Shadow Demon

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Revision as of 00:21, 30 December 2022 by Krossarn (talk | contribs) (Added ability icons, description. And some table colour(test))
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Shadow Demon

Superiors: Bubblegum, Satan
Difficulty: Hard
Guides: Guide to Combat
Access: Wherever darkness is king
Duties: Murder the crew


Shadow Demons are horrific monstrosities that rule the darkness. They source their power from dark areas on station with the sole directive of using their special abilities to murder crew members. However, these demons are highly vulnerable to light, if they spend too much time out of darkness they will very quickly die.

Playing Shadow Demons


Ability Cast time Cooldown Description
Shadow Grapple
None 10 Seconds Fire one of your hands, if it hits a person it pulls them in. If you hit a structure you get pulled to the structure. Any light source that are hit with this will be disabled.
Shadow Crawl
2 Seconds None Use darkness to phase out of existence. The Shadow Demons way of traveling fast, ambush crew members and fleeing. Will not work if near a light source.

Fighting Shadow Demons

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