User:Miraviel/Guide to hydroponics

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Hydroponics. This is your home.
Service Department

Basics of Botany

Hydroponics and the Botanists who work there are important to the station, especially in longer rounds. Botanists grow plants that the Chef can use for food. Without botany, the station will have to live off of beef jerky and space twinkies, or starve to death.

Your Area

Seed Extractor Plants 101

Bio-generator Biogenerators

DNA Extractor


Plant Chart (mouse over the reagents to have a brief effect description)

Name Type Seed Potting Product Reagent Production Traits Available from Mutates into
Aloe Normal 10% silver sulfadiazine Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor
Ambrosia cruciatus Normal 5% plant-matter, 15% tetrahydrocannabinol, 10% bicaridine, 15% kelotane, 20% bath salts, 5% plant-matter Perennial Growth Traitor uplink only
Ambrosia deus Normal 5% plant-matter, 15% diluted omnizine, 15% synaptizine, 10% space drugs, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth Mutate Ambrosia vulgaris Ambrosia gaia
Ambrosia gaia Normal 6% nutriment, 5% earthsblood, 5% vitamin Mutate Ambrosia deus
Ambrosia vulgaris Normal 5% plant-matter, 10% bicaridine, 10% kelotane, 15% space drugs, 10% toxin, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Ambrosia deus
Apple Normal 10% plant-matter, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Gold apple
Banana Normal 10% banana juice, 10% potassium, 4% vitamin, 2% plant-matter Slippery Skin, Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, Exotic Seeds Crate Mimana, Bluespace banana
Berry Normal 10% plant-matter, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Glow-berry, Poison-berry
Blood Tomato Normal 10% plant-matter, 20% blood, 4% vitamin Liquid Contents, Perennial Growth Mutate Tomato
Bluespace Banana Normal 20% singulo, 10% banana juice, 4% vitamin, 2% nutriment Slippery Skin, Bluespace Activity, Perennial Growth Mutate Banana
Bluespace tomato Normal 10% plant-matter, 20% singulo, 20% space lube, 4% vitamin Slippery Skin, Bluespace Activity, Liquid Contents, Perennial Growth Mutate Blue tomato
Blue cherry Normal 7% nutriment, 7% sugar Perennial Growth Mutate Cherry
Blue tomato Normal 10% plant-matter, 20% space lube, 4% vitamin Slippery Skin, Perennial Growth Mutate Tomato Bluespace tomato
Blumpkin Normal 20% ammonia, 10% chlorine, 20% plant-matter, 10% plasma Perennial Growth mutate Pumpkin
Cabbage Normal 10% plant-matter, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Replica pod
Cannabis Normal 15% tetrahydrocannabinol Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor (hacked) Rainbow weed, Lifeweed,
Carpet Normal 2% plant-matter, 5% hydrogen Perennial Growth Mutate Grass
Carrot Normal 5% plant-matter, 4% vitamin, 25% oculine MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Parsnip
Chanterelle Mushroom 10% nutriment Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate, can overtake a tray
Cherry Normal 7% nutriment, 7% sugar Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Blue cherry
Cherry Bomb Normal 10% plant-matter, 10% sugar, 70% blackpowder Perennial Growth Only available from Xenobiology
Chili Normal 4% plant-matter, 25% capsaicin, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Ghost chili, Ice Pepper
Cocoa Normal 10% plant-matter, 25% cocoa Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Vanilla
Comfrey Normal 10% styptic powder Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor
Coffee arabica Normal 10% coffee grounds, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Coffee robusta
Coffee robusta Normal 10% coffee grounds, 4% vitamin, 10% ephedrine Perennial Growth Mutate Coffee arabica
Combustible Lemon Normal 5% plant-matter Perennial Growth Mutate Lemon
Corn Normal 10% plant-matter, 20% corn oil, 4% vitamin MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Snapcorn
Durathread Normal Mutate Cotton
Death berry Normal 10% plant-matter, 8% coniine,10% tirizene, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth Mutate Poison-berry
Death nettle Weed 50% fluorosulphuric acid, 50% sulphuric acid Perennial Growth, Weed Adaptation, Hypodermic Prickles Mutate Nettle, weed mutation
Deathweed Normal 35% cyanide, 15% tetrahydrocannabinol Perennial Growth Mutate Cannabis
Destroying angel Mushroom 4% nutriment, 4% Psilocybin, 20% amanitin Fungal Vitality Mutate Fly amanita
Cotton Normal MegaSeed Servitor
Eggplant Normal 10% plant-matter, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Egg-plant
Egg-plant Normal 10% nutriment Perennial Growth Mutate Eggplant, Exotic Seeds Crate
Fly amanita Mushroom 35% amanitin, 4% Psilocybin, 10% growth serum, 4% nutriment Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor (hacked), Exotic Seeds Crate, can overtake a tray Destroying angel
Fungus Mushroom 35% space fungus Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor (hacked), can overtake a tray
Gatfruit Normal 10% sulfur, 10% carbon, 7% nitrogen, 5% potassium Perennial Growth Only available from Xenobiology
Geranium Normal 5% plant-matter, 20% bicaridine Mutate Poppy
Glow-berry Normal 10% plant-matter, 25% uranium, 20% iodine, 4% vitamin. Strong Bioluminescence, Perennial Growth Mutate Berry
Ghost chili Normal 4% plant-matter, 55% capsaicin, 30% condensed capsaicin Perennial Growth Mutate Chili
Glowshroom Mushroom 10% radium, 10% phosphorus, 4% nutriment. Bioluminescence, Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor (hacked) Glowcap Shadowshroom
Shadowshroom Mushroom 20% radium, 4% nutriment. Shadow Emission, Fungal Vitality Mutate Glowshroom

Glowcap Mushroom 10% teslium. Restores up to 100% battery charge. Electrical Activity, Bioluminescence, Fungal Vitality Mutate Glowshroom
Gold apple Normal File:Goldapple.gif 10% plant-matter, 20% gold, 4% vitamin Mutate Apple
Grapes Normal 10% plant-matter, 10% sugar, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Green grapes
Grass Normal 2% plant-matter, 5% hydrogen Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Carpet
Green grapes Normal 10% plant-matter, 20% kelotane, 10% sugar, 4% vitamin Mutate Grapes
Harebell Weed 4% plant-matter Weed Adaptation Can overtake a a tray
Holymelon Normal File:Holymelon.png 20% holy water, 4% vitamin, 10% nutriment Perennial Growth Mutate Watermelon
Ice Pepper Normal 2% plant-matter, 25% frost oil, 2% vitamin Perennial Growth Mutate Chili
Killer tomato Normal 10% protein, 4% vitamin Liquid Contents Mutate Blood Tomato
Koibean Normal 5% plant-matter, 10% carpotoxin, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth Mutate Soybean
Kudzu Weed 2% nutriment, 4% charcoal Perennial Growth, Weed Adaptation Weed mutation Special, see this.
Lemon Normal 5% plant-matter, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Combustible Lemon
Liberty-cap Mushroom 2% nutriment, 4% Psilocybin Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor (hacked), Exotic Seeds Crate, weed mutation
Lifeweed Normal 35% omnizine, 15% tetrahydrocannabinol Perennial Growth Mutate Cannabis Deathweed,Omega weed
Lily Normal 5% plant-matter, 20% bicaridine Perennial Growth Mutate Poppy
Lime Normal 5% plant-matter, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, mutate Orange Orange
Meatwheat Normal 4% protein Mutate Wheat
Mimana Normal 10% nothing, 10% capulettium plus, 2% nutriment Slippery Skin, Perennial Growth Mutate Banana Mimana, Bluespace banana
Mint Normal 3% mint, 3% plant-matter MegaSeed Servitor
Moonflower Normal 2% plant-matter, 2% vitamin, 20% moonshine Mutate Sunflower
Nettle Weed 15% wasabi Perennial Growth, Weed Adaptation MegaSeed Servitor (hacked), Exotic Seeds Crate, can overtake a tray Death nettle
Novaflower Normal 25% condensed capsaicin, 30% capsaicin, 4% vitamin Mutate Sunflower
Oat Normal 4% plant-matter Mutate Wheat
Omega weed Normal 5% space drugs, 5% lysergic acid diethylamide, 5% mercury, 5% lithium, 5% haloperidol, 5% methamphetamine, 5% Suicider, 5% hairgrowinium, 5% bath salts, 5% itching powder, 5% crank, 5% krokodil, 5% histamine, 5% psilocybin, 5% ectoplasm Perennial Growth Lifeweed,Rainbow Weed
Onion Normal 10% plant-matter, 4% vitamin MegaSeed Servitor
Orange Normal 5% plant-matter, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, mutate Lime Lime
Parsnip Normal 5% vitamin, 5% plant-matter Mutate Carrot
Peanuts Normal 10% plant-matter MegaSeed Servitor
Pineapple Normal 20% plant-matter, 2% vitamin, 4% water Capacitive Cell Production MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Sweet Potato
Plump helmet Mushroom 10% nutriment, 4% vitamin Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor (hacked), Exotic Seeds Crate, can overtake a tray Walking mushroom
Poison-berry Normal 10% plant-matter, 15% cyanide, 20% tirizene, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth Mutate Berry Death berry
Poppy Normal 5% plant-matter, 20% bicaridine MegaSeed Servitor Geranium, Lily
Potato Normal 10% plant-matter, 4% vitamin Capacitive Cell Production MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Sweet Potato
Pumpkin Normal 20% plant-matter, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Blumpkin
Rainbow weed Normal 15% lysergic acid diethylamide, 15% tetrahydrocannabinol Perennial Growth Mutate Cannabis Omega weed,Deathweed,
Redbeet Normal 5% plant-matter, 5% vitamin Densified Chemicals Mutate Whitebeet
Red Onion Normal 10% plant-matter, 4% vitamin, 5% onion juice Mutate Onion
Rice Normal 4% plant-matter MegaSeed Servitor
Reishi Mushroom 35% charcoal, 35% morphine, 4% nutriment Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor (hacked), can overtake a tray
Replica pod Normal MegaSeed Servitor, Exotic Seeds Crate, Mutate Cabbage
Snapcorn Normal 10% plant-matter, 20% corn oil, 4% vitamin Mutate Corn
Soybean Normal 5% plant-matter, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Koibean
Space tobacco Normal 3% plant-matter, 8% nicotine, 5% salbutamol Mutate Tobacco
Starthistle Weed Weed Adaptation Can overtake a tray
Steelcap Mushroom Fungal Vitality Mutate Towercap
Sugarcane Normal 25% sugar Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate
Sunflower Normal 8% corn oil, 4% plant-matter MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Moonflower, Novaflower
Sweet Potato Normal 10% plant-matter, 10% sugar, 10% vitamin Mutate Potato
Tea aspera Normal 10% ground tea leaves, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Tea astra
Tea astra Normal 10% ground tea leaves, 10% synaptizine, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth Mutate Tea aspera
Tobacco Normal 3% nicotine, 3% plant-matter MegaSeed Servitor Space tobacco
Tomato Normal 10% plant-matter, 4% vitamin Liquid Content, Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Blood Tomato, Blue Tomato
Towercap Mushroom Fungal Vitality MegaSeed Servitor, can overtake a tray Steelcap
Vanilla Normal 25% vanilla powder, 10% plant-matter Perennial Growth Mutate Cocoa
Walking mushroom Mushroom 15% nutriment, 5% vitamin Fungal Vitality Mutate Plump helmet
Watermelon Normal 20% plant-matter, 20% water, 4% vitamin Perennial Growth MegaSeed Servitor Holymelon
Wheat Normal 4% plant-matter MegaSeed Servitor, Seeds Crate Oat, Meatwheat
Whitebeet Normal 5% plant-matter, 20% sugar, 4% vitamin MegaSeed Servitor Redbeet


Chemical Chart; Effects are per unit. Hover over the names of chemicals to find where they are obtained.

Name Purpose Nutrients Water Health Toxin Bonus Effects
E-Z Nutriment Fertilizer 1 0 0 0 Causes small, but random stat mutations in plants after harvesting.
Left 4 Zed Stats 1 0 0 0 Causes multiple stat mutations on harvest, but plants bear no fruit. Can mutate species.
Robust Harvest Fertilizer 1 0 0 0 Won't mutate plants. Increases yield by 30%.
Unstable Mutagen Mutations/Stats 0 0 0 0 Mutates plants based on amount used.
Uranium Mutations/Stats 0 0 -1 2 Chance to Mutate Plants with 10 units.
Radium Mutations/Stats 0 0 -1 3 Chance to Mutate Plants with 10 units.
Ammonia Fertilizer 1 0 0.5 0 Increases Yield with 100 units.
Diethylamine Stats/Fertilizer 2 0 1 0 Kills Pests. 50 units increases Yield.
Saltpetre Stats 0 0 0.25 0 Adds 1 Potency per 2 units. Using 100 units speeds up Production time.
Atrazine Weed Killer 0 0 0 0.5 Kills Weeds. Commonly known as Weed Killer.
Pest Killer Pest Killer 0 0 0 0.5 Kills Pests.
Water Water 0 1 0 0
Holy Water Water 0 1 0.1 0
Soda Water Water 0.1 1 0.1 0
Fish Water Water/Fertilizer 0.75 1 0 0
Milk Water 0.1 0.9 0 0
Beer Water 0.25 0.7 -0.05 0
Nutriment Fertilizer 1 0 0.5 0
Plant-matter Fertilizer 1 0 0.5 0
Ash Fertilizer 0.5 0 0.25 0 Kills Weeds
Charcoal Healing 0 0 0 -2
Cryoxadone Healing 0 0 3 -3
Sugar Plant Killer 0.1 0 0 0 Creates weeds and pests.
Blood Fertilizer 1 0 0 0 Creates pests.
Virus Food Fertilizer 0.5 0 -0.5 0
Phosphorus Plant Killer 0.1 -0.5 -0.75 0 Kills weeds (along with your plant).
Toxin Plant Killer 0 0 0 2
Sulphuric Acid Plant Killer 0 0 -1 1.5 Kills Weeds (along with your plant).
Chlorine Plant Killer 0 -0.5 -1 1.5 Kills weeds (along with your plant).
Fluorine Plant Killer 0 -0.5 -2 2.5 Kills weeds (along with your plant).
Fluorosulphuric Acid Plant Killer 0 0 -2 3 Kills Weeds (along with your plant).
Glyphosate Plant Killer 0 0 -5 6 Efficient against Kudzu.
Napalm Plant Killer 0 0 -6 7 Kills Weeds (along with your plant).
Strange Reagent Evil 0 0 0 0 Creates hostile plant-life.

Advanced Botany




Replica Pod Cloning


Preparing Your New Colony

Apiary Management

Genetic Manipulation

Keep'em Tame

Other Notes




Color Name Description
Glassy Makes the kudzu occasionally drop a glass sheet upon destroying it.
Glimmering Makes the kudzu occasionally drop a diamond, gold, or silver sheet upon destroying it.
Light Makes the kudzu emit light.
Metallic Makes the kudzu occasionally drop a metal sheet upon destroying it.
Plasticine Makes the kudzu occasionally drop a plastic sheet upon destroying it.
Space Protective Makes the kudzu grow in space.
Transparency Makes the kudzu transparent.
Wooden Makes the kudzu occasionally drop a wood sheet upon destroying it.

Minor Negative

Color Name Description
Bluespace Makes the kudzu grow through walls and objects.
Fireproof Makes the kudzu resistant to every kind of fire (including plasma fire).
Vine-Eating Makes the kudzu eat every non-vine-eating kudzu tiles.
Virulently Spreading Makes the kudzu spread thicker.


Color Name Description
Aggressive Spreading Makes the kudzu deal a small explosion upon spreading, destroying windows and other weak objects. It cannot get through reinforced walls.
Explosive Makes the kudzu explode upon death. It induces a chain reaction.
Flowering Makes the kudzu occasionally spawn aggressive flower buds. Every tile can snare passersby.
Hardened Makes the kudzu resistant to sharp objects (halves their damage). Every hardened tile has doubled health.
Thorny Makes the kudzu deal brute damage to whoever passing its tiles or dealing damage to it.
Toxic Makes the kudzu deal toxic damage to whoever passing its tiles or eating it.

Mutating Kudzu


Sandstone and Soil

Wood and Drying Racks

Helping other departments

Unique things to do with plants