Cargo Technician

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Cargo Technician

Superiors: Quartermaster
Difficulty: Easy
Guides: Guide to Paperwork, Supply Crates, Station Economy, Guide to Cargo
Access: Cargo Bay, Mail Room, Maintenance
Duties: Distribute crates to the departments that ordered them, collect empty crates, load and unload the supply shuttle.

Cargo Technicians (also known as Mail Carrier or Courier) are responsible for loading and unloading crates, printing objects in the Autolathe, and ordering, confirming, or delivering crates to various locations around the station. This is one of the best jobs to begin to pick up more intermediate game mechanics and start out with due to its simplicity. Your radio key is 'u', so beginning a message with ':u' will broadcast your voice on the Supply channel.


As a cargo technician, you're an integral part of logistics and Nanotrasen's bottom line. Export designated products to Central Command, receive funds, and use said funds to order products for the station. You will also be using an Autolathe to print general tools for the crew and yourself.

The Quartermaster will be the one giving you assignments and guidance as well. Do what they order you to do as long as it is within the Standard Operating Procedures and Space Law. If you're in doubt about how to fulfill your role, you should bring your questions and concerns to them.

Exporting Goods

Supply's account will start with 250 credits. Ship the products in closed crates to get more capital.

Designated Exports

  • Crates - 15 Credits each to supply account
    • 25 credits per secure crate.
    • 3 credits per plastic crate.
  • Stamped Manifests - 5 credits each to the supply account
  • Plasma Stacks - 10 credits for every unit exported to the supply account
  • Enemy Intel Documents - 750 credits each to the supply account
  • Exotic Plant Seeds - Gives variable credits depending on plant seed type, rarity, and potency. The revenue is split 50/50 between service and supply.
  • Research Levels - Stored in technology disks, they give variable credits depending on research type, rarity, and level achieve. The revenue is split 50/50 between science and supply.

Crate Ordering Procedure

With the Supply Shuttle Console, you will have access to various crates you can order. Your only limiting factors will be money and authorization to an extent. You will be involved in requesting/approving private and departmental orders for the crew. The crew has access to a Supply Request Console to make requests. If a crew member makes a private or departmental request for a crate from a different department, you will be involved in approving it or not. Departmental requests would require approval from the department account's respective head of staff.

During this process, the Supply Request Console will print out a requisition form for record keeping. Stamp Granted or Denied based on your decision and load it in the filing cabinet. These records could be useful in a security investigation or if you just need to double-check who requested a crate.

All orders with the supply account can be approved and confirmed by you. If you find an issue occurring with the shift and have the capital, don't be afraid to order a crate yourself to improve the situation.

Crate Delivery Procedure

After removing crates from the supply shuttle, it's usually a good idea to remove the supply manifest from the crate and ensure that the crate was correctly shipped to the station. Some crates cannot be opened without access from another department. Don't worry about checking these crates.
Note: Some crates contain objects which cannot be put back into the crate! Don't open crates such as the particle accelerator crate unless you are at the destination of the contents!.

Assuming the supply manifest matches the crate ordered, the crate can now be delivered. Disposals mailing is a good option, but some crates such as the station goal need to make it into the hands of someone who knows what they are doing.

If possible, retrieve crates after dropping off their contents. You can use the rapid crate sender (found in the mailing room) to easily return a crate to the mailing room. The RCS has 10 charges before it needs to be placed in the recharger in the mailing room.

Once the contents have been confirmed you can safely ship the supply manifest back with the shuttle. Stamp the manifest with the green GRANTED stamp and place the manifest into a crate being returned for some extra points.

Some quartermasters will be more strict or relaxed about delivery procedures. It's up to you to decide how "by the book" you act as a cargo tech.

An Intern?

If you feel comfortable enough, located in the Cargo Office is a Guest Pass Terminal. With passes that function for up to 30 minutes, you can print one and give it to an interested crewmember as a temporary working companion or other reason. If you need temporary access to mining for any reason, the QM or a miner can print a pass for you as well.

Disposals Mailing

If you're looking for the area page, click here.

This is an alternative way of delivering items, and is usually preferable to MULE transport as long as the pipes are still intact.

  1. Wrap your item/crate with package wrapper.
  2. Pick up the destination tagger and click in your hand to set a destination.
  3. Use the destination tagger on the parcel.
    • Optional: Use a pen to write a message on the parcel, or custom set a destination.
  4. Stick it on the conveyor, or dump it in a disposals unit, and let the system handle it.
    • Tip: Click and drag the large parcels to disposals units to put them in. This can only be done a few times however.

You can also gift wrap packages, but these cannot be tagged with a destination, and have to be delivered manually. This will not work with large objects. The process isn't too difficult either.

  1. Wrap the item you wish to gift in package wrapper to make it a parcel.
  2. Get yourself wrapping paper from either an ArtVendor by the holodeck, or find it in maintenance.
  3. Hold the wrapping paper in your active hand, then click the previously made parcel which contains your gift.
  4. You now have turned a boring looking parcel into a gift box! Good job!

Gift wrapping a human is also possible, but they must have a straightjacket on and you need the wrapping paper in your hand. This is usually not a good idea.


The other alternative to delivering items. This endearing bot will trek from the farthest ends of the station and back to deliver its packages.

Using the MULEbot

  1. Drag the crate on to the MULE.
  2. Set a destination with your PDA or on the control panel.
  3. Send the MULE off!

How to Recharge the MULEBot

  1. Open up the maintenance panel with a screwdriver (Make sure the controls are unlocked first!).
  2. Take out the power cell (top entry).
  3. Insert charged power cell.
  4. Close panel with screwdriver.


You're a bit of in a pickle here, but wait - there's an Autolathe that can help you GREATLY. Be careful though, if there is a Quartermaster, they will probably notice your shady activities in the Cargo Bay. It is possible to emag the cargo ordering console and order certain special shipments, which will help you greatly if you manage to sneak them onto the station unnoticed by your colleagues.

CaptainHead of PersonnelHead of SecurityChief EngineerResearch DirectorChief Medical OfficerQuartermaster
Nanotrasen RepresentativeBlueshield OfficerNanotrasen Career Trainer
Internal AffairsMagistrate
WardenSecurity OfficerDetective
Station EngineerAtmospheric Technician
Medical DoctorParamedicChemistGeneticistVirologistPsychologistCoroner
Cargo TechnicianShaft MinerExplorer
AnimalAssistantDerelict ResearcherGhostGolemSyndicate Researcher
AICyborgMaintenance DronePersonal AI
AbductorsAsh WalkerBlobChangelingConstructContractorCultistGuardianHereticLavaland EliteMindflayerMorphNuclear AgentPulse DemonRevenantRevolutionaryShadow DemonSlaughter DemonSITSyndicate ResearcherTerror SpiderTraitorVampireWizardXenomorphZombie
Central Command OfficerDeath CommandoEmergency Response TeamHighlanderTradersSpecial Event RolesSuper HeroesSyndicate Infiltration TeamCluwne