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Superiors: The Queen
Difficulty: Medium
Guides: Guide to Combat
Access: Any non-welded vent and anything you can pry open or melt with acid.
Duties: Protect the queen, build the nest, multiply.

Xenomorphs are an intelligent and extremely hostile alien species who follow the will of a singular Queen and are bound together by a hivemind. They may evolve into various castes, granting them various abilities and specialisations within the hive.

Queens are responsible for their continual reproduction, as she can lay eggs hatching facehuggers who can latch onto a living host and inject a parasitic larva inside, the larva eventually growing big enough to burst out of their chest. Instances of singular larvae sneaking into a station's vents are rare, but due to plasma being their main source of power, it's important to stay cautious.

Beginning Your Infestation

Aliens can arrive onto the station in different ways. The most common way is to have them rolled for a major midround role. Two alien larvae will spawn, four if there are 80 players or more connected to the server. These larvae spawn near vent ducts, and are set to be 80% through their evolution cycle. Their presence will be announced to the crew about 13 to 15 minutes after their arrival.

Alien Reproduction

As with all other species, Xenomorphs require a way to reproduce in order to not remain a singular member species. It's an extremely unusual process for most, as it requires a member of a species different than the Xenomorph. Their reproduction involves implanting lethal parasites inside a host for them to then chestburst out of the body. Many face trauma from such an experience, even if the parasite is removed prematurely, so it's best that proper safety measures are applied during a Xenomorph invasion on the station.


The crucial aspect of Xenomorph reproduction is the facehugger, hatched from the alien eggs planted by the Queen. It is a parasitic appendage that attaches to the faces of living hosts, rendering them blind, causing them to mumble their words, and knocking them down to the floor for 14 seconds. After this, it implants an alien embryo inside the host before curling up into a ball and dying. Xenomorphs typically use facehuggers by either throwing them at potential hosts or pulling them into large piles of facehuggers.

They are sensitive to fire and temperature changes, and will die immediately in rooms above 300 kelvin. Their latching abilities can be easily countered by appropriate headgear, with them being:

Item Description

MODsuit Helmets
Comes with every MODsuit, which in turn are found in Engineering, Paramedic's Office, Cargo and Robotics. Can be made in Robotics.

Space Helmets
Found in EVA. Found in the "Space Suit Crate" cargo crate.

Bio Hoods
Found in Level 3 Biohazard closets in Virology, CMO's locker, Medical, Janitor's Closet, Armoury and various locations of Science.

Riot Helmets
Found in the Armoury. Found in the "Riot Helmets Crate" cargo crate.

Crusader Helmets
Found in the Chaplain's wardrobe.

Blob Hats
Bought in the arcade for 125 tickets.

Bomb Hoods
Found in bomb closets in the Armoury, Toxins, and SciChem.

Radiation Hoods
Found in Engineering. Found in the "Radiation Protection Crate" cargo crate.

Cueball Helmets
Bought in the Autodrobe vending machine.

Snowman Heads
Bought in the Autodrobe vending machine.

Welding Helmets (Hood on)
Found in Engineering, Tool Storage, and are able to be produced with an Autolathe.

Carved Pumpkins
Made by using a sharp object on a pumpkin.

Plasma Envirosuit Helmets
Found on Plasmamen. Found in the "Plasmaman Supply Kit" cargo crate.

Berserker Helmets
Hood of the Berserker Hardsuit. Found in Necropolis Chests obtained by destroying Tendrils.

Alien Embryo

The next steps of the Xenomorph reproduction process happens inside the chest of the host. An alien embryo that was injected with the help of a facehugger begins to slowly grow about every 70 seconds, with the time slightly varying between each growth stage. The host will begin to develop a whooping cough and start frantically sneezing, with their body weakening further as the parasite matures. The maturing embryo will grow regardless of whether the host is dead or alive. Upon reaching full maturity, the embryo will transform into a larva, flooding the host with massive amounts of toxins before exploding from their chest.

This kills the host instantly by ejecting all of their organs onto the ground, but can be prevented if their chest is already open through surgical means. The only way to rid the host of the parasite is by performing Internal Organ Manipulation surgery, which will kill it. Xenomorphs and medical HUDs are able to identify infected individuals, but only Xenomorphs and medical analyzers can tell the current stage of the infection.

Alien Evolution

With each generation, the Xenomorphs stray further from their Facehugger ancestors. Born as larvae, they begin to feel a strong connection to their hivemind and plasma. They develop speech, heightened intelligence, night vision and various other complex abilities. Their evolutionary cycles split into different castes, with some developing specific situational skills and physical appearance.

Their main power on their path towards evolutionary greatness comes from plasma, which they can then deplete either by evolving or using their abilities. Plasma's flammability makes them susceptible to damage from flames and heat sources, which they instinctively avoid like plague. Queens are the highest evolution and caste that is possible for the Xenomorphs to reach, making them matriarchs of their respected hives. 


The diminutive form of the predatory aliens, capable of being crushed by a well-placed stomp, makes all the horror stories about the Xenomorphs seem like deranged myths. About the size and shape of a snake, all they're currently capable of is biting someone's shins and hiding. Despite their cute appearance, they should not be underestimated, as letting one flee means

After nearly 4 minutes of growing, they can evolve into a higher caste. They are able to speed up this process by biting into alive humanoids and animals to feast on their flesh for strength and by standing on alien weeds. The scales on their bodies change colour depending on how close they are to evolving, ranging from a salmon orange to a crimson red. Due to their small size, bodies, flags, potted plants, tables, and ventilation shafts become their natural covers. Their plasma reservoir starts at 25, with a maximum capacity of 50.

- Larva scale color midway through their growth.

- Larva scale color mere seconds from evolution.

Ability Plasma Cost Description
10 Allows to telepathically communicate a message to a living target. Useful if you like to play with your prey.
Plant Weeds
50 After 2 seconds plants alien weeds at your location, which regenerate health, plasma, and speed up larva growth for all Xenomorphs currently standing on them.
Transfer Plasma
50 Transfers 50 of your own plasma to a nearby Xenomorph. Useful for helping hardworking allies!
0 If fully grown and at 200 plasma, you can choose between 3 different castes to evolve into. Otherwise, tells you that you need to wait longer.
0 Conceals you under a variety of objects, including chairs, open lockers, people, plants, flags and tables.
Vent Crawling 0 Alt-clicking on any not-welded vent or scrubber will allow you to traverse the piping system, allowing for easy reconnaissance and travel.
Hivemind 0 Putting :a before your message allows you to send a telepathic message to all members of your hivemind, which all Xenomorphs can hear.


Outgrowing the larval stage of their development, Xenomorphs now have multiple limbs, a strong armoured chitin with sharp, flesh-tearing claws that make them a terrifying threat, a large stomach that can temporarily hold any prey for easier transportation, and Herculean strength that allows them to pry open airlocks!

The differences between each caste make them all vary in their role in the hive, some being protectors of their hive while others being quick and valiant hunters. Their new appendages provide them with more ways to manipulate objects, making them a big danger in sensitive areas of the station while also letting them show off more complex moves in combat. 

Help - Nuzzles creatures, which helps your fellow Xenomorphs lose immobilizing effects faster!

Stun - Deals 30 stamina damage and knocks down for 10 seconds. Disables cyborgs for 4 seconds.

Grab - Grabs a target.

Harm - Slashes a target for 20 brute damage.


Stealthy predators tasked with acquiring fresh new hosts to expand the hive. Their physical build sacrifices the weight and strength of their chitin for speed, making them the weakest and quickest caste of the three. Experts in stealth, they are almost invisible to the naked eye when stalking their prey, using dimly lit areas to their advantage. When they are ready to strike, they pounce on their targets, knocking them down and hastily taking them back to the hive. Their plasma reservoir starts at 50, with a maximum capacity of 100.

Ability Plasma Cost Description
0 Empties the contents of your stomach, spewing out anyone you have devoured.
10 Allows to telepathically communicate a message to a living target. Useful if you like to play with your prey.
Plant Weeds
50 After 2 seconds plants alien weeds at your location, which regenerate health, plasma, and speed up larva growth for all Xenomorphs currently standing on them.
Transfer Plasma
50 Transfers 50 of your own plasma to a nearby Xenomorph. Useful for helping hardworking allies!
0 Leaps at a distance of 7 tiles, knocking down any person in your path for 10 seconds and dealing 40 stamina damage. Leaping at crew with shields or into solid objects will stun you for 2 seconds.
Vent Crawling 0 Alt-clicking on any not-welded vent or scrubber will allow you to traverse the piping system, allowing for easy reconnaissance and travel.
Hivemind 0 Putting :a before your message allows you to send a telepathic message to all members of your hivemind, which all Xenomorphs can hear.
Devour 0 Aggressively grabbing a person then clicking on yourself will put them in your large stomach pouch, devouring them. Devoured people are dealt brute damage over time, and choke if without internals.
Stalk 5 per second Going into stalking mode turns you slower and nearly invisible, which will deplete your plasma the longer you stalk.


The muscles of the hive meant to keep intruders out and act as the Queen's own bodyguards, with chitin that is close to being as dense as hers. They possess better combat knowledge and abilities, being able to secrete extremely corrosive acid and neurotoxins inside their stomachs to spit out at their attackers. Sharing plasma is common among them, since each spit nearly depletes plenty of their plasma reserve. Their plasma reservoir starts at 100, with a maximum capacity of 250.  

Ability Plasma Cost Description
0 Empties the contents of your stomach, spewing out anyone you have devoured.
10 Allows to telepathically communicate a message to a living target. Useful if you like to play with your prey.
Plant Weeds
50 After 2 seconds plants alien weeds at your location, which regenerate health, plasma, and speed up larva growth for all Xenomorphs currently standing on them.
Transfer Plasma
50 Transfers 50 of your own plasma to a nearby Xenomorph. Useful for helping hardworking allies!
Corrosive Acid
200 Vomits out a pile of acid on anything or anyone nearby, causing it to melt or dealing huge amounts of damage. Has a 15 second cooldown.
Neurotoxin Spit
50 Fires a Neurotoxin projectile onto a target, knocking down whoever it hit for 10 seconds while dealing them 40 stamina and 5 brute damage. Has a 3 second cooldown.
Vent Crawling 0 Alt-clicking on any not-welded vent or scrubber will allow you to traverse the piping system, allowing for easy reconnaissance and travel.
Hivemind 0 Putting :a before your message allows you to send a telepathic message to all members of your hivemind, which all Xenomorphs can hear.
Devour 0 Aggressively grabbing a person then clicking on yourself will put them in your large stomach pouch, devouring them. Devoured people are dealt brute damage over time, and choke if without internals.


The hardworking builders of the hive, making sure there is plenty of protection in their sweet home. Evolving into this form, they are flooded with interior design and engineering information, allowing them to create a variety of structures using the resin that forms in their stomachs. Those range from walls and nest beds to even doors! They are important to keeping the hive afloat, as manoeuvring along countless defences significantly slows down attackers.

With enough plasma in their supply, they may even evolve into a Queen if the hive doesn't already have one, making them the most important caste for starting hives. Their plasma reservoir starts at 200, with a maximum capacity of 300. 

Ability Plasma Cost Description
0 Empties the contents of your stomach, spewing out anyone you have devoured.
10 Allows to telepathically communicate a message to a living target. Useful if you like to play with your prey.
Plant Weeds
50 After 2 seconds plants alien weeds at your location, which regenerate health, plasma, and speed up larva growth for all Xenomorphs currently standing on them.
Transfer Plasma
50 Transfers 50 of your own plasma to a nearby Xenomorph. Useful for helping hardworking allies!
Corrosive Acid
200 Vomits out a pile of acid on anything or anyone nearby, causing it to melt or dealing huge amounts of damage. Has a 15 second cooldown.
Build Resin Structure
55 After 3 seconds, builds one of four resin structures:
  • Resin Wall - Strong wall made out of resin.
  • Resin Nest - A nest to keep hosts buckled to, preventing them from escaping the hive.
  • Resin Door - A door that only Xenomorphs can open.
  • Revival Nest - A flimsy nest that heals and revives buckled Xenomorphs.
Evolve Into A Queen
300 Depletes your entire plasma reserve in order to become a Xenomorph Queen. Unusable if the hive already has a queen!
Vent Crawling 0 Alt-clicking on any not-welded vent or scrubber will allow you to traverse the piping system, allowing for easy reconnaissance and travel.
Hivemind 0 Putting :a before your message allows you to send a telepathic message to all members of your hivemind, which all Xenomorphs can hear.
Devour 0 Aggressively grabbing a person then clicking on yourself will put them in your large stomach pouch, devouring them. Devoured people are dealt brute damage over time, and choke if without internals.


The fabled singular matriarch of the hive. She's considered the ruler by all Xenomorphs below her, giving out commands to her loyal servants. Able to do virtually anything which the castes below her can, her only weakness is her heavy armor restricting her movement and ability to crawl inside ventilation shafts. Her sharper claws and stronger arms let her overpower prey more easily than other Xenomorphs can. She gives life to facehuggers by planting eggs that hatch them, letting her hunters use them to bring more Xenomorphs under her wing. Her plasma reservoir starts at 200 with a maximum capacity of 300.

Ability Plasma Cost Description
0 Empties the contents of your stomach, spewing out anyone you have devoured.
10 Allows to telepathically communicate a message to a living target. Useful if you like to play with your prey.
Plant Weeds
50 After 2 seconds plants alien weeds at your location, which regenerate health, plasma, and speed up larva growth for all Xenomorphs currently standing on them.
Transfer Plasma
50 Transfers 50 of your own plasma to a nearby Xenomorph. Useful for helping hardworking allies!
Corrosive Acid
200 Vomits out a pile of acid on anything or anyone nearby, causing it to melt or dealing huge amounts of damage. Has a 15 second cooldown.
Plant Alien Eggs
75 Plants an alien egg at your location, which will grow until it hatches a facehugger.
Build Resin Structure
55 After 3 seconds, builds one of four resin structures:
  • Resin Wall - Strong wall made out of resin.
  • Resin Nest - A nest to keep hosts buckled to, preventing them from escaping the hive.
  • Resin Door - A door that only Xenomorphs can open.
  • Revival Nest - A flimsy nest that heals and revives buckled Xenomorphs.
Neurotoxin Spit
50 Fires a Neurotoxin projectile onto a target, knocking down whoever it hit for 10 seconds while dealing them 40 stamina and 5 brute damage. Has a 3 second cooldown.
Tail Lash
0 Knocks down anyone nearby for 10 seconds. Has a 10 second cooldown.
Hivemind 0 Putting :a before your message allows you to send a telepathic message to all members of your hivemind, which all Xenomorphs can hear.
Devour 0 Aggressively grabbing a person then clicking on yourself will put them in your large stomach pouch, devouring them. Devoured people are dealt brute damage over time, and choke if without internals.


Xenomorphs have a wide array of organs inside of them, giving them various abilities and enhancements, though they may also be removed with the Alien Organ Manipulation surgery and implanted into a non-Xenomorph to provide those to them! It's possible to hijack them by slicing off their control node with a hemostat, allowing for functions that are harmful towards the hive. Shipping them off at cargo provides bountiful amounts of credits from the Nanotrasen Xenobiological Division. They may also be deconstructed for research levels.

Organ Selling price Description
Xeno Plasma Vessel
150 if tiny, otherwise 250 Default Function:
Grants plasma storage dependent on size, ability to plant alien weeds, ability to transfer plasma and allows for healing and plasma regeneration on alien weeds.
Hijacked Function:
Grants plasma storage dependent on size and an ability to syphon plasma out of others who have a plasma vessel and allows for healing and plasma regeneration on alien weeds.
Xeno Acid Gland
250 Default Function:
Grants the Corrosive Acid ability.
Hijacked Function:
Grants the Burning Touch ability, which deals hefty damage to Xenomorphs and resin structures.
Xeno Hive Node
250 Grants the Whisper ability, connection to the hivemind and immunity to facehuggers.
Xeno Neurotoxin Gland
250 Default Function:
Grants the Neurotoxin Spit ability.
Hijacked Function:
Grants a modified Neurotoxin Spit ability which is only able to knock down Xenomorphs.
Xeno Resin Organ
250 Default Function:
Grants the Build Resin Structure ability.
Hijacked Function:
Grants the Resin Consumption ability, allowing to consume resin structures.
Xeno Egg Sac
1000 Default Function:
Grants the Plant Alien Eggs ability.
Hijacked Function:
Grants the Combust facehuggers and eggs ability, causing all the alien eggs and facehuggers to blow up after a short delay.


After undergoing cyborgification and becoming slaves to their once enemies, Xenomorphs have an option to become a Hunter module cyborg capable of mimicking some biological functions of a Xenomorph, notably thermal vision, sharp claws and understanding of their language.

For more information, look here.

Being an Alien

Kickstarting Your Hive

You and your kin are inside an Unknown station's ventilation ducts, but you are just meek Larvae waiting to evolve and conquer it. You need to be fast to spread your numbers as much as possible, but also stealthy as to not get caught off-guard during a time of weakness. How do you do it all? It's rather simple:

  • Do not go out during the Larva stage. You can be easily spotted, leaving the station on high alert in order to catch your remaining brethren. It's best for you to wait it out until you are able to evolve.
  • Pick a quiet place for your hive. Maintenance areas with no cameras or ones you can easily destroy are favorable spots to choose. An incorrect hive placement will ensure getting found out early and wiped quickly.
  • Get a Queen ASAP! Drones are the only caste that are able to evolve into a Queen, who is necessary for the creation of facehuggers. Without the Queen or facehuggers, it's impossible for your hive to grow in size.
  • Place plenty of resin nests around the hive. Hosts who have been buckled into them will be unable to resist themselves out of for a lengthy time, which gives plenty of opportunity for the parasite inside them to grow.
  • Hunt with the use of facehuggers. Facehuggers apply plenty of negative effects to their wearer, making it easier for you to take your prey back to the nest!
  • Remove suit sensors from hosts to prevent anyone tracking down your hive.

Growing Your Hive

You and your fellow Xenos have prevailed for quite some time, but now the crew is well aware of your mischief and is fighting back! You are to stay strong and as witty as ever to defend against piles of mechs, lasers, and every man under the sun that will come crashing down your newfound home in this cold galaxy. There are many tricks you can use to aid you, like:

  • Plant alien weeds everywhere! They let you regenerate health and plasma if you stand on them, so the more the better. They can also be a distraction, as crew will often take their time to destroy the nodes.
  • Disarm your opponents. It deals an insane amount of stamina damage, letting you easily take down attackers and place them inside your hive. If you can't do that, you may use it to steal their weapons instead.
  • Raid vital areas of the station. Consider places like Medbay, and Science as targets to pick towards your expansion efforts.
  • Surround mechs if they are in an open area, as it lets you easily overpower them with your sheer numbers.
  • Replace regular airlocks with resin substitutes. It will prevent anyone but Xenomorphs from accessing that door, which saves you time in having to pry it open and closed.
  • Break lights and light sources. You have an incredible advantage in the dark due to possessing night vision, allowing for surprise attacks.
  • Create breaches into space. Due to being space-proof and lacking the need to breathe, space is practically your home! Use it to force hostiles into getting space suits.
  • Melt walls with acid to adjust the environment to your needs. This is where Drones can show off their construction skills, as intricate labyrinths can make it so much harder to face you.

Alien VS Predator

NOTE: Do not, under any circumstances, mess with atmospherics to hinder Xenomorphs. YOU WILL GET BANNED.

As a crewmember, it's your duty to take down the alien infestation on your station without letting it spread further to Nanotrasen stations. The shuttle will not leave until the threat is dead. Dealing with Xenomorphs isn't just about running into maintenance with a welder and a helmet. They can easily tear apart or impregnate unprepared attackers, which only makes things worse for the station.

Just staying in your department and doing your job can be more of a help in wiping them out than picking up a weapon. Before you do anything, confirm their presence. Preparing for a threat that doesn't exist will cause massive chaos, so make sure to only trust Security's or Command's words. If you have valid information about their existence, here are some tips to avoid becoming a new host for these monsters: 

  • Always stay in a group. You don't want to know how many people have died a lonely-chest bursting death due to not getting anyone to watch their back if a Xenomorph does come around the corner.
  • Construct Carved Pumpkins. They provide protection against facehuggers latching onto you and are cheaper than all the other alternatives. Hydroponics is able to mass-produce Pumpkins for this.
  • If you have been eaten alive, you can easily break out by hitting an alien from the inside with the strongest weapon you have on hand. When it dies, you can simply move around till you burst out of it.
  • Weld ventilation shafts and scrubbers. They are the quickest way for a Xenomorph to transport around the station without exposing themselves. Force them to get out of hiding!
  • Only fight at a range. Going up close and personal to a Xenomorph will always lead to you getting disarmed and dragged off unless you have stamina regenerating stimulants.
  • Call out locations of spotted Xenomorphs to help in tracking down their nest.
  • ERTs are your friends! Calling one as Command when the situation gets rough for the crew to handle is always a good idea.
  • As a member of the Medical team, you should prioritize removing embryos out of patients and preparing spare cybernetic organs or Cloning for the eventual chestbursted crew.
  • As a Warden or Head of Security, opening the armoury and arming the crew with it's weapons will give you a manpower on par with, or potentially bigger than the Xenomorphs.
  • As a Scientist, you can construct and distribute flamethrowers to the crew. Make sure to aim while using them though, since it's a pain both for you, your fellow crew and the Xenomorphs to be on fire.
  • As a Roboticist, constructing combat mechs should be your first and upmost priority. The ZFI Immolation Beam Gun and CH-LC "Solaris" Laser Cannon are your best bets against the alien menace.
  • As a Cargo Technician or Quartermaster, you can order bulk amounts of laser weaponry, EVA gear, and Incendiary Weapons crates. Lasers cause additional damage to Xenos while being easily rechargeable for repeated use, while space suits and helmets will allow you to even the battlefield if aliens start spacing parts of the station. Incendiary Weapons crates contain flamethrowers and firebombs in case Science did not prepare them.

After every Xeno alien has been wiped from the face of your station, you should be ready to deposit your weapons back to Security, as roleplaying rules are still in full effect!

CaptainHead of PersonnelHead of SecurityChief EngineerResearch DirectorChief Medical OfficerQuartermaster
Nanotrasen RepresentativeBlueshield OfficerNanotrasen Career Trainer
Internal AffairsMagistrate
WardenSecurity OfficerDetective
Station EngineerAtmospheric Technician
Medical DoctorParamedicChemistGeneticistVirologistPsychologistCoroner
Cargo TechnicianShaft MinerExplorerSmith
AnimalAssistantDerelict ResearcherGhostGolemSyndicate Researcher
AICyborgMaintenance DronePersonal AI
AbductorsAsh WalkerBlobChangelingConstructContractorCultistGuardianHereticLavaland EliteMindflayerMorphNuclear AgentPulse DemonRevenantRevolutionaryShadow DemonSlaughter DemonSITSyndicate ResearcherTerror SpiderTraitorVampireWizardXenomorphZombie
Central Command OfficerDeath CommandoEmergency Response TeamHighlanderTradersSpecial Event RolesSuper HeroesSyndicate Infiltration TeamCluwne