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SimpleNerd (talk | contribs)
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#Destroying [[Cyborg|Cyborgs]]
#Destroying [[Cyborg|Cyborgs]]
#Cutting wires in maintenance.
#Cutting wires in maintenance.
#Deliberately causing an explosion that is confined to a small room. (About 4x4 tiles)
! 301
! 301
|'''Kidnapping an Official'''{{anchor|Kidnapping an Official}}
|'''Kidnapping an Official'''{{anchor|Kidnapping an Official}}
  Someone that holds a member of (security, command, or central command) against their will falls into this category. These are a few examples:
  Someone that holds a member of (security, command, or central command) against their will falls into this category. These are a few examples:
#Cuffing/Restraining a (security, command, or central command) member against their will, prevented from leaving.
#Cuffing/Restraining a (security, command, or central command) member against their will, prevented from leaving.
#Forcefully keeping a (security, command, or central command) member in a location against their will, prevented from leaving.
#Forcefully keeping a (security, command, or central command) member in a location against their will, prevented from leaving.
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! 302
! 302
|[[File:SL_Aggravated Assault.png]]{{anchor|Aggravated Assault}}
|'''Aggravated Assault'''{{anchor|Aggravated Assault}}
|'''Aggravated Assault'''
| To use excessive physical force resulting in severe or life-threatening harm.
  Someone that uses unlawful excessive force against someone leading to severe or life-threatening harm falls into this category. A few examples are:
| Breaking bones, disfiguring, causing internal bleeding, or otherwise putting someone into a critical state. If the victim dies as a result of their injuries, see [[#Manslaughter|Manslaughter]] or [[#Murder|Murder]].
#Breaking bones.
#Dismembering limbs.
#Disfiguring someone's face.
#Causing internal bleeding.
#Putting one into a critical state.
! 304
! 304
|[[File:SL_Posession of a Restricted Weapon.png]]{{anchor|Possession of a Restricted Weapon}}
|'''Restricted Weapon Possession'''{{anchor|Restricted Weapon Possession}}
|'''Possession of a Restricted Weapon'''
| To be in possession of a restricted weapon without authorization such as: Guns, Batons, Non-Beneficial Grenades/Explosives, etc.
  Someone that is in possession of a restricted weapon which can cause severe bodily harm without authorization. These are a few examples:
| Any item that can cause severe bodily harm carried by an unauthorized person. The Bartender is permitted their shotgun and beanbag rounds. The Captain and Head of Security can issue weapon permits. For non-restricted weapons, see [[#Possession of a Weapon|Possession of a Weapon]]. For detonation of explosives, see [[#Sabotage|Sabotage]] or [[#Grand Sabotage|Grand Sabotage]].
#Stun Batons.
#* The bartender is allowed their shotgun and beanbag rounds within the bar.
#* The Captain and Head of Security can issue weapons permits and/or give authorization to carry.  
! 305
! 304
|[[File:SL_Inciting a Riot.png]]{{anchor|Inciting a Riot}}
|'''Inciting a Riot'''{{anchor|Inciting a Riot}}
|'''Inciting a Riot'''
| To attempt to stir the crew into a riot.
  Someone that attempts to stir the crew into a riot.
| The offender should also have restrictions placed on their radio traffic and be given a tracking implant. For second offenses or violent uprisings, see [[#Mutiny|Mutiny]].
* The may also be given a tracking implant.
* Restrictions on their radio traffic should also be given.
* Seconds offenses or violent uprisings may lead to [[Mutiny|Mutiny]]
! 306
! 306
|[[File:SL_Posession of Contraband.png]]{{anchor|Possession of Contraband}}
|'''Contraband Possession'''{{anchor|Contraband Possession}}
|'''Possession of Contraband'''
|To be in the possession of contraband items. Being in possession of S-grade contraband, or committing a major crime with contraband, makes you an [[#Enemies of the Corporation|Enemy of the Corporation]].
  Someone that has C-Level Contraband on their person.
| For information on what items are contraband see [[#Contraband|Contraband]]. Contraband items from the [[Gateway]] are covered by this law. Personnel turning in contraband to Security of their own volition are exempt from this law.
#* Contraband items from gateway are included in this.
#* Crew members turning in contraband of their own will to security are exempt from this charge.
! 307
! 307
|'''Major Theft'''{{anchor|Major Theft}}
| To steal restricted or dangerous items from either an area or one's person.
  Someone that steals restricted or dangerous items from an area or person. A few examples are:
| Weapons fall into this category, as do valuable items that are in limited supply such as spacesuits, and jetpacks. <br>Breaking open Cargo crates to illegally arm/armor one's self, or cracking/drilling restricted area safes, is theft. For theft of minor valuables, see [[#Minor Theft|Minor Theft]].
#* Restricted Weapons.
#* Hard/Space Suits.
#* Jetpacks.
#* Security Armor.
#* Breaking open Cargo Crates to illegally arm/armor one's self.
#* Cracking or Drilling open a restricted area's safe.
! 308
! 308
|[[File:SL_Grand Trespass.png]]{{anchor|Grand Trespass}}
|'''Major Trespass'''{{anchor|Major Trespass}}
|'''Grand Trespass'''
| Being in a restricted area without prior authorization. This includes Security areas, Command areas (including EVA), the Engine Room, Atmos, or Toxins Research.
  To be charged with this, crew must meet ALL of the following requirements:
| To enter an area one lacks authorized ID access for through either forcible entry or an existing opening. For non-restricted areas, see [[#Trespass|Trespass]].
#* They are inside of an area one lacks authorized ID or authorization for.
#* They entered forcibly or through an opening.
#* The area is restricted. (Security Doors, Command Doors, Engine Room, Atmos Room, Toxins Research Room, EVA)
! 309
! 309
|[[File:SL_Assault of an Officer.png]]{{anchor|Assault of an Officer}}
|'''Assault of an Official'''{{anchor|Assault of an Official}}
|'''Assault of an Officer'''
| To use excessive physical force against a member of Command or Security without the apparent intent to kill them.
  Someone that uses unlawful excessive force against a (security, command, or central command) member without the intent to kill falls into this category. (Serious, but non-critical harm) This also includes:
| To cause serious but non-life threatening harm to a member of Command or Security. For disarming, grabbing, or stunning an officer during an arrest, see [[#Resisting Arrest|Resisting Arrest]]. [[#Battery|Battery]], [[#Assault|Assault]], and [[#Aggravated Assault|Aggravated Assault]] do not stack with this charge.
#* Forcing a (security, command, or central command) member to ingest toxic or illicit substances.
#* Deceiving a (security, command, or central command) member to ingest toxic or illicit substances.

Revision as of 08:16, 29 September 2019

Useful Resources

Introduction to Space Law

1. Space Law is defined as Nanotrasen's set corporate regulations that protect:

  • registered crew members
  • NT employees
  • cataloged visitors.

1.1 All that fall under one of these three categories must abide by Space Law while contracted by Nanotrasen as dictated by the Nanotrasen Board of Directors(NBD).

1.2 Any subjects that do not fall under one of these categories are NOT considered crew, and therefore, not protected by Space Law.

1.3 Nanotrasen Central Command, in any case, is above Space Law and can demand situations be handled at their behest.

((((Great cases of RP may excuse certain crimes. Adminhelp if you wish to intentionally break a law. Just remember, you may get fired if you can't cover it up.))))

Interpretation of the Law

2. The roles on the station that heavily revolve around Space Law are roles like Security Officer, Detective, Internal Affairs Agent, Warden, Head of Security, and Magistrate. These are the protectors of the station that oversee that all departments are following Space Law, and in some cases Standard Operating Procedures. Roles like Warden, Head of Security, and Magistrate are key figures that are not only in charge of their department, but also ensuring the station is running smoothly and all procedures, laws, and crimes are being dealt with appropriately.

2.1 There are lots of factors to take into account when crimes are committed. One important one being intention. This can be the deciding factor between execution or perma, a prison sentence or a warning.

2.2 Space Law was established by the NTBD to help the crew, not hinder them.

2.2.a For example, if someone breaks into EVA while nuclear operatives are attacking the station, you shouldn't arrest them for Major Trespass.

2.3 It is important to know the difference between DETAINING a crew member and ARRESTING a crew member.

  • You DETAIN someone when you want to search them or you are processing them or ask them questions. In this case, they do not have charges or have committed any crimes.
  • You ARREST someone when they commit a crime or are charged with something. In this case, they have charges and/or have committed crimes.

2.3.a It is important you do these with haste and precision as not to waste anyone's time.

Multiple Charges

3. A suspect can only have one charge of any charge per offense.

3.a For example, stealing one item from one person and another item from another person is not two charges of Petty Theft, it is still One Charge of Petty Theft.

Crime Stacking

4. A suspect can not be charged with two crimes in the same horizontal row.

4.a For example, you can not charge a suspect for 100(Damage to Station Assets) and 200(Workplace Hazard) for one offense.

4.b Other crimes can be stacked like 102(Battery) and 105(Indecent Exposure), in this case their times are added together which would be a warning to ten minutes maximum.

4.c When you have two charges that apply to someone and both are similar, you give them the most serious crime. For example, if someone has a stechkin pistol, you would give them Possession of Contraband OR Possession of Restricted Weapon as they're both a Major Crime, but not BOTH.

Processing and Brigging

5. The procedure for processing and brigging people.

 5.a After detaining a suspect whether they are in cuffs or without cuffs, you will bring them into processing and buckle them to a chair.
 5.a.a Check their security records with a Sec-Hud Glasses or a Security Records Console if need be to see what they're wanted for.
 5.b Start to take off their things one by one, checking each and every item for any contraband. You will want to look for the items that they could of possibly used to commit said crime.
 5.b.a When a suspect is brought into processing, you have 10 minutes to figure out what they're there for. If they are in processing for more than 10 minutes with no charges, crimes, or evidence brought against them, they must be released.
 5.c Take any contraband and/or items CONFIRMED to be used for the crime committed into the evidence locker in Evidence Storage. You do not return these.
 5.d Bring the suspect into a cell and move them inside the open locker. You'll then want to strip them of all their items except their headset, jumpsuit, shoes, ID, and PDA.
 5.d.a Perma prisoner procedure is different as a suspect loses all their items and are given a prisoner jumpsuit and shoes as well as a prisoner ID and no PDA.
 5.e Close the locker and buckle them to the bed. You do not need to lock the locker, but you may.
 5.f Move outside of the cell to the brig timer, input: the time for their charges, their name EXACTLY as it is shown, and the charges they've committed.
 5.g Move back into the cell and uncuff them then leave. If they are hostile, you may want to use the mounted flash or stun baton them to retrieve your handcuffs. Another alternative is leaving them buckle-cuffed to the bed.

5.1 While in jail, prisoners may have their headsets revoked if they abuse it.

5.2 All Vox and Plasmamen prisoners must keep their internal tanks at all times. If you remove it, they will die. If you need to remove it, do so, and place it back with haste.

5.3 It is important to routinely check Permabrig, Solitary, and the Labor Camp areas if people have been sentenced there.

5.4 Security is required to bring perma prisoners to departures at shift end! You never know if there will be an escape attempt, so plan ahead.

5.5 Any suspect attempting to or escaping from perma may be executed at officer discretion.

5.6 If the cells become an unsafe environment for any reason you should let go Minor-Major prisoners in danger or, if able, move them to another cell until crew transfer or the damage is repaired.

5.6.a Exceptional Prisoners and above should be moved to another cell or kept in custody until the damage is repaired.

Legal Representation and Trials

6. Prisoners who are not charged with Capital Crimes or facing Permanent Imprisonment are not entitled to legal representation.

6.a Security is not required to provide or allow legal representation unless the Magistrate says otherwise. In their absence, IAA may so do.

6.1 The Legal Division, Internal Affairs Agents and Magistrate, are there to make sure civilians are properly sentenced and reasonable punishments are given for crimes.

6.1.a Internal Affairs Agents don't have any authority over the Brig, Security, Prisoners, or final sentencing. Attempting to do so will result in them being ignored or reported to their boss, the Magistrate.

6.2 If the IAA is asked to leave the brig by the Magistrate, Head of Security, Warden, or Captain due to being disruptive, they must do so until one of them allows them to return.

6.2.a Failing to follow this or continuing to be disruptive may result in the IAA's demotion. This can be done by asking permission from the Magistrate, if absent, then the Captain.

6.3 If multiple parties conflict in what sentence of a prisoner should be given, this chain of command should follow: Magistrate > Captain > Head of Security > Warden > Detective/Officer.

Use of Deadly Force File:Laser.png

7. As a part of the Security Team, you are one of the few onboard that are legally and officially allowed to be armed with weapons in order to protect the station and its crew from threats to Space Law. There will be many cases when one decision may be life or death. And then other situations where non-lethal weapons may be more effective in subduing the threat than lethal options. With this being the case, it is important to know what type of force you should use and when.

7.1 Use of Force is your friend as an officer. These are the things you should be thinking of when you go against a subject.

Threat Best Response Alternative Response Notes / Example Threat
Empty Hands Disable Stun N/A
Domestic Melee Weapon Disable Stun Held Stool, Baseball Bat, Toolbox, etc
Disabling Weapon, Firearm Incapacitate Stun, Disable Taser Gun, Energy Gun
Dangerous Melee Weapon Lethal, Incapacitate Stun, Disable Cult Weapons, Energy Sword, Chainsaw, etc
Dangerous Ranged Weapon Lethal Incapacitate, Stun, Disable Stechkin, Mechanical Firearms, SAW, AEGs
Non-Lethal Weapons Ineffective Lethal N/A Xenomorphs, Morphs, Cyborgs, and Hulks
Severe Personal Risk Lethal N/A Changelings, Wizards, Areas with Multiple Hostiles, Criminals in Hostile Areas (Space, Fire, Plasma Leaks, etc), Criminals in Possession of Large Explosives
Armed and Dangerous Lethal Incapacitate, if possible. Those in possession of stun weapons with reasonable suspicion they will use them. Unauthorized personnel in the armory fall into this category by default.
Uncontainable Lethal N/A These are EoCs and must be killed in order to protect the crew.

7.2 If lethal force is used against a target that is not an EoC, like a cultist, or thrall, you should revive and sentence/deconvert as soon as possible. Any petty criminals met with lethal force are to be given immediate medical attention when captured.

((((In general, if it is possible to capture personnel non-lethally you should. If you do not, expect to have to justify yourself to Internal Affairs to not get fired and to Administrators to not be Jobbanned.))))

Probable Cause File:Question Mark.jpg

8. Probable cause is an important thing. It is defined as the reasonable suspicion that someone has committed a crime or will commit a crime. It is almost equivalent to a warrant in a way. Having probable cause means you have suspicion that someone might be up to no good. With that being said, if you have probable cause on someone, it means you can search them no matter the alert level.

8.1 Here are a few ways you may get probable cause:

  • Having visible items on you that you wouldn't have normally without a valid explanation. (i.e. a civilian with an engineering headset)
  • A mindshielded crew member and AI (not rogue) reporting someone having committed a crime.
  • Being on alert level blue or higher.

8.2 Here are the two types of witnesses and why they're important.

  • Eye Witness: A non-mind shielded reporting a crime. These reports may be true, or they may be false. You can't really know. These don't give you probable cause, but you may want to investigate these if your gut tells you they might be telling the truth or multiple people are saying the same thing.
  • Direct Witness: A mind shielded crew member reporting a crime. These reports, SHOULD be true. Mindshielded personnel should not lie and are always looking to make sure space law is properly applied. These give you probable cause to search someone.

8.2.a It is important to note that personnel who provide false testimonies that lead to the death of a crew member (i.e. changeling) are to be charged with Murder or Attempted Murder depending on the state of the victim.

Enemies of the Corporation

9. There will be suspects that are found to be working for the enemy of Nanotrasen, like the syndicate, or just in general want to overthrow Nanotrasen and its many stations.

9.1 The current enemies of Nanotrasen are seen in this list:

Known Enemies of the Corporation Verdict Notes
Syndicate Operative Perma-Brig Depending on the crimes they commit, they may be eligible for execution or parole. Still considered crew, they are usually blackmailed, forced, or do so of their own will.
Syndicate Nuke Operative Field Execution They are not considered crew. All crew are required by crew contract to assist in some way in exterminating this threat to the station.
Space Wizard Federation Field Execution They are not considered crew. All crew are required by crew contract to assist in some way in exterminating this threat to the station.
Changelings Field Execution They are not considered crew. They have killed the person they are impersonating before the shift and have taken their identity. Can revive themselves.
Shadowlings Field Execution They are not considered crew. They are disguised as crew. Can enthrall anyone, even those with mind shields. Surgery is the only way to de-thrall someone.
Vampires Perma-Brig/Field Execution They are considered crew. You want to perma-brig them as fast as possible. Once they obtain an unknown amount of blood, likely around 2 full humans, they will be able to mist. Once this occurs, they are uncontainable and to be executed on sight. They can thrall people; to stop this, you need to feed the thrall (50u) holy water. To test for vampirism, give (5u) holy water.
Xenos, Morphs, Demons, Revenants, Floor Cluwne, Cluwne, Abductors, Blob, Borers, Terror Spiders, Holo-Parasite, Field Execution/Discretion They are not crew. You want to kill these things on sight. The only exceptions are borers as some may be good, and you do not need to kill them. Cluwnes you kill to put them out of their misery.
Cultist Detain, Deconvert They are crew. Just brainwashed to believe in an evil demon god. If they pose a threat via use of force, you may lethal them. You must detain, revive, deconvert afterwards. You feed them (50u) holy water to deconvert. It is recommended confirmed cultist have their headset confiscated immediately upon detaining.
Revolutionaries Detain, Deconvert, Execute Head Revolutionaries They are crew. Just brainwashed to want to kill all department heads. If they pose a threat via use of force, you may lethal them. You must detain, revive, deconvert afterwards. You mindshield crew to deconvert them. If it doesn't seem to work, then you may execute them as they're a head revolutionary.

9.2 For the EoCs that do not fall under execution, or in other words are containable, and have not committed any Capital Crimes, they are to be put in permanent imprisonment.

9.2.a These are the following choices for permanent imprisonment:

  • Permabrig
  • Solitary
  • Labor Camp
  • Exile

9.2.b For the EoCs that willing turn themselves into security of their own accord, they are still to be kept in permanent imprisonment as long as their aren't impossible to contain.

9.3 If an EoC meats the requires for execution, it may be permitted at the whim of the Magistrate. Following that there is not one able to authorize such, the Captain may authorize it in their absence.

9.4 Is it important to note, being a space-proof species does not constitute being impossible to contain. They are still to be treated as dangerous enemies, but are also to be protected from retribution and provided for.

9.5 Parole can be offered to EoCs at the discretion of the Magistrate or Captain. All paroled EoCs are to be stripped of all their items and given basic civilian access.

9.5.a These are a few of the many things you should think about before offering parole:

  • Reoffending Chance
  • How Cooperative They Were
  • Did they turn themselves in?
  • What are their objectives?
  • Have they told you about any other EoCs?

Additional Clarifications

10. These are the only legal means by which execution can be done:

10.a Other means are illegal unless requested by the prisoner. See Legal Standard Operating Procedure for more information regarding executions.

10.1 When the final sentence of someone due to combined charges exceed 60 minutes, their sentence is to be changed to permanent imprisonment.

10.2 As stated in Section 2.2, the point of Space Law is to protect the station and the crew, not hinder them.

Space Law File:SpaceLaw.png

Crime Codes Quick Reference

An internal affairs agent argues for his client's acquital based on a technicality.

11. This chart you can quickly use to find the Crime Code Numbers you are looking for.

11.a Crime Code Numbers are organized by their Category Code (Side) which are the non-stackable crimes in a row, followed by the Severity Number (Top).

Category Code 1XX - Minor
(0-5 minutes)
2XX - Medium
(5-10 minutes)
3XX - Major
(10-15 minutes)
4XX - Exceptional
5XX - Capital
00 Damage to Station Assets Workplace Hazard Sabotage Grand Sabotage
01 Resisting Kidnapping Kidnapping of an Officer Manslaughter
02 Battery Assault Aggravated Assault Attempted Murder Murder
03 Narcotics Possession Narcotics Distribution
04 Possession of a Weapon Possession of a Restricted Weapon
05 Indecent Exposure Rioting Inciting a Riot Conspiracy Mutiny
06 Abuse of Equipment Abuse of Confiscated Equipment Possession of Contraband
07 Minor Theft Robbery Theft Grand Theft
08 Minor Trespass Breaking and Entering Grand Trespass

Modifiers Quick Reference

Use this to quickly find Modifiers and their values. You can click on the name of a modifier to immediately navigate to it.

Some modifiers, such as Repeat Offender, Aiding and Abetting, and Parole have special clauses and conditions.

Situation Modifier Situation Modifier
Aiding and Abetting Partner's sentence; minimum 5 Medical Attention Running Timer
Central Command Directive Sentence Overridden Parole Parole Until Release
Cooperation with Security 50% reduction Refusal to Cooperate 50% addition
Escape from Brig Reset Timer or +5 mins Repeat Offender +5 mins on 3rd same offense
Hostile Brainwashing Deconversion & Release Self Defense Immediate Release
Immediate Threat to Prisoner Immediate Release/Relocation Surrender 50% reduction

Minor Crimes

All of these crimes are punishable by ONE of the following:

  • A Warning
  • 1-5 Minute Brig Sentence
The detective files a report during his investigation on Punpun's murder.
Security temporarily transfers a permabrig prisoner to a smaller cell due to safety concerns.
Code Crime Applied
100 Station Damage
 Deliberately damaging or killing with malicious intent:
  1. Windows, walls, doors, floors, or grilles.
  2. Xenobiology Golems
  3. Departmental Pets
  4. Bots (i.e. Medibot, Cleanbot, Floor Bot, etc)
  5. Personal Pets
    • Graffiti does NOT fall under this.
101 Resisting
 In order to be charged with this, the person in question must have done one of the following:
  1. Resisted a lawful arrest made by a security official.
  2. Resisted a lawful demotion requested by the head of their department.
    • Note that resisting is defined as actively attempting to evade, run from, or attack the person attempting these actions against the suspect.
102 Battery
 Doing one or more of the following, without intent to seriously injure:
  1. Non-lethal chokeholds (grabbing someone by the neck).
  2. Disarming someone three or more times.
  3. Punching someone less than four times.
  4. Slipping someone three or more times.
  5. Smashing bottles on someone's head.
  6. Pushing someone on a table.
  7. Flashing someone.
  8. Stunning someone.
103 Narcotics Possession
 To possess Narcotics or Lethal Toxins without authorization:
  1. Space drugs.
  2. Ambrosia.
  3. Krokodil.
  4. Crank.
  5. Meth.
  6. Aranesp.
  7. Bath Salts.
  8. THC.
  9. Jenkem.
  10. LSD.
  11. Surge.
  12. Ultra Lube.
  13. Lethal Toxins.
    • The Chief Medical Officer/Research Director may authorize having these. In their absence, the Captain may authorize having these.
104 Indecent Exposure
 To be publically unclothed without the intent of redressing.
106 Abuse of Equipment
 To use the following items in an illegitimate fashion:
  1. Disabling Devices.
  2. Flashes.
  3. Batons.
  4. Tasers.
  5. Bolas.
  6. Disablers.
  7. Krav Maga Gloves.
  8. Non-Lethal Rounds.
    • This means being used outside of one's assigned duties.
107 Minor Theft
 To steal minor items from an area someone doesn't have access to or that belongs to the station as a whole. These are a few examples:
  1. A crew member/doctor that takes all of the surgery items and hides them.
  2. A crew member/scientist that takes all the tank transfer valves (TTV).
  3. A crew member/chef that takes all the food from the kitchen.
  4. A civilian that steals tools from Tech Storage.
  5. A crew member that steals a station pet.
    • A crew member that resists DEMOTION also falls under this.
    • You'll want to make sure they were not given authorization to take said minor items.
108 Minor Trespass
 To be charged with this, crew must meet ALL of the following requirements:
  1. Said crew member is somewhere they don't have access to normally or they weren't given authorization to be in.
  2. Said crew did not use tools to access the area they trespassed into.
    • It is important to note that this may apply to general areas too like past the lobby of medbay if the CMO for example were to want someone to leave.

Medium Crimes

All of these crimes are punishable the following:

  • 5-10 Minute Brig Sentence
Security processing a suspected cultist.
Sentencing Modifiers
Aiding and Abetting
Partner's sentence; minimum 5
Medical Attention
Running Timer
Central Command Directive
Sentence Overridden
Cooperation with Security
50% reduction (3-15 mins)
Hostile Brainwashing
Deconversion & Release
Immediate Threat to Prisoner
Immediate Release/Relocation
Offense Against an Officer
+5 minutes to sentence
Parole Until Release
Refusal to Cooperate
50% addition (3-15 mins)
Repeat Offender
+10 mins on 2nd same offense
Self Defense
Immediate Release
50% reduction (3-15 mins)
Code Crime Applied
200 Station Hazard
 Someone that endangers the crew or station through non-malicious (negligent) actions fall into this category. A few examples are:
  1. Causing accidental plasma leaks.
  2. Causing slipping hazards.
  3. Accidentally shocking doors.
  4. Accidentally breaking windows into space.
  5. Security failing to properly secure their gear.
    • Placing a banana peel in the hall is not a hazard, placing one in front of the engine is. If a hazard leads to death, they would also be charged with manslaughter.
201 Kidnapping
 Someone that holds a crew member against their will falls into this category. These are a few examples:
  1. Cuffing/Restraining someone against their will, prevented from leaving.
  2. Forcefully keeping a crew member in a location against their will, prevented from leaving.
  3. Forcefully moving a crew member to a location against their will, prevented from leaving.
    • Physical harm is not required for this to be applied.
    • Cuffing someone during an illegal arrest may fall under this.
202 Assault
 Someone that uses unlawful excessive force against someone without the intent to kill falls into this category. (Serious, but non-critical harm) A few examples are:
  1. Forcing ingestion of toxic or illicit substances.
  2. Deceptive ingestion of toxic or illicit substances.
    • The level above battery, usually means the victim is bleeding but they are not in crit.
203 Narcotics Distribution
 Someone that distributes any of the chemicals listed in Narcotics Possession falls into this category.
  1. Note. It is not illegal for plants (i.e. ambrosia) to be grown.
204 Weapon Possession
 Someone that is in possession of a dangerous item that is not part of their occupation when applicable. These are a few examples:
  1. Saws.
  2. Fireaxes.
  3. Spears.
  4. Stunprods.
  5. Hachets.
  6. Baseball Bats.
    • Obviously, if a botanist had a hatchet you wouldn't charge them with this. Same goes for a medical doctor containing a surgical saw.
205 Rioting
 Someone that is failing to disperse after given a warning from an authorized and disruptive assembly of crew members.
  • You must given the rioters a warning to disperse first.
  • Crimes committed during riots are counted separately.
206 Abuse of Contraband
 Someone that takes (C-Class or above) contraband/evidence and uses it. Anything that is used as a crime falls under evidence.
  • The one contraband item that does not fall under this is the syndicate encryption key.
207 Theft
 Someone that steals items from another person. A few examples:
  • The most common form of this is someone's ID/PDA.
  • It is important that you return the items to the victim.
  • It is important that you can prove the item in question has been stolen from the victim by the suspect.
208 Trespass
 To be charged with this, crew must meet ALL of the following requirements:
  1. Said crew member is somewhere they don't have access to normally or they weren't given authorization to be in.
  2. Said crew did use tools/forced entry into the area.
  • It is important to note that this may apply to general areas too like past the lobby of medbay.
  • If they don't manage to enter fully before getting caught, the damage to external surfaces is Station Damage. This doesn't stack unless damage occurs while inside the area.

Major Crimes

All of these crimes are punishable by a sentence of 10 to 15 minutes at the discretion of Security.

Code Crime Applied
300 Station Sabotage
 Someone that hinders the work of the crew or station through malicious actions. A few examples are:
  1. Deliberately releasing Plasma and/or N2O.
  2. Deliberately shocking/bolting doors without authorization.
  3. Disabling power for a small area (department) of the station.
  4. Destroying Cyborgs
  5. Cutting wires in maintenance.
  6. Deliberately causing an explosion that is confined to a small room. (About 4x4 tiles)
301 Kidnapping an Official
 Someone that holds a member of (security, command, or central command) against their will falls into this category. These are a few examples:
  1. Cuffing/Restraining a (security, command, or central command) member against their will, prevented from leaving.
  2. Forcefully keeping a (security, command, or central command) member in a location against their will, prevented from leaving.
  3. Forcefully moving a (security, command, or central command) member to a location against their will, prevented from leaving.
    • Physical harm is not required for this to be applied.
    • Cuffing a (security, command, or central command) member during an illegal arrest may fall under this.
302 Aggravated Assault
 Someone that uses unlawful excessive force against someone leading to severe or life-threatening harm falls into this category. A few examples are:
  1. Breaking bones.
  2. Dismembering limbs.
  3. Disfiguring someone's face.
  4. Causing internal bleeding.
  5. Putting one into a critical state.
304 Restricted Weapon Possession
 Someone that is in possession of a restricted weapon which can cause severe bodily harm without authorization. These are a few examples:
  1. Guns.
  2. Stun Batons.
  3. Grenades.
  4. Explosives.
    • The bartender is allowed their shotgun and beanbag rounds within the bar.
    • The Captain and Head of Security can issue weapons permits and/or give authorization to carry.
304 Inciting a Riot
 Someone that attempts to stir the crew into a riot.
  • The may also be given a tracking implant.
  • Restrictions on their radio traffic should also be given.
  • Seconds offenses or violent uprisings may lead to Mutiny
306 Contraband Possession
 Someone that has C-Level Contraband on their person.
    • Contraband items from gateway are included in this.
    • Crew members turning in contraband of their own will to security are exempt from this charge.
307 Major Theft
 Someone that steals restricted or dangerous items from an area or person. A few examples are:
    • Restricted Weapons.
    • Hard/Space Suits.
    • Jetpacks.
    • Security Armor.
    • Breaking open Cargo Crates to illegally arm/armor one's self.
    • Cracking or Drilling open a restricted area's safe.
308 Major Trespass
  To be charged with this, crew must meet ALL of the following requirements:
    • They are inside of an area one lacks authorized ID or authorization for.
    • They entered forcibly or through an opening.
    • The area is restricted. (Security Doors, Command Doors, Engine Room, Atmos Room, Toxins Research Room, EVA)
309 Assault of an Official
 Someone that uses unlawful excessive force against a (security, command, or central command) member without the intent to kill falls into this category. (Serious, but non-critical harm) This also includes:
    • Forcing a (security, command, or central command) member to ingest toxic or illicit substances.
    • Deceiving a (security, command, or central command) member to ingest toxic or illicit substances.

Exceptional Crimes

All of these crimes can result in Permanent Prison Time, Exile, or Permanent Labor Camp Time.

The Chief Engineer ransacks the RD's office and blows the borgs in an act of Grand Sabotage.
  • Only the Magistrate, Captain, Head of Security, and Warden can authorize a Permanent Sentence or Exile.
  • If a prisoner requests an Execution or Cyborgization, they may be given one.
  • Any prisoners that escape Permanent Imprisonment or Exile may be detained, executed or killed on sight at the discretion of Security.
Code Image Crime Description Notes
400 Grand Sabotage To engage in maliciously destructive actions which endanger the crew or station. Releasing damaging/lethal viruses, hotwiring the engine, disabling the gravity generator, disabling power for a department or equivalently large portion of the station, subverting or destroying the AI, opening several holes in the station hull, setting fire to large areas, detonating multiple cyborgs, and activating high-yield explosives all count as Grand Sabotage. For lesser acts, see Sabotage. If death was caused, see Murder.
401 Manslaughter To cause death to a person via negligence or injury without apparent intent to kill. Any effort to prevent the resuscitation or cloning of the victim raises this to Murder. If any evidence of intent exists, see Murder.
402 Attempted Murder To use excessive physical force with intention to cause death. Use of lethal weaponry such as firearms and explosives are considered as intent to murder. If aid was rendered to the victim by the perpetrator afterwards, this may actually be Manslaughter.
407 Grand Theft To steal items of high value or sensitive nature from either an area or one's person. Theft of cutting-edge technology, documents, and research samples. Examples include Hand Teleporters, the Captain/Head of Security's Antique Laser, Captain/HoP level ID cards, and Mechs. For theft of less important property, see Theft or Minor Theft.
408 File:SL Conspiracy.png Conspiracy To plot or plan a crime of at least Exceptional level either as a group or individual. Planning to murder a member of the crew, organising attempts on causing massive damage to the station or crafting ideas to steal items of high value all count as Conspiracy. Do note that intent is required and reasonable evidence for planning must be present.

Capital Crimes

All of these crimes can result in Execution, Permanent Prison Time, Permanent Labor Camp Time, Exile or Cyborgization.

  • Only the Magistrate, Captain, Head of Security, and Warden can authorize a Permanent Sentence or Exile.
  • Only the Magistrate or Captain can authorize an Execution or Forced Cyborgization.
  • If a prisoner requests an Execution or Cyborgization, they may be given one.
  • Any prisoners that escape Permanent Imprisonment or Exile may be detained, executed or killed on sight at the discretion of Security.
  • Any prisoners that escape from an Execution sentence are to be killed on sight.
Code Image Crime Description Notes
502 Murder To deliberately and maliciously cause the death of another crewmember via direct or indirect means. Any effort to prevent the resuscitation or cloning of the victim is to be considered proof of Murder. Unauthorised executions are also considered Murder. If there is no evidence of intent, see Manslaughter.
505 Mutiny To act individually, or as a group, to overthrow or subvert the established Chain of Command without lawful and legitimate cause. Mutiny is not as clear cut as it may seem, there may be a legitimate reason for their actions, such as their head of staff being utterly incompetent. Application of this crime should always be reviewed by a third party. If the perpetrator's actions are for the betterment of Nanotrasen, consider a lesser sentence, pardon, or promotion.

Modifiers & Special Situations

Situation Description Notes Modifier
Aiding and Abetting To knowingly assist a criminal. Knowingly assisting a criminal is a crime. This includes but is not limited to: interfering with an arrest, stealing a prisoner in transit, breaking a prisoner out of the brig/prison, hiding a fugitive, and willingly rendering medical aid. If the aided prisoner ends up receiving no charges, apply five minutes to the offender. The original criminal's sentence; 5 minute minimum
Central Command Directive To be issued a pardon/sentence modification by Central Command. Central Command may, under certain circumstances, legally waive sections of Space Law. Irrespective of the original crime, if a pardon or modification to a sentence is issued it is to be followed immediately. Immediate Release/Modification
Cooperation with Security Being helpful to the members of security, revealing things during questioning. Note that the information must be true in order for this modifier to apply. Prisoners giving false information to officers should not be awarded time off. 50% reduction
Escape from Brig To flee successfully or unsuccessfully from a lawful sentence. Repeatedly damaging or otherwise destroying a cell enclosure is considered an escape attempt. Unless the prisoner was attempting to escape from an immediate threat, reset the timer to the original sentence or add five minutes (whichever is greater). Reset Timer or +5 minutes.
Hostile Brainwashing To be under the mind control of a Cult, Shadowling, or other mind-controlling circumstances. Any brainwashed person is to be detained non-lethally and deconverted or dethralled. Deconverted/dethralled persons are to be immediately pardoned of their crimes and released. Any contraband or dangerous items found at the time of deconversion are to be confiscated without punishment. Deconversion & Release
Immediate Threat to Prisoner A severe threat to a prisoner's person. The singularity eats something near the brig, an explosion goes off, etc. Officer must relocate the prisoner(s) to a safe location or otherwise immediately release them. Immediate Release/Relocation
Medical Attention A sick or injured prisoner requires medical aid. Prisoners are entitled to medical aid if injured or sick. In cases of self-harm, aid may be rendered at the discretion of Security. The timer continues to run during this time. Running Timer
Parole To be released, under parole, before the allotted sentence for a crime is up. For non-Capital Crimes, Parole may be offered at the discretion of the Warden, Head of Security, Captain or Magistrate. For Capital Crimes, see Enemy of the Corporation. Parolees are to be kept under surveillance and, should they commit another crime, be charged with it on top of their original sentence. Breaking parole disqualifies any chance of future parole. Prisoners breaking parole from Capital Crimes are to be executed upon capture. Parole Until Release
Refusal to Cooperate Non-cooperative behaviour/repeated attempts to escape. While already detained inside the brig and awaiting a sentence, acting in a manner which makes security waste time processing you. Attempting to resist/fleeing from processing or imprisonment is refusal to cooperate. This modifier can result in Permanent Imprisonment if it brings the sentence above 60 minutes. 50% addition
Repeat Offender To be brigged for the same offense more than twice. Offenses must not be committed as part of one crime spree, and must be separate repeat offenses. Upon the third sentencing for the same crime, five minutes is to be added. An additional five minutes is to be added for every successive imprisonment. After three applications of this modifier (on their fifth same-crime offense), the perpetrator is to be permabrigged. 5 minute cumulative addition on 3rd offense.

Permabrig on 5th offense.

Self Defense Acting to protect one's self, coworkers, or workplace. Persons intentionally getting involved in fights which occur in a department that isn't theirs is an act of vigilantism, not self-defense. Self-defense typically involves attempts to disarm or disengage, beating someone while they're down should be considered Assault unless the defender's life was in danger. Immediate Release
Surrender Willfully surrendering to Security. Coming to the brig, confessing what you've done, and taking the punishment. Getting arrested without a fuss is not surrender. 50% reduction


  • It is the duty of crew to turn in C or S grade Contraband when found. Failure to turn in Contraband will result in charges.
Code Explanation Description
NC Non-Contraband items. These items are not to be charged as Contraband. The Contraband charge does not apply to any of these items. They may not be confiscated unless directly used in the commission of a crime.
C Standard Contraband items. These items are chargeable as Contraband. These items are to be confiscated and the owner is to be charged for Contraband. If used in committing a non-contraband related Major Crime, the owner is to be charged as an Enemy of the Corporation. The amount or variety of C-grade Contraband is irrelevant to the charge, it only applies once.
S Dangerous Contraband items. The owner is to be charged as an Enemy of the Corporation. Any person caught with a S-Grade contraband item is to be immediately charged as an Enemy of the Corporation. These items are considered to be highly dangerous and are to be immediately confiscated. The origin of the item is irrelevant to the charge.
Non-Contraband Items (NC)

Briefcase Full of Cash

Donk Pockets (Stimulants)

No-Slip Shoes

Sharpened Playing Cards

Smuggler's Satchel

Space Suit

Surgery Duffelbag

Suspicious Oxygen Tank

Suspicious Toolbox

Syndicate Balloon

Syndicate Cigarettes

Syndicate Mask

Syndicate Soap

Contraband Items (C)

Adrenal Implant

Adaptive Cardboard Cutout

Advanced Pinpointer

AI Detector

Ambrosia Cruciatus

Banana Grenade

Binary Translator Key

Boozy Shotgun Shells

Chameleon Jumpsuit

Camera Bug

Chameleon Stamp

Contortionist's Jumpsuit

Dart Pistol

DNA Scrambler

EMP Flashlight

Foam Force Riot Pistol

Foam Force Riot Foam Dart

Freedom Implant

Military/Traitor Belt

Pickpocket's Gloves

Poison Bottle (Non-Lethal)

Standard Ammunition


Storage Implants

Syndicate Pistol

Thermal Imaging Glasses

Thermal Safe Drill

Universal Supressor

Voice Changer

Voodoo Doll

Dangerous Contraband Items (S)

.357 Revolver

Access Tuner

File:Id card.png

Agent ID Card

Artistic Toolbox

Atmos Grenades

Blood Red Hardsuit

Box of Throwing Weapons

Cane Shotgun

Chameleon Flag

Chameleon Projector

Chameleon Security HUD

Chef's Excellence Special Sauce

Cryptographic Sequencer (Emag)

Composition C4

CQC Manual

Dehydrated Space Carp

Detomatix Cartridge


Energy Crossbow

Energy Dagger

Energy Sword


Feral Cat Grenade

Fibre Wire Garrote

F.R.A.M.E Cartridge

Gloves of the North Star

Hacked AI Upload Module


Meat Cleaver

Mind Batterer

Mindslave Implant

Missionary Starter Kit

Mysterious Scroll (Sleeping Carp)

Nanocalcium Injector

Non-Standard Ammunition

Pizza Bomb

Poison Bottle (Lethal)

Power Beacon


Power Gloves


Proximity Mine

Radiation Laser

Radio Jammer

Raw Telecrystal

Safety Scissors

Sleepy Pen

Syndicate Bomb

Syndicate Chainsaw

Syndicate Documents

Syndicate Encryption Key

Syndicate Long Arms

Syndicate Minibomb

Syndicate MMI

Syndicate Uplink


Uplink Implant

Viral Injector

See Legal Standard Operating Procedure.