Synthetic Portal

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About the Synthetic Department
The Synthetic Department is
Synthetic Roles
Want to learn more about Synthetic roles?

Just click on one of the roles to learn more about them!

The AI unit is in control of most electrical systems on the station, including cyborgs. The AI must follow a set of laws they start with, or possibly a set command decides to give it instead. AI players are held to the same standard as command rule-wise, while not being part of it.
Cyborgs are sentient machines under direct control of the AI unit. They follow the same laws the AI is given. More cyborgs can be built by robotics. Once created, every cyborg can choose it's unique specialisation called module. Cyborgs can also be upgraded by roboticists.
Maintenance Drones are responsible for maintaining the station, while not interacting with the crew. Their laws cannot change and they do not have any other authorities. Playing them is perfect for players who prefer to be left alone.
Personal Artificial Intelligence is a side synthetic designed to keep company to their owner. It can download additional software that let's it expand it's influence with the world around it. PAIs are a great role for both new and experienced players, for the roleplay possibilities they present.

Synthetic Guides
Want to read an in-depth guide for Synthetic Roles?

Just click on one of the guides to learn more about them!

Playing as Synthetics

Playing with Synthetics