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Space Law applies to all sentient beings on the Cyberiad, with the following exceptions:

  • Nuclear Operatives, Changelings, Blobs, Wizards, hatched full Shadowlings (NOT thralls), fully-powered vampires, Abductors, unauthorized monsters/golems from Xenobio, Xenomorphs, Head Revolutionaries, and Terror Spiders, despite being sentient, are not protected by Space Law, have no rights, and all crew are legally allowed/expected to kill them on sight.
  • ERT members may disregard Space Law if doing so is necessary in order to deal with an active emergency.
  • Central Command Officials are immune to Space Law, and may freely modify or disregard it. Their orders, including pardons, also override Space Law in all cases.


Brainwashed crew cannot be charged with any crime for their actions while brainwashed. This includes all cultists, vampire thralls, abductor victims, etc.

  • If it is possible to remove the brainwashing, (e.g: by giving cultists holy water), do that, then release them.
  • If the brainwashing wears off over time (e.g: chaplain's brainwashing staff), then confine them until it wears off.
  • If it can neither be removed nor wears off (e.g: vampire thralls) then confine them to the permabrig.

Use of Lethal Force

  • Lethal force may be used against any target which cannot safely be detained nonlethally (e.g: full-powered vampires). This applies regardless of code level, and no special authorization is needed for it. However, application of lethal force to targets which really could be detained non-lethally is a crime. There are many, many types of being that fall under this rule, from hulks, full-power vampires, wizards, cyborgs and mech, to all types of monsters.
  • Being a space-proof species, by itself, does not make a prisoner impossible to detain nonlethally, or to contain in prison.

Chain of Command

  • Sentencing authority goes like this: CentCom Officials > ERT Leader > ERT Members > Magistrate > Captain > Head of Security > Warden > Sec Officer / Detective > AI/Cyborg
  • In case of conflict, the orders/sentences of higher authorities override lower ones.
  • Higher authorities can use this to change sentences issued by lower ones, but generally should not do so without an excellent reason.

Enemies of the Corporation (EoCs)

  • All antagonist roles are considered to be EoCs.
  • EoCs who willingly turn themselves in, can be contained, and have NOT committed any capital crimes, are to be kept in perma.
  • All other EoCs captured should be processed according to normal space law.


  • Parole is a process by which anyone being sentenced for a non-Capital crime may get released, under certain conditions, instead of a normal sentence.
  • Only the Warden, or higher, may authorize parole.
  • Anyone previously given parole, and who breaks the law again, must get the full sentence for both their original crime AND their new crime(s).
  • A crew member given parole should be released, with appropriate notes entered in their sec record. Security may confiscate any material from them that was related to their crime, or that security feels would be helpful in committing further crimes.
  • EoCs should not be paroled unless the Captain/Magistrate approve, the situation is a dire emergency, and extra hands are desperately needed. Even in this case, they are to be stripped of all their belongings, given only civilian access, and be issued a tracking implant.

Stacking Crimes

  • Similar crimes may not be added together during sentencing. Committing Assault, then Aggravated Assault, on the same person, should result in the perp being sentenced for only the most severe of the similar crimes.
  • Multiple counts of the same crime count as one. For example, stealing 10 different multitools is merely one count of Petty Theft, as the crime in each case is the same.
  • In cases where the final sentence is equal to, or greater than, 60 minutes, it is to be changed to a Permanent Imprisonment sentence.

Intention, Accomplices, & Executions

  • For some crimes, the intention of the accused is important. If the question of which crime to charge them with hinges on their intention, and there is doubt as to their intention, charge them with the less serious crime.
  • Anyone who aids a criminal (this includes dragging arrested people away from Security) is considered an accomplice. Accomplices should be given a 15 minute brig sentence, or the same sentence as the criminal they aided, whichever is more.
  • Executions can be done only by electric chair, firing squad, CO2 inhallation, or lethal injection. Other means of Execution are illegal unless the prisoner requests them. Cyborgification is also a viable option, and should be used if prisoners behave, or if they appeal. See Legal Standard Operating Procedure for more information regarding Executions.

Golden Rule of Sentencing

  • The greater good of the station should be considered when sentencing. If someone breaks into the AI Core in order to destroy it when it is Malfunctioning, there is no need to charge them. The intent of Space Law is to protect the station and the crew.

Brig Procedures

  • Always ask Vox or Plasmamen prisoners where their Internals Tank is located, if it cannot be found. Do not remove this tank, as it will kill them. In such a case as their clothes have to be changed, expedience is mandatory. Get their internal on as fast as possible.
  • All Contraband is to be confiscated and placed in Evidence Storage. The same goes for any tools used to hack station property. These are not to be returned.
  • Always check on the Permabrig, Solitary or Labor Camp if they happen to be occupied. They are notorious for being unsafe.

Legal Representation and Trials

  • Prisoners are permitted to seek legal representation. However, Security is under no obligation to provide or allow it.
  • Internal Affairs Agents, and by extension the Magistrate, exist to serve as a guiding hand and the voice of reason within the judicial process. However, Internal Affairs Agents have zero authority over the Brig, Security personnel, prisoners, or sentencing. Internal Affairs Agents deliberately ignoring this and attempting to throw their weight around can, and should be, duly ignored, if their points are not valid.
  • If the Internal Affairs Agent continuously acts as a disruptive influence, Security personnel are fully permitted to confiscate their access, remove them from the Brig and bar their future access to it.

Crime List

Quick Reference

Code 1XX - Minor 2XX - Medium 3XX - Major 4XX - Exceptional 5XX - Capital
00 Possession of Contraband
01 Resisting Arrest Assault Kidnapping of an Officer Murder
02 Battery Robbery Assault of an Officer Manslaughter Mutiny
03 Drug Distribution Aggravated Assault Attempted Murder
04 Drug Possession Possession of a Weapon Possession of a Restricted Weapon
05 Kidnapping Possession of Explosives
06 Indecent Exposure Rioting Inciting a Riot
07 Vandalism Workplace Hazard Sabotage Grand Sabotage
08 Petty Theft Theft Grand Theft
09 Trespass Abuse of Confiscated Equipment Major Trespass
10 Breaking and Entry B&E of a Restricted Area

Minor Crimes

All of these crimes carry a sentence that can vary between a simple warning and 5 minutes in the Brig, at the discretion of Security.

Code Crime Description Notes
101 File:Resisting Arrest.PNG Resisting Arrest To not cooperate with an officer who attempts a proper arrest. The arrest must be legitimate for this law to apply. Personnel that have been illegitimately arrested cannot be charged with this law. Simply screaming over comms is not Resisting Arrest. The person must be actively attempting to either run away, or to attack the arresting officer.
102 File:Battery.png Battery To use minor physical force against someone without the apparent intent to seriously injure them. The following are examples of Battery: multiple instances of Disarming (1-3 instances of Disarming do not even qualify for Battery. Doing so to steal items from someone should be considered Robbery) or throwing personnel on tables, non-lethal chokeholds, minor punching (one to three punches), smashing bottles on heads, as well as using Flashes,Taser/Disabler, or other non-lethal rounds for no legal reason.
104 File:Smoking dank kush.png Drug Possession To possess space drugs, ambrosia, krokodil, crank, meth, Aranesp, bath salts, THC, or other narcotics, by unauthorized personnel. Botanists and MedSci staff are authorized to possess drugs for purposes of their jobs and are not subject to this law so long as they are not distributing or using them for profit or recreation.
106 File:Indecent exposure.png Indecent Exposure To be intentionally and publicly unclothed. Running around the station naked. The mutual degradation of chasing a naked man down while he screams rape is only worth it on slow shifts.
107 File:Vandalism.PNG Vandalism To deliberately damage the station or station property without malicious intent. All Departmental Pets (such as Ian and Runtime) count as station property, as do any other pets owned by individual personnel. Graffiti is not considered Vandalism
109 File:Trespassing.png Trespass To be in an area which a person does not have access to. This counts for general areas of the ship, and trespass in restricted areas is a more serious crime. Remember that people can either break in, sneak in, or be let in. Always check that the suspect wasn't let in to do a job by someone with access, or were given access on their ID. Trespassing and theft are often committed together; both sentences should be applied.

Medium Crimes

All of these crimes carry a sentence that can vary between 5 and 10 minutes in the Brig, at the discretion of Security.

Code Crime Description Notes
201 File:Assault.png Assault To use excessive physical force against someone without the apparent intent to kill them. Depending on the amount and kind of force used, severe instances should be elevated to manslaughter or even murder.
202 File:Pickpocketing.png Robbery To steal items from another's person. Remember to take the stolen items from the person and arrange for their return to the owner. Stealing an ID is the most common and most serious form of robbery. If the victim was SSD, ahelp it - this isn't allowed.
203 File:Narcotics Distribution.PNG Narcotics Distribution To distribute narcotics and other controlled substances. This includes ambrosia and space drugs. It is not illegal for them to be grown - distribution is the crime here. Forcing or tricking someone to consume substances such as space drugs is assault.
204 File:Deadly Weapon.PNG Possession of a Weapon To be in possession of a dangerous item that is not part of their job role. Items capable of a high level of damage, such as saws, axes, spears, stunprods, and hatchets fit into this category. Do remember that if it is an item that is part of their job they are permitted to carry it.
205 File:Kidnapping.png Kidnapping To hold a crewmember under duress, against their will. Physical harm need not be done for this law to apply: the crewmember must either be forcefully kept in their workspace against their will, or forcefully relocated to another location against their will and being prevented from leaving. Cuffing/Restraining any personnel against their will, outside of legal arrests, qualifies as Kidnapping. Anything else does not fall under this law.
206 File:Rioting.PNG Rioting To partake in an unauthorized and disruptive assembly of crewmen that refuse to disperse. It is required to order the crowd to disperse, failure to disperse is the crime, not the assembly. Any crimes committed during the riot are considered separate offences.
207 File:Workplace Hazard.PNG Creating a Workplace Hazard To endanger the crew or station through negligent or irresponsible, but not deliberately malicious, actions. Good examples of this crime involves accidentally causing a plasma leak, slipping hazard, accidently electrifying doors, breaking windows to space, or Security personnel not keeping their equipment secure. A banana peel in the corridor is not a hazard. A banana peel in front of the singularity is.
208 File:Petty theft.png Petty Theft To take items from areas one does not have authority to access or to take items belonging to others or the station as a whole. Keeping items which are in short supply where they belong is what is important here. A doctor who takes all the surgical tools and hides them still commits theft, even though he had access.
209 File:Abuse of confiscated equipment.png Abuse of Confiscated Equipment To take and use equipment confiscated as evidence. Security shouldn't be using evidence for anything but evidence. Anything used in a crime is considered evidence, this includes syndicate items such as emags
210 File:BandE.PNG Breaking and Entry Forced entry to areas where the subject does not have access to. This counts for general areas, and breaking into restricted areas is a more serious crime. Actual entry needs to occur for this law to apply. Simply destroying windows, grilles or walls, or hacking open doors, is to be considered Vandalism. This law does not stack with Trespassing.

Major Crimes

All of these crimes carry a sentence that can vary between 10 and 15 minutes in the Brig, at the discretion of Security.

Code Crime Description Notes
300 File:Possession of contraband.png Possession of Contraband To be in the possession of contraband items. Being in the possession of two or more contraband items, or any restricted Syndicate gadget or weapon, makes you an Enemy of the Corporation (see above). In addition, being caught committing a Major Crime or higher with any of these items makes you an Enemy of the Corporation as well. Personnel turning in these items to Security of their own volition are exempt from this law. For information on what items are considered, or not, contraband, see Contraband. In addition, any non-sanctioned items recovered from the Gateway or Asteroid (such as weaponry or cultist items) are subject to this law. Found cultist items are to be turned in immediately. Failure to do so will lead to a Holy Water Test, and sentencing with this law if the person found with the items is not a cultist. Finally, Adrenaline and Freedom Implants produced by Science are subject to this law unless sanctioned by the Head of Security or Captain. Multiple instances of the same item are to be counted as a single item (E.g, 2 emags or a million c4 charges.). This includes a gun and its respective ammunition, which are counted as a single item.
301 File:Kidnapping an officer.png Kidnapping of an Officer To hold a member of Command, Security or any Central Command VIP under duress, against their will. Physical harm need not be done for this law to apply: the crewmember must either be forcefully kept in their workspace against their will, or forcefully relocated to another location against their will and being prevented from leaving. Cuffing/Restraining any personnel against their will, outside of legal arrests, qualifies as Kidnapping. Anything else does not fall under this law.
302 File:Assaulting an officer.PNG Assault of an Officer To use excessive physical force against a Department Head, Magistrate, NT Rep, or member of Security without the apparent intent to kill them. Criminals disarming, grabbing or stunning an officer during an arrest do not qualify for this law, and should instead be charged with Resisting Arrest.
303 File:Aggravated assault.png Aggravated Assault To assault someone with enough force to cause severe bodily damage (severe external bleeding, severe limb damage, broken bones, internal bleeding, organ damage, disfigurement), but not resulting in their immediate death. If the victim of aggravated assault eventually dies of their wounds, the crime should be deliberated between Manslaughter and Murder.
304 File:Lethal Weapon.PNG Possession of a Restricted Weapon To be in possession of a restricted weapon without prior authorization, such as: Guns, Batons, etc. Any item that can cause severe bodily harm. The following personnel have unrestricted license to carry weapons and firearms: Captain, HoP, all Security Personnel.
The Barman is permitted his double barrel shotgun loaded with beanbag rounds.
Only the Captain and Head of Security can issue weapon permits.
305 File:Possession Explosives.PNG Possession of Explosives To be in possession of an explosive device. Scientists and Miners are permitted to possess explosives only whilst transporting them to the mining asteroid, otherwise their experimental bombs must remain within the Science department. This includes offensive grenades, explosive or smoke based.
306 File:Inciting Riot.PNG Inciting a Riot To attempt to stir the crew into a riot. Additionally to the brig time the offender will also have restrictions placed on their radio traffic and be implanted with a tracking implant. For second offences or outright instigating violent uprisings consider charging with Mutiny.
307 File:Disrupting power.png Sabotage To hinder the work of the crew or station through malicious actions. Deliberately releasing N2O, bolting doors, disabling the power network, and constructing barricades are but some of many means of sabotage. For more violent forms, see Grand Sabotage.
308 File:Theft.PNG Theft To steal restricted or dangerous items. Weapons fall into this category, as do valuable items that are in limited supply such as spacesuits, and jetpacks.
Note that Cargo breaking open crates to illegally arm and armor themselves are guilty of theft.
309 File:Major Trespass.PNG Major Trespass Being in a restricted area without prior authorization. This includes any Security Area, Command area (including EVA), the Engine Room, Atmos, or Toxins Research. This law applies to situations where the person did not open the way into the restricted area, and simply went in through a previously existing opening (such as an open door). This law does not stack with B&E of a Restricted Area
310 File:BE Restricted.PNG B&E of a Restricted Area This is breaking into any Security area, Command area (Bridge, EVA, Captains Quarters, Teleporter, etc), the Engine Room, Atmos, or Toxins research. Actual entry needs to occur for this law to apply. Simply destroying windows, grilles or walls, or hacking open doors, into secure areas, is to be considered Vandalism.

This does not stack with Major Trespassing.

Exceptional Crimes

These crimes can result in Permanent Prison Time, Exile, or Permanent Labor Camp Time.

Only the Magistrate, Captain, Head of Security, and Warden can authorize a Permanent Sentence or Exile.

If the prisoner requests an Execution or Cyborgization, they may be given one.

Code Crime Description Notes
402 File:Manslaughter.PNG Manslaughter To assault someone with enough force as to cause their death, without apparent, premeditated intent to murder them. Careful deliberation should be done when considering someone for this law. The divide between “intentional” and “accidental” can be very thin, and it is important to review all available evidence to come to an appropriate conclusion. Any effort to prevent the resuscitation or cloning of the victim raises this to Murder. If in doubt as to whether it was premeditated, it is to be assumed so and the Murder charge applied.

Personnel that fall under this law may not be executed, and must be kept in Permanent Imprisonment.

403 Attempted Murder To use physical force against a person until that person is in a critical state with the apparent intent to kill them. Remember, if a person attempts to render first aid after the victim falls into a critical state they may not have intended to kill them.
407 Grand Sabotage To engage in maliciously destructive actions, seriously threatening crew or station. Releasing damaging/lethal viruses, hotwiring the electrical grid, destroying the AI, opening several holes in the station hull, setting fire to large areas or detonating high-yield explosives all count as Grand Sabotage
408 File:High value target theft.png Grand Theft To steal items of high value or sensitive nature. Syndicate agents frequently attempt to steal cutting-edge technology, intelligence or research samples, including: Hand Teleporter, the Captain/Head of Security's Antique Laser, Captain or HoP's ID cards, or Mechs.

Capital Crimes

These crimes can result in Execution, Permanent Prison Time, Permanent Labor Camp Time, Exile or Cyborgization.

Only the Magistrate, Captain, Head of Security, and Warden can authorize a Permanent Sentence or Exile.

Only the Magistrate or Captain can authorize an Execution or Forced Cyborgization.

If the prisoner requests an Execution or Cyborgization, they may be given one.

Any personnel that escape Permanent Imprisonment may be detained or killed on sight, at the discretion of Security. Any personnel that escape from an Execution sentence are to be killed on sight.

Code Crime Description Notes
501 Murder To deliberately and maliciously cause the death of another crewmember, via direct or indirect means. Careful deliberation should be done when considering someone for this law. The divide between “intentional” and “accidental” can be very thin, and it is important to review all available evidence to come to an appropriate conclusion. Any effort to prevent the resuscitation or cloning of the victim is to be considered proof of Murder.Unauthorised executions are classed as Murder.
502 File:Mutiny.PNG Mutiny To act individually, or as a group, to overthrow or subvert the established Chain of Command without lawful and legitimate cause. Mutiny is not as clear cut as it may seem, there may be a legitimate reason for their actions, such as their head of staff being utterly incompetent. This is one of the few crimes where it is recommended to always seek a third party opinion. If their actions are determined to be for the betterment of Nanotrasen consider a timed sentence or even a full pardon and/or promotion.

Modifiers & Special Situations

Situation Description Modification
3-Strikes Rule Being brigged 3 different times in the same shift, for different crimes. Sentence is automatically upgraded to permabrig.
Surrender Coming to the brig, confessing what you've done, and taking the punishment. Getting arrested without a fuss is not surrender. For this, you have to actually come to the Brig yourself. -50%, and should be taken into account when the choice between Permanent Imprisonment, Execution, and Cyborgization is made.
Assisting Security Helping security in a significant fasion, such as revealing other criminals. -50%, or if they reveal the name of a head revolutionary, immediate release.
Immediate threat to the prisoner The singularity eats something near the brig, an explosion goes off, etc. Officer must take the prisoner to safety, or release them.
Medical Need Prisoner requires medical attention. Prisoner must get medical attention. Even if this requires moving them to medbay under guard. Their sentence continues to run while they are getting medical treatment.
Self Defense Self Defense is defined as "The protection of oneself, the protection of thy colleagues, and the protection of thine workplace".
Intentionally getting involved in fights outside their department never qualifies. Hitting someone on the ground also never qualifies.
Immediate release.
Escape A prisoner flees confinement for any reason except escaping impending lethal danger (such as fire, hull breach, or attackers). Reset timer
Refusal to Cooperate Attempting to break free from restraint during processing or sentencing, such that the officers end up spending more time preventing their escape than they do actually processing the accused. +50% to sentence. If the result would be >60 minutes, sentence becomes permabrig.