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Superiors: The Queen of Terror
Difficulty: Varies depending on type. Terror Spiders are fairly strong, BUT most crew attack them on sight.
Guides: This page
Access: Everywhere with an unwelded vent
Duties: Slaughter humans, spin webs, lay eggs, turn the station into a spider-infested hellhole.

The Syndicate combined giant space spider and Xenomorph DNA, in the hopes of creating a bioweapon to use against NT.

The result was Terror Spiders, and they quickly breached containment.

Terror Spider Types

Type AKA Role Notes Source
Tier 1: Common, front line soldiers
Terror red.png
Red Terror
Bloody Butcher spider
Crimson Terror spider
Juggernaut / Assault High health, high melee damage, but very slow speed. Eggs, Infection, Events
Terror gray.png
Gray Terror
Invisible Stalker spider Ambush / Stealth Hides in vents, ambushing prey. Eggs, Infection, Events
Terror green.png
Green Terror
Vicious Bloodsucking spider Breeding Lays eggs on the dead bodies of its victims. Eggs, Infection, Events
Tier 2: Uncommon, specialists
Terror black.png
Black Terror
Giant Black Widow spider Poison Uses hit-and-run attacks, and incredibly lethal venom. Queen's Eggs
Terror white.png
White Terror
Ghostly Nightmare spider
Corruption spider
Infector Injects live spider eggs into your body. They feed on your blood, and grow. Major Events
Terror purple.png
Purple Terror
Praetorian Guard spider Nest Guard Uses vicious fangs and stunning attacks to guard Queen nests. Queen's Eggs
Tier 3: Rare, leaders
File:Terror gold.png
Queen of Terror
Brood Mother spider Hive Queen Builds nests. Lays eggs. Spits poison. Exterminates non-spider life. Adminspawn Only
File:Terror gold.png
Mother of Terror
Giant WolfMother spider Schmuck Bait Carries hundreds of spiderlings on its back. Harmless if left alone. Terrifying if disturbed. Adminspawn Only
Tier 4: Extremely Rare, high leadership
Empress of Terror Lovecraft Spider Bigger Bad Experienced, battle-hardened Queens that rule the species. Rarely seen. Can lay queen/mother eggs. Adminspawn Only

Fighting Them

  • Weld vents and scrubbers. Even fully-grown Terror Spiders can ventcrawl. They will run around murdering the whole crew if you fail to weld the vents.
  • Carry a gun. Melee weapons are not good enough to fight the vast majority of terror spiders. Laser weapons are preferable. A biological demolecularizer (aka: "decloner") is ideal.
  • If you can't get a gun, despite trying, carry the best melee weapon you can. You will still die if you try to fight most kinds of terror spider, but at least if you get ambushed by a Gray Terror you have a chance to defend yourself.
  • Don't travel into dark/webbed areas.
  • Don't walk into spider webs.
  • If bitten by a Black Terror, or White Terror, seek immediate medical help. You will be dead (or worse) within minutes if you don't do this.
  • If you are cornered by a Black Widow, or White Death, and don't have a gun, then let it bite you once, and run to medbay immediately afterwards. Fighting back (or being near it when it is hit by any kind of projectile or explosive) will cause it to consider you an enemy, and it won't stop attacking until you are dead.
  • Attack ASAP once you have that gun. The longer you wait, the more they breed.
  • If you are security, consider arming the crew. Terror spiders can be as dangerous as blobs, even worse in some cases. Arming the crew is safer than having a serious terror spider infestation.
  • If you are science, make decloners. If you can't make those, make AEGs or lasercannons. Make sure security have them. Night vision HUDs help too. The absolute best weapon against Terror Spiders are mechs, especially mechs with lasercannons. You may not have the resources to construct those, however.
  • If you are medical, try to get a white terror victim into a sleeper, and use dialysis. There is an antidote to their venom, but you require the venom itself to make it. The antidote is something that should be issued to all crew who might encounter white terror spiders.
  • If you are cargo, consider ordering eguns/laserguns.
  • If you are command, get the crew organized. Remind people of what to do, and what not to do. Remind the assistants that these things are serious business, and hunting them with a toolbox is suicide.

Playing Them

  • Destroy lights. You can smell blood, and see in the dark. Crew can't.
  • Destroy cameras. They emit light, and let the AI see you.
  • Incapacitate crew. Once incapacitated, drag them to a green, who will web them and drink their blood.
  • Spin webs. They stop crew in their tracks, and even block shots to a limited extent. They have no effect on you, or any other terror spiders.
  • Ventcrawl to find targets, and to escape groups of armed humans.
  • Each spider type has its own strengths and weaknesses. Know them. Don't try to fight a mech with a black, a chemist with a white, or a sec officer with a gray.
  • Follow the orders of the Queen of Terror, if one exists. The queen has the right (and the brute strength!) to tear you in half if you don't.
  • If you are injured, go after easy targets for awhile. You regenerate slowly over time.

Terror Spider Abilities

Name Requirements Cooldown Description
Regenerate N/A N/A Terror spiders constantly regenerate health at a low rate. Webbing a corpse increases the rate of regeneration.
Ventcrawl N/A 10 seconds Alt-click on any non-welded vent or scrubber to enter it. After a few seconds, you can move freely through the pipe system, emerging at any other connected vent or scrubber, so long as it is not welded shut.
Web N/A 15 seconds Spins a Terror Web. These will block some projectiles one time, and ensnare any humanoid who enters them for several seconds.
Green Eggs type: Green Terror once per corpse Lay eggs which can hatch into red, gray, or green terror spiders. Requires feeding from one corpse for each batch of eggs to be laid.
Queen Abilities
Queen Eggs Queen only 2 minutes Lay eggs which can hatch into red, gray, green, white, black, or purple terror spiders. Unlike with the green-level ability, Queens do not need to feed before doing this.
Empress Abilities
Empress Eggs Empress only ??? As Queen ability, but able to lay eggs for all other types, including Queens and Mothers.
Empress EMP Empress only ??? Emits an EMP, affecting a huge area.
Empress Screech Empress only ??? Breaks lights, glass windows, cameras and some other glass-containing objects over a wide area.

Infestation Types

There are several types of terror spider infestation:

  • Scouting Party: Normal spider events have a low chance to spawn a few terror spiders, instead of normal spiders. This event is intended to teach players about what they are, and how to kill them.
  • White Infestation: A new event type, where a few White Terrors arrive on the station. The people they bite are infected with spider eggs, spiderlings hatching from their skin. These spiderlings grow up into vicious killing machines.
  • Queen Infestation: A Queen of Terror arrives on the station. She chooses a nesting site, and begins to build an army of spiders to try to exterminate all non-spider life on the station.

Objects & Drops

  • Spiderling: Non-playable baby spiders. They move very quickly and like to hide in vents. Humans must kill them. Spiders must keep them alive.
  • Terror Webs: Extremely sticky webs placed by spiders. Can be destroyed easily. Attempting to walk through them is highly likely to ensnare any human. These are much more dangerous than normal spider webs.
  • Spider Fangs: The razor-sharp fangs of a terror spider. Useful as a melee weapon.
  • Spider Carapace Armor: Plates from a terror spider's hide, fashioned into a crude suit of armor. Provides protection similar to a suit of security armor.
  • Spider Conductive Silk: The conductive silk from inside the silk glands of a terror spider. Can be used as wiring.


  • Do terror spiders need oxygen? No.
  • Are they affected by space/pressure? No.
  • Can I kill them with fire? Yes.
  • Can I kill them with toxins? No. They ignore plasma in the air, and syringes/syringeguns don't work on them (they do not process reagents).
  • How do I play as one? Click on it as a ghost. There may also be a notice in ghostchat when a terror spider is controllable.
  • Can adult terror spiders travel through vents? Yes.
  • Can I play as a spiderling? No. You wouldn't want to anyway - they die in one hit.

Guide For Admins

  • To automatically spawn an infestation, use the "Terror Spider Invasion" major event.
  • To manually start a small infestation, spawn 1-3 /mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/poison/terror_spider/green anywhere there is a vent.
  • To manually start a medium infestation, spawn 1-3 /mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/poison/terror_spider/white anywhere there is a vent.
  • To manually start a large infestation, spawn 1 /mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/poison/terror_spider/queen in an isolated area with an unwelded vent.
  • To help crew deal with an infestation, provide them advice (use mechs, weld vents, use decloners, etc), equipment (as listed above), or manpower (red/gamma ERT). A queen declaring war on the station should get the same level of response as out-of-control xenos or out-of-control blob.
  • To completely remove an infestation via adminbus, spawn an /mob/living/simple_animal/hostile/poison/giant_spider/empress, take control of it, and use the "Erase Brood" verb. This will kill ALL other terror spiders over the course of several minutes. They will not drop any loot when they die. After doing this, aghost out of the empress, and delete it. Empresses have NO AI at all, and should not be left uncontrolled.