Jestographic Sequencer

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Revision as of 10:44, 19 July 2024 by Jonttte (talk | contribs) (Added Cmagged airlock gif)
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The Jestographic Sequencer, better known as the CMAG, is a strange ID card coated in a slurry of electromagnetically active bananium. By smearing a cmag on various objects, you can subvert their usual behavior in strange, humorous ways. Unlike the Cryptographic Sequencer, most cmaggable objects can be restored to working order by cleaning off the bananium ooze with soap or a mop.

Cmaggable Objects

Many objects across the station have certain reactions from being cmagged that aren't extraordinarily obvious! This lists purpose is to reveal every reaction that can be had from emagging an object.

Item Description
Airlock Cmagged.gif
Inverts the airlock's access, allowing you in if you don't have proper access and denying you entry if you do. Disables remote access by silicons and door remotes. Crew without ID are denied entry at all times.
Inverts access, with all the same conditions as airlocks.
Plant Data Disk
Alters the plant disk's sprite, name, and description to that of the Nuclear Authentication Disk, making the two virtually indistinguishable. Be careful: If the Captain or a Nuclear Operative examines the phony disk closely, they'll realize it's a fake!
Cloning Pod
Causes anyone who is cloned to emerge with the comic and clumsy disabilities. The disabilities are "sticky" and can't be removed with mutadone; Genetics is the only way to return to normal.
Crewsimov Upload Module
Permanently reconfigures the module to Pranksimov.
Clown Recorder
Lowers the recorder's cooldown.
Forces the user to say one of several humorous phrases, regardless of what they type when using it. Also makes the megaphone honk.
Announces the account number and PIN of those who use it.
Pizza Bomb
Upon being opened, the bomb emits a sound, saying "Pizza time".
Acts like a Securitron, loudly air horning crew and arresting them with twimsts cuffs.
Boomerangs the grenade back to the user.