual dismantling of the Skrellian navy in 2142 and the subsequent proliferation of piracy on the Crown based out of the Skrellian rimworld colonies. It wouldn't be until the discovery of the Skrell by Sol-Gov in 2296AD, and the later establishment of the Solar-Central Compact in 2385AD, that the Skrellian navy would once again be rebuilt and returned to full strength. First testing its strength by tackling the rampant rimworld piracy, before coming to the aid of the Sol-Gov fleet 2414 against a short-lived Kidan incursion on Human colonies. The SCC would later evolve to serve as peacekeepers throughout known space, seeking to prevent and deescalate conflicts between the various species inhabiting the galaxy.

Though the Skrellian naval fleet is dwarfed by the sheer size of the Human fleet, both species enjoy cordial diplomatic, military, and trade relations - a boon which has further bolstered the economic and artistic vibrancy of the Skrellian homeworld and its colonies.


Skrell traditionally live in large family groups that emulate band-like structures, with the oldest living parent taking charge of and organizing household affairs. Skrellian culture stresses the importance of their varied cultural practices and an appreciation for the arts - which play a central role in Skrellian education.

Still exuberant at the somewhat recent discovery of alien cultures, Skrellian society is one of the more receptive to exchange and interaction with alien species. Though Skrell freely allow immigration of foreign species to their homeworld, the vetting processes are often rigorous and the wait lists long due to the Crown containing little arable land.

Spiritual pursuits are held highly in the Skrell society. While no specific religion practiced on the Crown, the belief in individual souls is common with many Skrell adamantly believing in a blissful afterlife that comes to those who are in touch with their inner selves. Skrell, who typically live in comfort, traditionally believe that material enrichment also plays an important role in reaching one's true self.

Likely due to the fact that Skrell are herbivores, Skrellian orthopraxy considers all life - no matter how small - to be important and have intrinsic value.

Present Day

One of the oldest species on the galactic arena, the Skrell have secured a comfortable position both in terms of their economic output, as well as quality of life. Currently their government focuses on bringing artistic enlightenment to less culturally refined species, as well as enforcing peace in the galaxy in cooperation with Sol Gov and subsequently enjoys friendly relations with most known species.

Though many Skrell never leave the comforts of their homeworld or its colonies, commerce and the arts often necessitate Skrell emigrating to other worlds or working under the employ of foreign companies.

Remember, crewmember, mutual respect and cooperation are the cornerstones of success and productivity!



Species on Paradise Station