Ash Walker

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File:Ash Walker.png
Ash Walker
Superiors: N/A
Difficulty: Hard
Guides: This page
Access: Lavaland
Duties: Protect your hunting grounds. Feed trespassers to the tendril. Grow the nest.
Departmental Head
Abductor • | Ash Walker • | Blob • | Changeling • | Contractor • | Construct • | Cultist • | Guardian • | Lavaland Elite • | Malfunctioning AI • | Mindflayer • | Morph • | Nuclear Agent • | Pulse Demon • | Revenant • | Revolutionary • | Shadow Demon • | Slaughter Demon • | Syndicate Researcher • | Terror Spider • | Traitor • | Vampire • | Wizard • | Xenomorph • | Zombie |
Combat • | Death • | Hacking • | Traitor Items • | Agent Items • | Crafting • | High-Risk Items • | E-maggable objects • | C-maggable objects • | Martial Arts |
Ash Walkers are the tribal natives of Lavaland. These Unathi-esque lizard people are fiercely protective of their land, and will more often than not kill any trespassers. Through the use of a Necropolis tendril, the Ash Walkers are able to quickly grow and hatch their eggs through the sacrifice of dead bodies. Their tribal origins make it difficult for them to use most forms of technology, limiting them to mostly crafted and scavenged weapons. Despite this, they're still quite dangerous, especially in large numbers.
Ash Walker Biology
Ash walkers differ in a few different ways to their Unathi cousins. The biggest difference being their inexperience with advanced technology. Most guns, machines, computers, and advanced tools are completely foreign to Ash Walkers, and are therefore unusable by them. Because of this, Ash Walkers are restricted to the most basic of weapons and tech. Another difference is their digitigrade legs. Ash Walkers have a different leg structure compared almost all other races, so they can't wear standard shoes or boots. This will restrict them to walking barefoot most of the time, which can prove hazardous with broken glass or cactus presenting a trip hazard without footwear. Ash Walkers can also only speak the Unathi language of Sintha’Unathi, making communication difficult without knowing the language or having a translator present. Finally, Ash Walkers are fairly well adapted to their hostile environment. They'll take less damage from heat and burn weapons.
The Nest
Ash Walkers live for and die to protect their nest. It is their home in the hostile, ash filled landscape. Wandering in uninvited is an easy way for a miner to get swarmed and stabbed to death by the inhabitants, so it is recommended to leave if you aren't equipped to fight several angry lizard men.
The Tendril
In the North East room of the Ash Walker nest is the true nest, the Necropolis Tendril. This carefully cared for appendage is how the Ash Walkers are able to grow and reproduce so quickly. Whenever a dead body is brought to the tendril, it will be consumed, dropping any gear and organs the body had. With two bodies fed to the tendril, a new egg will be fully grown, ready to hatch into an Ash Walker. This is the only way for more Ash Walkers to be born. If it is destroyed, the tendril will drop a Necropolis chest before creating a chasm where it once stood. With that, the Ash Walkers will no longer be able to grow any more eggs.
Also present in the room are two gutlunches. These scavanger creatures will eat any gibs, organs, and blood on the ground and produce milk, which can be drank for nutrition. If they eat enough, they'll give birth to a baby gutlunch, which will grow into an adult once it's eaten enough.
The Storage Room
In the North West side of the camp is the storage room. Here, all of the ill gotten gains of the Ash Walker are kept. The room holds sever useful, and some irreplaceable items, including a fully stocked tool box, medkits and simple medical supplies, an operating table, spare lanterns, a Rapid Construction Device, seeds and a seed extractor, a Gravitational Singularity generator, and an AI combat upgrade disk. (Those last two items, which have the potential to destroy the station, should ONLY be used with Admin permission. Always ask first.) A lot of the items in this room are either hard to get or impossible to replace, so make sure you don't loose them.