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Sirryan's To-Do List


1. Introduction

 a. Your mission
 b. You and the crew

2. The Dynamic Duo

 a. The Agent
   i. Your Arsenal
 b. The Scientist
   ii. The tools at your disposal 
 c. Teamwork makes the Dream work

3. Abducting your first crewmember

 a. Beam me down Scotty
 b. Experimentation
   i. Surgery
   ii. Experimentation
 c. General Abduction tips

4. Making the Mothership proud

NR Flavor.gif
NR Flavor.gif
This page needs to be reviewed/updated:
In need of a general rewrite.



Superiors: Alien Mothership
Difficulty: Hard
Guides: This is the guide.
Access: Based on where you can teleport to and who's ID you can steal
Duties: Kidnap people, stuff them with organs of dubious origin.


Abductors are technologically advanced alien society set on cataloging all species in the system. Unfortunately for their subjects their methods are quite invasive.

Your Mission

Congratulations! You and another grey have been chosen to embark upon a scientific crusade to study the anomalous and mysterious peoples of the universe. Utilizing your advanced technology and tool sets you will abduct and experiment on the members of the NSS Cyberiad.

Your objectives are as follow:

  • Kidnap and experiment on 6 specimens
  • Avoid detection as much as possible

You and the Crew

There is nothing more a crew member hates than getting his or her organs stolen! If you get spotted, the crew will remind you of this through rather expressive means. You must disguise yourself, move quickly, and utilize the element of surprise to get the jump on your future experiments else your cover gets blown or you meet an untimely end by an assistant with soap and a toolbox.

Even if someone doesn't immediately kill you, you do not have the ability to speak in the conventional sense. In order to ensure our experiment stays as credible and accurate as possible, we must avoid speaking to them or otherwise letting them figure out what is happening.

The Dynamic Duo

You share a telepathic link with other member of the expedition ship (the UFO).

OH SHUCKS I'M AN AYYYLIEN WHAT DO? Well, my wonderful friend, here is a detailed and thorough guide to being the best alien duo in the galaxy.

Agents are the ones that will do the majority of the actual field work. With the help of the scientist, they can put on a disguise and locate a human to catch. Their main job is to find an isolated target, successfully stun them and put them to sleep, cuff them, and take them to a secluded area where the scientist can come in and do the rest.

The scientist is the operator behind the agent. He has a camera console which he will spend most of his time at, allowing him to see most of the station from above. His science tool, when set to SCAN mode, can be used on station crew that he sees through the cameras to steal their appearance and add it to the database of disguises for the agent. It is encouraged to scan as many people as you can when the opportunity presents itself. The science tool can also be set to MARK mode, which will add whoever you marked to your buffer. Anybody in your buffer can then be manipulated via your camera console, meaning you can teleport them to your UFO, or send them to anywhere on the station that you can see through cameras. Your agent can be marked through cameras! However, with human subjects, you must manually go to the station and stand next to them, as well as wait a few seconds while the marking tool adds them to the buffer.

What this essentially means is that the agent and the scientist are a tag team. The scientist finds a human to abduct, and gets a disguise that would suit the situation for the agent. The scientist marks the agent and warps him down to an area where he will be able to access the target. The agent then has to subdue the target and get him to an isolated area. Then, through his camera console, the scientist can warp himself down to the target and mark it. The scientist has an implant (with a minor cooldown) that instantly warps him back to the UFO. Once the target is marked, he uses this implant, then uses his console to bring the target to the UFO. Then, if needed, he can mark the agent through the cameras and retrieve him, as well. Once the target is safely in the UFO, the surgery can begin (for steps to complete the surgery, see the guide to it below). Remember that you can buckle cuffed subjects to the surgery table, should they wake up and attempt to resist.

During surgery, feel free to torment the subject or steal from it. The important thing is that you get an experimental gland into it and that it does not die. Once the surgery is done and the gland is in, put the subject into the Experiment Machinery (see more on that below, under Ship Equipment). Push some buttons to complete the experiment, and bam, the subject will be taken back to the station via teleporter and you earn one experimentation point. Experimentation points are given for each successful experiment. If you lose equipment, such as the agent's baton, you can spend your points to get new ones. These points are separate from your objective and can be spent freely, but make sure to keep some as back up in case you lose a vital piece of equipment.

In point format:

  • Scientist uses science tool in SCAN mode to collect disguises
  • Scientist tells agent where he'll be warped in to and who to try to abduct/watch out for
  • Agent is teleported in by scientist and stuns, sleeps, and cuffs the target
  • If the agent fails and is in danger, the scientist (if he has already marked the agent with the science tool in MARK mode) can recall him to the UFO
  • If the agent succeeds, he takes the target to a secluded area where scientist comes in and uses the science tool in MARK mode to mark the target
  • Scientist uses his implant and returns to the ship, then uses his console to recall the target and the agent (You need to MARK the agent after the target still, but it's instant and can be done through the camera console)
  • Surgery is done and agent loots whatever he may need off the target. Target is placed in experimentation machine and sent back to the station.
  • The process repeats as many times as necessary.

Important things you want to do before anything else: Scientist: Mark your agent by using your science tool in MARK mode. Gather disguises through the observation console by using your science tool in SCAN mode. Agent: Sync your agent armor up with the abductor console. Discuss a plan with your scientist. Agree on a safeword to use if the agent needs urgent warping out of danger.

Other stuff you should think about doing but don't have to (tips): Consider warping into medbay stealthily to steal a medkit or two in the event that the agent gets harmed. If you need to warp into the armory for weaponry or if the AI is becoming a nuisance to your objectives, ahelp and discuss what you can do about the situation. Remember that your presence should largely go unknown on the station and that you're there to do experiments on organics, not to mess with the actual structure and equipment there.


Your overall objective is to kidnap and experiment on a given number of station inhabitants (usually 6) and acquire the designated number of experimentation points.

IMPORTANT NOTE If you wish to do something that falls outside of your objectives that would otherwise compromise the integrity of the station or its equipment (Examples include but are not limited to warping into the armory to steal weaponry, detonating the cyborgs on station, or killing/carding the Artificial Intelligence) ahelp to ask permission first.

Experimental Dissection

File:Hud target torso.gif Target: Chest

Step 1: AlienScalpel.png Scalpel: make an incision.
Step 2: AlienHemostat.png Hemostat: clamp bleeders.
Step 3: AlienRetractor.png Retractor: retract the skin.
Step 4: AlienSaw.png Circular Saw: Saw through the rib cage.
Step 5: AlienRetractor.png Retractor: Pry the ribs apart.
Step 6: Hands Remove unnecessary organs / Use your hands to find the organs. Removed organs are garbage, and can be placed wherever.
Step 7: Gland Gland: Insert the chosen gland from gland storage.
Step 8: AlienCautery.png Cautery: Cauterise the wound with the cautery.

Experimental robotic Dissection (IPC)

File:Hud target torso.gif Target: Chest

Step 1: File:AlienScrew.png Screwdriver: make an incision.
Step 2: File:AlienCrowbar.png Crowbar: Open Hatch.
Step 3: Hands Remove unnecessary battery / Use your hands to find the battery, which is also garbage.
Step 4: Gland Gland: Insert the chosen gland from gland storage.
Step 5: File:AlienCrowbar.png Crowbar: Close Hatch.

Ship Equipment

Name Icon Purpose
Ship Console Console Use this to set teleporter destination or retrieve people marked by scientist tools. Also used for buying replacement gear and linking the agent's vest.
Experiment Machinery Experiment This is the device that rewards you with experimentation points. Put in human with replaced organs and select one of the options to finish the experiment. Note that the subject will be sent to teleporter destination immediately if experiment succeeds.
Telepad AlienPad.png Stand on this if you want to be sent to the station. People that have been marked and teleported to the UFO by the scientist appear here.
Gland Storage Storage Contains replacement organs needed for experimental dissection. You have limited supply of each gland, so try to pick a new one on each subject you experiment with.
Surgery Table AlienBed.png Perform dissection on this. If the subject is cuffed, you can buckle him down to prevent resistance by dragging his sprite to it.
Observation Console Observation The scientist's main base of operations. Use this to find secluded humans, mark agents or gather disguises. Also used for warping marked people (including the scientist) in or out of the UFO.

Abductor Agent



You're the strong arm of the team, you're the one who will spend more time station-side kidnapping humans. Teleport in, incapacitate a human and secure the area for scientist arrival. Keep in mind that while you are the one that will frequently be in combat, communication with your fellow scientist is still very important, as they control what disguises are available to you, the mode of your vest, and are able to warp you out of danger in a pinch. Remember to communicate!

1. Tell the Scientist if you want a stealth approach with disguises (Usually the better choice), or a frontal assault.
2. Stun the target(s), change the baton to sleep and hit them with it, change it to cuff, then call the Scientist in if its safe.
3. Find more targets, or teleport back and help with the caught subjects


Name Icon Purpose
Agent Vest Vest The most important part of your equipment, this vest is surgically grafted to your body and works in two modes : Stealth and Combat. Remember: Modes are controlled remotely by your ship console! Communicate frequently and let the scientist know when you need to change modes.
Stealth Vest Mode Vest Using this vest mode will allow you to take on form of any human your scientist teammate added to the database. Be careful however this disguise is very fragile and any damage will reveal your true identity. Disguise is chosen using ship-side console. This vest mode is more commonly used, as it allows you to be more stealthy, and is more useful for sneaking up to isolated targets to abduct them.
Combat Vest Mode Vest This mode significantly increases armor values of the vest and allows you to use inbuilt anti-stun injector. You can't maintain the disguise in this mode. Use it if you're ready to go loud and take down several crewmen at once!
Silencer Silencer Use this device to silently turn off radios and headsets around the targeted human. Especially useful during abductions, in the event of the subject waking up or screaming for help before you can put them to sleep.
Decloner Decloner Your self-defense sidearm, deals radiation damage but needs to be recharged using station rechargers. Remember you need your specimens alive! Holds ten energy rounds. This is a last resort, meaning you should only find yourself using it if you're without any other options or tools (or if you decide to go loud).
Stunbaton & handcuffs Alien Baton Use these to capture the specimens for research. You must use an intent other then 'Help' for this to work. It has several different modes that can be toggled through and can't be used by humans, making it very useful as your main abducting tool. It has a stun mode which acts as a regular stun baton would, a sleep mode which will cause an already stunned human to go unconscious, a cuff mode which applies disposable alien handcuffs, and a probe mode, which tells you more details about the subject it's used on. Remember, when abducting: Stun, Sleep, Cuff.
Alien toolbelt AlienBelt.png This toolbelt contains futuristic tools that make reaching your target from a diffferent room a breeze. It contains a multitool that shows wire functions, welding tool that rapidly refills and other tools which work faster than normal tools, and a (normal) cable coil.

Abductor Scientist



You're the support member of the team. The observation console is your main base of operations: Use it to gather disguises, control agent's vest, warp people in and out of the station/UFO, warp yourself to the station, and also to simply monitor station activity and look for an isolated target. You are also generally the one in charge of experimental surgeries. You will also have to go to station to mark humans secured by the agent for retrieval. Be vary careful, as you are the only link back to the UFO, and if you are caught and die while on station then your mission has failed. Remember to use your teleporter implant if danger presents itself for a quick retreat.

1. Talk with your agent about how to do things, silently or guns blazing
2. Assuming you do it stealthily, use the SCIENCE TOOL in SCAN MODE while using your camera console, look at someone, while holding the SCIENCE TOOL click on a crewmember. This crewmember is then added to the database of disguises. To select it, use the mahine by the Teleporter, by Vest settings. Then select a disguise. Keep in mind that even as the agent will appear as the crewmember, they do not have their ID, so they are without access.
3. Find someone who will be easy to jump for the agent. Usually someone alone, a lone Scientist in Xenobiology for example. Teleport the Agent in (In the same room unless you have already stolen ID cards), BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING ELSE, MARK THE AGENT WITH THE SCIENCE TOOL, this makes you able to recall them if it all goes wrong. This is done by using the SCIENCE TOOL while using the camera console, and marking them on camera, much like the disguise SCAN. This can only be done on the agent however. Now that the backup is set, you are clear to continue.
4. Guide the Agent to the target, so they dont have to hunt blindly, and recall them if danger is coming. The crew cannot reach you on your ship, so why take chances?
5. Once the agent has secured a target, teleport down yourself. Then MARK the target with the SCIENCE TOOL, this takes some time. Once done, use the blue arrow in your bar, which teleports you back up. Then teleport the target up. As only one person can be MARKED, you now need to remark the Agent in the console to get them up.
6. One the Target and Agent have been secured, do the surgery (Guide under).
7. Then put them in the machine, and use it, to gain points (These are also a Win condition)
8. Use the points to buy things to help your mission, keep in mind that the Agent cannot use a SCIENCE TOOL, so buying another is not useful unless you somehow lost yours.


Name Icon Purpose
Teleporter Implant Implant Using this implant will allow you to return to ship straight away. Has a minor cooldown. Mainly used for getting back to the UFO after you've warped yourself to the station to mark an abductee.
Science Tool
Science Tool : MARK mode Science Tool In this mode the tool will mark humans or agents for retrieval. You must be immediately next to a humanoid if you're marking them for abduction, and the marking process takes a good few seconds in which you are vulnerable. With your agent, however, the marking process is instant and can be done through the observation console, meaning that you can warp your agent out of danger in a pinch without putting yourself at any risk. You can also only store one mark at a time; meaning that once you teleport your subject back to the ship, you'll need to mark your agent through the console to be able to retrieve them as well.
Science Tool: SCAN mode Science Tool This mode will add the targeted person's look to disguises database. Can be done through cameras. If you scan the same person again after they've changed clothing, their appearance will update in the database. Keep in mind that if you cuff someone for abduction and then scan them, the handcuffs will appear in the disguise, which looks very suspicious.
Mind Device:
Mind Device: Message Mode File:AlienMindDeviceMessage.png This mode will allow you to send messages straight to the brain of anyone you target, even through your camera consoles! Call the ERT a bunch of nerds, gloat to the captain, or whisper sweet nothings to someone you've abducted.
Mind Device: Control Mode File:AlienMindDeviceControl.png Control Mode will only work on people who've been successfully abducted, and only a finite amount of times per abductee, the limit differing depending on the organ they have. With this mode, you may send a command or objective to your abductee that they will then have to follow. While these orders remain for a long length of time, varying depending on the organ, the victim will snap out of it eventually.

Abductee or Insanity 101

So you were kidnapped and experimented on by aliens? Who'd have expected that! Your mind did not get through this even unscathed and you feel like there's something wrong with your body. Try to complete your objectives and maybe you'll learn what's going on here.

In other words, you have been given a ticket to make the round more fun. This is somewhat reliant on roleplay. Just go along with it and be the crazy alien-lunatic that you now are. (The objective automatically counts as a success anyways, so don't worry about greentexting.)

Possible Glands

Name Icon Effect
Healing Gland HealthGland.png Heals the abductee every so often
Spider Gland SpiderGland.png Makes the abductee exhale spider pheromones and spawn spiderlings
Slime Gland SlimeGland.png Produces slimes friendly to the abductee
EMP Gland EMPGland.png Makes abductee emit EMP every so often
Species Gland SpeciesGland.png Makes abductee change species rapidly.
Egg Gland EggGland.png Makes the abductee lay acid-filled eggs.
Stretch Gland VentGland.png Allow the abductee to crawl through vents without trouble
Mindshock Gland MindshockGland.png Makes the abductee emit a confusing psychic wave every so often
Viral Gland ViralGland.png Makes the abductee carrier of a serious disease - abductee is NOT affected
Bloody Gland HealthGland.png Sprays blood on everything in sight.
Plasma Gland HealthGland.png Causes the abductee to cough up plasma.
Chemical Gland HealthGland.png Produces random chemicals inside the body, but slightly increases toxin resistance.
Electricity Gland HealthGland.png Periodically creates arcs of electricity, shocking everyone but the abductee.
CaptainHead of PersonnelHead of SecurityChief EngineerResearch DirectorChief Medical OfficerQuartermaster
Nanotrasen RepresentativeBlueshield Officer
Internal AffairsMagistrate
WardenSecurity OfficerDetective
Station EngineerAtmospheric Technician
Medical DoctorParamedicChemistGeneticistVirologistPsychologistCoroner
Cargo TechnicianShaft MinerExplorer
AnimalAssistantDerelict ResearcherGhostGolemSyndicate Researcher
AICyborgMaintenance DronePersonal AI
AbductorsAsh WalkerBlobChangelingConstructContractorCultistGuardianLavaland EliteMorphNuclear AgentRevenantRevolutionaryShadow DemonSlaughter DemonSITSyndicate ResearcherTerror SpiderPulse DemonTraitorVampireWizardXenomorphZombie
Central Command OfficerDeath CommandoEmergency Response TeamHighlanderTradersSpecial Event RolesSuper HeroesSyndicate Infiltration TeamCluwne