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Security Department

As the station's first line of defense against Evil, the Security Department is the most dynamic and challenging department on the station. While the learning curve of Security is not terribly steep, it's important to have a solid grasp on game controls as well as possess an open mind. The Security Department demands that officers have basic knowledge of Space Law and their Standard Operating Procedure; as part of this knowledge, an officer should be able to do the following: Properly utilize security records and statuses; arrest, process, and search wrongdoers; and hand out permanent and timed sentences in an expedient manner.

The Security Department's primary goal is to protect the crew and maintain order on the station. Officers should be aware of the various antagonists on the station, how to spot them, and how to deal with them effectively within the boundaries of the law. Members of the Security Department should know what levels of force to use against different targets. While not required, it's extremely beneficial for Security officers to learn how to hold their own in combat by learning proper fighting techniques, usage of available equipment, and tactical thinking.

The many moving parts and requirements of the Security Department can quickly add up and become overwhelming. It is important for every officer to understand not only how to enforce the law, but how the law restricts officers. Officers should pay attention to Station Alerts and how their rights and freedom of action change with the alerts. As officers become more experienced, they should know both the Internal Affairs Agent and Magistrate's roles in the Nanotrasen legal system and where officers fit into it. Ultimately, roles in the security department are punishing but extremely engaging; the officers who get the most out of the role are the ones who balance their pace and self-autonomy in order to give out fair sentences that serve to improve the experiences of others.

Officer Basics

A diagram of Space Law authority on station

While roles in the security department have different responsibilities, equipment, and restrictions, it is helpful to master a few key skills. By learning these skills and utilizing proper communication, any security department can find success. Newer officers should always ask questions and stick with experienced officers until they feel comfortable enough doing their job without assistance. While not every experienced security officer is willing to let you shadow and walk you through the rigors of security, it is very helpful to ask as the right mentor can make learning extremely rewarding, fun, and easy.

Security Hierarchy

While all members of the security department report to the Head of Security (HOS), who has authority over what can be a little more complicated. The Head of Security has full decision-making power over all security matters and is only superseded by the Captain. In order to expedite sentences and better manage the department, the Head of Security will often have a Warden working beneath them. The Warden does not necessarily have more authority, than Security Officers but they do have full authority over the brig, prison wing, and armoury. When the HOS is not making a decision over sentencing, officers should look towards the warden. The Detective, a security support role, has less authority and power than your standard Security Officer, but still reports to the same people as Security Officers.

Since Space Law extends beyond the security department, the Head of Security does not have ultimate authority over Space Law matters; instead, the Magistrate has the final say over any sentencing and even supersedes the Captain. The only higher authority is Central Command. If you ever believe that Space Law is being enforced improperly, you should take your concern to the Magistrate. If even the Magistrate is failing to do their job, you should take up your concern with an Internal Affairs Agent or the Nanotrasen Representative, as they deal with Standard Operating Procedure issues.

Security Equipment

The main article for this section is Security Items

Security officers would have no way to enforce the law without having the right loadout. Most equipment that officers will end up using is available in the various Security lockers in the Locker Room and also in the SecTech Vendor which is found in the equipment room. The SecTech Vendor dispenses handcuffs, energy bolas, evidence bags, seclites, flashes, flashbangs, and for the hungry cop in all of us: doughnuts.

General Security Items

SecHud.png HUDSunglasses - Provides basic flash protection and allows officers to set security records on-the-go. Has the added benefit of listing a person's profession, arrest status/criminal status, and mindshield implant status when they are worn, in the form of icons above said person.
Disabler.png Disabler - An officer's main weapon, shoots disabler bolts which will slow a criminal after 2 hits, and stun them in 4. More can be acquired from the armoury
Secbelt.png Security Belt - Allows the storage of up to 6 security items.
Stun Baton.gif Stun Baton - Used to stun targets for a few seconds in melee, allowing for an arrest to be made. Has a surprisingly large (but still finite) power cell that can be replaced with a screwdriver. Will do damage if used on harm intent.
Flash.png Flash - Disarms and disorients anyone without eye protection. Disables Cyborgs temporarily when used on them. Is likely to burn out if used repeatedly.
Handcuffs.png Handcuffs - Restrains targets and prevents movement when they are bucklecuffed or pulled. Click on someone to start handcuffing them. You'll both need to stay next to each other without moving for them to work.
Zipties.png Zipties - Same as the handcuffs, however, the time to cuff someone and break out of them is reduced. One time use.
Pepperspray.png Pepperspray - Stuns and disorients when used on someone without mask protection. Can be refilled at a pepper spray dispenser.
Flashbang.gif Flashbang - An area-of-effect version of flash, with a timer of 5 seconds. Everyone in sight of it without flash or hearing protection will be blinded, confused, knocked down, and deafened for some time. Standing directly on top of it will stun no matter what.
Ebola.png Energy Bola - A thrown weapon which legcuffs (slowing) anyone it hits even if the target is immune to projectiles. Invaluable when dealing with Sleeping Carp and narcotics users.
Seclite.png Seclite - Security Flashlight, or Seclite for short. Can be attached to most firearms (removable with screwdriver).
SecHailer.png Security gas mask - Can be used to shout at criminal scum with an intimidating voice, serve as an internals mask, and protect against pepper spray.
Normalarmor.png Standard Armor Vest - Good for absorbing a bit of every damage.
Helmet.png Helmet - Good for absorbing a bit of every damage, prevents headsets and sunglasses from being removed while equipped.

More advanced equipment is stored in the Armoury and is only handed out with Warden and/or Head of Security approval. Remember to put it back if the threat is over. (See below)

Armoury and other Restricted Equipment

Energy Gun.gif Energy Gun - Usually only handed out by the Warden when things have really hit the fan. Has two modes, click the weapon in your hand to switch between disable and kill.
Laser Gun.png Laser Gun - While more efficient than an energy gun, (it has a capacity of 12 shots instead of the energy gun's 10), it only has a kill mode.
Riot Shield.png Riot Shield - Protects from melee attack in the direction you are facing and has a 50% chance of negating incoming damage or projectiles. Can't fit in backpacks.
Riotshotgun.png Riot Shotgun - Can fire a wide variety of shells, from rubber and beanbag shells that deal stamina damage, to all kinds of Technological Shells created by Science.
Ion Rifle.gif Ion Rifle - Useful against targets that can be EMP'd. Does serious damage to Cyborgs, AIs, and IPCs. Can also disable any technology targets are wearing and disable implants/cybernetics. Useless against biological threats.
Various body armor and helmets - See this for more information.

Important Locations

Arrivals Checkpoint]: This checkpoint is near the Arrival Shuttle. Contains a recharger, various Security consoles, and a locker with security gear. Late-joining security officers might find it to be a good idea to take the equipment from here. (Note: the locker is a very desirable target for antagonists. Consider securing it if hostiles have been confirmed.)

The Brig: The main imprisonment area. Has single-person cells that are used for timed sentences.

Security Office: Useful for when security holds meetings/debriefs or an officer would like to take a break in a relatively safe location.

Equipment Room: The central area for incoming and outgoing officers to get equipped with either basic equipment or requisitions from the Armoury or Secure Armoury.

Armoury/Secure Armoury: Security's main weapons repository, under the jurisdiction of the Warden and Head of Security. Contains extra disablers, Energy Guns, Laser Guns, Riot Shotguns (with a variety of ammunition), Ablative Vests, an Ion Rifle, Security Hardsuits, Bullet Proof Armour, and Riot Suits. You can also find Portable Flashers and Barriers, in addition to a selection of implants, extra handcuffs, flashbangs, a toolbox, and EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) gear.

Detective's Office: Contains a camera monitor in the shape of a TV, Medical and Security records consoles, and the basic equipment needed for conducting interviews or cataloging evidence.

Head of Security's Office: The HoS's man cave, contains a keycard authenticator, requests console, various consoles, a fax machine, and the HoS's personal equipment. Beware of Araneus.

Processing: Where Security Officers and the Warden search and process prisoners prior to bringing them to a cell.

Interrogation: Used to interrogate suspects in relative privacy.

Prison Wing: Contains the Permabrig, Solitary Confinement cells, Prisoner Equipment Storage and the Execution Room.

Labour Camp: Where permanent prisoners can be sent to mine and serve their sentence. Contains a small observation area manned by Prison Ofitser (Beepsky's long-lost cousin) and a maintenance section, with both locked behind Security access. Includes basic prisoner accommodations with small dorms, a cryo sleeper, bathroom, and breakroom containing complementary vendors, as well as the utilities prisoners will need for their work, including rudimentary mining equipment, a minimalistic Infirmary, a special variant of mining equipment vendor, and an ore redemption machine without access requirements.

Warden's Office: Where the Warden can monitor Security Records and the Camera Network. Also contains a Prisoner Management console, which lets you set the number of Mining Points a Labour Camp prisoner needs to collect (via the Prisoner ID), as well as check up on anyone with a Tracking and Chemical Implant.

Gamma Armoury: A secured pod held in reserve that can only be deployed to the station during Gamma-level emergencies at the discretion of Central Command. Contains an Ares heavy Exosuit with attached charging facilities, a Shielded Security Hardsuit, hacked upgraded Autolathe, materials, Combat Shotguns, Saber SMGs, AEGs, Ion Rifles, Medical Beamgun, Combat Knives, Clusterbang, Incendiary Grenade, and two wall rechargers.

Introduction to Space Law

The core purpose of officers aboard the station is to maintain order by enforcing laws and standards set by the Nanotrasen Board of Directors outlined in Space Law. Not only are crimes defined in this document but the procedure is established in it for enforcing the law, handing out sentences, and handling special circumstances. New officers should focus on getting acquainted with the basics of Space Law and associated Standard Operating Procedures surrounding arrests and brigging.

Crimes are broken up into three digit crime numbers. The first digit denotes the severity of the crimes (minor, major, capital, etc) and the following two digits denote the type of crime (assault, trespassing, etc). An officer should know basic crime codes up to the 300 level which are Minor, Medium, and Major Crimes. Additionally, it is very critical to read up on Space Law sections such as Interpretation of the Law, Crime Stacking, and Brig Procedures. This is the foundational knowledge required in order to perform official duties, before reading through these parts of Space Law a new officer should absolutely not be making arrests or handling sentencing without being closely monitored and mentored by an experienced officer.

Once read up on Space Law, new officers should read through their Standard Operating Procedure in order to understand the procedure for making arrests, brigging, and utilizing security equipment so they don't accidentally commit a fireable offense. Both Space Law and officer SOP should be pulled up in a browser tab during gameplay in order to quickly reference it while performing duties. This recommended literature only brushes the surface of Space Law and Security/Legal Procedure, all of which will be picked up later as new officers gain experience.

Security Statuses and Records

SecHUD Icons corresponding to Crew Security statuses, from left to right: Execute, Wanted, Search, Incarcerated, Demote, Monitor, Parole; below, Released. Crew with blue dots (chemical) or red dots (tracking) have implants and crew with green outlines on their occupation are mindshielded. Keep in mind that mindshields and implants that show up on the SecHUD can be acquired through mining or the science department!

Enforcing the law would be much more difficult without proper documentation and records. Each crew member has an established security record with basic information about the person, a comment log of crimes/briggings, and security status. The record gives an appearance of the crew members, their occupation, fingerprint data, and blood type all of which is important for identifying them, this information is available through the security records console; Furthermore, there are other data that can be added by officers if further documentation is deemed necessary. The comment log is most important because it lists changes in statuses, any briggings, and which officer performed the action.

Security statuses are important because it is how the security department records crew members with warrants, sentences, or other special circumstances that involve security. Both the comment log and security statuses can be viewed and edited by examining a crew member while having a SecHUD active. When editing either of these, it's important to provide a clear and concise reason as to why the change was necessary. Some statuses need permission from specific people an cannot just be set on the authority of any officer: the Head of Security or Magistrate must be consulted to set Search on green alert; Heads of staff or the Captain must authorize demote statuses; Parole for capital crimes and Execution can only be authorized by the Magistrate or Captain.

Examples of Possible Security Statuses:

  • Arrest, "EOC/Syndicate - by possession of S-class, that is a .357, fired it at Medbay according to the AI"
  • Arrest, "308, Major trespass, to Bridge, slipped the Captain."
  • Incarcerated, "EOC/Syndicate - sentenced: 400 Grand Sabotage, released the engine
  • Monitor, "A medical doctor that took equipment and has never been seen again, according to the CMO. "
  • Search, "Search warrant - Detective says their prints are on an empty syndicate EMP kit box. Search on spot, release, and set to Monitor if nothing found."
Status Purpose and Usage
Hud wanted.png
  • Set on crew members that need to be detained/arrested
  • By standard, people with this status are to be transported to the Brig Processing Area to settle their case.
  • Any Security Bots (ED-209s included) will immediately attempt to apprehend anyone with this status.
Hud search.gif
  • A crew member that needs to be checked for contraband through a search
  • Crew are to be searched at the spot they are found or relocated if in a dangerous area
  • Dependent on the results of the Search performed, the crews status should be set to Arrest, Monitor or Released.
  • Crew members that illegally refuse a search should be charged with resisting arrest
Hud prisoner.png
  • The Cell Computers will automatically set their inhabitant's security status as Incarcerated, commenting their charges and sentence to the security comments, given that you typed their name correctly to the machine.
  • Prisoners with Prisoner IDs have this status by default, and it cannot be changed.
  • Only use prisoner ID's to the permanent inmates, as their own ID is to be terminated after their procession.
  • Officers will need to manually update the status of permanently sentenced crew to Incarcerated as they are not done automatically
Hud parolled.png
  • Parole is to be used in special cases defined by Legal SOP and Space Law.
  • A person that is guilty of a crime, but due to special circumstances is not supposed to be detained or imprisoned (for the time being), should be treated like a monitor status.
  • Should not be set without the explicit orders of the HOS, Captain, or Magistrate.
Hud released.png
  • Crew will automatically receive a Released status by their Cell Computer upon the timed sentence ending.
  • People with a Release status, by standard, do not require further attention from Security, but the status indicates that crew member has been brigged or searched before.
Hud demote.png
  • Demote is a status designed for cases of demotion, the Captain, Magistrate, or a Department Head can set this status for employees that require demotion.
  • Crew should be given time to voluntarily hand over their ID and security is permitted to detain or escort delinquent crew members to the Head of Personnel's Office.
  • In cases where the crew member is detained or incarcerated, security should instead deliver the ID to the HOP.
Hud monitor.png
  • Monitor is another security status that requires no action, with the intent being to mark those who are acting suspicious and observations, but are not yet grounds for a legit Arrest.
  • A crewmember with Monitor is not to be apprehended, but rather to be watched; for example, if they are a lead, one possible culprit, or a suspect in an unsolved crime.
Hud execute.gif
  • The Execute status is only available to modify from a Security Records Console; Altering the status requires a HoS or Captain level ID.
  • Personnel with Execute status are to be subdued with nonlethal force in order to perform a formal execution. If the situation does not warrant capturing them, Deadly Force is authorized.
  • Any Security Bots (ED-209s included) will immediately attempt to apprehend anyone with this status.

In case the secHUD says: "ERROR: no datacore entry found of this person", it could mean one of the following:

  1. They do not have an ID visible,
  2. Their security record or the datacore is completely wiped, crafty traitors can try to delete their records in order to confuse Security.
  3. They did not have a security record in the first place, that is, and likely are not crew or are using a fake identity; This is common with agent IDs and Lavaland inhabitants

You can always create a new record at the Security Records Computer if this happens: check first if a datacore for the name is present (their name appears at the overview, the manifest), in case it doesn't, scroll to the end of the screen to add a New Record, then open that and fill in the name of the target, and in the end, click "Create Security Record" and alter the status as desired.


Bio-Chip Purpose and Usage
Mindshield Bio-Chip
Hud imp loyal.gif
  • Any mindshielded personnel is immune to hostile brainwashing, such as cult conversion and mindslave bio-chips.
  • Security staff, legal staff, Nanotrasen's dignitaries and the Captain are all mindshielded at the start of the shift.
  • Mindshield bio-chips can be found in the Armoury and Head of Security's locker. More mindshield bio-chips can be ordered from Cargo.
Tracking Bio-Chip
Hud imp tracking.gif
  • Anyone injected with a tracking bio-chip have their exact location tracked on the Labour Camp Points Manager console and GPSes.
  • All parolees should be injected with a tracking bio-chip as outlined in Legal Standard Operating Procedures. Anyone that is being charged with Inciting a Riot should be injected with a tracking bio-chip as outlined in Space Law.
  • Tracking bio-chips can be found in the Armoury. More Tracking bio-chips can be ordered from Cargo or manufactured by Research.
  • Note: Miners can purchase tracking bio-chips from their Vendors.
Remote Chemical Bio-Chip
Hud imp chem.gif
  • Remote chemical bio-chips can hold 50u of any chemical. Chemicals can be transfered to and from remote chemical bio-chip cases with a syringe.
  • They can have their contents injected 1u, 5u or 10u at a time through the Labour Camp Points Manager consoles. The implantee can inject the whole chemical payload at will.
  • Remote chemical bio-chips can be found in the Armoury. More remote chemical bio-chips can be ordered from Cargo or manufactured by Research.

Enforcing the Law

When a crew member commits a crime as defined by Space Law, security will need to detain the crew members, determine their punishment, and carry out the punishment. Both the crime committed and the perceived threat of the criminal will determine how an officer will need to approach an arrest. Not only are there over 30 different crimes, but many of them have different punishments associated with them with vastly different implications for the criminal. Different types of punishments call for different levels of imprisonment as well as identifying special circumstances that may modify the sentence completely. It is important for officers to know their role in the legal process as well as understand how that role (and its restrictions) change with station alerts.


See also Security SOP

Once a crew member has committed a crime or has a warrant set out for their arrest, a security officer will need to detain them and bring them to the brig. How an arrest is conducted is not uniform across alerts and different scenarios. Normally, you want to arrest someone with a minimal amount of fuss. If someone's committed a crime, but isn't acting hostile or a threat, try talking to them and getting them to come willingly no matter the alert. The best way to begin an arrest is to point at the crew member and yell "HALT."

Green: Security officers will need to have a warrant (arrest status set after discussion in sec comms) or a solid reason for performing an arrest on a crew member. Officers once they have approached the suspect will need to request that the subject halt where the reasons for the arrest will be clearly laid out. Officers should attempt to escort the crew member to the brig without the use of handcuffs or force unless the subject resists the arrest. The usage of non-lethal equipment is NOT permitted to be used or brandished unless the subject resists arrest

Blue: Security officers still will need to have a warrant or a solid reason for performing an arrest on a crew member. While the same restrictions from Green Alert apply, officers can utilize more discretion in arrests and more often opt for the use of non-lethal force if there is a perceived threat to the officer's life. Officers may brandish lethal and non-lethal equipment during arrests.

Red Alert: Security officers do not need to have a warrant to perform an arrest, only reasonable suspicion. Restraining of crew members is encouraged instead of opting for a peaceful escort to the brig.

If a crew member is not actively resisting arrest, it is important that officers make it clear to the crew member that they are being arrested. If not being escorted peacefully, officers will need to immediately restrain the crew member with zip ties or handcuffs. Batons, Disablers, or any other stunning equipment should generally only be utilized if the crew member is actively committing crimes, committed a 300+ crime, or resisting arrest. Resisting arrest is when a crew member refuses to comply during an arrest by running away, attacking the officer, or otherwise refusing to follow the orders of the officer. Once the crew member is brought to the brig, they will need to be processed.


Once an officer has arrested a crew member, they will need to process them. This entails questions, searching, and preparation of the arrested crew member prior to final sentencing or release from custody. The crew member should be immediately brought to processing and bucklecuffed to an open chair. Although the Warden is in charge of processing and oversight of brigging, it remains the arresting officer's responsibility to ensure that the arrested are fully processed unless the Warden agrees to take over. The following steps should be taken when a criminal is arrested:

  1. Ensure the crew member is fully restrained to a chair (unless they came voluntarily);
  2. If not already set, an arrest or search status for the crew member should be set with a clear reason (important if someone has to take over for you);
  3. Removing any containers, the contents of pockets, and potentially dangerous equipment from the crew members:
    1. Do not remove Vox N2 Internals or mask and do not remove enviro suits from Plasma People, they need those to survive,
    2. Thoroughly search boxes, belts, and job bags;
  4. Any discovered contraband or equipment used in a crime should be put into evidence bags and deposited in Evidence Storage;
  5. Once searched, interview crew member if needed, then discuss possible charges with other security officers, the Warden, the Magistrate, or the Head of Security;
  6. If it is thought that the crew members may be a Syndicate Mindslave, Cultist, Revolutionary, or a Vampire thrall, officers should focus on deconversion rather than proceeding with sentencing;
  7. If the crew member is not suspected of being brain-washed, proceed with applying the sentence.

While detained, if a crew member is suspected of a crime but there is no clear evidence has been provided to implicate them, they cannot be held in processing for more than 10 minutes. Once the 10 minutes have elapsed, the crew member should be immediately released with all of their items. Additionally, only Contraband defined in Space Law or items used to commit a crime (bloody pickaxe, wirecutters for B&E, beaker with poison, etc) should be placed in evidence; All other items should be kept with the crew member and returned upon release. If an item was stolen (and not specifically used in a crime), it should be returned to its respective owner or department after being confiscated.

Timed Sentences

The main article for this section is Legal SOP
See also Brig Procedures
The User Interface for setting a timed sentence in the Brig, allows for specifying details of crimes as well as resetting or ending timed sentences.

If a crew member is found guilty of a 300 level crime or lower, they will be required by law to serve a specified amount of time in one of the Brig cells. At this point the criminal should have been processed, contraband stripped from them, and the crime determined. If not done yet, the criminal needs to be informed of all charges levied against them as well as the associated time of brigging. The criminal should then be delivered to one of the empty cells in the brig after which they should be stripped of any tools, equipment, or apparel that could prove harmful to an officer or enable escape. The criminal is by law guaranteed to keep possession of their jumpsuit, shoes, radio, and ID Card (except when they have access to the cell door). The Officer will need to buckle cuff the criminal to the bed so they can fill out the cell console right next to the secure windoor.

The cell console will have options for crewmember names, charges, and duration of their sentence. The crew member's name must be exact for the cell computer to automatically set the crew member's status and properly log the brigging. Each charge should be written out in name or in crime code form and the proper timing set. Once submitted, the locker inside the cell will lock and the timer will begin. After setting the timer, officers should retrieve the handcuffs from the criminal and leave them to serve their sentence. For particularly dangerous criminals, non-lethal stuns should be utilized to prevent the crew member from retaliating during the retrieval process.

If a prisoner is being rowdy, vandalizing their cell, or attempting to escape, officers should follow the provisions set by Space Law for these situations.

Sentence Modifiers

The main article for this section is Modifiers & Special Situations

Sentencing is not a binary task, there are a lot of special circumstances that may exacerbate or nullify sentences to crimes. Here is a short breakdown of the most notable ones you should know as a security officers:

  • Aiding and Abetting - If a crew members assists a criminal with a crime they receive the equivalent of partner's sentence.
  • Medical Attention - After a prisoner is processed, any time spent receiving medical attention will count towards time served.
  • Cooperation with Security - If a crew member reveals credible information during questioning they receive a 50% reduction in time sentence.
  • Surrender - If a crew member voluntarily turns themselves in they receive a 50% reduction in time sentence.
  • Refusal to Cooperate - If a crew member tries to run away from or intentionally slows down processing they receive 50% addition to their timed sentence.
  • Repeat Offender - +10 mins on 3rd same offense, a permanent sentence on 5th same offense.
  • Hostile Brainwashing - Deconversion & Released with no time served.
  • Self Defense - Crew members that justifiably harm others to save their life while being attacked should be absolved of any X02 type crimes.

Permanent Sentences

The main article for this section is Legal SOP

If a crew member is found guilty of an exceptional or capital crime or of being an Enemy of the Corporation (EOC), they will instead be placed in permanent imprisonment (generally referred to as "perma"). Permanent Sentences can only be authorized by the Magistrate, Captain, Head of Security, or Warden. The procedure for this type of sentence is different than timed sentences and is much more detailed and lengthy. The Warden (or HOS) should always be involved in the permanent brigging of a crew member.

Once a crew member has been charged with a permanent crime they will need to be implanted with a Tracking Implant. After this, they will need to escort to the Prison Wing where they should be stripped of all belongings to be stored in a secure locker. They will then need to be equipped with orange prison shoes and jumpsuit, a generic radio, and a prison ID. During or immediately after this process, the criminal's ID should be delivered to the Head of Personnel so it can be terminated. The criminal should then be put into permanent imprisonment or a holding cell if perma is not safe. Since this is a dangerous process due to other prisoners being in perma, it is important to use the blast door airlock system and non-lethal stuns. The Warden should periodically check on perma prisoners to ensure they are still there and breathing.

If a prisoner escape permanent containment, they are considered kill on sight (KOS), and lethals are encouraged in their apprehension.
Note: Vampires should be equipped with a security muzzle and periodically fed monkeys while in perma.


The main article for this section is Legal SOP

From time to time, a crew member will have an execution order placed for them. This is generally because they have either committed a capital crime, they are imprisoned and requested execution, or they were imprisoned and attempted to escape perma. While it is easy to just end someone's life and declare them executed, execution is a very specific and legal process that should not be taken lightly. As detailed in Space Law when the situation does not fall under the permissible situations of Lethal Force, any unauthorized Executions are, legally, Murder.

Executions statuses can be only be set through the security records console on the authority of the Magistrate or Captain, they cannot be altered through secHUDs. Doing this will prompt for a valid reason for execution, and this must be given. A notice will be sent to Central Command regarding the execution, and the reason provided. CC may order executions halted and security investigated if a legally invalid reason is provided; This includes failing to provide a reason at all.

Once a legal execution order has been given, the execution can be legally carried out in one of these ways:

  • Firing Squad: Usually done in the firing range, but can be done anywhere inside the Brig, so long as you actually have a firing squad;
  • Electric Chair: The most often used method of execution. Kills in 1-2 pulses and leaves behind a husked corpse;
  • Lethal Injection: Located in the Execution Room's locker are a group of syringes with a deadly concoction;
  • Borgification: Normally reserved for post-execution, but can also be used as an Execution method in and of itself (though it is needlessly cruel and inhumane).
  • Asphyxiation: Located in the Execution Room's room is a chamber with a chair that can be exposed to space where a criminal will asphyxiate to death;
  • Gas Inhalation: In the execution room, there is a pipe that leads to a canister of CO2 that will allow execution through CO2 poisoning.

Note: While Asphyxiation and Gas Inhalation are currently legal execution methods, some stations such as the NSS Cyberiad do not actually have the means to carry them out.

It is highly encouraged that when the prisoner is executed, they are placed into a body bag with the label "DNR" or do no resuscitate written on it and then delivered to the Morgue. This helps ensure that the prisoner is not brought back post-mortem. Alternatively, they can be delivered to Robotics to be turned into a Cyborg. As a point of warning, Changelings will regenerate from death and are not actually crew members. If identified, a Changeling is not considered crew and therefore not protected by Space Law and should be immediately executed then beheaded, borged, or cremated.

Dealing with Enemies of the Corporation

The main article for this section is Enemies of the Corporation
File:Traitor Attacking Captain.png
A Syndicate Traitor attacking the Captain in attempt to steal the Nuclear Authentication Disk

Enemies of the Corporations (or EOCs, often referred to "antagonists" OOCly) are the biggest threat to the station and the responsibility of taking them down falls to the security department. While it is common for EOCs to be inhuman or otherwise possess unnatural abilities, they can still come in generic humanoid form. EOCs are very diverse and call for different sentencing protocols and levels of engagement that officers must keep in mind.

Types of Antagonists

See also Identifying Antagonists

The galaxy is a massive place, within it contains all kinds of diverse eldritch horrors and organizations hell-bent on exerting their own control or destruction over civilizations. Occasionally they travel to the station with nefarious goals in mind that may present a threat to Nanotrasen or its employees, it is securities job to protect the station from these threats. While many antagonists can be met with full lethal force as they are "not crew members" (a.k.a not on the crew manifest) and therefor not afforded any rights under Space Law, when crew members themselves are antagonists the line of lawful action blurs as many of the crew members still have rights under Space Law provided for them. Luckily for officers, the types of rights that crew possess in cases where they are charged as an Enemy of the Corporation are very specifically listed out.

Crew Antagonists

These are antagonists that are considered as crew members: they are both listed on the manifest and most importantly have a security and/or employment record on file. Most importantly, security must also take into account that the person in question is not just posing as a crew member (and is something else entirely) and that they are not a non-crew antagonist that has completely taken over the mind of the crew member (not just brainwashed). These antagonists are not to immediately be shot on sight, but rather detained and then put through the permanent imprisonment or deconversion process.

Non-Crew Antagonists

These are antagonists that are not considered to be crew members: they are not listed on the manifest and do not possess a security and/or employment record on file. Generally these antagonists very clearly are intent on destroying the station or are very distinct biological horrors; The only exception to this is Changelings who will often pose as actual crew members on the manifest but are still not considered crew. These antagonists are to be immediately killed on sight upon confirmation of their antagonist status.

Note: The only time security would not immediately kill one of these antagonists is if they are very clearly acting in official diplomatic capacity on the authority of an organization such as the Wizard Federation or their presence is approved by Central Command.

Brainwashed Antagonists

Sometimes crew members are not acting on their own will because they have been brainwashed or mindslaved to follow directives not in their original interests. These crew members are not to be immediately shot on sight and all attempts should be made to capture them non-lethally for deconversion. In cases where lethal force is needed, they should be revived post-mortem and then deconverted and released.

The Lethal Option

See also Use of Deadly Force

As detailed in Standard Operating Procedure (Security) and Space Law, Lethal Force is authorized under very specific circumstances. Generally this level of force is authorized because the criminal is impervious to non-lethal/stun weaponry, has done a significant amount of damage to the station, or is "uncontainable."

There are a myriad of Narcotics such a Meth, Simulative Agent, Omnizine, and Synaptizine that can make a criminal particularly difficult to keep down; These often are ingested through the use of Adrenaline Implants or Donk Pockets which will actively allow a crew member to recover from stuns much faster than normal. Chemicals such as these or anti-stun implants (CNS Rebooters and Neural Jumpstarters) will make it much harder to contain a crew member. In cases where security has attempted multiple times to keep a crew member down long enough to cuff them but have not succeeded after a significant period of time, they should opt to disable them with lethal weaponry. Keep in mind that disable does not mean "kill," only incapacitate to the point where capture is possible. This is critical and necessary in cases where an antagonist is using Stimulants (not to be confused with Simulative Agent) or Hulk Powers and are completely impervious to stun unless they are put into hard critical condition.

Additionally, just because a crew member is stunnable does not necessarily mean that lethal weapons should not be used immediately. In cases where a crew member has already killed a security officer or is in possession of heavy weaponry such as a mech or explosives, it would make sense to respond with lethal force. Space Law provisions that lethal force can also be used against "uncontainable EOCs." Uncontainable EoC's are Enemies of the Corporation that would be impossible to contain within the Brig no matter what. This specifically includes full-powered Vampires and other antagonists who are able to teleport or otherwise escape cells with their powers.

Finally, how much force or if force should be used at all against crew members is a very heavily debated topic. Securities primary goal on the station is to protect the crew, and after that, apprehend wrongdoers. As part of this goal, security should be doing as little damage as possible. If an EoC can be contained non-lethal without presenting an extreme amount of danger to security officers, it should be attempted. For example, officers should opt to first disable dangerous targets either through mutadone syringes (for hulks), bolas, running down narcotics in enemies systems, or even attempting diplomacy.

Combat 101

See also Guide to Combat

While combat skills are something players will pick up along the way, there's a few general rules and concepts that one can easily pick up quite quickly.

Positioning: Where an officer is in relation to antagonists matter a lot. Antagonists often have the advantage of surprise, so unless officers are going in for an arrest they should opt to leave at least 2-3 tiles of space in-between them and a crew member. This allows officers some reaction time and insurance against instant stun weapons. Also because of this, officers should be extra careful walking through doorways or rounding corners in maintenance tunnels. If organized enough in groups, officers can also cut off antagonists by updating their position in the security channel.

Grouping: One of the most common downfalls of officers in combat is a lack of support, antagonists are much more prepared to come out on top in a one-on-one fight. Having one or even two officers backing will prevent officers from being stealthily taken out. Capturing one officer is very easy when they are alone, it can be next to impossible when there is three of them. Numbers absolutely matter.

Holstering: A lesson many officers learn the hard way is to not hold their weapons out unless they absolutely need them. All it takes is one lucky disarm for a crew member to steal a stun baton, laser, disabler, or other piece of equipment an officer is holding. Risk can be mitigated as much as possible by waiting until the moment an officer needs their weapon and also by using riot shields when available.

Smart use of Equipment: Going in for close quarters stuns is generally not a great idea in combat. Officers not only have access to bolas and disablers, but also flashbangs that have area of effect stuns. Having the proper equipment matters a lot, but it's completely moot if it's never used.

The common theme among all these recommendations is that they are all strategies implemented well before combat is actually initiated. That is because the outcome of combat is almost entirely determined by the preparation done before combat begins. Actual in-combat skills (mostly ability to click hitboxes, maneuver, and use hotkeys) is useful but matters very little when the skill gap between combatants is not large. What matters much more is how each player has positioned themselves as well as what chemicals/equipment they have prepared for themselves. An officer can easily take down three Assistants with nothing more than their flashbang and smart positioning, but in the same aspect a Traitor can easily take out 4-5 officers by using anti-stun chemicals and investing in high-damage weaponry. This is why it is critical that officers do not go head-first or alone into situations.

You and the Legal Department

The responsibilities of Security Officers only concern Space Law and officers usually only look up Standard Operating Procedure when it deals directly with arrest and brigging procedure for punishments or security position responsibilities. Both sets of legal documents are enforced by different parts of the security department, officers and the Magistrate deal directly with enforcing Space Law and dealing with threat whereas the legal sub-department or Internal Affairs is responsible for ensuring employees are performing their duties and fulfilling assigned responsibilities according to Standard Operating Procedure.

The Magistrate

As mentioned previously in Security Hierarchy, the Magistrate is the highest authority when deciding Space Law matters outside of direct Central Command orders. The Magistrate is the end all be all when it comes to determining both what crimes a crew member will be charged with as well as the associated timed (or permanent) sentence. This means they can overrule any crew member. It is imperative that the Magistrate be included in the general operations of security as they are generally very experienced and will ensure proper oversight over the department in legal matters. It is especially important that the Magistrate is consulted whenever executions are considered or the evidence is foggy for a permanent sentencing.

However, the Magistrate is not above Space Law and is not permitted to modify it. While they wield serious authority they are still restricted by the bounds of Space Law and must enforce the law with minimal deviation from sentencing guidelines. Additionally, the Magistrate must still have established proof before handing out sentences and cannot charge crew members without good reason. Finally, the Magistrate is not absolved from committing crimes and should be held to higher standards than general crew.

In cases where the Magistrate has committed a crime or is wildly misinterpreting or misapplying Space Law, their opinion on matters can safely be ignored and decisions should be defferred to the next command member in line which would be the Captain then Head of Security. When this happens, the Captain and Nanotrasen Representative should be immediately contacted and a fax sent to Central Command over the incompetence of the Magistrate. However, officers can not use this as an excuse to ignore a Magistrate just because they disagree with a ruling. The Magistrates rule is to be followed unless significant and credible evidence is provided to prove that they are otherwise incapable of fulfilling their duties.

Furthermore, the Magistrate only deals with Space Law matters and should not concern themselves with demotions or SOP violations (unless it pertains to their direct legal underlings). Matters regarding Standard Operating Procedure should be deffered to Internal Affairs Agents.

Internal Affairs

Officers may notice Internal Affairs Agents working alongside them in the security department and moving in and out of the Internal Affairs Office. These well-dressed and serious agents are tasked with ensuring that crew members are fulfilling the responsibilities of their role properly. They are not only concerned with doctors providing adequate care or cargo technicians delivering crates punctually but these agents also ensure that officers are following brig, search, and arrest procedure in a manner that is beneficial to the station and not harmful to the crew. They do not have any authority over Space Law matters and should be completely removed from security processes except as an observer and advisor. Internal Affairs Agents can and should be barred from the Brig by the Warden when the Agents insert themselves into Processing or interfere in the arrest process when not requested for by an officer.

That being said, while the agents will often scrutinize the security department they bring out the best in the department and are a very valuable resource. Most Internal Affairs Agents are extremely knowledgeable in both SOP and Space Law and will be able to answer any questions that officers may have about either legal documents. In cases where security may not be able to deal with a problem crew member because they are not breaking Space Law, an Internal Affairs Agent may be able to request a demotion for poor work performance, waste of company resources, or just general toxic behavior.

Internal Affairs Agent, next to the Head of Security or Magistrate, are the first crew members that an officer can go to in cases where they do not believe that a fellow member of the security department is fulfilling their duties in a competent manner. All one has to do is approach an agent and request a discussion with them.

Additional Information

Security Bots

The User Interface for a Bot. This allows officers to control the Bot if needed.

Security has, at the beginning of the round, three very special Security Bots (or more if Robotics is productive during the shift). These are tiny walking batons that can be summoned by the AI, or via PDA, and will proceed to stun and cuff anyone with their Security Status set to Arrest or Execute. There are four roundstart bots:
Securitron.png Officer Beepsky - Voted Best Security Officer of All Time. You will find him patrolling the hallways.
Securitron.png Officer Pingsky - Beepsky's little brother, who guards the AI Minisat in an eternal vigil.
Securitron.png Prison Ofitser - A lone Security Bot, stationed planet side in the Labour Camp.
Securitron.png Sergeant-At-Armsky - A Security Bot, patrols the coveted armoury, hilariously efficient at times.

In addition to these bots, Robotics can also produce more, as well as the dreaded ED-209

ED209.png ED-209 - a highly mobile Security Bot with a ranged disabler.

These bots have several customizable options. They can either Arrest or Detain someone (stun+cuff or simply repeated stunning, respectively), they can check for Weapons Permits on people carrying weapons and they can be set to arrest anyone not wearing an ID. In order to change the settings on security bots, officers will first need to unlock them by either swiping their ID on the bot or using their PDA options.

The Labour Camp

The Labour Camp is a Lavaland based security installation surrounded with a magma river. It serves as an alternative to the Prison Wing for permanent sentences. The benefit of placing prisoners in the Labour Camp is that they are largely out of sight out of mind all while they actively mine ore for the station. The danger of placing prisoners here is that both lavaland fauna and the environment itself presents an inherent threat to the health of prisoners. Additionally, if a prisoner has outside help, a lava boat or Rapid Construction Device is all that is needed for escape.

Since the field of view from the labour shuttle is poor, officers should be very careful when coming down to the labour camp and always bring backup. Prisoners have a much easier time setting up ambushes or making weapons while security is off-planet.

Security Hiring Policy

Much like any other job, a crew member being hired into a department requires the department heads permission. However, more scrutiny and procedure surrounds hiring security officers directly from the general crew. This method of gaining security officers is called "manifest hiring." Even though new hires to security receive a mindshield, there is no guarantee that they don't work for the Syndicate or are actually a Vampire or Changeling. While extra precaution should be taken with manifest hiring, it should not be completely avoided, especially when there is not a threat to the station or security desperately needs more officers.
Note: Players may claim that manifest hiring is against Space Law or Security SOP, however, there is nothing legally preventing it.

Crew Relations

Remember, officers, are here to protect the crew and the station. As such, keeping on their good side is generally a good idea. People will be more willing to be cooperative if officers let them know you're just trying to be helpful. Interacting with them during down times will make you seem more approachable and, above all, human. You're here to protect the crew, not rule over them like a militaristic clique. Always respond when people call for help. It may just be something minor, but it also might be something major. A crew that knows Security is always there for them is a crew that will be a lot more warm towards Security. Here's a few things you can do to improve relations:

  • Not always walking around with guns/batons out
  • Releasing prisoners early on good behavior,
  • Returning all non-confiscated items after timed sentences to crew members,
  • Not arresting every person you see committing a minor crime, sometimes it's better just to let people off with a warning,
  • Taking a moment to get the full picture before resorting to arrests and non-lethal takedowns;

As part of the nature of the job, players can be toxic and launch personal (sometimes OOC) attacks against officers out of frustration or anger. Do your absolute best not to take it personally. If a crew member is being truly toxic towards security, feel free to hand out maximum sentences as punishment and involve admins if its bad enough. "Shitcurity" is a common term used to refer to security in an especially negative connotation, however players should avoid using it ICly since it's an OOC term at this point.


  • When dealing with unruly prisoners, pepperspray is an excellent weapon because even if a prisoner disarms an officer it often can't be used against the officer.
  • remember to close and lock security lockers when you're done with them
  • DON'T RUN AROUND WITH YOUR DISABLER OR BATON OUT. This is especially true during Code Green, it is considered a SOP breach when you patrol around with your equipment in hand, and worst, someone will simply push you over and take your stuff. Not only will your fellow officers laugh at you, but you probably handed a Syndicate agent your stuff.

Additional Guides