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Going to set a personal guide for Synthetics and Robotics upon this page.

  • pAIs may become bots excluding Sec type.
  • Current meta reminder
  • c+p .png of mech equipment and set up item lists.
  • nanomachines can save countless metal stacks and can increase onboard Synthetics 10-fold as many don't do cyborgification due to the inconvenience. Have the RD upgrade the microwaves before doing this. Don't lose the bloody pills or mislabel them or bwoink death. Label them Nanomachines (u) (KILLS YOU DEAD) so there's no misunderstanding.
  • Nanomachines can affect brains, destroying them, posibraining them, or keeping them intact (?). This is unconfirmed and needs to be tested through cyborg dismantling.


For the aspiring Roboticist, this guide will explain the creation and maintenance of Cyborg, Bots, and Mechs.


See also Cyborgification Contracts. These contracts are important - without a signed, stamped contract, making a man into a machine is technically murder - no matter how much he wants it!

The Cyborg is the Roboticist's primary creation and upkeep. They are tasked with helping the station's inhabitants in their daily life and trying to kill everyone when the AI is insane. Each cyborg is required to follow the AI's laws, and may choose one of the AIs in the event that more than one exists.

pAI Bots

As a Roboticist, you may create a player-controlled bot by placing an pAI into these bots:


These will only inject chemicals if the chemical helps with the target's damage by default. Note that these don't synthesize their own chemicals, except inaprovaline.


Cleanbots are great, as they serve the exact same purpose as the Janitor, cleaning up messes like dirt, blood and vomit. Quite useful during the station's inevitable decline into violent chaos, as many of these can clean even the biggest mess. Even better is that it uses Space Cleaner to mop, so no slipping on everything!


Floorbots are nice to have around when some asshole starts crowbarring up floor tiles or some traitor has blown apart a section of the station. They zoom around and repair busted floor tiles.

Keep in mind that Floorbots have a limited number of floor tiles. This number can be observed by popping up their control panel.

Mech Equipment

  • I am currently creating a proper list for these instead of the messy list it is now.

The drill can completely destroy most objects (with the exception of reinforced walls) in a few seconds. Using the drill on someone will gib them in a few seconds. So don't do that unless you're a traitor.

When used for mining, targeted and two adjacent mineral deposits will be drilled. If Ripley exosuit is equipped with Hydraulic Clamp and has an Ore Box in cargo, all mined ore will be moved to Ore Box.
(Can be attached to: Any Non-medical(?) mech)

Diamond Drill
Essentially an upgraded drill. Isn't any stronger, but it is faster (all you need for mining really). Bug R&D to sync their servers and in no time mining can obliterate the asteroid (provided that they bring you diamonds first)
(Can be attached to: Any Non-medical(?) mech)

Hydraulic Clamp
Gives it an ability to load objects into cargo compartment, or lets you crush people with it.
(Can be attached to: All APLUs)

Mecha-mounted extinguisher. Can be refilled by clicking on the Water Tank.
(Can be attached to: Any Non-medical(?) mech)

Mecha-mounted teleporter. Can teleport mecha to any location in view. Must be researched first (Requires: 'Blue-space' Research 10, Electromagnetic Spectrum Research 5.
(Can be attached to: Any mech)

Gravitational Catapult
Can be used to throw objects around (S mode) or move them away from target (P mode). Must be researched first (Requires: 'Blue-space' Research 2; Electromagnetic Spectrum Research 3; Engineering 3).
(Can be attached to: Any Non-medical(?) mech)

Wormhole Generator
As the name implies, Wormhole Generator creates a wormhole (similar to ones spawned at Space-Time Anomalies event) at target location. Must be researched first (Requires: 'Blue-space' Research 4).
(Can be attached to: Any Non-medical(?) mech)

Mounted RCD
An exosuit-mounted Rapid Construction Device.
(Can be attached to: Any mech)

Armor Booster Module (Close Combat Weaponry)
Boosts exosuit armor against armed melee attacks. Requires energy to operate.
(Can be attached to: Any mech except honker)

Armor Booster Module (Ranged Weaponry)
Boosts exosuit armor against ranged attacks. Completely blocks taser shots. Requires energy to operate.
(Can be attached to: Any mech except honker)

Repair Droid
Automated repair droid. Scans exosuit for damage and repairs it. Can fix almost all types of external or internal damage.
(Can be attached to: Any mech)

Energy Relay
Wirelessly drains energy from any available power channel in area. The performance index is quite low.
(Can be attached to: Any mech)

Plasma Converter
Generates power using solid plasma as fuel. Pollutes the environment.
(Can be attached to: Any mech)

ExoNuclear Reactor
Generates power using uranium. Pollutes the environment.
(Can be attached to: Any mech)

Cable Layer
(Can be attached to: Any mech)

Syringe Gun
Exosuit-mounted chem synthesizer with syringe gun. Reagents inside are held in stasis, so no reactions will occur.
(Can be attached to: Any medical mech (Odysseus))

Mounted Sleeper
(Can be attached to: Any medical mech (Odysseus))

Mech Weapons

CH-PS "Immolator" Laser
Fires a Laser bolt, identical to the "laser gun".
(Can be attached to: Any combat mech (Durand, Gygax, Honker, Marauder and Phazon))

CH-LC "Solaris" Laser Cannon
Fires a Heavy Laser bolt, identical to the "laser cannon".
(Can be attached to: Any combat mech (Durand, Gygax, Honker, Marauder and Phazon))

mkIV Ion Heavy Cannon
Fires a Ion bolt, identical to the "Ion rifle".
(Can be attached to: Any combat mech (Durand, Gygax, Honker, Marauder and Phazon))

eZ-13 mk2 Heavy pulse rifle
Fires a heavy pulse laser.
(Can be attached to: Any combat mech (Durand, Gygax, Honker, Marauder and Phazon))

PBT "Pacifier" Mounted Taser
Fires a taser bolt, identical to the security taser.
(Can be attached to: Any combat mech (Durand, Gygax, Honker, Marauder and Phazon))

LBX AC 10 "Scattershot"
Fires a medium sized bullet, similar damage as the Mini-UZI.
(Can be attached to: Any combat mech (Durand, Gygax, Honker, Marauder and Phazon))

Ultra AC 2
Fires a weak bullet, similar damage as the Submachine Gun.
(Can be attached to: Any combat mech (Durand, Gygax, Honker, Marauder and Phazon))

SRM-8 Missile Rack
Fires a missile which will explode on impact.
(Can be attached to: Any combat mech (Durand, Gygax, Honker, Marauder and Phazon))

SGL-6 Grenade Launcher
Shoots out a flashbang at medium range.
(Can be attached to: Any combat mech (Durand, Gygax, Honker, Marauder and Phazon))

Banana Mortar
Shoots out a banana peel. Very annoying, thus, fun.
(Can be attached to: Honker)

Mousetrap Mortar
Shoots out a armed mousetrap.
(Can be attached to: Honker)

HoNkER BlAsT 5000
Creates a loud honk sound which will deafen, stun and paralyze your target and everybody around.
(Can be attached to: Honker)


Superiors: Research Director
Difficulty: Medium
Guides: Guide to Robotics
Access: Robotics, Technical Storage, Morgue, Research Division, Maintenance
Duties: Create and maintain a cybernetic and robotic army and build impressive mech suits.

Primarily, the Roboticist's job is to make cyborg bodies, and generally maintain activated cyborgs. Secondarily, roboticists create helpful robots like Medibots and Floorbots. A skilled set of roboticists can even build a powerful set of mech suits, primarily useful for miners, but sometimes useful for security or medical personnel as well.

Robotics and the Mech Bay

The Assembly Line

Robotics is your home as a Roboticist. It contains the Exosuit Fabricators for the creation of any robotic component you require, a few cyborg recharge stations, a few mech suit recharge stations, a chest with multiple sheets of metal, power cells, and a coil of wire, and scattered tables with a multitool, tool boxes, a few flashes, a crowbar, a proximity sensor, more scattered high capacity power cells, and a cell charger.

For Standard Operating Procedure for this role and other science roles, please see Standard Operating Procedure (Science).


You are going to be building some of the most powerful things on the station. There are a few things you should do once you spawn in your nice and clean Robotics office.

First, before you do anything else, run out of your office and go straight into Tech Storage. Tech Storage is full of things you are going to want to use, and you're going to want to try to grab:

  • Both batteries.
  • The multitool.
  • One coil of wire.
  • Both flashes.
  • The insulated gloves.

It may be a good idea to stop by Primary Tool Storage as well, for the the batteries, the metal, the glass, the proximity sensor and the tool belt. It's usually the first area hit by your rival civilians though, so don't hold your breath.

Return to your den and meet the cyborg, replace its battery for it, and kick it out. It's keeping you from important work.

Now, it's time to start building robots. The first thing you are going to want to build is a cyborg, perhaps two. Fill the Exosuit Fabricators with metal and get them working. Outside of your office, by now you may have 1-2 assistants who want you to 'borg 'em. Oblige, this is what you are here to do after all. Take out their brains after you order Cyborg parts from the cargo department, which you can do with the Requests Console conveniently placed behind the Circuit Fabricator. Once they have been 'borged, it's time to make your first mech.

Assemble your Ripley while you are waiting for the boards, and hopefully by the time they arrive the whole station hasn't gone to shit.

Preparedness is next to Godliness

Build another cyborg. Try to keep at least 1 cyborg body on standby for the inevitable train of corpses that will be coming through your door. Now you can build the fun mechs, assuming Science has been doing their part. If not, keep busy by stealing a bucket from Hydroponics, or making tons of medical droids.

Synchronize up your R&D console to process any new semi-useful designs researched by your useless colleagues, set your Exosuit Fabricators to auto-sync, and get building. Feed the Circuit Fabricator the acid sitting on it. Make sure that mining has brought you the metals you need. You will have a love-hate relationship with the science division. On the one hand they will be inventing fun toys for you, on the other they are taking all that wonderful silver from you that could be going to making a Durand. Once you do get enough ores though, it's smooth sailing. Remember your Mechs are going to be the only thing that can fight some of the powerful things that end up attacking the station, so everyone is counting on you.

Other Tips

  • Keep your metal organized, and understand how much each machine will take. (You will always need more metal.)
  • Glass and flashes are important for your robotics work, as are various devices, security equipment and rare minerals. Don't waste them.
  • Have a plan before you start building anything huge, like a mech suit. (Without the circuitry, they are useless.)
  • Make sure to perform maintenance and power cell upgrades on cyborgs that come in; NanoTrasen usually doesn't load them with anything but the minimum required power cells.
  • Tech Storage is your friend. It has two flashes, two power cells, and insulated gloves. Raiding tech storage can net you an extra cyborg exosuit before having to beg cargo for a robotics assembly. For bonus points, beg the CE/RD/AI to let you into secure tech storage to get a Robotics/Exosuit Control Circuitboard to control what you make, in case it decides to kill everyone.
  • Ensure you have proper eye protection when you weld, or you'll become blind quickly.
  • For the love of Darth Vader, unless you want people to get pissed off and break into your lab, (leading to a scuffle along with death, serious injury, and/or more death) listen for when someone calls you to your desk!


  • Make cyborg bodies and install MMI's in them.
  • Try to 'borg antagonists instead of the death penalty. They still fail, but are no longer a danger.
  • Cut AI control when the AI is rogue.
  • Make useful bots and leave them around the station.
  • Make a Ripley before combat mechs, mining usually likes this (and hopefully will like you).
  • Put beacons in all mechs lest they get stolen.
  • Make a Cyborg and Exosuit Control Console.
  • Try to make your own boards by getting acid from chemistry and getting R&D to sync the servers.
  • Remember to periodically sync your own R&D console to get the most out of their research data
  • Recognise that the QM might be more inclined to get you some metal/robot assemblies if you don't eat up all of their points with Ripley boards.
  • Put an MMI in a borg without making sure it isn't braindead (the MMI's can speak, you know).
  • Blow all the borgs because one was emagged.
  • Immediately blow all borgs in malf- instead, tell the RD to remove his console's screen, then lock the borgs and take off your console screen so the AI can't access it.
  • Try to make a mech you don't have materials for, nothing is more useless than a pile Durand limbs while you beg for metal and silver.
  • Go on mech rampages 'because you can'.
  • Be an asshat.
  • Build a mech for anyone who just comes by and asks for one.

For the aspiring Roboticist, this guide will explain the creation and maintenance of Cyborg, Bots, and Exosuits.

Robotics Equipment


Exosuit Fabricator

The Exosuit Fabricator is your main construction machine, you feed materials into it, and it builds all the things you could possibly need. It can make prosthetic limbs, cyborg parts and internal components, exosuit parts, exosuit equipment modules, and a variety of useful miscellaneous items like power cells. It has a vast variety of blueprints available to start, but certain advanced things must be unlocked by raising your research levels. These will be explained later.

In addition, the machine itself will also be upgraded by simply researching two specific techs. These benefits have no cap, and will continue to have a benefit at any increased research level (The levels themselves are capped by the availability of high tech items to research)

  • Materials research will increase material efficiency, reducing the quantity of materials you require to build things.
  • Data Theory research will increase speed efficiency, reducing the time required to build various parts

It can be upgraded

  • Upgrading the Laser will increase material efficiency, reducing the quantity of materials you require to build things.
  • Upgrading the Manipulators will increase speed efficiency, reducing the time required to build various parts
  • Upgrading the Matter Bins will allow it to store more materials


See also Cyborgification Contracts. These contracts are important - without a signed contract making a man into a machine is technically murder - no matter how much he wants it!

The Cyborg is the Roboticist's primary creation and upkeep. They are tasked with helping the station's inhabitants in their daily life and trying to kill everyone when the AI is insane. Each cyborg is required to follow the AI's laws, and may choose one of the AIs in the event that more than one exists.

Making a Cyborg

  1. Fill the Exosuit Fabricator with as much metal as it will hold.
  2. Click on the Exosuit Fabricator to open its menu. Select Add To Queue for Robot Endoskeleton, Left Arm, Right Arm, Left Leg, Right Leg, Torso, Head, Camera and Law Computer, then click on Process Queue in the right side.
  3. Wait for a few minutes for the pieces to be built. You will likely need to add additional metal to the Fabricator in order for it to finish.
  4. When putting the parts together, use the File:Robot endoskeleton.png Robot Endoskeleton as a base. Attach components by picking them up and then clicking on the endoskeleton.
    • Add 2x File:Sflash.png Synthetic Flash to the Head before attaching it. You do this by picking up the flashes and then clicking on the head. .
    • The Cyborg Torso will need 1x wires and 1x power cell.
    • The arms and legs can be done easily by simply picking them up and placing them on the Cyborg Endoskeleton.
  5. The last step is installing either an MMI or a File:Posibrain.pngposibrain.

Extract a brain for the Cyborg

Note: Check with the Chief Medical Officer before agreeing to perform a brain extraction on a living human. Medbay has anesthetics, which are optimal when someone is cutting into your skull with a circular saw. Additionally, it will clear up bookkeeping problems regarding the addition of a new cadaver in the morgue.

  1. (Optional) Complete Prepping for Surgery.
  2. Aim for the organ's location in the Damage Zone. (Head for brain/eyes, chest for heart/liver/lungs, groin for appendix/kidney)
  3. Use a scalpel to cut back the flesh.
  4. Use the hemostat to stop any potential bleeding.
  5. Use your retractors to lift up the skin.
  6. Use the saw to cut through the bones.
  7. Use the retractor to separate the bones.
  8. Use the scalpel. This will open up a window asking you which organ you'd like to cut loose. Select the Brain.
  9. Use the hemostat. This will open up a window asking you which loose organ you'd like to remove. Select the Brain again.
  10. Place the brain in an MMI.
  11. (Optional) Before you give the Cyborg a new brain, you can name it anything you or your client wants. Grab a pen and use the pen on the Cyborg to rename it. Once you place the brain in the Cyborg, this step will not be completable.
  12. Carry the MMI over to your finished Cyborg construct that you made before, and click on it to add the brain into the Cyborg.

You can also use a normal table instead of an operating table, but this has a chance of missing one third of the time.

So You Decapitated Your Patient (or someone else did it for you)

Don't panic just yet! You can still complete the brain extraction. It's actually easier then extracting the brain from an attached head. Use a scalpel, then a retractor, then a hemostat.

Cyborg Maintenance

You'll often have Cyborgs run up to you with any number of problems. Here's how to deal with them most of the time.


When Cyborgs get dented, they'll come to you for repairs. Luckily, most repairs are simple

  1. Equip a welding helmet on your head.
    • Note: Be sure to remember this step or you could go blind!
  2. Place a welder in your hand, click on it while it's in your hand to light it, then click on the Cyborg repeatedly to repair it. Engineer cyborgs can also repair themselves and other cyborgs like this.

Occasionally Cyborgs are inflicted by more advanced damage that hurts their internal wiring. If this is the case:

  1. Swipe an ID with Robotics access to unlock the panel.
  2. Crowbar open the panel.
  3. Remove the cyborg's power cell by clicking on it with an empty hand.
  4. Use a screwdriver to expose the wires.
  5. Use a cable coil to replace damaged wires.
  6. Screwdriver the cyborg to unexpose the wires.
  7. Crowbar the panel shut.
  8. Swipe an ID with Robotics access to relock the cover.

Cyborg Component Repair

Sometimes robots will have damaged components that need to be removed and replaced. Removing them is pretty straightforward.

  1. Swipe an ID with Robotics access to unlock the panel.
  2. Crowbar open the panel.
  3. Remove the cyborg's power cell by clicking on it with an empty hand.
  4. Use a screwdriver to expose the wires.
  5. Crowbar out the desired component.

Occasionally a robot will be so damaged that only the brain is salvageable, or perhaps it's volunteering for an AI core. You can remove the brain by following these steps.

  1. Swipe an ID with Robotics access to unlock the panel.
  2. Crowbar open the panel.
  3. Remove the cyborg's power cell by clicking on it with an empty hand.
  4. Use a screwdriver to expose the wires.
  5. Cut all five wires with wirecutters.
  6. Use a crowbar to remove the MMI.

Human Prosthetic Repair

You may be asked to repair damage to the artificial limbs of your fellow crew members.

To fix brute damage:

  1. Follow the same procedure as outlined above for fixing dents in cyborgs, making sure to target the specific area that requires fixing.

To fix burn damage:

  1. Use a cable coil on the damaged area.

Upgrading the Power Cell

Cyborgs that start when the game starts will likely come straight to you for an upgrade in the first few minutes of the game.

Help them out by upgrading their power cell, which will lessen the amount of time they need to visit the recharging station. Click on the Cyborg with the following items (in order):

  1. Swipe an ID with Robotics access to unlock the panel.
  2. Crowbar open the panel.
  3. Click on the Cyborg with an File:Empty hand.png empty hand to take out the power cell and replace it with the higher-capacity power cell.
    • Note: The default power cell capacity in Cyborgs is 7,500. All of the power cells you find in your office should be at least 15,000, and the Science Department can research power cells that exceed 30,000.
  4. Crowbar the panel shut.
  5. Swipe an ID with Robotics access to relock the cover.

Resetting Modules

Once a player Cyborg chooses a module (Engineer, Janitor, Security, etc) they cannot change the module without your help.

You can manually reset its module to allow it the option of choosing a new one by following this order:

  1. Swipe an ID with Robotics access to unlock the panel.
  2. Crowbar open the panel.
  3. File:Robotics reset module circuit.png Print out a reset upgrade in the fabricator, and insert it into the cyborg.
  4. Crowbar the panel shut.
  5. Swipe an ID with Robotics access to relock the cover.


Cyborgs that have had their programming tampered with can be repaired by resetting their AI connection and LawSync status, by manually pulsing the wiring.

In the unlikely event that an AI goes crazy, a trained Roboticist or other technician should be able to sever the connection to the AI entirely by cutting the correct wire.

There are three lights in the cyborg with three corresponding wires:

  • LawSync: If this light is on, it means that any laws uploaded to the AI are also uploaded to the cyborg. The cyborg cannot be given different laws to the AI as long as this is on. This light will turn off if the AI Link light is off, regardless of wire status.
    • Pulsing does nothing.
    • Cutting will do nothing, as long as the AI link light is on. If the AI link light is off, cutting and then turning the AI link back on will cause the cyborg to be slaved to an AI, but not synced with it's laws.
    • Mending this wire will turn the LawSync light back on as long as the AI link light is also on. The cyborg will then resume syncing with the AI's laws. If the AI link light is off, mending this will turn the light on, only for it to turn off again.
  • AI Link: If this light is on, it shows that the Cyborg is slaved to an AI and must follow that AI's orders.
    • Pulsing this wire allows you to pick an AI for the cyborg to be slaved to if there are multiple AIs. If there is only one AI, pulsing this will simply turn it on and slave the cyborg to it, if it is off.
    • Cutting this wire will cause the Cyborg to be unslaved from the AI and bound only by it's laws. This also turns off LawSync, as the cyborg has no AI to sync to.
    • Mending this wire does nothing. You need to pulse it to reconnect it to an AI.
  • Module Lock: If this light is on, the module of the cyborg cannot be changed.
    • Pulsing this will reset the module of a cyborg and allow it to pick a new one.
    • Cutting this wire will cause the cyborg to be locked to the standard module and be unable to change or use any items. They can still remote control devices however.
    • Mending this wire will allow the cyborg to change modules.

An emagged cyborg will have no LawSync or AI link and cannot be reset.

Remember, cyborgs are very expensive! Do not destroy them unless the cyborg is completely out of control, and resetting the AI and LawSync status doesn't work.

Creating a Spiderbot

Spiderbots are temporary bodies for brains.

They can carry around small items, zap things, move through vents and generally act like pests. They are seldom used on the Aurora, but can still be constructed.

Combine the following:

  • Robot head.
  • Manipulator.
  • Occupied MMI or positronic brain.


As a Roboticist, you serve another important purpose, making NPC robots. Robots can benefit the station in many ways, and are really easy to create. The current list of robots, and how to make them, is as follows:


These will only inject chemicals if the chemical helps with the target's damage by default.

They can also be Emagged to repeatedly inject anyone with harmful chemicals. Note that these don't synthesise their own chemicals, except tricordazine.

Combine the following ingredients in order:

  1. Cyborg Right or Left Arm.
  2. Empty File:SMed.png Medkit.
    • Note: Differently colored medkits will also change the resulting color of your Medibot.
  3. (Optional) Name the bot with a pen.
  4. health analyzer.
  5. proximity sensor.
  6. beaker filled with the medicine of your choice.


Cleanbots are great, as they serve the exact same purpose as the Janitor.

Even better is that it uses Space Cleaner to mop, so no slipping on everything!

  1. bucket (Grab it from the Janitor or make with Autolathe)
  2. proximity sensor.
  3. (Optional) Name the bot with a pen.
  4. Cyborg Right or Left Arm.

File:Floorbot.gif Floorbot

Floorbots are nice to have around when some asshole starts crowbarring up floor tiles or some traitor has blown apart a section of the station.

They zoom around and repair busted floor tiles. To make:

  1. Empty File:Btoolbox.png toolbox (Must be a blue one)
  2. Floor tile (click on a stack of metal while it's in your hand to open a menu for making these)
  3. proximity sensor.
  4. (Optional) Name the bot with a pen.
  5. Cyborg Right or Left Arm.

Keep in mind that Floorbots have a limited number of floor tiles. This number can be observed by popping up their control panel.

I AM THE LAW Securitron

Basically, Officer Beepsky without the personality.

You usually won't need to build any of these, but they can be hilariously helpful for traitors whom have invested in a Electromagnetic Card (E-mag), as they tend to run around stunning and cuffing everyone in sight. Problem is, any of these that report a Level 10 Infraction when spotting people are obviously hacked. To make:

  • Use a Screwdriver on a File:Remote signaller.pngRemote Signaling Device
  • Combine with a Helmet (Get these from Security)
  • Weld them together
  • Add a Proximity Sensor and a Robot Arm.
  • Toss in a File:StunBaton.gifStun Baton

Note that destroying a Securitron or Officer Beepsky with a melee weapon is all but impossible by yourself; striking them causes them to immediately stun and cuff you. If you work with another person you can get several hits in while it is cuffing the other person, which is often enough to destroy it outright.


Beepsky's bigger brother.

Has all of the abilities of a standard Securitron with the addition of a ranged attack. To make:

  • Use a metal sheet on a Cyborg Endoskeleton to reinforce it.
  • Add two Robot Legs and a File:Armor.pngsecurity vest.
  • Weld everything together
  • Add in a security Helmet
  • Attach a Proximity Sensor to the assembly
  • Insert wires
  • Add a File:Taser.pngTaser and attach it with a Screwdriver.
  • Insert a Power cell. Your own murder-robot is complete!

A emagged ED-209 fires deadly lasers AND attacks anyone on sight. Anyone emagging a ED-209 is advised to run like crazy.


Construction of exosuits are restricted by ID, so they are typically the product of roboticists and the Research Director. These can be tremendously helpful or tremendously annoying depending on who uses it. They take more work to make than robots and require special circuits, which are obtained through the Quartermaster or the Research and Development console.

The current list of exosuits is as follows.

Exosuit Construction

Ripley APLU

The Ripley APLU (Autonomous Power Loading Unit) is a slow moving, decently protected exosuit.

Generally, it can take down a Gygax because of the sheer power of the drill, but it does not make a good combat exosuit because it is slow and has no range. Best used against Spess carp invasions, blobs, Changelings, and for Revs (using it to breach high security areas)

To make:

  • Build all of the Ripley parts using the exosuit fabricator.
  • Build a Hydraulic Clamp and Drill
  • Attach all of the parts to the Ripley chassis (Except the Clamp and Drill)
  • Wrench
  • Screwdriver
  • Cable Coil
  • Wirecutters
  • Ripley central control module (Ordered from the Quartermaster or made by R&D)
  • Screwdriver
  • Ripley Peripherals control module (Ordered from the Quartermaster or made by R&D)
  • Screwdriver
  • 5 pieces of metal
  • Wrench
  • Weldingtool
  • 5 pieces of plasteel
  • Wrench
  • Weldingtool
  • Add the Hydraulic Clamp and Drill to the finished Ripley

The Ripley should be complete, to access it use your ID card on it. The codes on the system mean that you have to have access to those places on your ID to use the exosuit . Click finish, then right-click to enter.

Firefighter APLU

  • Create a Firefighter APLU chassis using the exosuit fabricator. It is listed under exosuit equipment.
  • Create all parts of the Ripley APLU except for the chassis.
  • Assemble all of the Ripley parts to the Firefighter chassis.
  • Add a firesuit
  • Wrench
  • Screwdriver
  • Cable Coil
  • Wirecutters
  • Ripley central control module
  • Screwdriver
  • Ripley peripherals control module
  • Screwdriver
  • 5 pieces of plasteel
  • Wrench
  • Weldingtool
  • 5 pieces of plasteel
  • 5 pieces of plasteel
  • Wrench
  • Weldingtool
  • Optimal Loadouts
    • Hull Repairs: Clamp, RCD, Cable Layer
    • Firefighting: Clamp, Extinguisher, Repair Droid


  • Create all of the Odysseus parts using the exosuit fabricator.
  • Assemble all of the Odysseus parts to the chassis
  • Wrench
  • Screwdriver
  • Cable coil
  • Wirecutters
  • Odysseus main board
  • Screwdriver
  • Odysseus peripherals board
  • Screwdriver
  • 5 pieces of metal
  • Wrench
  • Welder
  • 5 pieces of plasteel
  • Wrench
  • Welder
  • Optimal Loadout: 3 Mounted Sleepers or 2 Mounted Sleepers, 1 Syringe Gun


Rather fast security exosuit with good overall protection.

Very low battery life, so be sure to watch it. Requires diamond sheets to complete.

  • Leg Actuators Overload Function (Movement speed doubled and small amount of damage dealt with each step. Disables when Gygax integrity drops below 2/3)


  • Create all of the Gygax parts using the exosuit fabricator.
  • Assemble all of the Gygax parts to the chassis (Except the Armor plates)
  • Wrench
  • Screwdriver
  • Cable Coil
  • Wirecutters
  • Gygax Main circuit board (Bug R&D to research it)
  • Screwdriver
  • Gygax Peripherals circuit board (Bug R&D to research it)
  • Screwdriver
  • Gygax Targeting circuit board (Bug R&D to research it)
  • Screwdriver
  • Add an Advanced Scanning Module (Bug R&D)
  • Screwdriver
  • Add an Advanced Capacitor (Bug R&D)
  • Screwdriver
  • Add some metal
  • Wrench
  • Weldingtool
  • Add Gygax Armor Plates (Made in the exosuit fabricator)
  • Wrench
  • Weldingtool


A Durand is more powerful than Gygax, it has more health and better armored, but slower.

Requires silver sheets to complete.
  • Defence Mode Function (Boosts Durand armor with the penalty of not being able to move or turn)


  • Create all of the Durand parts using the exosuit fabricator.
  • Assemble all of the Durand parts to the chassis (Except the Armor plates)
  • Wrench
  • Screwdriver
  • Cable Coil
  • Wirecutters
  • Durand Main circuit board (Bug R&D to research it)
  • Screwdriver
  • Durand Peripherals circuit board (Bug R&D to research it)
  • Screwdriver
  • Durand Targeting circuit board (Bug R&D to research it)
  • Screwdriver
  • Add an Advanced Sensor Module (Bug R&D)
  • Screwdriver
  • Add an Advanced Capacitor (Bug R&D)
  • Screwdriver
  • Add some metal
  • Wrench
  • Weldingtool
  • Add Durand Armor Plates (Made in the exosuit fabricator)
  • Wrench
  • Weldingtool


Used by the ERT.

A Marauder is equipped with:

  • Heavy Pulse Rifle
  • Missile launcher (8 missiles)
  • Zoom Function (Allows you to see twice as far with the penalty of not being able to move or turn)
  • Thrusters for EVA use
  • Internal Airtank

File:Pod.png Hoverpod

Orderable by cargo, hoverpods are handy for space exploration, and are a necessary part of any adventurer's quest.

A hoverpod has three attachment slots and five cargo slots, and comes pre-equipped with:

  • A passenger compartment
  • A hydraulic clamp
  • Thrusters for EVA use
  • Internal Airtank

Exosuit Maintenance

Replacing Batteries

  • Make sure the ID upload panel is closed.
  • Hit the exosuit with your ID card or PDA with one inside.
  • Wrench
  • Crowbar
  • Screwdriver
  • Replace cell.
  • Screwdriver
  • Crowbar
  • Wrench
  • ID

Note: The default capacity of a power cell in any of the civilian exosuits is 15,000. To have any effectiveness, replace with Super Capacity Cells (20,000) or Hyper Capacity Cells (30,000). The power cells in military exosuits cannot be removed or replaced.


  • Equip a welding helmet on your head.
    • Note: Be sure to remember this step or you could go blind!
  • Place a welder in your hand, click on it while it's in your hand to light it, then click on the Exosuit repeatedly to repair it.

Removal of jammed user

If the driver of an exosuit is unconscious in his exosuit ; you are able to remove him/her by following a series of steps.

  • Make sure maintenance protocols are enabled.
  • Wrench
  • Crowbar
  • Multitool

Exosuit Equipment

Various tools and weapons can be attached to Exosuits, providng them with ability to perform different tasks. Exosuit Equipment is built by Exosuit Fabricator ("Exosuit Equipment" menu). To attach a tool or weapon, simply click with it on an Exosuit. Most Exosuits can hold no more than three equipment pieces.

Exosuit Equipment comes in several categories:

  • General: Can be attached to any exosuit.
  • Medical: Can only be attached to the Odysseus
  • Industrial: Can only be attached to Ripley and Hoverpod
  • Military: Can only be attached to Durand, Gygax, Marauder, and Phazon

Some equipments fit in more than one of the latter three categories. Where this is the case, that equipment can be used on any of the specifically named Exosuits in those categories.

There are some equipments that are also limited to single specific exosuits, those will be named in the category too where that's the case.

General Equipment

Passenger compartment - Energy Relay - Phoron Generator - ExoNuclear Reactor

Passenger Compartment
Category: General Power Consumption: 0 File:Mecha abooster ccw.png
Tech Requirements:
  • N/A
Construction Costs:
  • Steel: 5000
  • Glass: 5000
An internal sealed and seated compartment for passengers to comfortably sit and ride along, with a sturdy lock on it to prevent people entering if the driver doesn't want them to. Can only be entered willingly by the passenger, and has an emergency release on the inside to allow escape even if locked
  • Allows the exosuit to carry a passenger, they can climb into a compartment via a rightclick option from outside.
  • The passenger recieves oxygen from the internal air tank.
  • The passenger is fully conscious, able to speak, use radio etc, and can eject whenever they want.
    • Unlike the driver, the passenger can use items while inside the exosuit, but cannot drop them.
    • The passenger cannot use items on things outside the exosuit , and cannot fire guns out.
  • The passenger compartment can be locked and unlocked from the stats panel in the Exosuit Interface
    • It always starts off locked by default
    • An unlocked compartment can be entered by anyone.
  • A passenger inside the exosuit cannot be ejected by the driver. To get them out, you must Initiate Maintenance Protocols from outside the exosuit , and use the Remove Passenger option in the maintenance panel.
  • A passenger can eject even if the door is locked
  • Each Passenger Compartment holds a single passenger
  • There is no way to put someone into the passenger compartment, they must enter willingly and manually
  • This equipment uses no power even if a passenger is inside.

Energy Relay
Category: General Power Consumption: N/A
Tech Requirements:
  • Electromagnetic Spectrum Research: 4
  • Illigal research: 2
Construction Costs:
  • Steel: 10000
  • Gold: 2000
  • Silver: 3000
  • Glass: 2000
Wirelessly drains energy from any available power channel in area. The performance index is quite low.
  • Generates 12w of power per second, to recharge the battery
  • Drains 2-3Kw per from the nearest APC
  • This will usually not be enough to stop power loss when moving around, but will greatly slow it. And the exosuit will usually recharge when standing still.
  • Still drains power from an APC even when the cell is fully charged.

Phoron Generator
Category: General Power Consumption: N/A
Tech Requirements:
  • Phoron Research: 2
  • Power Manipulation Technology: 2
  • Engineering Research: 2
Construction Costs:
  • Steel: 10000
  • Silver: 500
  • Glass: 1000
A Clean-Burning reactor that uses phoron as a fuel source to recharge the power cell. Terribly inefficient.
  • Burns Phoron Crystals inserted into it to produce power
    • To pickup a phoron crystal, activate the generator as the active module, then click a phoron crystal on the ground.
  • Consumes 500 cm^3 of phoron per second to charge up the power cell
    • Consumes 100 cm^3 of phoron per second instead, when the power cell is full. Does not auto deactivate.
    • Each Phoron crystal contains 2000cm^3 of phoron, and so will run the generator for 4 seconds per sheet.
  • While running, produces 20w of power per second.
  • This generator consumes phoron rapidly, and is only really useful for mining, where you have access to an abundant supply of phoron sheets.

ExoNuclear Reactor
Category: General Power Consumption: N/A
Tech Requirements:
  • Power Manipulation Technology: 3
  • Engineering Research: 3
Construction Costs:
  • Steel: 10000
  • Silver: 500
  • Glass: 1000
A high-pollution reactor that uses uranium as a fuel source to recharge the power cell. Pretty efficient, but irradiates everyone in and near the exosuit, making it dangerous to use.
  • Steel: 10000
  • Silver: 500
  • Glass: 1000


  • Burns Uranium Sheets inserted into it to produce power
    • To pickup a Uranium sheet, activate the generator as the active module, then click a phoron sheet on the ground.
  • Consumes 30 cm^3 of Uranium per second to charge up the power cell
    • Consumes 10 cm^3 of Uranium per second instead, when the power cell is full. Does not auto deactivate.
    • Each Uranium sheet contains 2000cm^3 of Uranium, and so will run the generator for 66 seconds per sheet.
  • While running, produces 20w of power per second.
  • Irradiates everyone nearby while running, 0.9 radiation per second.
    • This affects people inside the exosuit too, making it extremely dangerous to use
  • Wear radiation-proof gear when piloting an exosuit with this module.
  • It can be useful as a weapon to irradiate people around you that you don't like

Industrial Equipment

Extinguisher - Hydraulic clamp - Drill - Diamond drill - Jury-rigged Welder Laser - RCD

Category: Industrial Power Consumption: 0
Tech Requirements:
  • None
Construction Costs:
  • Steel: 10000
Exosuit-mounted fire extinguisher, an effective anti-slime weapon. Fires in rapid, controlled bursts. Can be refilled by clicking on a Water Tank.
  • Sprays 3 tiles in an arc infront of the exosuit .
    • Sprays 5u of water onto each of those tiles
    • Then, twice,sprays an additional 5u onto one of those tiles at random.
      • This can pick the same tile both times.
  • Consumes 25u of water per use
    • Has a cooldown of 0.5 seconds between sprays
  • Holds 1000u of water
  • When used on a water tank:
    • Transfers 200u of water from the water tank, to refill the Exosuit's extinguisher
  • This actually sprays a lot less than a normal fire extinguisher per usage, about half. But it can fire 6x as fast. use it repeatedly to deal with larger fires
  • This equipment uses no power
  • Starts off full, allowing you oddly to turn metal into water.

Hydraulic clamp
Category: Industrial Power Consumption: 10
Tech Requirements:
  • None
Construction Costs:
  • Steel: 10000
Gives it an ability to load objects into cargo compartment, or lets you crush people with it.
  • Can pick up certain objects
    • Can store crates into it's cargo hold
    • Cannot pick up living organisms
  • Has a cooldown of 1.5 seconds between actions
  • Can be used to push people out of the way
    • Alternativly, can be used to crush people, causing 20 brute damage
  • ----

Category: Industrial Power Consumption: 10
Tech Requirements:
  • None
Construction Costs:
  • Steel: 10000
The drill can completely destroy most objects (with the exception of reinforced walls) in a few seconds. Using the drill on someone will gib them in a few seconds. So don't do that unless you're a traitor. When used for mining, targeted and two adjacent mineral deposits will be drilled. If Ripley exosuit is equipped with Hydraulic Clamp and has an Ore Box in cargo, all mined ore will be moved to Ore Box.
  • Can be attached to the ripley and combat mechs
  • Can drill various items
    • Drilling a sand floor on the astroid produces a heap of sand
    • Naturally designed for drilling rock walls. Drops resources in piles
      • Can also drill right trough anomalies, destroying them
    • Can drill trough walls, making it an antag favorite
    • Can drill trough floors, creating breaches
      • Cannot drill trough reinforced walls
    • Can attack people for 15 brute damage
  • Has a cooldown of 3 seconds between actions
  • ----

Diamond drill
Category: Industrial Power Consumption: 0
Tech Requirements:
  • Materiels research: 4
  • Engineering Research: 3
Construction Costs:
  • Steel: 10000
  • Diamond: 6500
A diamond version of the exosuit drill. It's harder, better, faster, stronger.
  • It is almost identical to the normal drill, but drills faster
  • Can drill trough reinforced walls
  • Has a cooldown of 2 seconds
  • ----

Jury-rigged Welder Laser
Category: Industrial, Military Power Consumption: 80
Tech Requirements:
  • Combat Systems Research: 2
  • Electromagnetic Spectrum Research: 2
Construction Costs:
  • Steel: 10000
While not regulation, this inefficient weapon can be attached to working exo-suits in desperate, or malicious, times.
  • Fires a laser which deals 40 burn damage
    • Has a cooldown of 3 seconds per shot
    • Consumes the listed power cost with each shot
  • It can fire endlessly as long as the suit's power cell lasts.
  • This is mostly similar to the Immolator laser, except that its able to be attached to industrial exosuits as well as military ones.
    • It is also much slower, and consumes much more power

Rapid Construction Device
Category: Industrial Power Consumption: 250
Tech Requirements:
  • Materials research: 4
  • Bluespace research: 3
  • Electromagnetic Spectrum Research: 4
  • Power manipulation research: 4
Construction Costs:
  • Steel: 30000
  • Phoron: 25000
  • Silver: 20000
  • Gold: 20000
An exosuit-mounted Rapid Construction Device.
  • Can build walls, floors and airlocks
    • Can also remove walls, floors and airlocks
    • Each usage consumes power
    • Created airlocks are standard all-access airlocks
  • It can fire endlessly as long as the suit's power cell lasts.

Medical Equipment

Mounted Sleeper

Mounted Sleeper
Category: Medical Power Consumption: 20
Tech Requirements:
  • N/A
Construction Costs:
  • Steel: 5000
  • Glass: 10000
An internal sleeper bed equipped with a life support system, designed to collect patients from dangerous situations and carry them to safety back at medical. This causes the Odysseus to often be nicknamed 'Ambulance'
  • Used to scoop up patients, while facing them.
  • Patients inside the sleeper are kept on life support, which does the following:
    • Provides them with air from the internal oxygen tank
    • Heals 0.5 Suffocation damage per second, if the patient is not critical
    • Paralyses, weakens and stuns the occupant, preventing them from waking or speaking, they are kept unconscious.
    • Injects Inaprovaline, and keeps the patient with at least 5u of it.
  • Deactivates if power runs out.
  • Only uses power while a patient is inside
  • Each Mounted Sleeper holds a single patient

Military Equipment

CH-PS "Immolator" Laser - CH-LC "Solaris" laser cannon - mkIV Ion Heavy Cannon

CH-PS "Immolator" Laser
Category: Military Power Consumption: 30
Tech Requirements:
  • Combat Systems Research: 3
  • Electromagnetic Spectrum Research: 3
Construction Costs:
  • Steel: 10000
A powerful mounted laser that runs from the internal power cell. Has similar functionality to an infantry Laser Carbine, but can go for a lot longer before recharging
  • Fires a laser which deals 40 burn damage
    • Has a cooldown of 0.8 seconds per shot
    • Consumes the listed power cost with each shot
  • It can fire endlessly as long as the suit's power cell lasts.

CH-LC "Solaris" laser cannon
Category: Military Power Consumption: 60
Tech Requirements:
  • Combat Systems Research: 4
  • Electromagnetic Spectrum Research: 4
Construction Costs:
  • Steel: 10000
An experimental Exosuit-mounted laser cannon. Designed as a successor to the Immolator, but scrapped due to some technical flaws.
  • Fires a laser which deals 60 burn damage
    • Has a cooldown of 1.5 seconds per shot
    • Consumes the listed power cost with each shot
  • It can fire endlessly as long as the suit's power cell lasts.
  • Less efficient than the immolator in damage/power ratio, and overall weaker in damage output over time. An inferior choice.

mkIV Ion Heavy Cannon
Category: Military Power Consumption: 120
Tech Requirements:
  • Combat Systems Research: 4
  • Electromagnetic Spectrum Research: 4
Construction Costs:
  • Steel: 10000
An exosuit-mounted ion weapon which functions similarly to an infantry Ion Rifle. Exceptionally effective against synthetics, machines, and other exosuits.
  • Fires an Ion Bolt, creating a single-tile EM Pulse on impact
    • Instantly kills IPCs
    • Damages and stuns Cyborgs
    • Cripples all mechanical organs, resulting in rapid death for vaurca and people with artificial hearts
    • Cripples prosthetic limbs
    • Disables radios, energy weapons, stun batons, HUDs, etc
    • Opens secure lockers and crates
    • Shuts down cameras, computers, APCs, alarms and almost any kind of machine
  • Has a 4-second cooldown between shots
    • Consumes the listed power cost with each shot
  • It can fire endlessly as long as the suit's power cell lasts.


eZ-13 mk2 Heavy pulse rifle
Fires a heavy pulse laser.
(Can be attached to: Any combat exosuit (Durand, Gygax, Honker, Marauder and Phazon))

PBT "Pacifier" Mounted Taser
Fires a taser bolt, identical to the security taser.
(Can be attached to: Any combat exosuit (Durand, Gygax, Honker, Marauder and Phazon))

LBX AC 10 "Scattershot"
Fires a medium sized bullet, similar damage as the Mini-UZI.
(Can be attached to: Any combat exosuit (Durand, Gygax, Honker, Marauder and Phazon))

Ultra AC 2
Fires a weak bullet, similar damage as the Submachine Gun.
(Can be attached to: Any combat exosuit (Durand, Gygax, Honker, Marauder and Phazon))

SRM-8 Missile Rack
Fires a missile which will explode on impact.
(Can be attached to: Any combat exosuit (Durand, Gygax, Honker, Marauder and Phazon))

SGL-6 Grenade Launcher
Shoots out a flashbang at medium range.
(Can be attached to: Any combat exosuit (Durand, Gygax, Honker, Marauder and Phazon))

Banana Mortar
Shoots out a banana peel. Very annoying, thus, fun.
(Can be attached to: Honker)

Mousetrap Mortar
Shoots out a armed mousetrap.
(Can be attached to: Honker)

HoNkER BlAsT 5000
Creates a loud honk sound which will deafen, stun and paralyze your target and everybody around.
(Can be attached to: Honker)

Exosuit-mounted teleporter. Can teleport exosuit to any location in view. Must be researched first (Requires: 'Blue-space' Research 10, Electromagnetic Spectrum Research 5. Currently only adminspawnable due to the high research level - don't bother, really. Or steal it from the Centcomm exosuits. You know you want to just hijack the deathsquad shuttles after taking their IDs off their burnt corpses, charge out the doors with your stolen weapons in hand, hack your way through the multitudinous doors as more security rushes in with murder in mind and pulse cannons and power armour at hand, until you finally get to your prizes, the exosuit bay - only to steal the teleporters mounted on them and scarper back to the station to use them in the destructive analyser. You know it's what you want to do. Do it. Do it. Do it.)
(Can be attached to: Any exosuit )

Gravitational Catapult
Can be used to throw objects around (S mode) or move them away from target (P mode). Must be researched first (Requires: 'Blue-space' Research 2; Electromagnetic Spectrum Research 3; Engineering 3).
(Can be attached to: Any Non-medical(?) exosuit )

Wormhole Generator
As the name implies, Wormhole Generator creates a wormhole (similar to ones spawned at Space-Time Anomalies event) at target location. Must be researched first (Requires: 'Blue-space' Research 4).
(Can be attached to: Any Non-medical(?) exosuit )

Mounted RCD
An exosuit-mounted Rapid Construction Device.
(Can be attached to: Any exosuit )

Armor Booster Module (Close Combat Weaponry)
Boosts exosuitrmor against armed melee attacks. Requires energy to operate.
(Can be attached to: Any exosuit except honker)

Armor Booster Module (Ranged Weaponry)
Boosts exosuitrmor against ranged attacks. Completely blocks taser shots. Requires energy to operate.
(Can be attached to: Any exosuit except honker)

Repair Droid
Automated repair droid. Scans exosuit for damage and repairs it. Can fix almost all types of external or internal damage.
(Can be attached to: Any exosuit )

Cable Layer
(Can be attached to: Any exosuit )

Syringe Gun
Exosuit-mounted chem synthesizer with syringe gun. Reagents inside are held in stasis, so no reactions will occur.
(Can be attached to: Any medical exosuit (Odysseus))