Chief Engineer: Difference between revisions

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Woje (talk | contribs)
some leftover stuff from before the supermatter was added, no mention of station goals either, also hohoho, oh boy, TWO LINES OF TRAITOR TEXT FOR CHIEF *FUCKING* ENGINEER? Can't be having that can we?
Charliminator (talk | contribs)
Line 54: Line 54:

Building and hacking an autolathe supplies you with infinite ammo for your [[Syndicate Items|guns]], your magboots allow you to slip people without the danger of being slipped yourself. You are fully authorized to carry a telescopic baton for "self-defense", and if you want a longer stun, the components needed to make a stunprod are all easily available to you.  
Building and hacking an autolathe supplies you with infinite ammo for your [[Syndicate Items|guns]], your magboots allow you to slip people without the danger of being slipped yourself. You are fully authorized to carry a telescopic baton for "self-defense", and if you want a longer stun, the components needed to make a stunprod are all easily available to you.  
Learn the door wires, cut AI door control and shock doors. security/the AI cannot stop you if they cannot use the doors! You can reroute disposals to get into areas you shouldn't replacing a couple pipes can get you into the captains office. Your door remote can bolt most maint doors.
When you have finally killed your target, you can dispose of them easily via throwing them into space or even throwing them into the SM crystal, make sure that the temp/pressure/EER is low enough, otherwise you will have an angry admin on your case.


[[Category: Jobs]]
[[Category: Jobs]]

Revision as of 13:43, 25 February 2021


Chief Engineer

Superiors: Captain
Difficulty: Hard
Guides: Guide to Engineering, Hacking, Guide to Atmospherics, Guide to Construction, Singularity Engine, Tesla Engine, Supermatter Engine, Solars, Station goals
Access: Engineering, Atmospherics, CE's Office, Bridge, Maintenance, EVA, Tech Storage, AI Upload, Teleporter, Telecoms Satellite, External airlocks
Duties: Coordinate engineering, ensure equipment doesn't get stolen, make sure the supermatter does doesn't delaminate, oversee the completion of the station goal, maintain the AI and Telecoms, hold pizza parties in the break room.

The Chief Engineer, is in charge of managing the Engineering department. That means making sure the station is powered, breaches are fixed, damage is repaired, the air is breathable, the AI remains online, and the station is generally intact and functional. The CE commands the Station Engineers, Atmospheric Technicians and the Mechanic.


Other than directing the workflow of the department, you're also expected to carry out general engineer duties and maintain the AI sat. To be a good chief you must have a good working knowledge of how APCs, SMES cells, and power in general works, how to decipher atmospherics, how to efficiently set up the Supermatter Engine and ideally some other engines as well.


It's no secret that engineers are more often than not the laziest of the station's crew, and that atmospheric technicians are notorious for not knowing how to do their job. This is where you come in! As stated above, your duties consist pretty much entirely on telling the engineers and atmos techs to work or just doing their jobs yourself.

At the Start of the Round

Greet your team over the radio and establish your authority. Find out who you will be working with, and determine who is going to set up the Supermatter Engine. Designate someone to do solars (unless someone else volunteers first) and try to ensure everyone in your department has a task to do. If you take command of these first minutes of the round, most of Engineering will follow the rest of your orders until the round ends. If you stay silent at the start, and only speak up later when you need something, nobody will listen to you. At the very least, you need to start talking on radio soon after the round starts so your team gets used to hearing your voice.

Engine Setup

At the beginning of the round, you should make sure that you delegate people to set up the solars and the supermatter. Most of the time your team will be fairly competent and you'll only need to supervise, but sometimes you'll have to step in. Read the guides, and make sure you know it inside and out. If someone's new, help them out a bit and show them the ropes. If someone's being an idiot then correct them. If that fails, and you have a valid legal reason to demote them, you can demote them to kick them out of your department. With these points in mind, the engine should successfully come online and start generating power. It's always a good idea to announce to the crew when the engine has come online.

Solar Panels

Sometimes, you may want to run the station on Solars because the SM chamber is destroyed, or nobody in Engineering knows how to set it up correctly. Solars output enough power to run the station, and give you time to learn how to set up the Supermatter Engine without facing constant shouts from the crew about lack of power. Setting up the solars is quite easy - you can usually delegate the task to a single Engineer, who can get it done in a reasonable amount of time. Additionally, if your Atmospherics staff is competent, their Turbine is a respectable power source, aswell.

Atmosia, the Great City-State of Pipes

The engine is running, the solars are wired and the engineering team are at your beck and call. The station is getting a steady supply of power and you're confident your team can maintain this and repair any damage to the hull. Your job is done, right? NOT SO FAST, my friend! Haven't you forgotten Atmosia?

Yes, as hard as it is for them to accept, that convoluted bundle of pipes and its clueless staff are under your jurisdiction and it's your responsibility to make sure that it's keeping everybody breathing. As the CE, you are expected to know the basics of how atmos work, how to optimize it, and then how to keep people from messing it up. If possible, it's recommended that you have as much experience in Atmospherics as you do in regular construction and engineering. Nobody likes a Chief Engineer that does not know how to re-pressurize a room correctly. Again, read the guide and learn it.

All you have to do with atmos is get acquainted with its staff (typically over department radio), make sure they know how to optimize it (if not, do it yourself - better yet teach them), and then check back in periodically to ensure some one hasn't tampered with it.

Continued Maintenance

Now that the station's systems are running at maximum capacity or are in the process of being made so, you can relax a little and order some pizza. Here is what you should be doing:

  • Make sure the Engine is still operating, safe, and providing power to the station. If there's any issue, fix it.
  • Periodically check out Atmospherics to make sure nobody's messed it up.
  • Listen to the radio for hull breaches. When you hear of one, send a couple of engineers out to mend the damage.
  • Talk to your team. Make sure solars are wired or in the process of being done, and ensure there's always at least one engineer in Engineering to monitor power levels.
  • Work on the Station goals. They can be a chore, but in absence of more interesting things, they at least keep you occupied.

As Chief Engineer you may authorize autolathes to be set up to assist engineering. You can also ask Security if they will allow you to build a security camera computer to assist engineers in monitoring damaged areas.

Ignoring Safety Regulations

So you've been hired to kill or steal something on this station? Great! This is one of the easier jobs when doing this since you have access to most of the areas where the steal objectives are and, even if they are somewhere you can't get to, you can easily just hack open the door or RCD the wall down. Noone will bat an eye as you construct a random room in space, and you can easily steal the AI upload circuit board from Technical Storage.

Building and hacking an autolathe supplies you with infinite ammo for your guns, your magboots allow you to slip people without the danger of being slipped yourself. You are fully authorized to carry a telescopic baton for "self-defense", and if you want a longer stun, the components needed to make a stunprod are all easily available to you.

Learn the door wires, cut AI door control and shock doors. security/the AI cannot stop you if they cannot use the doors! You can reroute disposals to get into areas you shouldn't replacing a couple pipes can get you into the captains office. Your door remote can bolt most maint doors.

When you have finally killed your target, you can dispose of them easily via throwing them into space or even throwing them into the SM crystal, make sure that the temp/pressure/EER is low enough, otherwise you will have an angry admin on your case.

CaptainHead of PersonnelHead of SecurityChief EngineerResearch DirectorChief Medical OfficerQuartermaster
Nanotrasen RepresentativeBlueshield OfficerNanotrasen Career Trainer
Internal AffairsMagistrate
WardenSecurity OfficerDetective
Station EngineerAtmospheric Technician
Medical DoctorParamedicChemistGeneticistVirologistPsychologistCoroner
Cargo TechnicianShaft MinerExplorer
AnimalAssistantDerelict ResearcherGhostGolemSyndicate Researcher
AICyborgMaintenance DronePersonal AI
AbductorsAsh WalkerBlobChangelingConstructContractorCultistGuardianHereticLavaland EliteMindflayerMorphNuclear AgentPulse DemonRevenantRevolutionaryShadow DemonSlaughter DemonSITSyndicate ResearcherTerror SpiderTraitorVampireWizardXenomorphZombie
Central Command OfficerDeath CommandoEmergency Response TeamHighlanderTradersSpecial Event RolesSuper HeroesSyndicate Infiltration TeamCluwne