Blueshield Officer

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Superiors: The Chain of Command
Difficulty: Hard
Guides: Guide to Security, Space Law, Standard Operating Procedure and even a little of medical treatment.
Access: Security, Blueshield's Office, Morgue, Maintenance, Bridge
Duties: Act as a bodyguard and advisor for the Heads of Staff. Remember, All you gotta do is stick like glue to your chosen Head.

The Man In Blue

So,you've chosen to be the Blue Warden protecting one of those pesky, noisy and boring heads, huh?

Well, sucks to be you!

In fact, you will spend most of your time following a Head, protecting his life and in general being a sort-of Third Echelon with your chosen head!

There is one very important aspect of your job and it's you're not part of the Security, nor you are a Freelancer Mercenary. You are a loyalty implanted Bodyguard, so you should act as one and not running around freely ignoring that RD burning alive inside toxins or that CE is curious to see what the Singularity looks like from inside. If you spent the 30 Karma for this job, you should know that you're not a Security Officer with a private office where you can drink till you pass out, you are The Bodyguard!

Now that we pointed out this little thing, time to see what you should know and what you should do!


As you would expect, you will be looking after members of the Chain of Command during the shift, however aside from arming yourself, there is more preparation to be had. You have in your bag, in addition to default items, a box of death alarm implants along with an injector. Upon the death of anyone injected with such an implant, a station wide alert through the radio-feed will declare their demise, as well location. This can be used to quickly retrieve a body for cloning and, sometimes, catch their murderer.

One of your first acts should be to notify the heads of staff of your presence and request them to meet you at the Bridge for implantation. In this way, you can quickly administer implants before everyone gets busy and preoccupied. Be warned, though, that you don't actually have enough implants for every member of the senior staff, so prioritization is key. Additionally, all heads of staff have a right to refuse implantation. Forcing an implant on one of the people you are sworn to protect is poor form for your role and it can surely guarantee your presence will not be a welcome one.

Protection Detail

After your preparation is complete. It is up to you how you will go about your objectives, so long as you pursue them. You may choose to accompany the Captain on his ventures for the entire round, or you may decide that you wish to keep a vigil on the Head of Personnel or any other head of staff. You may also decide to not attach yourself to any particular head and instead choose to keep a constant rotation on each one, including even the NanoTrasen Representative.

One of the most important things to consider, and one that is highly stressed about the Blueshield job, is that you have little authority over fellow crew. If you cuff someone, you must take them to proper authorities for processing. You are not a vigilante. Until an emergency occurs, the role of Blueshield is heavily roleplay based. So being able to convey a character and generally have a good time roleplaying with the people you need to protect and those around you will make you a blueshield everyone wants to have around. Conversely, you are just as valid as playing a stoic character, quietly shadowing those they are sworn to protect, never speaking unless spoken to.

Additionally, as the Blueshield, you must prioritize. In an emergency, you may have to make harsh decisions, and you may need to let people die. The Heads of Staff are more important than any other member of crew, so you should not be stopped from covering your superior to save a security officer in the face of doom if it will endanger a head. Additionally, pay attention to the chain of command. The Captain is more crucial to your mission than anyone else, with the Head of Personnel and other senior staff as less prudent, though still extremely important to your mission. The NanoTrasen Representative also falls under your purview, but he is of less consequence than any of your other charges.

Due to the status of your job, it is important to know the basics of treating injuries. See the Guide to Medicine for more details. In your locker, you have an advanced first aid kit, which has splints for limb breaks, as well as trauma packs and advanced burn packs that can be used to give a moderate heal to any body area for brute and burn damage respectively.

Relation with Security

Aside from being a part of Brigston in the Nations game mode, you don't have any formal relations with the security team. You may decide to coordinate with security forces in investigations if there is evidence of a threat against command personnel, but this should not deviate you from your physical vanguard. You have a pair of handcuffs in your office, but this does not make you obligated to carry out Space Law. Apprehension of criminals is their job, and your handcuffs should be used to neutralize threats to the senior staff, only for your prize to be handed off to the Warden so you can get right back to protection detail as soon as possibly.
