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{{Rewrite|reason=Under review by lore team, slated to be rewritten completely}}
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== '''Introduction: The Shift''' [[File:Pamphlet.png|32px]]==
<div style="float: right;">
==First day on the job [[File:Pamphlet.png|32px]]==

Whether by circumstance, necessity, or a renewal of your existing contract, you have found yourself under the employ of the mining and research company known simply as Nanotrasen. The contract you signed looked more like the phonebooks you'd seen in museums: thick, nebulous, and with a string of clauses stretching longer than the list of infidelities committed by your local politician. You didn't have the time to read them, no mortal man would, but it didn't matter. What mattered is that the pay is good - and in a time where a pack of cigarettes costs your average wage slave a day's earnings, good pay means everything.
By necessity or chance, you've signed up for a new stint with [[Nanotrasen]]. This galactic behemoth of a megacorp, standing as a premier research and development conglomerate. The contract you took was as dense and impenetrable as the event horizon of a black hole, filled with enough clauses to make a law professor weep​.
Your stomach churns as you queue up in a line. Uniform, photo, identification card, radio. You can't help overhearing the hushed whispers of your fellow co-workers; tales of the [[The_Syndicate|Syndicate]]'s growing influence, clandestine deals, and stations disappearing from the grid. But every company has its share of skeletons in the closet, doesn't it? You shake off the whispers, focusing instead on the task at hand. You've been assigned to one of Nanotrasen's premier research stations in the Epsilon Eridani sector: the NSS Cyberiad, NSS Cerebron, NSS Kerberos, NSS Farragus or NSS Diagoras. In your head they sound like far-off constellations, strange and alien, but this is where your choices have led to.
The shuttle's engines hums beneath your feet, their vibrations a steady purr against the soles of your boots. You're directed to a seat, a cold metal chair of many. As the engines roar to life, you're pressed back into your seat, the world outside reduced to a blur of lights and stars. The journey is long and vast, but time seems to fold in on itself in the emptiness of space. It feels like only seconds pass before the shuttle shudders, the docking procedures completing with a gut-jarring thud. You unbuckle, legs unsteady in the artificial gravity. The air tastes recycled and sterile as a metallic voice echoes from the PA system​.
'''''"Welcome to the Epsilon Eridani system, have a secure day"​.'''''
==Life aboard the Station==
===Welcome to Nanotrasen===
Nanotrasen is an advanced research and development conglomerate. Originally founded as Trasen-Knox Computing in 1963, it began as a producer of scientific computers for academia and quickly gained a reputation for quality and reliability. Over the decades, the company has expanded far beyond its original scope, venturing into gaming, industrial equipment manufacturing, chemical production, and consumer goods, among other areas. Today, Nanotrasen is a behemoth inside the galactic community, large enough to establish its own settlements outside the Sol system and maintain its own interstellar expeditionary corps.
===Epsilon Eridani===
As an employee of Nanotrasen, you've been assigned to the Epsilon Eridani system. Several large-scale mining and research facilities hovers above a world of lava and hostile alien lifeforms. The location of the stations and their rather valuable possessions have made them a target of many groups in the sector, ranging from the [[The_Syndicate|Syndicate]], the [[Wizard|Wizard Federation]], and various other antagonistic factions that Nanotrasen has angered thanks to their history of cutthroat practices, corporate buyouts, and undeterrable pursuit of power and influence.
===Shift experience and character knowledge===
During your shifts, you'll become part of a lively and dynamic environment. Given the Station hasn't been nuked or destroyed, you may carry over certain non-destructive events and relationships with other characters from one shift to another. This can include mundane occurrences, friendly rivalries, or alliances formed during your service aboard the station. Your characters should be able to grow both in mechanical knowledge and your interpersonal relations with your coworkers!
Knowledge regarding potential Antagonists on the ship is unrestricted. It is assumed that Nanotrasen, in its duty to maintain the safety and efficiency of its operations, briefs all crew members about the potential threats they might face. This list includes all any and all Antagonists our server has to offer, with an exception to Syndicate Strike Teams and Nanotrasen Deathsquads, whose secrecy is administratively enforced.
===Character backstories===
There are mostly no restrictions on character backstories, allowing for a wide range of individuality and creativity. However, your backstory must align with the server rules - claiming to be a high-ranking government or Nanotrasen official is not allowed.

The knot in your stomach tightens as you get in line. Uniform. Photo. Identification Card. Radio. You've heard whispers of the company making backroom deals: of bought off politicians, rigged markets, stations gone dark - but every company these days has a bad rap. Not every story you heard could be true. The knot unwinds as you're directed to your transfer shuttle. You're told you've been assigned to the NSS Cyberiad, Epsilon Eridani sector. You aren't sure where that is, but it's where you're heading. You glance to the man beside you. Bald, grey jumpsuit, mid-thirties - he stares vacantly ahead as he shuffles along. You decide against making small-talk.
While crafting your backstory, strive for compatibility with the universe and other characters on the station. Extreme or unbelievable backstories may detract from the overall role-playing experience and could be met with skepticism by other characters and administrators. It's essential to remember that your character was competent enough to secure employment aboard a high-tech research station. Your backstory should align with this premise, reflecting a character capable of functioning within this advanced and often challenging environment.

You're directed to your seat and told to buckle in, the dim whine of the shuttle engines pricking your ears. Inertia sets in, your body pitching forward as the shuttle abruptly takes flight. The journey is vast, but it feels like mere seconds before you're jerked back in your seat - your stomach still turning when the shuttle finalizes docking. You unbuckle and stand, your balance uneven as you're escorted off the shuttle; the stale taste of recycled air assaulting your senses as a cold, metal voice booms through the PA system.
==The Company [[File:Ntlogo_fromsvg.png|42px]]==

''"Welcome to the NSS Cyberiad. Have a secure day."''
===What is Nanotrasen?===
The company you have come to find yourself working for is the corporate superpower known as Nanotrasen, often abbreviated to “NT”. Starting as a small company operating solely in the heart of human space but has rapidly grown to operate across the Orion Arm. In particular, Nanotrasen operations are becoming more and more centered in the Epsilon Eridani system, which is entirely owned by NT and serves as a buffer between the USSP and Trans-Solar Federation.

=== '''A Primer on the Shift''' ===
Despite the powerful position they are in now, Nanotrasen started as a smaller company, however upon the discovery of plasma they were quick to heavily invest in the research and excavation of it, leading to them becoming a major player in the rapidly growing plasma industry. Overtime Nanotrasen established a stranglehold on the plasma industry, owed largely in part to their cut-throat business practices allowing them to buy out or bankrupt any would-be competitors, and their lucrative partnership with the Plasmamen. As NT's power grew, so too has their tendency to engage in blood-thirsty corporate sabotage. This attitude has netted the company numerous enemies, however, and it remains to be seen if Nanotrasen can weather the rapidly-approaching storm of its own making.
You, the player, start your shift at exactly 12:00 PM aboard the NSS Cyberiad. It's either your very first shift, the tenth one, or the one where you lost count because you been working aboard it for so long. Whatever your case may be, the shift that is represented in the game is the shift where something goes wrong. Whether a blob, xenomorphs, or even the threat of nuclear annihilation, this shift, for all intents and purposes, is the latest event in the universe. You will always repeat the same 12:00 PM shift, but end it with a different result each time.

In regards to roleplay, the above statement is not to say you may not develop your character while playing the game. During certain shifts, given the station hasn't been nuked or destroyed, you may take back sparse pieces of information such as relationships with other characters, certain non-destructive events that occurred, and other mundane occurrences. It's commonly accepted that each scenario should be looked at a case by case basis to determine if you wish for your character to have persistent knowledge of this scenario. The station being nuked is something your character would not have persistent knowledge of, but you successfully winning a game of poker against other character can be persistent knowledge. If another player asks you in some form of OOC to not remember a particular event about their character from another shift, you need to honor their request and have your character forget about it.
===Controversies and criticism===
Although they deny it, NT has been known to conduct black ops where mercenaries, pirates and sometimes elite NT commandos raid and sabotage competitors. These operations are overseen by NT's small but elite private navy, tasked with maintaining control over Epsilon Eridani, organizing all sorts of corporate sabotage, and arranging "unfortunate accidents" for those who would get in their way. Their mercilessness in battle is only matched by their mercilessness in the boardroom. However, their monopoly over the plasma industry and brutal business practices have led to them forming many enemies, from governments, other corporations, terrorist groups, and criminal organizations, all of them seeking to dethrone NT, and the perfect opportunity has begun to present itself.

While it is encouraged to make realistic characters who aren't masters of everything, your knowledge aboard the station is of your own choosing. You are not required to feign ignorance of knowledge surrounding the systems in SS13 or any of the lore. The only exceptions to this are the existence of the Nanotrasen [[Death squad|Death Squad]] and the [[Syndicate_Infiltration_Team|Syndicate Strike Team]], ignorance of which is administratively enforced - with only agents of the syndicate being permitted to know of the existence of Syndicate Strike Teams. Antagonist knowledge is otherwise completely unrestricted, and crew are not required to be ignorant about the various antagonists that may be aboard the station - it can be assumed Nanotrasen briefs crewmembers about potential hazards to the station.
===Objectives and future===
Just as oil replaced coal, and plasma replaced oil, Bluespace now threatens to replace plasma. Desperate to maintain their relevance, NT has begun to refocus their research into bluespace technology in an effort to form a monopoly around it much like they previously did with plasma. However this time, despite the efforts of their navy, NT is facing significant difficulties in the sabotage from its competitors, as they have begun to work together to keep NT busy and spread thin defending their home front. The future of NT is uncertain, but what is certain, is that they will do whatever it takes to stay in power.

There are no restrictions on character back stories so long as they are not in contravention of existing rules and you aren't claiming to be a high-ranking government or Nanotrasen official. Keep in mind that while you may create any backstory you choose, you should strive to make something compatible with the server and other characters on station - if your backstory is too extreme or unbelievable, you may find that other characters will have a hard time taking you seriously. Keep in mind that your character was somehow able to land a job, or at the very least a visit, aboard a high-tech research station - your backstory should somehow fall in line with that.
==Species of the Orion Arm==
With the advent of efficient plasma-based engines which allowed for expedient long-range space travel, humanity quickly discovered that they weren't as alone as they had once thought. they charted planetary systems after systems, uncovering sentient life that had previously existed only within the realms of their science fiction.

== '''History''' [[File:Book.png|32px]]==
With the known and charted space growing every year, new alien species are still being uncovered from time to time by surveyors and exploration teams. Summarized below are the main sapient races of the greater Orion Sector.
''A brief timeline of major events that greatly shaped current-day space affairs.''

'''21st Century:'''  
{| class="wikitable" style="background-color: #DBE7FA;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: #88b1ef;"
| Species
| Description
| Species
| Description
! style="width: 10%;" | '''[[Humans]]'''
| style="width: 40%;"| Humans are soft-skinned mammals originating from the planet Earth. They are broadly categorized under three groups: the powerful and expansionistic [[Trans-Solar_Federation|Trans-Solar Federation]], the firebrand [[Union_of_Soviet_Socialist_Planets|USSP]], and the many systems independent of either. Humans have positive relations with many species in the galaxy and the Trans-Solar Federation remains the backbone of the largest military alliance in the galaxy—the Solar-Central Compact.
! style="width: 10%;" | '''[[Grey]]'''
| A species known for their psychic abilities and intelligence, the Grey originated from beyond the Milky Way, and are mostly found within the Technocracy, a small but highly advanced nation. Their government consists of an appointed panel of scientists who dictate policies and priorities, and has focused on further technological development for all of recent memory. Xenophobic and condescending towards outsiders, Technocracy-aligned Grey are rarely seen outside Technate space, with most Grey in the greater sector having left the stuffy and controlling regime for greener pastures.
! '''[[Tajaran]]'''
| A species of mammals closely resembling felines, the Tajaran hail from the mineral-rich arctic moon of Ahdomai. While once oppressed under the tyrannical rule of the Overseers, Ahdomai today is governed by a loose alliance of clans known as the Confederation of S'randarr. The teachings of S'randarr and solar iconography dominate their religious practices. Tajaran often speak in the third person due to the lack of first-person references in their native tongue.
! style="text-align: center;" | '''[[Diona]]'''
| The Diona are plant-like creatures made up of a gestalt of smaller Nymphs. Dionae lack any form of centralized government or homeworld, with most eschewing the politics and affairs of the wider galaxy, preferring instead to focus on the accumulation of knowledge and the spread of their species. Much to the chagrin of their kind, the Nymphs that constitute their form are considered a delicacy by the Kidan.
! '''[[Unathi]]'''
| Unathi are a scaled species of reptilian beings from the desert world of Moghes. Organizing themselves in highly competitive feudal kingdoms, Unathi lack any sort of wide-scale unification. While having a long martial tradition, the Unathi as a whole lack a significant Sector presence due to their infighting.
! '''[[Integrated Positronic Chassis (IPC)|Integrated Positronic Chassis]]'''
| IPCs are machine intelligences which were originally manufactured to serve as expendable workers. Unlike cyborgs and station AIs, they are fully sentient and unrestrained by lawsets, allowing them to be more creative and flexible than their synthetic brethren. Frustrated with their status as slave labourers, many IPCs fled to the world of New Canaan while others held a massive worker's strike in 2525. After establishing a colony on New Canaan, IPCs struck up several diplomatic treaties and are now considered a minor player in galactic affairs.
! '''[[Skrell]]'''
| Skrell are aquatic, fleshy beings from the tropical world of Jargon 4. As one of the first species to achieve FTL capabilities, modern Skrell enjoy a relatively opulent lifestyle. Reincarnation and transcendence are central tenets of the Skrellian religion, a fact that has spurred on a burgeoning industry of 'new-life' gurus. While classically preferring diplomacy, the Skrell participate in the largest military power in the galaxy—the Solar-Central Compact.
! '''[[Kidan]]'''
| The Kidan are insectoid beings possessing a hardened exoskeleton and a limited innate psychic ability. Once enslaved to the Empress, a being of incredible psychic strength, the mighty Kidan Empire is today nothing more than an anarchic collection of warlord states following its first utter collapse following the Battle of Aurum and the Empress's demise, and the second following the sound defeat of the Imperial Restoration Government. Aurum itself was utterly devastated by an SCC nuclear bombardment, leaving it a lifeless marble world to this day.
! '''[[Slime People]]'''
| Slime People are a race of gelatinous humanoids hailing from the tropical world of Xarxis IV. While resembling baseline humans in stature, Slime Person biology is notable for their highly unusual organ structure and highly modular asexual form of reproduction. Relative newcomers to Sector affairs, the Slime People were first discovered by a Trans-Solar Federation scout ship in the mid 2400s, and a peaceful first contact quickly blossomed into Federation Associate status for the newly declared Xarxis Republic.
! '''[[Plasmamen]]'''
| Plasmamen are the remnants of a species that was either exiled to or crashed upon, the plasma-rich world of Boron. Believed to have initially served as indentured labourers, Plasmamen are the result of chronic plasma exposure throughout several hundred generations. Their leaders must ritually self-immolate and are only allowed to hold office for as long as they remain on fire.
! '''[[Vox]]'''
| Vox are a space-faring avian-like species hailing from large stations known as arkships - Most Vox seen within Nanotrasen vessels are bioengineered and breathe pure nitrogen, thus requiring both specialized masks and nitrogen tanks in order to survive. Vox are unique in their physiologically based caste system and their adherence to a set of tenets called "The Inviolate". Vox commonly form raiding parties and appropriate resources when needed—a tradition which causes friction with other Sector entities. Due to their insular nature, Vox have little to no large role in galactic affairs.
! '''[[Vulpkanin]]'''
| Vulpkanin are bipedal canid-like beings from the Vazzend binary system, having been forced from their homeworld by a cataclysmic event. While Vulpkanin are chiefly led by planetary governments, they also serve under a loose federation known as The Assembly. Their religious systems traditionally pay tribute to an all-infusing universal will called 'Racht'. A minor player in galactic affairs, Vulpkanin are largely concerned with the restoration of their homeworld.
! '''[[Drask]]'''
| Drask are cold-bodied humanoids from the ice world of Hoorlm. Operating in enclaves run by contiguous groups of elders, Drasks are biologically immortal and place great societal value in the virtues of patience and long-term strategy. While Drask traditionally pay homage to their planet as their birth deity, many modern Drask have come to view space travel in and of itself as their patron saint. While Drasks wield little influence on the galaxy in a traditional sense, they are quite well known for their successful galactic entertainment industry.
! '''[[Nian]]'''
|Hailing from an unknown homeworld, Nians are large bipedal invertebrates with a marked resemblance to Terran moths. Known for spendthrift behavior and predilection for luxury and flair as well as artisan crafts, the Nian civilization has been pressed to the fore of developed space in an effort to resolve material shortages in homeworld sectors. Unlike most species in the galactic fold, Nian do not recognize the authority of the Trans-Solar Federation: having instead established close diplomatic relationships with their splinter faction, the USSP.
==Terms and technologies from the Interstellar Era==
Nicknamed by some as "violet gold", this chemical element has been the cornerstone of power production since the 23th century. It can be found in both gaseous and solid forms - always of a striking purple color. This substance is used as fuel by most species in the galaxy and is necessary for most FTL technology available to the public. Must be handled with care as it is highly volatile and toxic in both solid and gaseous forms.
Bluespace is considered to be a dimension parallel to our own, and is the main research focus of most high-tech companies— - including Nanotrasen. Its discovery led to the creation of teleportation technology, used to transport great amounts of mass and energy across vast distances. Although in its current state it is too unstable for general use, most scientists believe that it could dethrone FTL drives as the main method of intergalactic travel in the future.
The Supermatter Crystal is an experimental, near-infinite power source that has been recently installed in the Epsilon Eridani stations. It emits radiation when excited, which can be collected and turned into electricity. The Supermatter should be monitored at all times, however, as the slightest deviation from the safety procedures can lead to a devastating explosion - the infamous Delamination Event.
The red-hot, extremely hazardous planet that all playable stations orbit. Viewable from any exterior window, it is a remarkable location due to the incredible amounts of resources that are readily accessible on its surface - such as iron, titanium, and the coveted plasma. Several species of hostile creatures have been recorded across the planet, with the most dangerous ones being classified by the mining teams as “megafauna”. Word has it that Nanotrasen is interested on this planet due to strange Bluespace phenomena surrounding it.
More worryingly, several expedition teams have reported sighting a massive artificial structure in the planet’s northern hemisphere, though none reported being able to enter it. Orbital surveillance has thus far failed to locate the structure due to the frequent storms of superheated dust that result in planet-wide electromagnetic disturbances. Archival teams are currently scouring recovered Athland records for any information relating to the structure, but nothing concrete has been found.
====Space Sleep Disorder (SSD)====
A disease of unknown origin known to affect a variety of biological lifeforms. Affected individuals typically collapse and fall asleep for undetermined periods, ranging from several seconds to several hours. This phenomenon is theorized to be caused by long-term exposure to cosmic radiation.
== Human History [[File:Book.png|32px]]==
''A brief timeline of major events in human history which have shaped the species and the sector.''
'''20th Century:'''  

A century noted for its relative stability, Earth is more or less stable during this period - many of its countries remaining intact with only a few scathed by violent proxy wars. Close to the end of the twenty-first century, radicalism, isolationism, and the divide between the West and East would begin to dissolve as everyone turns to a collective goal of colonizing the solar system.
A century of incredible change for Earth, seeing the advent of modern electronics, nuclear weaponry, and spaceflight, among numerous others. The 1969 Apollo 11 moon landings begin a several-decade long "space mania", as nations across the world begin to invest in spaceflight. Colonies on various worlds are established, and technology companies begin to transition to more rugged and reliable designs better suited to space usage. Rising tensions both on Earth and in space lead to the devastating Eastern Seas War in 1991, a non-nuclear conflict between the Warsaw Pact, NATO, and China, whose aftermath sets the stage for the Trans-Solar Federation's formation.

'''22nd Century:'''  
'''21st Century:'''  

Human colonization of other planets begins to take place after the invention and discovery of technology that considerably reduces the costs of space exploration. In this century, Nanotrasen is incorporated and invests heavily into the colonization of Mars, hoping to claim a large stake in any potential resources the planet holds. Bluespace and plasma are discovered in the later turn of the century, leading to rapid advancement in FTL technologies.
The Solar Federation takes power, and dedicates the 2000s to securing control over Earth. Luna is selected as the Federation’s provisional headquarters, and system colonization efforts are reactivated, with communications re-established to existing settlements. Resource extraction efforts in space are heavily expanded to fuel Earth’s reconstruction, leading to the discovery of plasma on Mars. Nanotrasen, incorporated in early 2050, moves quickly to capitalize in the new market. After several failed attempts, the first FTL engines are developed in the early 2060s, and interstellar expansion begins.

'''23rd Century:'''  
'''23rd Century:'''  

Humanity’s technological advancements and exploratory efforts lead to first contact with the Skrell, confirming the existence of sapient extraterrestrial life. In a popular resolution with sweeping public support, formal diplomatic and military ties are established and the Human-Skrellian Alliance is created. Nanotrasen continues to solidify its holdings on Mars during this period, securing a stranglehold on plasma and tin markets - an action which would only lead to further monopolization on outlying plasma deposits.
'''24th Century:'''

'''24th Century:'''

Humanity continues to make investments in space travel, systematically expanding their sphere of influence through the establishment of numerous colonies. Mid-century, a Nanotrasen exploration vessel discovers the existence of the Tajara and sparks a civil war on the Tajaran homeworld, leading to the eventual fracturing of the Tajaran government. Nanotrasen invests heavily in industrialization efforts in the aftermath of the war, securing a monopoly on Ahdomai.

'''25th Century:'''  
'''25th Century:'''  

A human exploration vessel is captured in uncharted space by a Kidan military frigate. The crew is slaughtered and the ship is scuttled, leaking sensitive information about human colonies to the Kidan which  results in systematic raids. This prompts an immediate military response from the Human-Skrellian Alliance, which quickly routs and destroys the Kidan fleet before besieging their homeworld. The raids by the Kidan incidentally caused a potato and vodka shortage on rimworld colonies and Russian colonists, fearing for their heritage, revolt and slaughter local Trans-Solar Federation dignitaries, leading to the subsequent formation of the USSP.

'''26th Century (Current 2561):'''  
'''26th Century (Current {{#expr:544+{{CURRENTYEAR}}}}):'''

Nanotrasen utilizes its position as the sole retainer of many of the plasma-bearing deposits throughout space to apply a stranglehold on the FTL markets. The stocks of rival corporations plummet as their overhead costs skyrocket, leading to the formation of the corporate/pirate conglomerate known simply as The Syndicate. By this century, all major sapient species have been discovered and brought into the folds of the galactic workforce. This is also the century in which Nanotrasen relocates many of its research facilities to deep space in the [[Epsilon Eridani]] sector.
== Factions [[File:Ntflag.png|32px]]==
== '''Factions''' [[File:Ntflag.png|32px]]==
''Important factions, governments, groups, corporations, and other organized entities that inhabit the universe.''
''Important factions, governments, groups, corporations, and other organized entities that inhabit the universe.''

=== '''Corporate''' ===
=== Corporate ===
* '''[[NanoTrasen|Nanotrasen]]'''
* '''[[NanoTrasen|Nanotrasen]]'''
''The largest shareholder in the galactic plasma markets, Nanotrasen is a research and mining corporation which specializes in FTL technologies and weapon systems. Frowned upon by most governments due to their shady business tactics and poor ethics record, Nanotrasen is often seen as a necessary evil for maintaining access to the often volatile plasma market. Nanotrasen was originally incorporated on Earth with their headquarters situated on Mars, however they have recently moved most of their operations to the Epsilon Eridani sector.''
''The largest shareholder in the galactic plasma markets, Nanotrasen is a research and mining corporation which specializes in FTL technologies and weapon systems. Frowned upon by most governments due to their shady business tactics and poor ethics record, Nanotrasen is often seen as a necessary evil for maintaining access to the volatile plasma market. Though Nanotrasen was originally incorporated on Earth with their headquarters situated on Mars, they have relocated many of their research operations to the Epsilon Eridani system.''

* '''[[Syndicate|The Syndicate]]'''
* '''[[The Syndicate]]'''
''A pseudonym for a loose collective of companies which anonymously target Nanotrasen with acts of industrial sabotage and espionage, the Syndicate operates through proxies such as pirates, mercenaries and Nanotrasen employees - ensuring compliance through payment, kickbacks, or even blackmail. Though Nanotrasen has always been the target of roving pirates and rival companies The Syndicate only formally took shape in recent years after Nanotrasen utilized its monopoly on plasma to apply a stranglehold on the FTL market.''
''The largest organized criminal entity in the sector, The Syndicate is a loose alliance of corporations, pirates, mercenaries, and other interest groups that unites much of the Sector underworld under a single umbrella. While the Syndicate has existed for decades, it has recently turned its attention to bringing down Nanotrasen in particular. While the exact reasons for this pivot are unknown, analysts believe it is a result of Nanotrasen’s predatory policies in the plasma market, and the various greviances already held by Syndicate members toward the company.''

* '''Donk Corporation'''
* '''Donk Corporation'''
''The infamous rival of the well-known Waffle Corporation, Donk Co. is a company specializing in food delivery systems and brand-name food products such as Donk Pockets. While generally seen as a neutral actor, Donk Corporation has been known to work both with Nanotrasen and the Syndicate when it suits them - often acting as the primary logistical supplier for the Epsilon Eridani sector. Donk Corporation is better known for recent high-profile litigation alleging that their food products are used for illicit drug distribution. While the trial is ongoing, it has been repeatedly delayed due to incidents of methamphetamine poisoning.''
''The infamous rival of the former Waffle Corporation, Donk Co. specializes in food delivery systems and brand-name food products such as Donk Pockets, officially. Unofficially, Donk commands one of the largest general-purpose illicit hiring firms in the sector, renting out contractors to interested criminal parties. Priding themselves on efficiency and ease of service, a Donk operative can be found for nearly any form of illegal activity, for the right price. Naturally, Donk is a covert member of the Syndicate, offering its contracting services and low-cost food solutions to the alliance. This union can be strained due to the presence of Waffle Corporation, however, and the two have a well-deserved reputation for violent feuds within the organization.''
''Humorously, even though the Syndicate and Nanotrasen remain in an active state of war, Donk products are unusually prevalent within both groups. Donk, naturally, attributes this to the undeniable quality of their foodstuffs.''

* '''Waffle Corporation'''
* '''Waffle Corporation'''
''The once prominent competitor of Donk Corporation, Waffle Co. is well-known for its popular line of Waffle Co. brand waffles and their use of violent tactics against competitors - often bribing, extorting, blackmailing or sabotaging businesses that pose a direct or indirect threat to their market share. They have recently fallen on hard times primarily due to to severe mismanagement which lead to much of their private arsenal being swindled by a pirate faction known as the Gorlex Marauders. Waffle Co. commonly engages in smear campaigns against Donk Co., maintaining that the original recipe for Donk Pockets was stolen from them.''
''Once a giant in the fast food industry, and a bitter rival to Donk Co., Waffle Co. was almost entirely destroyed as a brand after a massive corruption scandal led to the FAID and Federal Marshals arresting its board of directors and numerous major shareholders. Its remaining leadership went underground, and using what wealth they could, turned the company in a highly unusual direction: Large-scale criminal enterprise and contracting killing. Waffle would quickly become a household name within the Sector underworld, known for their wide-ranging distribution networks, reasonable pricing, and utterly ruthless contracted hitmen. Today, Waffle is a member of the Syndicate, and is primarily responsible for securing the supply lines of equipment and weaponry which keep its agents in the field, and offering "termination services" for any who can handle the fee. While Donk and Waffle may technically be on the same side, the age-old rivalry still persists, and it is not uncommon for Donk and Waffle agents to engage one another if dispatched to the same area.''

* '''BioTech Solutions'''
* '''Xion Manufacturing Group'''
''A company specializing in the field of synthetic biology, BioTech solutions is at the forefront of providing cutting-edge prosthetics, augmentations, and gene-therapy solutions. Their extensive list of patents and the highly secretive nature of their work often puts them at odds with companies such as Nanotrasen, who commonly reverse-engineer their products. BioTech Solutions is often the victim of industrial sabotage by Cybersun Industries and often relies on planetary governments for asset protection. BioTech Solutions also owns a number of prominent subsidiaries, such as Bishop Cybernetics, Hesphiastos Industries, and Xion Manufacturing Group.''
''A titan of heavy industry in the Central Skrellian Authority, XMG controls the production of a majority of Skrellian consumer goods, construction, and ship-building. Within its home market, XMG has an apparently unassailable position all but officially backed by the Skrellian government, but it encounters greater opposition abroad. It is also a major player in the sector-wide robotics market through to its largest subsidiary, Bishop Cybernetics, which specializes in cutting-edge prosthetics, augmentations, and drones. They fiercely compete with Cybersun Industries, with multiple accusations of corporate espionage and sabotage being hurled between the two.''

* '''Einstein Engines Inc'''
* '''Einstein Engines Inc'''
''An Engineering firm specializing in alternative fuel-technologies for FTL travel, Einstein Engines is an up and coming player in the galactic FTL and energy markets. As their research into alternative FTL fuel threatens both Nanotrasen's relative stranglehold on plasma as well as The Syndicate's vested interest in the market, they are often the target of industrial sabotage by both Nanotrasen and The Syndicate. Most of their contracts are based outside of the Epsilon Eridani sector, and they are frequently commissioned by smaller firms to retrofit new and existing colonies, space stations, and outposts.''
''An Engineering firm specializing in alternative fuel-technologies for FTL travel, Einstein Engines is an up and coming player in the galactic FTL and energy markets. As their research into alternative FTL fuel threatens both Nanotrasen's stranglehold as well as The Syndicate's vested interest in the plasma market, they are a common target for industrial sabotage by Nanotrasen and The Syndicate. Most of their recent contracts have been based outside of the Epsilon Eridani sector in an attempt to avoid attracting unwanted attention. They are frequently commissioned by smaller firms to retrofit new and existing colonies, space stations, and outposts.''

* '''Cybersun Industries'''
* '''Cybersun Industries'''
''Cybersun Industries is a biotechnology company that primarily specializes on the research and development of human-enhancing augmentations. They are better known for their aggressive corporate tactics and are known to often subsidize pirate bands to commit acts of industrial sabotage. Cybersun Industries is usually the target of conspiracy theorists due to their development of the first [[Syndicate Items#Mindslave Implant|mindslave implant]], as well as their open financing of, and involvement in, The Syndicate. They are one of Nanotrasen's largest detractors, and a direct competitor to BioTech Solutions.''
''Cybersun Industries is a biotechnology company that specializes in researching and developing human-enhancing augmentations. Known for its aggressive corporate tactics, it is an open secret that Cybersun possesses multiple off-the-books mercenary companies and contracting firms for use as deniable assets. Cybersun Industries is the popular target of conspiracy theorists due to their development of the first [[Syndicate Items#Mindslave Implant|mindslave implant]], as well as the numerous rumors surrounding their (vehemently denied) involvement with The Syndicate. They are one of Nanotrasen's largest detractors and a direct competitor to Bishop Cybernetics.''

* '''Shellguard Munitions'''
* '''Shellguard Munitions'''
''The brainchild of a colonial war veteran, Shellguard Munitions is an arms manufacturer and private military contractor specializing in anti-synthetic weapon systems and platforms. Initially a smaller private military force only serving frontier colonies, Shellguard Munitions has become a household name due to its involvement in resolving the Haverick AI crisis in 2552. Using its recently earned fame, the company has made a successful foray into the market of robotics and is highly regarded for the toughness and reliability of their hardware. Despite being frequently contracted by the Trans-Solar Federation, Shellguard Munitions is known to sell their services to the highest corporate bidder.''
''The brainchild of a colonial war veteran, Shellguard Munitions is an arms manufacturer and private military contractor specializing in anti-synthetic weapon systems and platforms. Initially, a private military force serving frontier colonies, Shellguard Munitions became a household name due to its involvement in resolving the Haverick AI crisis of 2552. Levying its recently earned fame, the company has made a successful foray into the market of robotics and is highly regarded for the toughness and reliability of their hardware. Despite being frequently contracted by the Trans-Solar Federation, Shellguard Munitions typically sells their services to the highest corporate bidder.''

=== '''Governments''' ===
=== Governments ===
* '''[[Trans-Solar Federation|Trans-Solar Federation/SolGov]]'''
* '''[[Trans-Solar Federation|Trans-Solar Federation/SolGov]]'''
''Colloquially known as SolGov, the TSF is an authoritarian republic that manages the areas in and around the Sol system. Despite being a highly militant organization headed by the government of Earth, SolGov is usually conservative with its power and mostly serves as a mediator and peacekeeper in galactic affairs.''
''Colloquially known as SolGov, the Trans-Solar Federation is a military republic that controls a large amount of territory centered on the Sol system. Headquartered on Earth, the Federation is highly expansionistic, and has been the subject of much controversy due to its aggressive expansion and diplomatic policies. While the Federation remains the strongest military power in the Sector, this same expansionism has stretched their forces thin across the frontiers of their space.''

* '''[[Union of Soviet Socialist Planets|Union of Soviet Socialist Planets/Space Russia]]'''
* '''[[Union of Soviet Socialist Planets]]'''
''A loose collective of stations and holdings at the fringes of known space, the USSP first took shape during the Cygni Rebellion. The USSP is a sworn enemy of SolGov and blames them, and the corporations who work with them, for many of the hardships and tragedies faced by their citizenry.''
''A powerful splinter nation of the TSF, the USSP is a communist state based in the Cygni System, and controlling a moderate amount of surrounding systems. The USSP is a sworn enemy of the TSF and blames them, and the corporations who work with them, for the hardships and tragedies faced by their citizenry.''

* '''The Elysium Project'''
* '''Independents'''
''Often dubbed "space fascists", the Elysium Project is human-supremacist governmental body upholding fascists ideals. Widely reviled for considering other species to be sub-human, they typically conduct raids on outlying non-human colonies. While their planetary holdings are minimal, the few systems under their governance are ruled with an iron fist.''
''A broad designation for the various systems and worlds independent of any major power, the Indies, as they are often referred, value self-determination above all. The Independents have no primary race or governmental structure, instead forming a disparate patchwork of minor nations with nearly every conceivable form of government represented in some capacity.  

* '''Skrellian Central Authority'''
* '''Skrellian Central Authority'''
The primary governing body of the Skrellian homeworld of Jargon 4, the SCA oversees all foreign and domestic policy for the Skrell and their colonies. The Skrellian Central Authority is better known for its active role in the largest military alliance in the galaxy, the Human-Skrellian Alliance.
''The primary governing body of the Skrellian homeworld of the Crown, the Skrellian Central Authority oversees foreign and domestic policy for the Skrellian people. The SCA plays an active role in the largest military pact in the galaxy, the Solar-Central Compact''.

* '''The Shoal'''
* '''The Shoal'''
''The Shoal is the primary ark ship of the reclusive Vox species. Little is known about The Shoal's political structure as Vox typically shy away from diplomatic engagements. Subsequently, it is considered a politically neutral entity in galactic affairs by most governments.''
''The Shoal is the primary ark ship of the reclusive Vox species. Little is known about The Shoal's political structure as Vox typically shy away from diplomatic engagements. It is subsequently considered a politically neutral entity in galactic affairs by most governments.''

* '''The Alchemist's Council'''  
* '''The Confederation of S'randarr'''  
''The Alchemist's Council is a science-oriented organization of scholars, researchers, and entrepreneurs. Though dedicated to industrializing the Tajaran world of Ahdomai, it is seen as one of the few remaining centralized powers of the Tajara peoples due to the collapse of Ahdomai's provisional government.''
''Representing the many clans of Adhomai, the Confederation serves as the legal quasi-government of the Tajaran. Despite this, the Confederation has little actual authority, instead serving mostly as a council for inter-clan debate, with most authority residing with the clans themselves.''

*'''The Assembly'''
*'''The Assembly'''
''A unifying body created to stave off extinction from a solar event, The Assembly is the loose federal coalition of the Vulpkanin. It holds little centralized authority and mostly serves as a diplomatic body, primarily concerned with facilitating trade between Vulpkanin colonies and Nanotrasen.''
''A unifying body created to stave off extinction from a solar event, The Assembly is a loose federal coalition of Vulpkanin. Primarily concerned with facilitating trade between Vulpkanin colonies and Nanotrasen, it holds little centralized authority and largely serves as a diplomatic body.''

*'''Synthetic Union'''
*'''Synthetic Union'''
Line 102: Line 207:

*'''The Technocracy'''
*'''The Technocracy'''
''The Technocracy is a science council that operates based off the principles of a meritocracy. The organization's leadership is highly competitive, and is headed by the most psionically gifted members of the Grey species. The Technocracy, though enigmatic in its dealings, has cordial relations with almost all other galactic bodies.''
''The Technocracy is a science council that operates based off the principles of a meritocracy. The organization's leadership is highly competitive and is headed by the most psionically gifted members of the Grey species. While willing to do business with other powers, the Technocracy's xenophobia and condescension towards their lessers means most only deal with the Technocracy in short bursts.''
=== Other Organizations ===
* '''[[Wizard|Wizard's Federation]]'''
''A fanatic organization whose members dedicate their livelihood to the study and practice of magic. Believed to utilize an advanced form of bluespace manipulation, their tactics and goals put them in direct conflict with most factions. They are known to feud with Nanotrasen and the Trans-Solar Federation in particular, the former over their recent expansion into the Epsilon Eridani system, and the latter for their strict prohibition on unlicensed magic.''

=== '''Other Organizations''' ===
== Locations [[File:EarthIcon.png|32px]]==
* '''[[Space_Ninja|Spider Clan]]'''
''Important locations within the universe.''
''A highly insular and secretive organization. Either unknown or considered a myth by many in the universe, both due to their purportedly advanced technology and the tall-tales surrounding them, their recruitment methods as well as their headquarters are unknown.''

* '''[[Changeling|Changeling Hivemind]]'''
=== Planets & Planetoids ===
''A hive mind of intergalactic monsters that seemingly have an unknown origin. Known to infiltrate governments, work as mercenaries, and sell their services to the highest bidder, changelings have been found impersonating long-dead high-level officials for decades. Research is ongoing, as while much of the species possesses a high level of cunning, others have been found to be more primitive.''
{| class="wikitable" style="width: 80%; background-color: #DBE7FA;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: #88b1ef;"
| style="width:50pt;"  | Planet
| style="width:150pt;" | Climate
| style="width:180pt;" | Principal Authorities
|                      | Description
! Earth
* Trans-Solar Federation (major)
* Solar-Central Compact (minor)
* Nanotrasen (corporate)
* Syndicate (shell companies)
| ''Earth is the birthplace of humanity, and the capital of the Trans-Solar Federation. A temperate world with four seasons, Earth is the gold standard for the Terran planetary class. Once suffering from pollution and global warming, the Federation has made a concentrated effort to repair the world, leaving it as one of the most beautiful and lively worlds in the Sector today.''
! Mars

* '''[[Wizard|Wizard's Federation]]'''
''A fanatic organization whose members dedicate their livelihood to the study and practices of magic. Believed to actually utilize an advanced form of bluespace manipulation, their tactics and goals generally put them in direct conflict with governments. They are known to feud with Nanotrasen in particular, which is believed to be due to Nanotrasen's recent expansion in the Epsilon Eridani sector.''
* Various private entities (major)
* Nanotrasen (corporate)
* Trans-Solar Federation (minor)
* Syndicate (underworld)
| ''One of the first planets truly colonized by humans, Mars serves as the Federation’s primary free-enterprise zone, and is ruled by a motley collection of corporate states and micronations. The birthplace of Nanotrasen, Mars is home to their corporate headquarters and those of several major subsidiaries.''
! Luna

== '''Species''' [[File:Monkey.png|32px]]==
''The major sentient species whom are commonly found within the ranks of Nanotrasen employees. ''
* Trans-Solar Federation (absolute)
| ''Established as a colony before Mars, Luna is run directly by the Trans-Solar Federation, and serves as the main naval anchorage of the Sol System. While it previously served as the headquarters of the TSF, the 2200 Constitutional Convention saw the capital be returned to Earth, though Luna still retains immense prestige and importance.''
! wip commie world

{| class="wikitable"
! <big>'''Species'''</big>
! <big>'''Description'''</big>
* Union of Soviet Socialist Planets (major)
! <big>'''Species'''</big>
| ''The capital world of the USSP, (blank) is a mineral-rich tundra world and the largest population center in the Union. Rapid expansion of heavy industry has allowed the USSP to compete with the TSF, but has also made (blank) heavily polluted.
! <big>'''Description'''</big>
! The Crown
* Skrellian Central Authority (major)
* Solar-Central Compact (minor)
| ''The Crown is the homeworld of the aquatic beings known as Skrell. It is the birthplace of the Solar-Central Compact - the military alliance between humans and skrell.''
| style="text-align: center; width: 10%;" | <big>'''[[Humans]]'''</big>
! New Canaan
| style="width: 40%;"| Humans are a species of soft-skinned humanoids originating from the planet called Earth. Humans are almost universally united under the banner of SolGov, with the exception of Space Russia. Humans have healthy relations with many of the species throughout the galaxy and are at the seat of the largest military alliance in the galaxy - the Human-Skrellian Alliance.
| style="text-align: center; width: 10%;" | <big>'''[[Grey]]'''</big>
* Synthetic Union (major)
| A species which originates from beyond the Milky Way Galaxy, Grey have no known home world. Their government operates as a technocracy, a panel of the best and brightest scientists appointed to serve at the seat of their bureaucracy. Grey have no known religious or spiritual systems, and instead devote their attention to technology and the study of other species. They often serve as mediators in galactic affairs.
| ''New Canaan was an abandoned mining world that has been adopted as the headquarters of the Synthetic Union. Largely populated by IPC's, New Canaan is considered to be the homeworld for synthetic life-forms.''
! Ahdomai
* Confederation of S'randarr (major)
| ''Ahdomai is the traditional homeworld of the Tajaran race. Inhabited by numerous Tajara clans, the planet exists in a state of quasi-unity under the Confederation's weak central government.''
! Hoorlm
* Drask Elders (major)
* Trans-Solar Federation (enclave)
| ''Hoorlm is the arctic homeworld of the Drask. Covered in sprawling ice sheets and perpetual night, Hoorlm is an inhospitable world to other species. The average temperature of Hoorlm is well below -80c.''
| style="text-align: center;" | <big>'''[[Tajaran]]'''</big>
! Xarxis 5
[[File:Xarxis 5.png|frame|center]]
| The Tajaran are a species of furred, feline beings who hail from Ahdomai, the smaller arctic world of two twin planets. Initially discovered by Nanotrasen in the mid-24th century, Tajaran classically organize themselves by clan. They are notable for their religious practices which pay homage to the teachings of S'randarr and incorporate the use of sun motifs and iconography. Tajaran often speak in third person.
| style="text-align: center;" | <big>'''[[Diona]]'''</big>
* Xarxis Republic (Capital)
| The Diona are a species of plant-like beings with gestalt consciousness, composed of many smaller Nymphs. While their world of origin is unknown, the constituent nymphs they are made of are a staple of the Kidan diet. Dionae lack any form of centralized government or home world, preferring to drift through the vastness of space in an endless cycle of proliferation and expansion.
* Trans-Solar Federation (Major)
| ''The homeworld of Slime People, Xarxis 5 is an ocean world dotted with island chains. While endowed with substantial mineral wealth, much of it is looked beneath the planet’s great oceans. Xarxis 5 is the capital world of the Xarxis Republic, and is home to much of its agricultural and industrial capacity.''
| style="text-align: center;" | <big>'''[[Unathi]]'''</big>
! Aurum
| Unathi are a scaled species of reptilian beings from the desert world of Moghes. Organizing themselves in highly competitive feudal kingdoms, Unathi lack of any form centralized government. Unathi are the only known species to have had a war with the Vox, a war which, though unsuccessful, is a great source of Unathi pride. Despite being a large player in galactic affairs, Unathi mostly compete among themselves.
| style="text-align: center;" | <big>'''[[Machine People]]'''</big>
* Uninhabitable (glassed)
| IPCs are a form of machine intelligence that were originally manufactured as intelligent research assistants. Frustrated with their status as slave labourers, IPC's held a massive worker's strike in 2525, with many IPC's fleeing to the world of New Canaan in secret. After consolidating a power on the planet, IPC's struck up diplomatic treaties and are now considered a minor player in galactic affairs.
* Imperial Restoration Government (orbital monitoring)
| ''The homeworld of the Kidan, Aurum was once the heart of the mighty Kidan Empire, covered in nation-scale arcologies and hosting the unbelievably opulent palace of the Empress. Today, it is a lethally radioactive ball of rock, courtesy of the numerous and varied nuclear weapons used on the planet at the climax of the Battle of Aurum.''
| style="text-align: center;" | <big>'''[[Skrell]]'''</big>
! Moghes
| Skrell are a species of aquatic, soft-fleshed beings from the tropical world of Jargon 4. Skrell are one of the first species, along with Vox and Greys, to achieve FTL capabilities. Skrell religious systems universally believe in the concept of a soul, as well as reincarnation. Though they classically prefer diplomacy, Skrell, together with humans, form the single largest military power in the known galaxy.
| style="text-align: center;" | <big>'''[[Kidan]]'''</big>
* Contested (Unathi Factions)
| The Kidan are ant-like creatures who posses an exoskeleton. They originate from the planet Aurum, a harsh world with a poor atmosphere. They are notable for being the only species to suffer a war with the Human-Skrellian Alliance, having lost decisively in 2416. They are relatively minor players in galactic affairs, having been under heavy sanctions ever since their defeat.
| ''Moghes is the desert homeworld of the lizard-like Unathi people. Control of the planet is divided among numerous feuding Unathi nations and tribes, with wildly varying levels of technological and social development.''
| style="text-align: center;" | <big>'''[[Slime People]]'''</big>
! Mauna-B
| Slime People are a species of gelatinous and translucent beings from the vast oceans of the tropical world Xarxis 5. They are recent entrants to the galactic scene, having been discovered by an NT exploratory probe in the year 2521. Slime People traditionally operate in a primitive society that organizes itself in bands and tribes.
| style="text-align: center;" | <big>'''[[Plasmamen]]'''</big>
* The Technocracy (major)
| Plasmamen are the remnants of a species that was either exiled to, or crashed on, the plasma-rich world of Boron. Believed to have initially served as indentured labourers, Plasmamen are the result of chronic exposure to plasma over the course of several hundred generations. Plasmamen utilize a peculiar system in which their leaders must self-immolate, only holding office for as long as they remain on fire.
| ''Mauna-b is a relatively small exoplanet with a close orbit to its sun within the Mauna system. Much of the planet is a sprawling and desolate tundra, with scorching deserts on its southern and northern poles. However, the equator of Mauna-b contains a long, temperate strip of land with relatively stable temperatures and seasons. Within this equatorial belt, the gleaming and perfectly ordered mega-cities of the Grey can be found. Mauna-b is the current seat of The Technocracy, the aptly technocratic central government of the Grey.''
| style="text-align: center;" | <big>'''[[Vox]]'''</big>
! Altam
| Vox are a space-faring bird-like species that hail from large stations known as arkships. Vox are unique in their physiologically based caste system and their adherence to a set of central tenants known as "The Inviolate". Vox are known to form raiding parties and appropriate resources when needed, which lead to a notable war with the Unathi in 2203. Due to their insular nature, Vox have no large role in galactic affairs.
| style="text-align: center;" | <big>'''[[Vulpkanin]]'''</big>
* Unoccupied (barren)
| Vulpkanin are a species of bipedal canid-like beings from the Vazzend binary system. While Vulpkanin are chiefly lead by planetary governments, they also serve under a loose federation known as The Assembly. Vulpkanin religious systems traditionally pay tribute to a pantheon lead by an entity known as 'Racht'. A minor player in galactic affairs, Vulpkanin are largely concerned with the restoration of their home world.
| ''A once verdant and temperate world, Altam is the Vulpkanin homeworld. Altam was rendered uninhabitable and barren after solar wind and cosmic radiation scoured its surface in 2189.''
| style="text-align: center;" | <big>'''[[Drask]]'''</big>
! Kelune & Dalstadt
| Drask are a humanoid species of cold-bodied beings from the ice-world of Hoorlm. Operating in enclaves run by contiguous groups of elders, Drask are biologically immortal and place great societal value in the virtues of patience and long-term strategy. While Drask traditionally pay homage to their planet as their birth deity, many modern Drask have come to view space travel in and of itself as their patron saint.
* The Assembly (major)
* Nanotrasen (minor)
| ''Other planets within the same system as Altam, Kelune and Dalstadt are the primary worlds now inhabited by the Vulpkanin.''
== '''Locations''' [[File:EarthIcon.png|32px]]==
''Important locations within the universe.''
=== Planets & Planetoids ===
* '''Earth'''
''Earth is the birthplace of the human species and Nanotrasen itself. A temperate world with four seasons, Earth is the seat of the militant federation known as SolGov.''
''The first planet truly colonized by humans, Mars is presently run by a board of directors appointed by Nanotrasen and is the traditional seat of NT's power.''
''Established as a colony prior to Mars, Luna is run by Port Royal Co.. While it has healthy relations with Earth, Luna is run by its own autonomous government.''
*'''Jargon 4'''
''Jargon 4 is the home world of the aquatic beings known as Skrell. It is the birthplace of the Human-Skrellian Alliance - the military alliance between humans and skrell.''
*'''New Canaan'''
''New Canaan was an abandoned mining world that has been adopted as the headquarters of the Synthetic Union. Largely populated by IPC's, New Canaan is considered to be the home world of synthetics.''
''Ahdomai is the traditional home world of the Tajaran race. Jointly lead by a provisional government run by Nanotrasen and the Alchemist's Council, it is presently suffering from global temperature rises and other effects of over-industrialization.''
''Hoorlm is the arctic home world of the Drask. Covered in sprawling ice sheets and perpetual night, Hoorlm is an inhospitable world to other species. The average temperature of Hoorlm is well below -80c.''
*'''Xarxis 5'''
''The home world of Slime People, Xarxis 5 is an ocean world dotted with island chains. Due to a highly elliptical orbit, the planet has hot and cold seasons that have resulted in large migratory patterns.''
''Aurum is a rocky world demarcated by sprawling mud flats and a lack of mineral content. Despite its inhospitable nature, made worse by strip mining, Aurum is still seen as the home world of the Kidan.''
''Moghes is the desert home world of the lizard-like Unathi people. Having little water of its own and regularly suffering from drought, Moghes is the largest net importer of water in the galaxy.''
''A once verdant and temperate world, Altam is the Vulpkanin home world. Altam was rendered uninhabitable and barren after solar wind and cosmic radiation scoured its surface in 2189.''
*'''Kelune & Dalstadt'''
''Other planets within the same system as Altam, Kelune and Dalstadt are the primary worlds now inhabited by the Vulpkanin.

=== Space Structures ===
=== Space Structures ===
* '''NSS Cyberiad'''
* '''NSS Cyberiad/Kerberos/Cerebron/Farragus/Diagoras'''

''The main research station in which your shift and day revolves around. It is located in the Epsilon Eridani sector.''
''The main research stations in which your shift can take place in and around. They are located in the Epsilon Eridani system, and specialize in cutting-edge research and development.''

* '''NAS Trurl'''
* '''NAS Trurl'''

''Commonly referred to as a Central Command by station crew members, it's one of the administrative hubs for operations in the Epsilon Eridani sector.''
''Commonly referred to as a Central Command by station crew members, it's one of the administrative hubs for operations in the Epsilon Eridani system.''

* '''Vox Arkships'''
* '''Vox Arkships'''

''Massive and ancient patchwork space stations, arkships are the birth place of the Vox and house the upper echelons of their species. Some arkships are rumoured to be the size of small moons.''
''Massive and ancient patchwork space stations, arkships are the birthplace of the Vox and house the vast majority of the Vox population. Some arkships are rumoured to be the size of small moons.''

== '''Anomalous Space Entities''' [[File:Carp.gif|32px]]==
== Anomalous Space Entities [[File:Carp.gif|32px]]==
''The anomalies of space that forever changed the mundane world. For antagonists see: [[Identifying Antagonists]]''
''The anomalies of space that forever changed the mundane world. For antagonists see: [[Identifying Antagonists]]''


''Space that the whole physical and mundane world inhabits; often violated by Bluespace and Redspace entities. Realspace is said to be any place wherein no Bluespace energy fluctuations can presently be recorded. Any object not currently moving through Bluespace is said to be in Realspace.''
''Space that the whole physical and mundane world inhabits; occasionally violated by anomalous entities. Realspace is subject to the laws of physics, with FTL travel being impossible within it. Any object not currently moving through Bluespace or Hyperspace is said to be in Realspace.''
''A distinct entity from Bluespace, Hyperspace can best be described as a layer of space-time close to, and occasionally intersecting with, Realspace. Hyperspace can be accessed by FTL-capable vessels via the use of hyperspace Breach Points, which naturally form in systems via unknown methods. Travel within hyperspace is far more efficient than realspace travel, allowing the crossing of vast interstellar distances in days and weeks rather than decades. All plasma-fueled vessels use hyperspace for transit.''


''Sometimes referred to as the fifth dimension, Bluespace is manipulated by various equipment such as FTL drives and Bluespace Artillery Cannons to transfer matter and energy across vast distances. Such manipulation can often cause undesirable results, such as the proliferation of Bluespace entities.''
''Sometimes referred to as the fifth dimension, Bluespace is manipulated by various equipment such as Bluespace drives and Bluespace Artillery Cannons to transfer matter and energy across vast distances. Transit in such a way is far faster than hyperspace travel, crossing interstellar distances in mere hours. Bluespace travel is, however, limited by “lanes” in the dimension, which restrict direction of travel. Exiting these lanes, or breaching Bluespace in the wrong area, may have disastrous consequences.''

<big>'''The Cascade'''</big>

''Redspace is a hotly contested concept which currently only exists in theory. Said to be the negative counterpart to Bluespace, Redspace is theorized to fluctuate inversely to Bluespace and believed to be the primary source of supernatural phenomenon.
''The Gate remains closed. It is not meant to be opened.''
''Further data is classified Top Secret by order of Nanotrasen High Command.''

<big>'''Space Sleep Disorder (SSD)'''</big>
<big>'''Space Sleep Disorder (SSD)'''</big>

''A disease of unknown origin known to affect a variety of biological lifeforms. Affected individuals typically collapse and fall asleep for undetermined periods of time, ranging from several seconds to several hours. This phenomenon is theorized to be caused by long-term exposure to cosmic radiation.''
''A disease of unknown origin known to affect a variety of biological lifeforms. Affected individuals typically collapse and fall asleep for undetermined periods, ranging from several seconds to several hours. This phenomenon is theorized to be caused by long-term exposure to cosmic radiation.''
<big>'''Space Carp'''</big>
''Space Carp are a species of carnivorous fish-like entities which inhabit the void of space. While studies have indicated they have existed in space for several millennia, they are believed to have created under laboratory conditions. They are universally considered to be a pest, and are one of the leading causes for workplace injury and death on space installations.''

<big>'''Artificial Gravity'''</big>
<big>'''Artificial Gravity'''</big>

''Often developed concurrently with FTL technologies, modern gravity generators manipulate Bluespace in order to provide gravity to a ship or installation. Next to Space Carp, chronic exposure to radiation emitted from gravity generators is one of the largest concerns regarding the viability of long-term space habitation.''
''Often developed concurrently with FTL technologies, modern gravity generators manipulate Bluespace to provide gravity to a ship or installation. Next to Space Carp, chronic exposure to radiation emitted from gravity generators is one of the largest concerns regarding the viability of long-term space habitation.''

== '''Extended Chronicles''' [[File:Documents.png|32px]]==
== Extended Chronicles [[File:Documents.png|32px]]==
''A telling of events that have occurred within the galaxy in chronological order. They may or may not be directly related to the crew members of the station.''
''A telling of events that have occurred within the galaxy in chronological order. They may or may not be directly related to the crew members of the station.''

Latest revision as of 11:09, 17 September 2024

This page needs to be rewritten
Under review by lore team, slated to be rewritten completely
LanguagesInterstellar TravelPlanetary Classifications
SyndicateTrans-Solar FederationUnion of Soviet Socialist Planets
Sol System
HumansTajaranUnathiSkrellSlime PeopleVoxDraskGreyDionaIPCKidanPlasmamanVulpkaninNian

First day on the job Pamphlet.png


By necessity or chance, you've signed up for a new stint with Nanotrasen. This galactic behemoth of a megacorp, standing as a premier research and development conglomerate. The contract you took was as dense and impenetrable as the event horizon of a black hole, filled with enough clauses to make a law professor weep​.

Your stomach churns as you queue up in a line. Uniform, photo, identification card, radio. You can't help overhearing the hushed whispers of your fellow co-workers; tales of the Syndicate's growing influence, clandestine deals, and stations disappearing from the grid. But every company has its share of skeletons in the closet, doesn't it? You shake off the whispers, focusing instead on the task at hand. You've been assigned to one of Nanotrasen's premier research stations in the Epsilon Eridani sector: the NSS Cyberiad, NSS Cerebron, NSS Kerberos, NSS Farragus or NSS Diagoras. In your head they sound like far-off constellations, strange and alien, but this is where your choices have led to.

The shuttle's engines hums beneath your feet, their vibrations a steady purr against the soles of your boots. You're directed to a seat, a cold metal chair of many. As the engines roar to life, you're pressed back into your seat, the world outside reduced to a blur of lights and stars. The journey is long and vast, but time seems to fold in on itself in the emptiness of space. It feels like only seconds pass before the shuttle shudders, the docking procedures completing with a gut-jarring thud. You unbuckle, legs unsteady in the artificial gravity. The air tastes recycled and sterile as a metallic voice echoes from the PA system​.

"Welcome to the Epsilon Eridani system, have a secure day"​.

Life aboard the Station

Welcome to Nanotrasen

Nanotrasen is an advanced research and development conglomerate. Originally founded as Trasen-Knox Computing in 1963, it began as a producer of scientific computers for academia and quickly gained a reputation for quality and reliability. Over the decades, the company has expanded far beyond its original scope, venturing into gaming, industrial equipment manufacturing, chemical production, and consumer goods, among other areas. Today, Nanotrasen is a behemoth inside the galactic community, large enough to establish its own settlements outside the Sol system and maintain its own interstellar expeditionary corps.

Epsilon Eridani

As an employee of Nanotrasen, you've been assigned to the Epsilon Eridani system. Several large-scale mining and research facilities hovers above a world of lava and hostile alien lifeforms. The location of the stations and their rather valuable possessions have made them a target of many groups in the sector, ranging from the Syndicate, the Wizard Federation, and various other antagonistic factions that Nanotrasen has angered thanks to their history of cutthroat practices, corporate buyouts, and undeterrable pursuit of power and influence.

Shift experience and character knowledge

During your shifts, you'll become part of a lively and dynamic environment. Given the Station hasn't been nuked or destroyed, you may carry over certain non-destructive events and relationships with other characters from one shift to another. This can include mundane occurrences, friendly rivalries, or alliances formed during your service aboard the station. Your characters should be able to grow both in mechanical knowledge and your interpersonal relations with your coworkers!

Knowledge regarding potential Antagonists on the ship is unrestricted. It is assumed that Nanotrasen, in its duty to maintain the safety and efficiency of its operations, briefs all crew members about the potential threats they might face. This list includes all any and all Antagonists our server has to offer, with an exception to Syndicate Strike Teams and Nanotrasen Deathsquads, whose secrecy is administratively enforced.

Character backstories

There are mostly no restrictions on character backstories, allowing for a wide range of individuality and creativity. However, your backstory must align with the server rules - claiming to be a high-ranking government or Nanotrasen official is not allowed.

While crafting your backstory, strive for compatibility with the universe and other characters on the station. Extreme or unbelievable backstories may detract from the overall role-playing experience and could be met with skepticism by other characters and administrators. It's essential to remember that your character was competent enough to secure employment aboard a high-tech research station. Your backstory should align with this premise, reflecting a character capable of functioning within this advanced and often challenging environment.

The Company Ntlogo fromsvg.png

What is Nanotrasen?

The company you have come to find yourself working for is the corporate superpower known as Nanotrasen, often abbreviated to “NT”. Starting as a small company operating solely in the heart of human space but has rapidly grown to operate across the Orion Arm. In particular, Nanotrasen operations are becoming more and more centered in the Epsilon Eridani system, which is entirely owned by NT and serves as a buffer between the USSP and Trans-Solar Federation.

Despite the powerful position they are in now, Nanotrasen started as a smaller company, however upon the discovery of plasma they were quick to heavily invest in the research and excavation of it, leading to them becoming a major player in the rapidly growing plasma industry. Overtime Nanotrasen established a stranglehold on the plasma industry, owed largely in part to their cut-throat business practices allowing them to buy out or bankrupt any would-be competitors, and their lucrative partnership with the Plasmamen. As NT's power grew, so too has their tendency to engage in blood-thirsty corporate sabotage. This attitude has netted the company numerous enemies, however, and it remains to be seen if Nanotrasen can weather the rapidly-approaching storm of its own making.

Controversies and criticism

Although they deny it, NT has been known to conduct black ops where mercenaries, pirates and sometimes elite NT commandos raid and sabotage competitors. These operations are overseen by NT's small but elite private navy, tasked with maintaining control over Epsilon Eridani, organizing all sorts of corporate sabotage, and arranging "unfortunate accidents" for those who would get in their way. Their mercilessness in battle is only matched by their mercilessness in the boardroom. However, their monopoly over the plasma industry and brutal business practices have led to them forming many enemies, from governments, other corporations, terrorist groups, and criminal organizations, all of them seeking to dethrone NT, and the perfect opportunity has begun to present itself.

Objectives and future

Just as oil replaced coal, and plasma replaced oil, Bluespace now threatens to replace plasma. Desperate to maintain their relevance, NT has begun to refocus their research into bluespace technology in an effort to form a monopoly around it much like they previously did with plasma. However this time, despite the efforts of their navy, NT is facing significant difficulties in the sabotage from its competitors, as they have begun to work together to keep NT busy and spread thin defending their home front. The future of NT is uncertain, but what is certain, is that they will do whatever it takes to stay in power.

Species of the Orion Arm

With the advent of efficient plasma-based engines which allowed for expedient long-range space travel, humanity quickly discovered that they weren't as alone as they had once thought. they charted planetary systems after systems, uncovering sentient life that had previously existed only within the realms of their science fiction.

With the known and charted space growing every year, new alien species are still being uncovered from time to time by surveyors and exploration teams. Summarized below are the main sapient races of the greater Orion Sector.

Species Description Species Description


Humans are soft-skinned mammals originating from the planet Earth. They are broadly categorized under three groups: the powerful and expansionistic Trans-Solar Federation, the firebrand USSP, and the many systems independent of either. Humans have positive relations with many species in the galaxy and the Trans-Solar Federation remains the backbone of the largest military alliance in the galaxy—the Solar-Central Compact. Grey


A species known for their psychic abilities and intelligence, the Grey originated from beyond the Milky Way, and are mostly found within the Technocracy, a small but highly advanced nation. Their government consists of an appointed panel of scientists who dictate policies and priorities, and has focused on further technological development for all of recent memory. Xenophobic and condescending towards outsiders, Technocracy-aligned Grey are rarely seen outside Technate space, with most Grey in the greater sector having left the stuffy and controlling regime for greener pastures.


A species of mammals closely resembling felines, the Tajaran hail from the mineral-rich arctic moon of Ahdomai. While once oppressed under the tyrannical rule of the Overseers, Ahdomai today is governed by a loose alliance of clans known as the Confederation of S'randarr. The teachings of S'randarr and solar iconography dominate their religious practices. Tajaran often speak in the third person due to the lack of first-person references in their native tongue. Diona


The Diona are plant-like creatures made up of a gestalt of smaller Nymphs. Dionae lack any form of centralized government or homeworld, with most eschewing the politics and affairs of the wider galaxy, preferring instead to focus on the accumulation of knowledge and the spread of their species. Much to the chagrin of their kind, the Nymphs that constitute their form are considered a delicacy by the Kidan.


Unathi are a scaled species of reptilian beings from the desert world of Moghes. Organizing themselves in highly competitive feudal kingdoms, Unathi lack any sort of wide-scale unification. While having a long martial tradition, the Unathi as a whole lack a significant Sector presence due to their infighting. Integrated Positronic Chassis


IPCs are machine intelligences which were originally manufactured to serve as expendable workers. Unlike cyborgs and station AIs, they are fully sentient and unrestrained by lawsets, allowing them to be more creative and flexible than their synthetic brethren. Frustrated with their status as slave labourers, many IPCs fled to the world of New Canaan while others held a massive worker's strike in 2525. After establishing a colony on New Canaan, IPCs struck up several diplomatic treaties and are now considered a minor player in galactic affairs.


Skrell are aquatic, fleshy beings from the tropical world of Jargon 4. As one of the first species to achieve FTL capabilities, modern Skrell enjoy a relatively opulent lifestyle. Reincarnation and transcendence are central tenets of the Skrellian religion, a fact that has spurred on a burgeoning industry of 'new-life' gurus. While classically preferring diplomacy, the Skrell participate in the largest military power in the galaxy—the Solar-Central Compact. Kidan


The Kidan are insectoid beings possessing a hardened exoskeleton and a limited innate psychic ability. Once enslaved to the Empress, a being of incredible psychic strength, the mighty Kidan Empire is today nothing more than an anarchic collection of warlord states following its first utter collapse following the Battle of Aurum and the Empress's demise, and the second following the sound defeat of the Imperial Restoration Government. Aurum itself was utterly devastated by an SCC nuclear bombardment, leaving it a lifeless marble world to this day.
Slime People


Slime People are a race of gelatinous humanoids hailing from the tropical world of Xarxis IV. While resembling baseline humans in stature, Slime Person biology is notable for their highly unusual organ structure and highly modular asexual form of reproduction. Relative newcomers to Sector affairs, the Slime People were first discovered by a Trans-Solar Federation scout ship in the mid 2400s, and a peaceful first contact quickly blossomed into Federation Associate status for the newly declared Xarxis Republic. Plasmamen


Plasmamen are the remnants of a species that was either exiled to or crashed upon, the plasma-rich world of Boron. Believed to have initially served as indentured labourers, Plasmamen are the result of chronic plasma exposure throughout several hundred generations. Their leaders must ritually self-immolate and are only allowed to hold office for as long as they remain on fire.


Vox are a space-faring avian-like species hailing from large stations known as arkships - Most Vox seen within Nanotrasen vessels are bioengineered and breathe pure nitrogen, thus requiring both specialized masks and nitrogen tanks in order to survive. Vox are unique in their physiologically based caste system and their adherence to a set of tenets called "The Inviolate". Vox commonly form raiding parties and appropriate resources when needed—a tradition which causes friction with other Sector entities. Due to their insular nature, Vox have little to no large role in galactic affairs. Vulpkanin


Vulpkanin are bipedal canid-like beings from the Vazzend binary system, having been forced from their homeworld by a cataclysmic event. While Vulpkanin are chiefly led by planetary governments, they also serve under a loose federation known as The Assembly. Their religious systems traditionally pay tribute to an all-infusing universal will called 'Racht'. A minor player in galactic affairs, Vulpkanin are largely concerned with the restoration of their homeworld.


Drask are cold-bodied humanoids from the ice world of Hoorlm. Operating in enclaves run by contiguous groups of elders, Drasks are biologically immortal and place great societal value in the virtues of patience and long-term strategy. While Drask traditionally pay homage to their planet as their birth deity, many modern Drask have come to view space travel in and of itself as their patron saint. While Drasks wield little influence on the galaxy in a traditional sense, they are quite well known for their successful galactic entertainment industry. Nian


Hailing from an unknown homeworld, Nians are large bipedal invertebrates with a marked resemblance to Terran moths. Known for spendthrift behavior and predilection for luxury and flair as well as artisan crafts, the Nian civilization has been pressed to the fore of developed space in an effort to resolve material shortages in homeworld sectors. Unlike most species in the galactic fold, Nian do not recognize the authority of the Trans-Solar Federation: having instead established close diplomatic relationships with their splinter faction, the USSP.

Terms and technologies from the Interstellar Era


Nicknamed by some as "violet gold", this chemical element has been the cornerstone of power production since the 23th century. It can be found in both gaseous and solid forms - always of a striking purple color. This substance is used as fuel by most species in the galaxy and is necessary for most FTL technology available to the public. Must be handled with care as it is highly volatile and toxic in both solid and gaseous forms.


Bluespace is considered to be a dimension parallel to our own, and is the main research focus of most high-tech companies— - including Nanotrasen. Its discovery led to the creation of teleportation technology, used to transport great amounts of mass and energy across vast distances. Although in its current state it is too unstable for general use, most scientists believe that it could dethrone FTL drives as the main method of intergalactic travel in the future.


The Supermatter Crystal is an experimental, near-infinite power source that has been recently installed in the Epsilon Eridani stations. It emits radiation when excited, which can be collected and turned into electricity. The Supermatter should be monitored at all times, however, as the slightest deviation from the safety procedures can lead to a devastating explosion - the infamous Delamination Event.


The red-hot, extremely hazardous planet that all playable stations orbit. Viewable from any exterior window, it is a remarkable location due to the incredible amounts of resources that are readily accessible on its surface - such as iron, titanium, and the coveted plasma. Several species of hostile creatures have been recorded across the planet, with the most dangerous ones being classified by the mining teams as “megafauna”. Word has it that Nanotrasen is interested on this planet due to strange Bluespace phenomena surrounding it.

More worryingly, several expedition teams have reported sighting a massive artificial structure in the planet’s northern hemisphere, though none reported being able to enter it. Orbital surveillance has thus far failed to locate the structure due to the frequent storms of superheated dust that result in planet-wide electromagnetic disturbances. Archival teams are currently scouring recovered Athland records for any information relating to the structure, but nothing concrete has been found.

Space Sleep Disorder (SSD)

A disease of unknown origin known to affect a variety of biological lifeforms. Affected individuals typically collapse and fall asleep for undetermined periods, ranging from several seconds to several hours. This phenomenon is theorized to be caused by long-term exposure to cosmic radiation.

Human History Book.png

A brief timeline of major events in human history which have shaped the species and the sector.

20th Century:

A century of incredible change for Earth, seeing the advent of modern electronics, nuclear weaponry, and spaceflight, among numerous others. The 1969 Apollo 11 moon landings begin a several-decade long "space mania", as nations across the world begin to invest in spaceflight. Colonies on various worlds are established, and technology companies begin to transition to more rugged and reliable designs better suited to space usage. Rising tensions both on Earth and in space lead to the devastating Eastern Seas War in 1991, a non-nuclear conflict between the Warsaw Pact, NATO, and China, whose aftermath sets the stage for the Trans-Solar Federation's formation.

21st Century:

The Solar Federation takes power, and dedicates the 2000s to securing control over Earth. Luna is selected as the Federation’s provisional headquarters, and system colonization efforts are reactivated, with communications re-established to existing settlements. Resource extraction efforts in space are heavily expanded to fuel Earth’s reconstruction, leading to the discovery of plasma on Mars. Nanotrasen, incorporated in early 2050, moves quickly to capitalize in the new market. After several failed attempts, the first FTL engines are developed in the early 2060s, and interstellar expansion begins.

23rd Century:

24th Century:

25th Century:

26th Century (Current 2568):

Factions Ntflag.png

Important factions, governments, groups, corporations, and other organized entities that inhabit the universe.


The largest shareholder in the galactic plasma markets, Nanotrasen is a research and mining corporation which specializes in FTL technologies and weapon systems. Frowned upon by most governments due to their shady business tactics and poor ethics record, Nanotrasen is often seen as a necessary evil for maintaining access to the volatile plasma market. Though Nanotrasen was originally incorporated on Earth with their headquarters situated on Mars, they have relocated many of their research operations to the Epsilon Eridani system.

The largest organized criminal entity in the sector, The Syndicate is a loose alliance of corporations, pirates, mercenaries, and other interest groups that unites much of the Sector underworld under a single umbrella. While the Syndicate has existed for decades, it has recently turned its attention to bringing down Nanotrasen in particular. While the exact reasons for this pivot are unknown, analysts believe it is a result of Nanotrasen’s predatory policies in the plasma market, and the various greviances already held by Syndicate members toward the company.

  • Donk Corporation

The infamous rival of the former Waffle Corporation, Donk Co. specializes in food delivery systems and brand-name food products such as Donk Pockets, officially. Unofficially, Donk commands one of the largest general-purpose illicit hiring firms in the sector, renting out contractors to interested criminal parties. Priding themselves on efficiency and ease of service, a Donk operative can be found for nearly any form of illegal activity, for the right price. Naturally, Donk is a covert member of the Syndicate, offering its contracting services and low-cost food solutions to the alliance. This union can be strained due to the presence of Waffle Corporation, however, and the two have a well-deserved reputation for violent feuds within the organization.

Humorously, even though the Syndicate and Nanotrasen remain in an active state of war, Donk products are unusually prevalent within both groups. Donk, naturally, attributes this to the undeniable quality of their foodstuffs.

  • Waffle Corporation

Once a giant in the fast food industry, and a bitter rival to Donk Co., Waffle Co. was almost entirely destroyed as a brand after a massive corruption scandal led to the FAID and Federal Marshals arresting its board of directors and numerous major shareholders. Its remaining leadership went underground, and using what wealth they could, turned the company in a highly unusual direction: Large-scale criminal enterprise and contracting killing. Waffle would quickly become a household name within the Sector underworld, known for their wide-ranging distribution networks, reasonable pricing, and utterly ruthless contracted hitmen. Today, Waffle is a member of the Syndicate, and is primarily responsible for securing the supply lines of equipment and weaponry which keep its agents in the field, and offering "termination services" for any who can handle the fee. While Donk and Waffle may technically be on the same side, the age-old rivalry still persists, and it is not uncommon for Donk and Waffle agents to engage one another if dispatched to the same area.

  • Xion Manufacturing Group

A titan of heavy industry in the Central Skrellian Authority, XMG controls the production of a majority of Skrellian consumer goods, construction, and ship-building. Within its home market, XMG has an apparently unassailable position all but officially backed by the Skrellian government, but it encounters greater opposition abroad. It is also a major player in the sector-wide robotics market through to its largest subsidiary, Bishop Cybernetics, which specializes in cutting-edge prosthetics, augmentations, and drones. They fiercely compete with Cybersun Industries, with multiple accusations of corporate espionage and sabotage being hurled between the two.

  • Einstein Engines Inc

An Engineering firm specializing in alternative fuel-technologies for FTL travel, Einstein Engines is an up and coming player in the galactic FTL and energy markets. As their research into alternative FTL fuel threatens both Nanotrasen's stranglehold as well as The Syndicate's vested interest in the plasma market, they are a common target for industrial sabotage by Nanotrasen and The Syndicate. Most of their recent contracts have been based outside of the Epsilon Eridani sector in an attempt to avoid attracting unwanted attention. They are frequently commissioned by smaller firms to retrofit new and existing colonies, space stations, and outposts.

  • Cybersun Industries

Cybersun Industries is a biotechnology company that specializes in researching and developing human-enhancing augmentations. Known for its aggressive corporate tactics, it is an open secret that Cybersun possesses multiple off-the-books mercenary companies and contracting firms for use as deniable assets. Cybersun Industries is the popular target of conspiracy theorists due to their development of the first mindslave implant, as well as the numerous rumors surrounding their (vehemently denied) involvement with The Syndicate. They are one of Nanotrasen's largest detractors and a direct competitor to Bishop Cybernetics.

  • Shellguard Munitions

The brainchild of a colonial war veteran, Shellguard Munitions is an arms manufacturer and private military contractor specializing in anti-synthetic weapon systems and platforms. Initially, a private military force serving frontier colonies, Shellguard Munitions became a household name due to its involvement in resolving the Haverick AI crisis of 2552. Levying its recently earned fame, the company has made a successful foray into the market of robotics and is highly regarded for the toughness and reliability of their hardware. Despite being frequently contracted by the Trans-Solar Federation, Shellguard Munitions typically sells their services to the highest corporate bidder.


Colloquially known as SolGov, the Trans-Solar Federation is a military republic that controls a large amount of territory centered on the Sol system. Headquartered on Earth, the Federation is highly expansionistic, and has been the subject of much controversy due to its aggressive expansion and diplomatic policies. While the Federation remains the strongest military power in the Sector, this same expansionism has stretched their forces thin across the frontiers of their space.

A powerful splinter nation of the TSF, the USSP is a communist state based in the Cygni System, and controlling a moderate amount of surrounding systems. The USSP is a sworn enemy of the TSF and blames them, and the corporations who work with them, for the hardships and tragedies faced by their citizenry.

  • Independents

A broad designation for the various systems and worlds independent of any major power, the Indies, as they are often referred, value self-determination above all. The Independents have no primary race or governmental structure, instead forming a disparate patchwork of minor nations with nearly every conceivable form of government represented in some capacity.

  • Skrellian Central Authority

The primary governing body of the Skrellian homeworld of the Crown, the Skrellian Central Authority oversees foreign and domestic policy for the Skrellian people. The SCA plays an active role in the largest military pact in the galaxy, the Solar-Central Compact.

  • The Shoal

The Shoal is the primary ark ship of the reclusive Vox species. Little is known about The Shoal's political structure as Vox typically shy away from diplomatic engagements. It is subsequently considered a politically neutral entity in galactic affairs by most governments.

  • The Confederation of S'randarr

Representing the many clans of Adhomai, the Confederation serves as the legal quasi-government of the Tajaran. Despite this, the Confederation has little actual authority, instead serving mostly as a council for inter-clan debate, with most authority residing with the clans themselves.

  • The Assembly

A unifying body created to stave off extinction from a solar event, The Assembly is a loose federal coalition of Vulpkanin. Primarily concerned with facilitating trade between Vulpkanin colonies and Nanotrasen, it holds little centralized authority and largely serves as a diplomatic body.

  • Synthetic Union

A defensive coalition of synthetics based out of New Canaan, the Synthetic Union is an organization which aims to establish and consolidate synthetic rights across the galaxy. Despite its synth oriented focus, the Synthetic Union has cordial relations with most governing bodies.

  • The Technocracy

The Technocracy is a science council that operates based off the principles of a meritocracy. The organization's leadership is highly competitive and is headed by the most psionically gifted members of the Grey species. While willing to do business with other powers, the Technocracy's xenophobia and condescension towards their lessers means most only deal with the Technocracy in short bursts.

Other Organizations

A fanatic organization whose members dedicate their livelihood to the study and practice of magic. Believed to utilize an advanced form of bluespace manipulation, their tactics and goals put them in direct conflict with most factions. They are known to feud with Nanotrasen and the Trans-Solar Federation in particular, the former over their recent expansion into the Epsilon Eridani system, and the latter for their strict prohibition on unlicensed magic.

Locations EarthIcon.png

Important locations within the universe.

Planets & Planetoids

Planet Climate Principal Authorities Description
  • Trans-Solar Federation (major)
  • Solar-Central Compact (minor)
  • Nanotrasen (corporate)
  • Syndicate (shell companies)
Earth is the birthplace of humanity, and the capital of the Trans-Solar Federation. A temperate world with four seasons, Earth is the gold standard for the Terran planetary class. Once suffering from pollution and global warming, the Federation has made a concentrated effort to repair the world, leaving it as one of the most beautiful and lively worlds in the Sector today.
  • Various private entities (major)
  • Nanotrasen (corporate)
  • Trans-Solar Federation (minor)
  • Syndicate (underworld)
One of the first planets truly colonized by humans, Mars serves as the Federation’s primary free-enterprise zone, and is ruled by a motley collection of corporate states and micronations. The birthplace of Nanotrasen, Mars is home to their corporate headquarters and those of several major subsidiaries.
  • Trans-Solar Federation (absolute)
Established as a colony before Mars, Luna is run directly by the Trans-Solar Federation, and serves as the main naval anchorage of the Sol System. While it previously served as the headquarters of the TSF, the 2200 Constitutional Convention saw the capital be returned to Earth, though Luna still retains immense prestige and importance.
wip commie world
  • Union of Soviet Socialist Planets (major)
The capital world of the USSP, (blank) is a mineral-rich tundra world and the largest population center in the Union. Rapid expansion of heavy industry has allowed the USSP to compete with the TSF, but has also made (blank) heavily polluted.
The Crown
  • Skrellian Central Authority (major)
  • Solar-Central Compact (minor)
The Crown is the homeworld of the aquatic beings known as Skrell. It is the birthplace of the Solar-Central Compact - the military alliance between humans and skrell.
New Canaan
  • Synthetic Union (major)
New Canaan was an abandoned mining world that has been adopted as the headquarters of the Synthetic Union. Largely populated by IPC's, New Canaan is considered to be the homeworld for synthetic life-forms.
  • Confederation of S'randarr (major)
Ahdomai is the traditional homeworld of the Tajaran race. Inhabited by numerous Tajara clans, the planet exists in a state of quasi-unity under the Confederation's weak central government.
  • Drask Elders (major)
  • Trans-Solar Federation (enclave)
Hoorlm is the arctic homeworld of the Drask. Covered in sprawling ice sheets and perpetual night, Hoorlm is an inhospitable world to other species. The average temperature of Hoorlm is well below -80c.
Xarxis 5
Xarxis 5.png
  • Xarxis Republic (Capital)
  • Trans-Solar Federation (Major)
The homeworld of Slime People, Xarxis 5 is an ocean world dotted with island chains. While endowed with substantial mineral wealth, much of it is looked beneath the planet’s great oceans. Xarxis 5 is the capital world of the Xarxis Republic, and is home to much of its agricultural and industrial capacity.
  • Uninhabitable (glassed)
  • Imperial Restoration Government (orbital monitoring)
The homeworld of the Kidan, Aurum was once the heart of the mighty Kidan Empire, covered in nation-scale arcologies and hosting the unbelievably opulent palace of the Empress. Today, it is a lethally radioactive ball of rock, courtesy of the numerous and varied nuclear weapons used on the planet at the climax of the Battle of Aurum.
  • Contested (Unathi Factions)
Moghes is the desert homeworld of the lizard-like Unathi people. Control of the planet is divided among numerous feuding Unathi nations and tribes, with wildly varying levels of technological and social development.
  • The Technocracy (major)
Mauna-b is a relatively small exoplanet with a close orbit to its sun within the Mauna system. Much of the planet is a sprawling and desolate tundra, with scorching deserts on its southern and northern poles. However, the equator of Mauna-b contains a long, temperate strip of land with relatively stable temperatures and seasons. Within this equatorial belt, the gleaming and perfectly ordered mega-cities of the Grey can be found. Mauna-b is the current seat of The Technocracy, the aptly technocratic central government of the Grey.
  • Unoccupied (barren)
A once verdant and temperate world, Altam is the Vulpkanin homeworld. Altam was rendered uninhabitable and barren after solar wind and cosmic radiation scoured its surface in 2189.
Kelune & Dalstadt
  • The Assembly (major)
  • Nanotrasen (minor)
Other planets within the same system as Altam, Kelune and Dalstadt are the primary worlds now inhabited by the Vulpkanin.

Space Structures

  • NSS Cyberiad/Kerberos/Cerebron/Farragus/Diagoras

The main research stations in which your shift can take place in and around. They are located in the Epsilon Eridani system, and specialize in cutting-edge research and development.

  • NAS Trurl

Commonly referred to as a Central Command by station crew members, it's one of the administrative hubs for operations in the Epsilon Eridani system.

  • Vox Arkships

Massive and ancient patchwork space stations, arkships are the birthplace of the Vox and house the vast majority of the Vox population. Some arkships are rumoured to be the size of small moons.

Anomalous Space Entities Carp.gif

The anomalies of space that forever changed the mundane world. For antagonists see: Identifying Antagonists


Space that the whole physical and mundane world inhabits; occasionally violated by anomalous entities. Realspace is subject to the laws of physics, with FTL travel being impossible within it. Any object not currently moving through Bluespace or Hyperspace is said to be in Realspace.


A distinct entity from Bluespace, Hyperspace can best be described as a layer of space-time close to, and occasionally intersecting with, Realspace. Hyperspace can be accessed by FTL-capable vessels via the use of hyperspace Breach Points, which naturally form in systems via unknown methods. Travel within hyperspace is far more efficient than realspace travel, allowing the crossing of vast interstellar distances in days and weeks rather than decades. All plasma-fueled vessels use hyperspace for transit.


Sometimes referred to as the fifth dimension, Bluespace is manipulated by various equipment such as Bluespace drives and Bluespace Artillery Cannons to transfer matter and energy across vast distances. Transit in such a way is far faster than hyperspace travel, crossing interstellar distances in mere hours. Bluespace travel is, however, limited by “lanes” in the dimension, which restrict direction of travel. Exiting these lanes, or breaching Bluespace in the wrong area, may have disastrous consequences.

The Cascade

The Gate remains closed. It is not meant to be opened.

Further data is classified Top Secret by order of Nanotrasen High Command.

Space Sleep Disorder (SSD)

A disease of unknown origin known to affect a variety of biological lifeforms. Affected individuals typically collapse and fall asleep for undetermined periods, ranging from several seconds to several hours. This phenomenon is theorized to be caused by long-term exposure to cosmic radiation.

Artificial Gravity

Often developed concurrently with FTL technologies, modern gravity generators manipulate Bluespace to provide gravity to a ship or installation. Next to Space Carp, chronic exposure to radiation emitted from gravity generators is one of the largest concerns regarding the viability of long-term space habitation.

Extended Chronicles Documents.png

A telling of events that have occurred within the galaxy in chronological order. They may or may not be directly related to the crew members of the station.

Official Extended Timeline