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Ragin' Mages

Superiors: Space Wizard Federation
Difficulty: Extremely Hard
Guides: No external guides.
Access: Wherever you can teleport to
Duties: Magic the place up as well as causing destruction to the station. Then evacuate to magic up Central Command!


Wizards are unique individuals who have access to powers that defy scientific principles. Most are part of the Space Wizard Federation, who have their own interests in Nanotrasen's resources. Normally, Wizards are solo operatives. However, the Wizard Federation is pissed and have deemed it necessary to send several operatives out. You and several other highly-trained wizards have been sent by the wizard federation to cause as much chaos as humanly possible.

The wizard's goals are usually to steal or destroy something important to the station. But for this case, they need to cause destruction on the station and survive to the end of the round, they don't have to escape on the shuttle.

Your magical equipment

After you and your fellow wizards spawn inside of the Wizard's Den, you'll find several enchanted items either on your person or spread out around you:


This is where you buy all your fancy spells and trinkets to unleash chaos on the crew. You’ll start with 10SP (Spell points) to spend as you wish, and can refund most spells (unless otherwise stated) while you are still inside the wizard’s den. The spellbook is also bound to only open to you, so your apprentices or random crew members cannot open it themselves to acquire magic of their own.

Wizard Garb

Due south of your starting location will be a room filled with various outfits. The Wizard's Hood, Robes, and Sandals all act as magical amplifiers and boost the wizards skills. Certain spells can only be performed with them equipped, and they reduce the cool downs of the ones that don't. If you lose these, it can make completing your objective a lot harder.

Scroll of Teleportation

A 4-use (1-use if you’re an apprentice) magical scroll that will let you teleport to most locations on the station. You’ll need this to actually board it in the first place (unless you have the teleport spell), but the remaining uses can come in handy if you’re in a bind and need to wait for your spells to cool down. Do note that you cannot teleport back to the wizard's den once you leave it.

Magic Mirror

If you wish to change what species you are, you may use the magic mirror in your bedroom. It'll let you customize nearly everything about your appearance. You must still unlock species with karma before you are able to play them.

Mugwort Tea

A single cup of mugwort rests on the table in the main room of the den. Mugwort will slowly heal wizards of all damage types over time, so be sure to grab it if you need to heal up later on. Another wizard may have taken the tea; so you'll have to come up with some alternatives. Duke Purple tea has a 3% chance to have mugworts, warm Donk-Pockets provide omnizine which can also be a good source of healings, 4no raisins are also capable of five points of brute and burn.


There's a few vending machines scattered around the den for you to make use of before you head off to the station. In addition to food, there's also a special magivend machine with some spare wizard equipment if you need it. It can also dispense a unique item if you find some way to hack the machine...

All Together Now!

As a group of wizards against the entire crew, you have the advantage of teamwork. Attempt to co-ordinate with you fellow wizards for maximum efficiency. You can bet that most of the crew will be after you and your posse with laser guns and shotguns the moment the moment your arrival is announced, regardless of your and your crew's intentions. Picking out a good loadout of spells and equipment is crucial if you want to survive while causing as much chaos as you possibly can. Below are a few pointers to consider when choosing what spells and magical artefacts you want to take with you on your quest:

  • Remember, you are functioning as a unit, meaning that if you lose a piece of magical equipment, it can be used against your team. Picking up the "Instant Summons" spell is always recommended if you bring a polymorph staff or a powerful item along.
  • The Mjolnir item can be thrown to cause massive damage. If you ever find yourself being chased down a tight corridor, or need to knock back a line of enemies, this is your tool of choice.
  • Other Wizards cannot pass through your forcewall, so be courteous where you place them.
  • Try to avoid summoning demons, they will attack you and your friends.
  • On Ragin' Mages you can put yourself into a simplemob without ending the round. Want to be an alien alloy golem regenerating health? Go ahead. A slaughter demon wizard blasting fireballs? Also fine.
  • Remember that wizards are just as squishy as the crew you've hopefully been mowing down. In between your righteous crusade of murder, be sure to take healing breaks.
  • As there are other wizards about, be sure to pick a name that stands out. Have fun with it, and be unique. Nobody likes a, "I AM A SPACE WIZARD" wizard.
  • Most importantly, remember to have fun. Ragin' Mages is about sowing the seeds of unadulterated chaos, and it's unlikely you'll get the opportunity to do this again, so make the most of it.

Spells and other Magics

If you are concerned about raising confusion or being found out, it is good to know that silent spells are either whispered or do not require you to say anything at all and loud spells will have you yell them out for everyone to hear. Also, your spellcasting ability is not impaired by being stunned, cuffed or gagged, unless the spell description specifically says so.

Magical Items

Spell Name Cost Requires Garb? Loud or Silent? Cooldown Description
Defensive Spells
No Clothes 2 N/A N/A N/A Allows you to use all spells without your garments. A great choice if you wish to go undercover.
Rathen's secret 2 Yes Loud 50 Summons a powerful shockwave around you that knocks everyone down for a moment, forcing all victims to emit a small smoke cloud and defecate their appendix. If you've already taken the liberty to remove the victim of their appendix, they instead take 10 brute damage, with a possibility of breaking their ribs if they are already hurt.
Magic Missile 2 Yes Loud 20 Fires several, slow moving, magic projectiles at all targets within your sight which stun them, but deal no damage. The stun duration is quite short, but just long enough to slap cuffs on someone if you are right next to them and have the cuffs in one of your hands already.
Disable Tech 1 Yes Loud 40 Creates an EMP disabling all energy weapons, cameras, radios and most other technology in range.
Repulse 1 Yes Loud 40 Throws everything around the user away.
Stop Time 2 Yes Loud 50 Stops time on a 3x3 grid around you, allowing you to move freely while anyone or anything, including projectiles caught in the sphere will be frozen in place. Lasts 10 seconds.
Smoke 1 No Silent 12 Spawns a cloud of choking smoke at your location.
Forcewall 1 No Silent 10 Creates a magical barrier that only you can walk through, lasts for 30 seconds.
Greater Forcewall 1 Yes Loud 10 Creates a larger magical barrier that only you can walk through, lasts for 30 seconds.
Offensive Spells
Fireball 2 No Loud 6 Fires a fireball in the direction you are looking at and does not require wizard garb. WARNING: Due to the way the game is coded, it's possible (a small chance) to hit yourself with a thing you're throwing, casting, et cetera. Do not cast fireballs the same direction you're walking, or you will possibly fireball yourself!
Disintegrate 2 Yes Loud 60 Charges your hand with vile energy that can be used to violently explode victims. This spell manifests in your hand and requires you to touch your target, so you will not be able to use it while handcuffed or stunned. Additionally, all the gear except their shoes, gloves, helmet, mask, headset, glasses and whatever they were holding in their hands will be permanently destroyed.
Rod Form 2 Yes Loud 60 Casting this spell makes you take the form of an immovable rod, which will destroy everything in its path. Deals heavy brute damage to anyone hit by the rod, often putting them into critical health. Upgrading this spell will increase the distance travelled while in rod form in addition to lowering the cooldown. Note that upon casting this spell you will be locked to moving in a single direction, so aim carefully!
Blind 1 No Silent 30 Temporarily blinds a single person.
Mutate 2 Yes Loud 40 Turns you into a hulk and grants laser vision (You can shoot laser beams while on harm intent, each shot dealing a smashing 20 burn damage). Lasts 30 seconds. Tip: You can mantain this spell almost constantly, as the cooldown starts ticking down even while you're using it.
Flesh to Stone 2 Yes Loud 60 Charges your hand with the power to turn victims into inert statues for a long period of time. You must touch the target with the spell readied, this will turn them into a stone statue that cannot be moved or harmed for 8 minutes. Cannot be used while stunned or cuffed.
Lightning Bolt 1 Yes ? 30 Throws a lightning bolt at the nearby enemy. Classic. Takes 10 seconds to charge. ( To use this, avoid the UI action button and click the spell in the spells tab on the top right. When you are charging up, press it again to activate.)
Lesser Summon Guns 2 Yes Loud 60 Why reload when you have infinite guns? Summons a stream of bolt action rifles, letting you fire 31 times from the moment you cast the spell. You will also automatically drop any items in your other hand when shooting.
Curse of the Horseman 2 No Loud 15 Triggers a curse on a target, causing them to wield an unremovable horse head mask. They will speak like a horse! Any masks they are wearing will be disintegrated.
Curse of the Cluwne 2 Yes Silent 60 Turns the target into a fat and cursed monstrosity of a clown. Cluwnes can be freely killed by crew members and usually are.
Banana Touch 1 Yes Loud 30 Turns the target into a clown - complete with full costume, comic speak and clumsiness. Will remove all of their previously equipped headwear, mask and uniform and stuns for a short while on use.
Mime Malaise 1 Yes Silent 30 Turns the target into a mime - complete with full costume and rendering them permanently mute. Will remove all of their previously equipped headwear, mask and uniform and stuns for a short while on use.
Mobility Spells
Mind Transfer 2 No Silent 60 Allows the caster to switch bodies with a target. You must be next to the target you want to transfer into, after which you both will get knocked out for roughly 30 seconds.
Blink 2 Yes Silent 2 Randomly teleports you a short distance in a random direction. Produces a loud sound.
Teleport 2 Yes Loud 60 Teleports you to a type of area of your selection the same way a scroll of teleportation does. After casting the spell, you will also audibly say where you are teleporting to, so if there was anyone nearby to hear you, expect them to try and chase you down before long.
Ethereal Jaunt 2 Yes Silent 30 Creates your ethereal form, temporarily making you invisible and able to pass through walls. If you are stunned or otherwise unable to move, you won't be able to escape after using jaunt either.
Knock 1 No Silent 10 Opens nearby doors and lockers.
Greater Knock 2 No Loud 20 On first cast, will remove access restrictions on all airlocks on the Cyberiad, and announce this spell's use to the station. On any further cast, will open all doors in sight. Cannot be refunded once bought!
Assistance Spells
Instant Summons 1 No Silent 10 Binds a single item to your soul. Cast this spell while holding an item to mark it. Cast it again while holding a free item to recall it. If you have marked an item and cast this spell while holding another item, you will remove the original mark, then you must cast the spell one more time to mark something else.
Charge 1 No Silent 60 Recharge a variety of things in your hands, from magical artifacts to electrical components. A creative wizard can even use it to grant magical power to a fellow magic user.
Item Name Cost Description
Staff of Healing
1 An altruistic staff that can heal the lame and raise the dead.
Scrying Orb
2 An incandescent orb of crackling energy, using it will allow you to ghost while alive, allowing you to spy upon the station with ease. In addition, buying it will permanently grant you x-ray vision.
Wand Assortment
2 A collection of wands that allow for a wide variety of utility. Wands do not recharge, so be conservative in use. Comes in a handy belt.
Battlemage Armor
2 An artefact suit of armor that is enchanted with a magical shield capable of blocking up to 16 attacks. The shield will not recharge over time and once depleted the armor itself doesn't offer any more protection that the standard wizard's robes.
Battlemage Armor Charge
1 A defensive rune that will add 8 more charges to any battlemage armor it is used on.
Staff of Chaos
2 A caprious tool that can fire all sorts of magic without any rhyme or reason. Using it on people you care about is not recommended.
Staff of Slipping
1 A staff that shoots magical bananas. These bananas will either slip or stun the target when hit. Surprisingly reliable!
2 A mighty hammer on loan from Thor, God of Thunder. It crackles with barely contained power.
Singularity Hammer
2 A hammer that creates an intensely powerful field of gravity where it strikes, pulling everthing nearby to the point of impact.
Staff of Door Creation
1 A particular staff that can mold solid metal into ornate wooden doors. Useful for getting around in the absence of other transportation. Does not work on glass.
Staff of Animation
2 An arcane staff capable of shooting bolts of eldritch energy which cause inanimate objects to come to life. This magic doesn't affect machines. Objects brought to life using this staff will have silly googly eyes but make no mistake, they are quite dangerous!
Six Soul Stone Shards and the Spell Artificer
2 Soul Stone Shards are ancient tools capable of capturing and harnessing the spirits of the dead and dying. The spell Artificer allows you to create arcane machines for the captured souls to pilot.
Necromantic Stone
2 A Necromantic stone is able to resurrect three dead individuals as skeletal thralls for you to command.
Contract of Apprenticeship
2 A magical contract binding an apprentice wizard to your service, using it will summon them to your side. Four types of apprentices are available, each of which is described upon activating the contract. You can have more than one apprentice. Each apprentice you summon has his own teleport scroll. Should you decide not to use an already summoned contract (or there are no ghosts available), clicking on your spellbook with the contract will get you a full refund.
Bottle of Blood
2 A bottle of magically infused blood, the smell of which will attract extradimensional beings when broken. Be careful though, these creatures, called Slaughter Demons, are indiscriminate in their killing, and you yourself may become a victim. You need to 'use' the bottle to unleash the slaughter demon.
Bottle of Tickles
1 A bottle of magically infused fun, the smell of which will attract adorable extradimensional beings when broken. These beings are similar to slaughter demons, but they do not permanently kill their victims, instead putting them in an extradimensional hugspace, to be released on the demon's death. Chaotic, but not ultimately damaging. The crew's reaction to the other hand could be very destructive. You need to 'use' the bottle to unleash the laughter demon.
Bottle of Ooze
1 A bottle of magically infused ooze, which contains a sleeping Magical Morph. Upon breaking the seal, the Magical Morph shall awake and consume everyone and everything on the station. The Magical Morph, in addition to the standard Morph abilities, is also able to cast Smoke and Forcewall spells. You need to 'use' the bottle to unleash the Magical Morph.
Guardian deck
2 A deck of Guardian tarot cards that can be used to summon a spirit companion for the wizard. Functionality-wise, the companion is identical to the syndicate holoparasite. See: Guardian. You can choose a type of the Guardian freely.

Game Ending Conditions

  • If all wizards and apprentices die, the crew wins.
  • If all wizards get transformed into something non-humanoid such as a borg or xenobiology mob (except slimes) then they count as dead. Being turned into a real xenomorph won't end the round.
  • If the wizard(s) survive to the end of the round then they win.

Roleplaying Background

The Space Wizard Federation is a known terrorist organisation, tied to the Cult of Nar-Sie and the Syndicate... By Nanotrasen, at least.

CaptainHead of PersonnelHead of SecurityChief EngineerResearch DirectorChief Medical OfficerQuartermaster
Nanotrasen RepresentativeBlueshield OfficerNanotrasen Career Trainer
Internal AffairsMagistrate
WardenSecurity OfficerDetective
Station EngineerAtmospheric Technician
Medical DoctorParamedicChemistGeneticistVirologistPsychologistCoroner
Cargo TechnicianShaft MinerExplorer
AnimalAssistantDerelict ResearcherGhostGolemSyndicate Researcher
AICyborgMaintenance DronePersonal AI
AbductorsAsh WalkerBlobChangelingConstructContractorCultistGuardianHereticLavaland EliteMindflayerMorphNuclear AgentPulse DemonRevenantRevolutionaryShadow DemonSlaughter DemonSITSyndicate ResearcherTerror SpiderTraitorVampireWizardXenomorphZombie
Central Command OfficerDeath CommandoEmergency Response TeamHighlanderTradersSpecial Event RolesSuper HeroesSyndicate Infiltration TeamCluwne