REASON: Under review by lore team, slated to be rewritten completely
This page serves as a reference for important dates that transpired from 0AD up to the current year of 2565AD.
1396AD -
1565AD -
1632AD -
1969AD - The United States completes the first successful manned Lunar landing, beginning a several-decade long “space mania” on Earth.
1970AD - Humanity reaches the information age.
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1991AD - The People’s Republic of China invades Taiwan, sparking the Eastern Seas War. Hardliners within the Warsaw Pact also force a conflict between the Soviet Union and NATO. A border conflict between the USSR and PRC turns the conflict into a three-way war.
2093AD -
2097AD -
2099AD -
2100AD -
2101AD -
2103AD -
2104AD -
2106AD -
2120AD -
2122AD -
2124AD -
2130AD -
2142AD -
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2156AD -
2170AD -
2171AD -
2172AD -
2176AD -
2189AD -
2199AD -
2203AD -
2205AD -
2207AD -
2223AD -
2234AD -
2252AD -
2276AD -
2287AD -
2288AD -
2296AD -
2305AD -
2307AD -
2314AD -
2342AD -
2353AD -
2357AD -
2360AD -
2364AD -
2378AD -
2385AD -
2388AD -
2395AD -
2396AD -
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2451AD -
2469AD -
2472AD -
2474AD -
2479AD -
2500-Current Year
2510AD -
2514AD -
2521AD -
2522AD -
2523AD -
2525AD -
2526AD -
2527AD -
2531AD -
2552AD -
2554AD -
2558AD -
2560AD -
2568AD - Current year.