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NR Flavor.gif
NR Flavor.gif
This page needs to be reviewed/updated:
Resource costs for each blob tile should be included on this page somewhere



Superiors: N/A
Difficulty: Very Hard
Guides: This is the guide
Access: Anywhere you can eat your way into.
Duties: Spread onto the whole station


It Came from Outer Space!

In the Blob game mode, the blob is controlled by a player, called The Overmind, with the objective to expand and take over as much of the station as possible. Blob events come in two flavors, either round start, where multiple people will start off infected, or mid-round, where a single mouse is. The infected have a set amount of time before they burst, so they must quickly find a suitable place to settle their core.

Feeling bloated?

If you are a round start blob, you have a few minutes before you pop, minutes that you should invest in either finding a secluded space, shoring it up so that people are less likely to find you too early, or, if you are feeling particularly bold, you could attempt to sabotage devices around the station that the crew would use against you.

Your chosen spot for your inevitable pop should be a location relatively unexposed, ideally where you can funnel any hostile crew that would attack you, down narrow corridors, as the less surface area crew can attack at one time, the easier it will be to defend yourself. Space is also a great threat to you, not for lack of atmosphere or increased cost of making tiles there, but for the fact that crew can easily assault you from range, both with pods and emitters, so bear that in mind when choosing your location.

General Strategy

Your whole goal is too expand.

Early on you should avoid attracting attention from the crew and instead focus on building resource nodes. Build them directly next to regular blob nodes so they produce maximum resources.

When you're found it's helpful to have a few factories to keep the crew at bay. Consider upgrading this to Blobbernauts which are a whole lot smarter(usually) than regular blob spores and pack a meaner punch

Blow-up water and welding tanks to slip and seriously injure crewmates. Consider breaching an area if many people are without EVA equipment. However, beware that miners can do serious damage to you with their Kinetic Accelerators in a vacuum.

Blob Chemicals

After popping, blobs start off with a random chemical, which determines their color, what kind of damage they deal, and any special effect they or their minions possess.

Chemical Visual Damage Type

Ripping Tendrils

Ripping Tendrils.gif

Deals 15 Brute damage, 10 Stamina damage and spores deal brute damage when killed

Boiling Oil

Boiling Oil.gif

Deals 15 Burn damage, sets the victim aflame and spores deal fire damage when killed

Kinetic Gelatin

Kinetic Gelatin.gif

A gambler's chemical. Deals between 5 to 35 Brute damage and spores deal brute damage when killed



Deals 15 Brute damage, and both direct attacks by tiles and death of spores, launch entities away

Envenomed Filaments

Blob normal.gif

Deals 15 Toxin damage, causes hallucinations, and spores deal toxin damage when killed

Lexorin Jelly

Lexorin Jelly.gif

Deals 10 Brute damage, 25 Respiration damage, halts breathing for 8 cycles and spores deal respiration damage when killed.

Cryogenic Liquid

Cryogenic Liquid.gif

Attacking tiles deal 10 Brute damage, 10 Stamina damage, inject 10 units of Frost Oil and spores deal burn damage when killed

Radioactive Gel

Radioactive Gel.gif

Attacking tiles deal 5 Brute damage, 7.5 Toxin damage, inject 7.5 units of Uranium and spores deal toxin damage when killed

Teslium Paste

Teslium Paste.gif

Attacking tiles deal 10 Burn damage, inject 3.125 units of Teslium with a chance to shock and stun you if you already have some in your body and spores deal burn damage when killed


Split Conciousness Power(100 Resources)

The Overmind also has the ability to split themselves once, making a new Blob Core, which will poll the ghosts/observers, allowing you to gain an ally blob, effectively doubling chemical generation. The other core can have a different chemical from the original blob, but you both gain from any linked resource nodes, making it the most potent ability the blob possesses.
Left Click
Expands Blob tiles to the target tile(needs to be adjacent and not diagonal to another blob Tile) and Attacks a human/cyborg on the targeted tile. Save up resources to quickly and rapidly kill borgs or humans.
Create a Strong tile, or click on a Strong Tile to create a Reflective tile.
Middle Mouse Click
Rallys Spores to a target location.
Remove tiles, partially refunding some of their cost.

Blob Tile Uses/Purpose
Blob Core
Blob core.gif
The most important part of you, it is the brain of the blob and the heart. You cannot have more than one core so you must protect it at all costs, or you will die. It will regenerate health on its own, and you can keep track of its life from your HUD. Also produces one resource point per second all on its own, and allows placement of "building" tiles within 3 tiles of itself.
Blob Node
Blob node.gif
A Node will grow normal blob tiles around it, factories and resource nodes can be placed within a 3 tile radius around them. Necessary for expanding your territory, and will rapidly eat through any adjacent walls. Nodes are additionally used for the Split Consciousness and Relocate Core command. Can't be built within 5 tiles of another Node Blob. Ideal for breaching secure areas or defending choke points.
Blob Tile
Blob normal.gif
The basic blob tile, which expands your influence and is required to place more advanced tiles.
Strong Blob
Blob shield.gif
Created by upgrading a Normal blob tile (ctrl+click), they can absorb a great deal more damage than a normal blob tile, are fireproof and can block air, allowing you to protect yourself from station fires.
Reflective Blob
Blob reflective.gif
Created by upgrading a Strong blob tile, they absorb less damage than a strong blob but have the ability to reflect laser shots and negate emitter pulses. Strategic placement of reflective tiles can negate a large amount of the crew's offensive power and may lead to many incidents of friendly fire.
Resource Blob
Blob resource.gif
Steadily produces resources, individual production speed increasing with proximity to a node/core. They are essential to resource income; defending your resource nodes is vitally important. The more resource tiles you have, the faster your resource generation and thus expansion. They cannot be built within 4 tiles of another Resource tile, but can always be adjacent to a node with optimal placement.
Blob Factory
Blob factory.gif
Creates blob spores Blob spore.png which will attack nearby food (read: people.), and convert the dead into Blob zombie.png Blob Zombies, which are tougher and stronger than spores alone. Can't be built within 7 tiles of another Factory Blob.
Sacrifice a factory to spawn a Blobbernaut. Blobbernauts are ghost-controlled creatures that deal moderate damage to the crew, can break down airlocks/machines, but constantly degenerate health if injured and not on a blob tile, they will however regenerate health while moving across blob tiles. They are immune to pressure but are vulnerable to loss of gravity.
Storage Blob
Blob resource.gif
Increases max resource point capacity by 50 for as long as it is up. While not useful to a newborn blob, these exponentially increase a large blob's fighting capacity and ability to staying alive.

Kill That Blob!

The blob is a severe biohazard, and as such the Emergency Shuttle will likely be prevented from coming to the station to save you until crew transfer so your only option is to play the long game or kill it.


Blob tiles are highly resistant to brute damage, meaning that you will have to rely on burn damage which the blob has no resistance to. Utilize items such as welders and laser based weaponry. They will prove very effective in eliminating most blob tiles. But make sure to avoid friendly fire and watch out for reflective blob tiles. Flamethrowers, while flame-based weaponry, are not very effective and usually hurt the crew rather than the blob.

Additionally, Two flashbangs will destroy all weak blob tiles in a large area, allowing people to rush in and destroy the special blob squares. If you don't warn people you're using these, they might get stunned and eaten by the blob. Give people a chance to clear the area so you don't mass stun them.


  • Make sure to utilize internals and EVA suits because the area inevitably gets spaced by the blob.
  • Build rechargers in the nearby area in order to quickly recharge energy weapons
  • Keep welding tanks nearby but far away from the blob so people using welders can refill

The Blob is Too Big

Should the blob grow too powerful, you may just have to nuke the station. You can do this on the way out or to prevent immediate blob critical mass. Ask Central Command for the station nuclear detonation codes. They may or may not grant it to you or it could take some time so keep fighting to the bitter end.

General Tips

  • Consider having medical set up a field hospital nearby
  • Have Roboticists build durands to combat the blob
  • Emitters are useful but can easily be countered by reflective blobs
  • Have RND prints Advanced Energy Guns as they're self-rechargeable and do burn damage
  • Avoid fighting blobbernauts unless you can kill them, they easily regenerate health

CaptainHead of PersonnelHead of SecurityChief EngineerResearch DirectorChief Medical OfficerQuartermaster
Nanotrasen RepresentativeBlueshield Officer
Internal AffairsMagistrate
WardenSecurity OfficerDetective
Station EngineerAtmospheric Technician
Medical DoctorParamedicChemistGeneticistVirologistPsychologistCoroner
Cargo TechnicianShaft MinerExplorer
AnimalAssistantDerelict ResearcherGhostGolemSyndicate Researcher
AICyborgMaintenance DronePersonal AI
AbductorsAsh WalkerBlobChangelingConstructContractorCultistGuardianLavaland EliteMorphNuclear AgentRevenantRevolutionaryShadow DemonSlaughter DemonSITSyndicate ResearcherTerror SpiderPulse DemonTraitorVampireWizardXenomorphZombie
Central Command OfficerDeath CommandoEmergency Response TeamHighlanderTradersSpecial Event RolesSuper HeroesSyndicate Infiltration TeamCluwne