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{{Glossarytable}}{{Hatnote|This wiki page contains some references, jokes, sarcasm and assorted references. Please do not follow it to the letter and make sure what you do respects the [[rules]] of ''Paradise'' first.}}
{{Glossarytable}}{{Hatnote|This wiki page contains some jokes, sarcasm and assorted references. Please do not follow it to the letter and make sure what you do respects the [ rules] of ''Paradise'' first.}}
== Jobs ==
== Jobs ==
Your role is what [[Nanotrasen]] has hired you to do aboard the space station, the [[NSS Cyberiad]]. It defines what equipment you start with, your ID card access, and what your duties are aboard the station. From roaming around as a lowly civilian, to grilling up burgers as a chef, or even fighting off [[Syndicate]] agents as a member of security, there is always something to do.
Your '''Role''' is what [[Nanotrasen]] has hired you '''to do aboard the space station. It defines what equipment you start with, your ID card access, and what your duties are aboard the station. From roaming around as a lowly assistant to grilling up burgers as a chef, or even fighting off [[Syndicate]] agents as a member of security, there is always something to do.

While aboard the [[NSS Cyberiad]] you are also likely to encounter some interesting new [[species]] working alongside you.
While aboard the station you are also likely to encounter some interesting new [[species]] working alongside you.

{{Hatnote|{{Color|red|'''Note:'''}} Since roleplaying is essential for playing on Paradise, it's recommended that you read [[A Crash Course In Roleplaying]].}}
{{Hatnote|{{Color|red|'''Note:'''}} Since roleplaying is essential for playing on Paradise, it's recommended that you read [[A Crash Course In Roleplaying]].}}

{{Color|red|'''Initiative Required'''}} ranks how much initiative you need to take to have a fun round. A low initiative role will have things happen to them which will keep them busy. A high ranking means you need to start projects and take initiative to have a good round. The rank is based on an average round. Some rounds will be hectic, even for high initiative roles.
Thumbnail rendering problems on:
* NanoTrasen Representative: Size problems.
{{Color|red|'''Mechanical Difficulty'''}} defines how difficult the role is to play from a mechanical standpoint. A high ranking means it will be difficult or a lot of different information and skills will be involved. Low means it's easy to pick up.
* Blueshield: Size problems.
* Brig Physician: Specifying 64px size causes thumbnail to fail to generate. MediaWiki is probably using frame.
* Customs Officer:
* Paramedic:
* Vampire:
* Cortical Borer: Background does not have alpha, does not match with differing background colours.
=== Station Command ===
=== Station Command ===
{| class="wikitable" width="80%" style="background-color: #f1f9ff;"
{| class="wikitable" width="80%" style="background-color: #8ABEDB;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: #b5e2ff;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: #127BB7; color:white"
| width=200 | Job
| width=200 | Job
|          | Role
|          | Role
| width=100 | Difficulty
| width=100 | Initiative Required
| width=100 | Mechanical Difficulty
| width=100 | Requirements
! [[File:Generic_captain.png|64px|link=Captain]]<br/>[[Captain]]
! [[File:Generic_captain.png|64px|link=Captain]]<br/>[[Captain]]
| Take charge of the station. Ensure departments are running smoothly and make critical decisions.
| Take charge of the station. Ensure departments are running smoothly and make critical decisions.
! Hard
! Low-Medium
! Very Hard
! 20 Hours as Command
! [[File:HeadOfPersonnel.png|64px|link=Head of Personnel]]<br/>[[Head of Personnel]]
! [[File:HeadOfPersonnel.png|64px|link=Head of Personnel]]<br/>[[Head of Personnel]]
| Manage the civilian and supply departments. Process job transfer requests, and organize Gateway expeditions.
| Manage the service department and civilians. Process job transfer requests.
! Hard
! Medium
! Medium
! 20 Hours as Service
! [[File:generichos.png|64px|link=Head of Security]]<br/>[[Head of Security]]
! [[File:generic_hos.png|64px|link=Head of Security]]<br/>[[Head of Security]]
| Organize and run the security department. Ensure your officers abide by [[Space Law]] rather than acting as THE LAW.
| Organize and run the security department. Ensure your officers abide by [[Space Law]] rather than acting as THE LAW.
! Very Hard
! Low
! Extremely Hard
! 20 Hours as Security
! [[File:Genericce.png|64px|link=Chief Engineer]]<br/>[[Chief Engineer]]
! [[File:Genericce.png|64px|link=Chief Engineer]]<br/>[[Chief Engineer]]
| Manage the Engineering and Atmospherics department. Oversee station repairs, construction projects, and the engine.
| Manage the Engineering and Atmospherics department. Oversee station repairs, construction projects, and the engine.
! Low
! Hard
! Hard
! 20 Hours as Engineering
! [[File:genericrd.png|64px|link=Research Director]]<br/>[[Research Director]]
! [[File:genericrd.png|64px|link=Research Director]]<br/>[[Research Director]]
| Oversee the research department and make sure everything is done according to [[Standard Operating Procedure (Science)|standard]].
| Oversee the research department and make sure everything is done according to [[Standard Operating Procedure (Science)|Science SOP]].
! Intermediate
! Low
! Medium
! 20 Hours as Science
! [[File:ChiefMedicalOfficer.png|64px|link=Chief Medical Officer]]<br/>[[Chief Medical Officer]]
! [[File:Generic cmo.png|64px|link=Chief Medical Officer]]<br/>[[Chief Medical Officer]]
| Manage your staff in the medbay, remind people to turn their suit sensors up, and be a one-man department.
| Manage your staff in the medbay, remind people to turn their suit sensors up, and be a one-man department.
! Low
! Hard
! Hard
! 20 Hours as Medical
! [[File:Quartermaster.png|64px|link=Quartermaster]]<br/>[[Quartermaster]]
| Manage the cargo and mining departments, oversee all shipments and make sure none of your miners are dead.
! Low
! Medium
! 20 Hours as Supply

=== Cyberiad Assigned Nanotrasen VIPs ===
=== Central Command Dignitaries ===
{| class="wikitable" width="80%" style="background-color: #e6f8ff;"
''While VIPs do not have their own category listed under the Crew Manifest, they technically belong to the Service Department.''
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: #88b1ef; color: white;"
{| class="wikitable" width="80%" style="background-color: #BDD4F6;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: #88B1EF; color: white;"
| width=200 | Job
| width=200 | Job
|          | Role
|          | Role
| width=100 | Difficulty
| width=100 | Initiative Required
| width=100 | Mechanical Difficulty
| width=100 | Requirements
! [[File:NanoRep.png|64px|link=Nanotrasen Representative]]<br/>[[Nanotrasen Representative]]
! [[File:NanoRep.png|64px|link=Nanotrasen Representative]]<br/>[[Nanotrasen Representative]]
| Advise the command team about [[Standard Operating Procedure]]. Be the voice of Central Command without any of the benefits.
| Advise the command team about [[Standard Operating Procedure]]. Be the voice of Central Command without any of the benefits.
! Medium
! High
! Low-Medium
! 50 Hours as Command
! [[File:magistrate.png|64px|link=Magistrate]]<br/>[[Magistrate|Magistrate]]
! [[File:magistrate.png|64px|link=Magistrate]]<br/>[[Magistrate]]
| Ensure fair and just punishments or sentences are handed out. You are [[Space Law]].
| Ensure fair and just punishments or sentences are handed out. You are the final word on [[Space Law]].
! Very Hard
! High
! Hard
! 100 Hours as Security
! [[File:Blueshield.png|64px|link=Blueshield Officer]]<br/>[[Blueshield Officer]]
! [[File:Blueshield.png|64px|link=Blueshield Officer]]<br/>[[Blueshield Officer]]
| Guard '''all''' Central Command VIPs. This includes the heads, visitors, representatives, ambassadors, etc.
| Guard '''all''' Central Command VIPs. This includes the heads, visitors, representatives, ambassadors, etc.
! Medium
! Hard-Very Hard
! 50 Hours as Command
=== Legal Department ===
''Technically a sub-department of security, the Legal Department provides oversight for Space Law and Standard Operating Procedure.''
{| class="wikitable" width="80%" style="background-color: #DA96CF;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: #BA2CA2; color: white;"
| width=200 | Job
|          | Role
| width=100 | Initiative Required
| width=100 | Mechanical Difficulty
| width=100 | Requirements
! [[File:magistrate.png|64px|link=Magistrate]]<br/>[[Magistrate]]
| Ensure fair and just punishments or sentences are handed out. You are the final word on [[Space Law]].
! High
! Hard
! Hard
! 100 Hours as Security
! [[File:Ia_consultant.png|64px|link=Internal Affairs]]<br/>[[Internal Affairs]]
| Investigate and resolve breaches of [[Standard Operating Procedure|SOP]]. Ensure security follows proper brigging procedure and listen to complaints.
! High
! Medium
! 10 Hours as Crew

=== Law and Order ===
=== Security ===
{| class="wikitable" width="80%" style="background-color: #ffe3e3;"
{| class="wikitable" width="80%" style="background-color: #D68D8D;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: #ba5656; color: white;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: #AD1818; color: white;"
| width=200 | Job
| width=200 | Job
|          | Role
|          | Role
| width=100 | Difficulty
| width=100 | Initiative Required
| width=100 | Mechanical Difficulty
| width=100 | Requirements
! [[File:generic_hos.png|64px|link=Head of Security]]<br/>[[Head of Security]]
| Organize and run the security department. Ensure your officers abide by [[Space Law]] rather than acting as THE LAW.
! Low
! Extremely Hard
! 20 Hours as Security
! [[File:generic_warden.png|64px|link=Warden]]<br/>[[Warden]]
! [[File:generic_warden.png|64px|link=Warden]]<br/>[[Warden]]
| Oversee the brig, process its prisoners, make sure security records are up-to-date, and issue gear from the armoury.
| Oversee the brig, process its prisoners, make sure security records are up to date, and issue gear from the armoury.
! Low
! Hard
! Hard
! 10 Hours as Security
! [[File:Generic_security.png|64px|link=Security Officer]]<br/>[[Security Officer]]
! [[File:Generic_security.png|64px|link=Security Officer]]<br/>[[Security Officer]]
| Uphold [[Space Law]] and ensure the safety of the crew.
| Uphold [[Space Law]] and ensure the safety of the crew.
! Low
! Hard
! Hard
! 10 Hours as Crew
! [[File:SS13 Sec pod pilot.png|64px|link=Security Pod Pilot]]<br/>[[Security Pod Pilot]]
| Pilot the armed security pod and hunt down space fugitives.
! Hard
! [[File:generic_detective.png|64px|link=Detective]]<br/>[[Detective]]
! [[File:generic_detective.png|64px|link=Detective]]<br/>[[Detective]]
| Investigate crime scenes officers can't or won't solve. Harass the department to arrest the criminals you investigated.
| Investigate crime scenes officers can't or won't solve. Help your department arrest the criminals you investigated. Keep an eye over evidence.
! Hard
! Medium
! Medium
! [[File:Ia_consultant.png|64px|link=Internal Affairs]]<br/>[[Internal Affairs]]
! 10 Hours as Crew
| Investigate and resolve breaches of [[Standard Operating Procedure|SOP]]. Ensure security follows proper brigging procedure and listen to complaints. Get ignored by everyone.
! Medium to Hard
! [[File:BrigPhysician.png|64px|link=Brig Physician]]<br/>[[Brig Physician]]
| Provide medical attention to injured security officers and prisoners.
! Medium

=== Engineering ===
=== Engineering ===
{| class="wikitable" width="80%" style="background-color: #fffcec;"
{| class="wikitable" width="80%" style="background-color: #FFCF81;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: #ffc050; color: white;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: #FF9D00; color: white;"
| width=200 | Job
| width=200 | Job
|          | Role
|          | Role
| width=100 | Difficulty
| width=100 | Initiative Required
| width=100 | Mechanical Difficulty
| width=100 | Requirements
! [[File:Genericce.png|64px|link=Chief Engineer]]<br/>[[Chief Engineer]]
| Manage the Engineering and Atmospherics department. Oversee station repairs, construction projects, and the engine.
! Low
! Hard
! 20 Hours as Engineering
! [[File:StationEngineer.png|64px|link=Station Engineer]]<br/>[[Station Engineer]]
! [[File:Generic engineer.png|64px|link=Station Engineer]]<br/>[[Station Engineer]]
| Start up the engine(s), repair hull breaches and fix damaged equipment.
| Start up the engine(s), repair hull breaches and fix damaged equipment.
! Medium
! Low
! [[File:Mechanic.png|64px|link=Mechanic]]<br/>[[Mechanic]]
| Make and maintain station vehicles. Construct a space pod.
! Easy
! Easy
! 5 Hours as Crew
! [[File:generic_atmos.png|64px|link=Atmospheric Technician]]<br/>[[Atmospheric Technician]]
! [[File:generic_atmos.png|64px|link=Atmospheric Technician]]<br/>[[Atmospheric Technician]]
| Set up atmospherics. Extinguish fires. Cry about people opening firelocks.
| Set up atmospherics. Repressurise rooms. Extinguish fires. Cry about people opening firelocks.
! Medium
! Low
! Medium-Hard
! 5 Hours as Crew

=== Medical ===
=== Medical ===
{| class="wikitable" width="80%" style="background-color: #f0ddeb;"
{| class="wikitable" width="80%" style="background-color: #A1CCE3;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: #dda0d0; color: white;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: #63A7CC; color: white;"
| width=200 | Job
| width=200 | Job
|          | Role
|          | Role
| width=100 | Difficulty
| width=100 | Initiative Required
| width=100 | Mechanical Difficulty
| width=100 | Requirements
! [[File:Generic cmo.png|64px|link=Chief Medical Officer]]<br/>[[Chief Medical Officer]]
| Manage your staff in the medbay, remind people to turn their suit sensors up, and be a one-man department.
! Low
! Hard
! 20 Hours as Medical
! [[File:MedicalDoctor.png|64px|link=Medical Doctor]]<br/>[[Medical Doctor]]
! [[File:MedicalDoctor.png|64px|link=Medical Doctor]]<br/>[[Medical Doctor]]
| Attempt to provide medical aid for the crew, then cry as civilians steal your patients. Preform surgeries and save lives.
| Watch people break into medical and ignore you while they go and heal themselves. Perform surgeries and save lives.
! Low
! Medium
! Medium
! 3 Hours as Crew
! [[File:paramedic.png|64px|link=Paramedic]]<br/>[[Paramedic]]
! [[File:paramedic.png|64px|link=Paramedic]]<br/>[[Paramedic]]
| Roam around the station on your ambulance. Stabilize injured personnel, and bring them into Medical.
| Roam around the station on your ambulance. Stabilize injured personnel and bring them into Medical.
! Medium
! Low
! Easy-Medium
! 3 Hours as Crew
! [[File:Chemist.png|64px|link=Chemist]]<br/>[[Chemist]]
! [[File:Chemist.png|64px|link=Chemist]]<br/>[[Chemist]]
| Synthesize medicine for patients while getting pestered by Botany for unstable mutagen every ten minutes.
| Synthesize medicine for patients. Set up cryo cells. Mix chemicals requested by crew.
! Low
! Medium
! Medium
! 5 Hours as Crew
! [[File:Geneticist.png|64px|link=Geneticist]]<br/>[[Geneticist]]
! [[File:Geneticist.png|64px|link=Geneticist]]<br/>[[Geneticist]]
| Discover genetic powers. Oversee cloning operations. Become an invisible telepathic halfling.
| Discover genetic powers. Oversee cloning operations. Become an invisible telepathic halfling.
! Low
! Medium
! Medium
! 3 Hours as Crew
! [[File:generic_virologist.png|64px|link=Virologist]]<br/>[[Virologist]]
! [[File:generic_virologist.png|64px|link=Virologist]]<br/>[[Virologist]]
| Create beneficial viruses for the crew, cure epidemics, and get lynched for allegedly spreading the common cold. Be a neat-freak.
| Create beneficial viruses for the crew, cure epidemics, and get lynched for allegedly spreading the common cold. Be a neat freak.
! Low
! Medium
! Medium
! 5 Hours as Crew
! [[File:Psychologist.png|64px|link=Psychologist]]<br/>[[Psychologist]]
! [[File:Psychologist.png|64px|link=Psychologist]]<br/>[[Psychologist]]
| Handle insane patients. Do check-ups. Straight-jacket the clown. Die of boredom.
| Handle insane patients. Do mental check ups. Have one-on-one psychological sessions with those in need.  
! Easy
! High
! Easy to Medium
! None!
! [[File:Coroner.png|64px|link=Coroner]]<br/>[[Coroner]]
! [[File:Coroner.png|64px|link=Coroner]]<br/>[[Coroner]]
| Perform autopsies on bodies, return uncloneable personnel's ID's to the HoP, and keep the morgue tidy.
| Perform autopsies on bodies, return uncloneable personnel's ID's to the HoP, and keep the morgue tidy.
! Medium
! Easy
! Easy
! 3 Hours as Crew

=== Research ===
=== Research ===
{| class="wikitable" width="80%" style="background-color: #f0e8f0;"
{| class="wikitable" width="80%" style="background-color: #D4B8EE;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: #bba0dd; color: white;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: #B17FE0; color: white;"
| width=200 | Job
| width=200 | Job
|          | Role
|          | Role
| width=100 | Difficulty
| width=100 | Initiative Required
| width=100 | Mechanical Difficulty
| width=100 | Requirements
! [[File:genericrd.png|64px|link=Research Director]]<br/>[[Research Director]]
| Oversee the research department and make sure everything is done according to [[Standard Operating Procedure (Science)|Science SOP]].
! Low
! Medium
! 20 Hours as Science
! [[File:generic_scientist.png|64px|link=Scientist]]<br/>[[Scientist]]
! [[File:generic_scientist.png|64px|link=Scientist]]<br/>[[Scientist]]
| Research new technology, create explosives, experiment with teleportation, or synthesize dangerous chemicals.
| Research new technology, create explosives, experiment with strange objects or synthesize dangerous chemicals.
! Low
! Medium
! Medium
! 5 Hours as Crew
! [[File:generic_robo.png|64px|link=Roboticist]]<br/>[[Roboticist]]
! [[File:Roboticist.png|64px|link=Roboticist]]<br/>[[Roboticist]]
| Create cyborgs and mechs for the crew to either enjoy, or be horribly murdered by.
| Create cyborgs and mechs for the crew to either enjoy, or be horribly murdered by. Repair horrifically dismembered IPC crew members.
! Low
! Medium
! Medium
! 3 Hours as Crew
! [[File:genericxenobio.png|64px|link=Xenobiologist]]<br/>[[Xenobiologist]]
! [[File:Geneticist.png|64px|link=Geneticist]]<br/>[[Geneticist]]
| Breed new types of slimes with unique abilities, grant sentience to monsters, and make neat potions.
| Discover genetic powers. Oversee cloning operations. Become an invisible telepathic halfling.
! Low
! Medium
! Medium
! 3 Hours as Crew

=== Civilian ===
=== Supply ===
==== Cargo and Supply ====
{| class="wikitable" width="80%" style="background-color: #D0BAA0;"
{| class="wikitable" width="80%" style="background-color: #fff8e1;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: #A0743E; color: white;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: #f6d000; color: white;"
| width=200 | Job
| width=200 | Job
|          | Role
|          | Role
| width=100 | Difficulty
| width=100 | Initiative Required
| width=100 | Mechanical Difficulty
| width=100 | Requirements
! [[File:Quartermaster.png|64px|link=Quartermaster]]<br/>[[Quartermaster]]
! [[File:Quartermaster.png|64px|link=Quartermaster]]<br/>[[Quartermaster]]
| Oversee Cargo and Mining. Make sure everything is running smoothly and that paperwork is in order. Remove the bodies from Disposals and yell for security.
| Manage the cargo and mining departments, oversee all shipments and make sure none of your miners are dead.
! Low
! Medium
! Medium
! 20 Hours as Supply
! [[File:generic_cargo.png|64px|link=Cargo Technician]]<br/>[[Cargo Technician]]
! [[File:generic_cargo.png|64px|link=Cargo Technician]]<br/>[[Cargo Technician]]
| Manage Cargo's paperwork, order essentials, perform deliveries, and deny every crate the clown tries to order.
| Manage Cargo's paperwork, order essentials, perform deliveries, and deny every crate the clown tries to order.
! Low
! Easy
! Easy
! None!
! [[File:generic_shaft.png|64px|link=Shaft Miner]]<br/>[[Shaft Miner]]
! [[File:generic_shaft.png|64px|link=Shaft Miner]]<br/>[[Shaft Miner]]
| Fight monstrosities, mine materials, and then smelt them for Research and Engineering.
| Fight monstrosities, mine materials and then smelt them for Research and Engineering. Slowly fill up the morgue with your clones.
! Low
! Medium
! Medium
! None!
! [[File:Explorer.png|64px|link=Explorer]]<br/>[[Explorer]]
| Explore (often dangerous) areas away from the main station. Go to [[Guide to Space Exploration|space]] and supply the station with your findings.
! Low
! Hard
! None!

==== Service ====
=== Service ===
{| class="wikitable" width="80%" style="background-color: #fff8e6;"
{| class="wikitable" width="80%" style="background-color: #99D0AB;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: #bf9726; color: white;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: #30A055; color: white;"
| width=200 | Job
| width=200 | Job
|          | Role
|          | Role
| width=100 | Difficulty
| width=100 | Initiative Required
| width=100 | Mechanical Difficulty
| width=100 | Requirements
! [[File:HeadOfPersonnel.png|64px|link=Head of Personnel]]<br/>[[Head of Personnel]]
| Manage the service department and civilians. Process job transfer requests.
! Medium
! Medium
! 20 Hours as Service
! [[File:generic_janitor.png|64px|link=Janitor]]<br/>[[Janitor]]
! [[File:generic_janitor.png|64px|link=Janitor]]<br/>[[Janitor]]
| Mop up dirt, blood, and vomit. Have your pimpin' ride stolen. Get lynched for not using space cleaner.
| Mop up dirt, blood, and vomit. Have your pimpin' ride stolen. Point at wet floor signs after people slip. Get lynched for not using space cleaner.
! Low
! Easy
! Easy
! None!
! [[File:generic_chef.png|64px|link=Chef]]<br/>[[Chef]]
! [[File:generic_chef.png|64px|link=Chef]]<br/>[[Chef]]
| Prepare, cook and serve meals for the station to enjoy.
| Prepare, cook and serve meals for the station to enjoy. Get lynched for charging a minimal amount for your food.
! Low
! Easy
! Easy
! None!
! [[File:Bartender.png|64px|link=Bartender]]<br/>[[Bartender]]
! [[File:Bartender.png|64px|link=Bartender]]<br/>[[Bartender]]
| Mix and serve drinks. Shoot unruly patrons with your shotgun.
| Mix and serve drinks. Shoot unruly patrons with your shotgun.
! Medium
! Easy
! Easy
! None!
! [[File:Botanist.png|64px|link=Botanist]]<br/>[[Botanist]]
! [[File:Botanist.png|64px|link=Botanist]]<br/>[[Botanist]]
| Grow useful plants for the [[Chef]] and station, or fill the hallway with bees.
| Grow useful plants for the [[Chef]] and station or fill the hallway with bees.
! Easy
! Low
! [[File:Barber.png|64px|link=Barber]]<br/>[[Barber]]
| Give the station haircuts when they need it the least. Dye people's hair funny colours.
! Easy
==== Miscellaneous ====
{| class="wikitable" width="80%" style="background-color: #e6e6e6;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: #aaaaaa; color: white;"
| width=200 | Job
|          | Role
| width=100 | Difficulty
! [[File:generic_assistant.png|64px|link=Civilian]]<br/>[[Civilian]]
| Visit the station. Be an easily disposable greyshirt. Attempt to provide assistance, get into fights anyways. Meet the [[Head of Personnel]] to get a job.
! Easy
! Easy
! None!
! [[File:generic_clown.png|64px|link=Clown]]<br/>[[Clown]]
! [[File:generic_clown.png|64px|link=Clown]]<br/>[[Clown]]
| Slip everyone, especially when you shouldn't really be slipping them. Honk!
| Slip everyone, especially when you shouldn't really be slipping them. Honk!
! Honk!
! High
! Low
! A sense of humour.
! [[File:generic_mime.png|64px|link=Mime]]<br/>[[Mime]]
! [[File:generic_mime.png|64px|link=Mime]]<br/>[[Mime]]
| -
| Entertain the crew by acting out funny, interesting or dramatic scenes.
! ...
! High
! Low
! None!
! [[File:generic_chaplain.png|64px|link=Chaplain]]<br/>[[Chaplain]]
! [[File:generic_chaplain.png|64px|link=Chaplain]]<br/>[[Chaplain]]
| Be the hero the station needs against Cultists and Vampires. Call the unfaithful heretics, and praise the Emperor.
| Spread your faith, organize rituals, assist Security. Be the medium between gods and the crew, and praise the emperor.
! High
! Easy
! Easy
! None!
! [[File:Librarian.png|64px|link=Librarian]]<br/>[[Librarian]]
! [[File:Librarian.png|64px|link=Librarian]]<br/>[[Librarian]]
| Fill the bookcases with books, argue with the Chaplain. Run a D&D session nobody shows up to.
| Fill the bookcases with books, argue with the Chaplain. Run a D&D session nobody shows up to.
! High
! Easy
! Easy
! None!
=== Miscellaneous ===
{| class="wikitable" width="80%" style="background-color: #BCBCBC;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: #777777; color: white;"
| width=200 | Job
|          | Role
| width=100 | Initiative Required
| width=100 | Mechanical Difficulty
| width=100 | Requirements
! [[File:Generic assistant.png|64px|link=Assistant]]<br/>[[Assistant]]
| Stroll around and do whatever assistants do. Be an easily-disposable greyshirt. Meet the [[Head of Personnel]] to get a job.
! High
! No difficulty
! None!
! [[File:Ghost.png|64px|link=Ghost]]<br/>[[Ghost]]
| Watch antags kill people and flicker lights spookily.
! None
! Ghastly!
! Death!
! [[File:Woodcoffin.png|64px|link=Ghost Bar]]<br/>[[Ghost Bar|Ghost Bar Occupant]]
| Get blackout drunk, die a second time, play UNUM!
! Medium
! Very Low
! Death
! [[File:MiceBrown.png|64px|link=Animal]]<br/>[[Animal]]
| Observe the round, be a nuisance, get murdered by a Tajaran.
! None
! None
! None!
! [[File:Golem.png|64px|link=Golem]]<br/>[[Golem]]
| Do science, worship The Liberator, travel through space and enjoy solitude.
! Medium
! Medium
! None!
! [[File:Theta Station Scientist.png|64px|link=Golem]]<br>[[Derelict Researcher]]
| You wake up in a dimly lit and dusty room. How long have you been asleep? Where are you?
! Medium
! Medium
! None!
! [[File:SyndicateScientist.png|64px|link=Syndicate Researcher]]<br/>[[Syndicate Researcher]]
| Perform research without caring about the consequences. Be mission control for [[traitor]]s. Capture and experiment on [[Explorer]]s who dare invade your outpost. Have foam gun battles in the hallways.
! Medium
! Easy to Medium
! None!

=== Non-Human ===
=== Synthetics ===
{| class="wikitable" width="80%" style="background-color: #d1e3ff;"
{| class="wikitable" width="80%" style="background-color: #ABC5E2;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: #5589c5; color: white;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: #5589C5; color: white;"
| width=200 | Job
| width=200 | Job
|          | Role
|          | Role
| width=100 | Difficulty
| width=100 | Initiative Required
| width=100 | Mechanical Difficulty
| width=100 | Requirements
! [[File:AI.gif|64px|link=AI]]<br/>[[AI]]
! [[File:AI.gif|64px|link=AI]]<br/>[[AI]]
| Follow your laws to the letter. Be called rogue 24/7.
| Follow your laws to the letter. Be called rogue 24/7.
! Extreme
! Low
! Hard
! 5 Hours as Silicon
! [[File:Cyborg.png|64px|link=Cyborg]]<br/>[[Cyborg]]
! [[File:Cyborg.png|64px|link=Cyborg]]<br/>[[Cyborg]]
| Follow your lawset. Assist the station.
| Follow your lawset. Assist the station.
! Hard  
! Low
! Hard
! 5 Hours as Crew
! [[File:Maintenance drone.png|64px|link=Maintenance drone]]<br/>[[Maintenance drone]]
! [[File:Maintenance drone.png|64px|link=Maintenance Drone]]<br/>[[Maintenance Drone]]
| Maintain the station. Be the engineer in the shadows.
| Maintain the station. Be the engineer in the shadows.
! Medium
! Low
! Very Easy
! 10 Hours as Crew
! [[File:Pai.png|64px|link=Personal AI]]<br/>[[Personal AI]]
! [[File:Pai.png|64px|link=Personal AI]]<br/>[[Personal AI]]
| Be someone's constant companion. Act as a translator.
| Be someone's constant companion. Act as a translator.
! Easy
! Medium-High
! Very Easy
! [[File:Corgi_Ian.png|64px|link=Ian]]<br/>[[Ian]]
! None!
| A god that has been reincarnated into a corgi. Bark. Sniff.
! Easy  
! [[File:Ghost.png|64px|link=Ghost]]<br/>[[Ghost]]
| Watch antags kill people and flicker lights spookily.
! Dead
! [[File:MiceBrown.png|64px|link=Mouse]]<br/>[[Mouse]]
| Observe the round and squeak. Actually act like a mouse. Get eaten by a Tajaran.
! Boring

== Antagonists ==
== Antagonists ==
{| class="wikitable" width="80%" style="background-color: #ffe3e3;"
{| class="wikitable" width="80%" style="background-color: #DDDDDD;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: #ba5656; color: white;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; color:red; background-color: black;"
| width=200 | Job
| width=200 | Job
|          | Role
|          | Role
| width=100 | Difficulty
| width=100 | Difficulty
| width=100 | Requirements
! [[File:Traitor.gif|64px|link=Traitor]]<br/>[[Traitor]]
! [[File:Agent.png|64px|link=Abductor]]<br/>[[Abductor]]
| Complete your objectives. Die an honorable death or escape on the shuttle.
| Capture crew, steal their hearts, and experiment on them.
! Medium
! [[File:ParasiteOrange.png|64px|link=Guardian]]<br/>[[Guardian]]
| Follow the commands of your host. Battle your host's enemies.
! Hard
! Hard
! 20 Hours Playtime
! [[File:ChangelingLarge.gif|64px|link=Changeling]]<br/>[[Changeling]]
! [[File:Ash.png|64px|link=Ash Walker]]<br/>[[Ash Walker]]
| Create paranoia and fear. Turn into anyone and everyone.
| Protect your sacred hunting grounds. Hunt the wildlife. Hiss at intruders.
! Medium-Hard
! Medium
! None!
! [[File:Syndie.gif|64px|link=Nuclear Agent]]<br/>[[Nuclear Agent]]
! [[File:Blob-animated-core.gif|64px|link=Blob]]<br/>[[Blob]]
| Get that fukken disk. Destroy the station with the Nuclear Bomb.
| Expand, overtake the station, get nuked.
! Very Hard
! Very Hard
! 20 Hours Playtime
! [[File:AlienLarge.png|64px|link=Xenomorph]]<br/>[[Xenomorph]]
! [[File:Changeling.gif|64px|link=Changeling]]<br/>[[Changeling]]
| Grow. Spread. Repopulate.
| Create paranoia and fear. Complete your objectives. Turn into anyone and everyone.
! Hard
! Hard
! 5 Hours Playtime
! [[File:Wizard.png|64px|link=Wizard]]<br>[[Wizard]]
! [[File:Construct.png|64px|link=Construct]]<br/>[[Construct]]
| Create as much mayhem as possible on behalf of the Wizards Federation.
| Serve your new master.
! Hard
! Easy
! None!
! [[File:Cultist.png|64px|link=Cultist]]<br/>[[Cultist]]
! [[File:Cultist.png|64px|link=Cultist]]<br/>[[Cultist]]
| Serve your occult god, and further their goals.
| Serve your occult god and further their goals.
! Hard
! Medium
! 20 Hours Playtime
! [[File:ParasiteOrange.png|64px|link=Guardian]]<br/>[[Guardian]]
| Follow the commands of your host. Battle your host's enemies.
! Medium
! 20 Hours Playtime
! [[File:Construct.png|64px|link=Construct]]<br/>[[Construct]]
! [[File:Morph.png|64px|link=Morph]]<br/>[[Morph]]
| Serve your new master.
| Gurgle.
! Medium
! Medium
! 5 Hours Playtime
! [[File:Shadowling.gif|64px|link=Shadowling]]<br/>[[Shadowling]]
! [[File:Syndie.gif|64px|link=Nuclear Agent]]<br/>[[Nuclear Agent]]
| Thrive in the shadows and turn the crew into your personal maids. Avoid the light.
| Get that fukken disk. Destroy the station with the Nuclear Bomb.
! Very Hard
! Very Hard
! 20 Hours Playtime
! [[File:Vampire.png|64px|link=Vampire]]<br/>[[Vampire]]
! [[File:Revenant.png|64px|link=Revenant]]<br/>[[Revenant]]
| Complete your objectives. Drink blood.
| Drain life force from crew members. Achieve spookiness.
! Medium
! Medium
! 3 Hours Playtime
! [[File:Terror_gold.png|64px|link=Terror Spider]]<br/>[[Terror Spider]]
! [[File:Shadow Demon.png|64px|link=Shadow Demon]]<br/>[[Shadow Demon]]
| Nest. Kill. Expand. Terrorize the crew and become their worst nightmare.
| Skulk around in the darkness, kill anyone unlucky enough to cross your path.
! Hard
! Hard
! 5 Hours Playtime
! [[File:Vox_f_stealth.png|64px|link=Vox Raider]]<br/>[[Vox Raider]]
! [[File:Slaughterdemon.png|64px|link=Slaughter Demon]]<br/>[[Slaughter Demon]]
| Complete your objectives for the Shoal. Follow the Inviolate.
| Crawl through blood, slaughter and devour the crew.
! Hard
! Hard
! 5 Hours Playtime
! [[File:Pulse Demon.gif|64px|link=Pulse Demon]]<br/>[[Pulse Demon]]
| Travel through cables shocking anyone you touch, syphon the station's power for your own gain.
! Medium
! 5 Hours Playtime
! [[File:SyndicateScientist.png|64px|link=Syndicate Researcher]]<br/>[[Syndicate Researcher]]
| Perform research without caring about the consequences. Be mission control for [[traitor]]s. Capture and experiment on [[Explorer]]s who dare invade your outpost. Have foam gun battles in the hallways.
! Easy to Medium
! None!
! [[File:Cortical.gif|64px|link=Cortical Borer]]<br/>[[Cortical Borer]]
! [[File:Terror Queen.png|64px|link=Terror Spider]]<br/>[[Terror Spider]]
| Survive. Climb into people's ears.
| Nest. Kill. Expand. Terrorise the crew and become their worst nightmare.
! Hard
! Hard
! 5 Hours Playtime
! [[File:Swarmer.png|64px|link=Swarmer]]<br/>[[Swarmer]]
! [[File:Swordred.gif|64px|link=Traitor]]<br/>[[Traitor]]
| Consume everything.
| Complete your objectives. Die an honourable death or escape on the shuttle.
! Medium
! Medium
! 5 Hours Playtime
! [[File:Revenant.png|64px|link=Revenant]]<br/>[[Revenant]]
! [[File:Vampire.png|64px|link=Vampire]]<br/>[[Vampire]]
| Drain life force from crew members. Achieve spookiness.
| Complete your objectives. Drink blood.
! Medium
! [[File:Blob-animated-core.gif|64px|link=Blob]]<br/>[[Blob]]
| Expand, overtake the station, get nuked.
! Hard
! Hard
! 5 Hours Playtime
! [[File:statue.png|64px|link=Statue]]<br/>[[Statue]]
! [[File:Wizard.png|64px|link=Wizard]]<br>[[Wizard]]
| Be a statue, look smashing. Murder everyone.
| Create as much mayhem as possible on behalf of the Wizards Federation.
! Very Hard
! Extremely Hard
! 20 Hours Playtime
! [[File:Abductor.png|64px|link=Abductor]]<br/>[[Abductor]]
! [[File:AlienLarge.png|64px|link=Xenomorph]]<br/>[[Xenomorph]]
| Capture crew, steal their hearts, and experiment on them.
| Grow. Spread. Repopulate.
! Hard
! Medium
! 10 Hours Playtime

== Special ==
== Special ==
{| class="wikitable" width="80%" style="background-color: #fffff0;"
{| class="wikitable" width="80%" style="background-color: #A4A3C5;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; color:red; background-color: black;"
|- style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; background-color: #464489; color: white;"
| width=200 | Job
| width=200 | Job
|          | Role
|          | Role
| width=100 | Difficulty
| width=100 | Difficulty
| width=100 | Requirements
! [[File:Nt_navy_officer.png|link=Central Command Officer]]<br/>[[Central Command Officer]]
| Work on NAS Trurl, supervising stations throughout the Epsilon Eridani system.
! N/A
! Admin Only
! [[File:EmergencyResponseTeam.png|64px|link=Emergency Response Team]]<br/>[[Emergency Response Team]]
! [[File:EmergencyResponseTeam.png|64px|link=Emergency Response Team]]<br/>[[Emergency Response Team]]
| Respond to the emergency. Protect the crew.
| Respond to the emergency. Protect the crew.
! Hard
! Hard
! 40 Hours Playtime
! [[File:generic_deathsquad.png|64px|link=Death squad]]<br/>[[Death squad|Death Commando]]
! [[File:Mod Deathsquad.png|link=Death squad]]<br/>[[Death squad|Death Commando]]
| Eliminate the threat to the station by any means.
| Eliminate the threat to the station by any means.
! W+M1
! Point and Click
! 50 Hours Playtime
! [[File:Generic_ninja.png|64px|link=Space Ninja]]<br/>[[Space Ninja]]
! [[File:Swordred.gif|64px|link=Syndicate Infiltration Team]]<br/>[[Syndicate Infiltration Team]]
| Complete your objectives, that may include either protecting the crew, or killing them.
| Complete your objectives without alerting the crew.
! Very Hard
! Very Hard
! 10 Hours Playtime
! [[File:Highlander.png|64px|link=Highlander / There Can Only Be One]]<br/>[[Highlander / There Can Only Be One|Highlander]]
| Trust your sword and be the Last Man Standing.
! Scotland
! 1 Kilt
! [[File:generic_clown.png|64px|link=Honk_Squad]]<br/>[[Honk Squad]]
! [[File:Traders.gif|64px|link=Traders]]<br/>[[Traders]]
| Station lacks HONKs! Provide the station with HONKS!
| Trade for credits. Buy plasma. Sell contraband.
! Easy
! 20 Hours Playtime
! [[File:owlman1.png|64px|link=Super_Heroes]]<br/>[[Super Heroes]]
! [[File:owlman1.png|64px|link=Super_Heroes]]<br/>[[Super Heroes]]
| Save the the station and the day!
| Save the station and the day!
! ''Hoot!''
! [[File:Highlander.png|64px|link=Highlander / There Can Only Be One]]<br/>[[Highlander / There Can Only Be One|Highlander]]
! [[File:Special Event Roles.gif|64px|link=Special Event Roles]]<br/>[[Special Event Roles]]
| Be the Last Man Standing
| Add some variety to the round. Get double takes from everyone.
! Very Hard
! Variable
! Variable



Latest revision as of 20:03, 26 June 2024

Useful Resources


Your Role is what Nanotrasen has hired you to do aboard the space station. It defines what equipment you start with, your ID card access, and what your duties are aboard the station. From roaming around as a lowly assistant to grilling up burgers as a chef, or even fighting off Syndicate agents as a member of security, there is always something to do.

While aboard the station you are also likely to encounter some interesting new species working alongside you.

Initiative Required ranks how much initiative you need to take to have a fun round. A low initiative role will have things happen to them which will keep them busy. A high ranking means you need to start projects and take initiative to have a good round. The rank is based on an average round. Some rounds will be hectic, even for high initiative roles.

Mechanical Difficulty defines how difficult the role is to play from a mechanical standpoint. A high ranking means it will be difficult or a lot of different information and skills will be involved. Low means it's easy to pick up.

Station Command

Job Role Initiative Required Mechanical Difficulty Requirements

Take charge of the station. Ensure departments are running smoothly and make critical decisions. Low-Medium Very Hard 20 Hours as Command

Head of Personnel
Manage the service department and civilians. Process job transfer requests. Medium Medium 20 Hours as Service

Head of Security
Organize and run the security department. Ensure your officers abide by Space Law rather than acting as THE LAW. Low Extremely Hard 20 Hours as Security

Chief Engineer
Manage the Engineering and Atmospherics department. Oversee station repairs, construction projects, and the engine. Low Hard 20 Hours as Engineering

Research Director
Oversee the research department and make sure everything is done according to Science SOP. Low Medium 20 Hours as Science

Chief Medical Officer
Manage your staff in the medbay, remind people to turn their suit sensors up, and be a one-man department. Low Hard 20 Hours as Medical

Manage the cargo and mining departments, oversee all shipments and make sure none of your miners are dead. Low Medium 20 Hours as Supply

Central Command Dignitaries

While VIPs do not have their own category listed under the Crew Manifest, they technically belong to the Service Department.

Job Role Initiative Required Mechanical Difficulty Requirements

Nanotrasen Representative
Advise the command team about Standard Operating Procedure. Be the voice of Central Command without any of the benefits. High Low-Medium 50 Hours as Command

Ensure fair and just punishments or sentences are handed out. You are the final word on Space Law. High Hard 100 Hours as Security

Blueshield Officer
Guard all Central Command VIPs. This includes the heads, visitors, representatives, ambassadors, etc. Medium Hard-Very Hard 50 Hours as Command

Legal Department

Technically a sub-department of security, the Legal Department provides oversight for Space Law and Standard Operating Procedure.

Job Role Initiative Required Mechanical Difficulty Requirements

Ensure fair and just punishments or sentences are handed out. You are the final word on Space Law. High Hard 100 Hours as Security

Internal Affairs
Investigate and resolve breaches of SOP. Ensure security follows proper brigging procedure and listen to complaints. High Medium 10 Hours as Crew


Job Role Initiative Required Mechanical Difficulty Requirements

Head of Security
Organize and run the security department. Ensure your officers abide by Space Law rather than acting as THE LAW. Low Extremely Hard 20 Hours as Security

Oversee the brig, process its prisoners, make sure security records are up to date, and issue gear from the armoury. Low Hard 10 Hours as Security

Security Officer
Uphold Space Law and ensure the safety of the crew. Low Hard 10 Hours as Crew

Investigate crime scenes officers can't or won't solve. Help your department arrest the criminals you investigated. Keep an eye over evidence. Medium Medium 10 Hours as Crew


Job Role Initiative Required Mechanical Difficulty Requirements

Chief Engineer
Manage the Engineering and Atmospherics department. Oversee station repairs, construction projects, and the engine. Low Hard 20 Hours as Engineering

Station Engineer
Start up the engine(s), repair hull breaches and fix damaged equipment. Low Easy 5 Hours as Crew

Atmospheric Technician
Set up atmospherics. Repressurise rooms. Extinguish fires. Cry about people opening firelocks. Low Medium-Hard 5 Hours as Crew


Job Role Initiative Required Mechanical Difficulty Requirements

Chief Medical Officer
Manage your staff in the medbay, remind people to turn their suit sensors up, and be a one-man department. Low Hard 20 Hours as Medical

Medical Doctor
Watch people break into medical and ignore you while they go and heal themselves. Perform surgeries and save lives. Low Medium 3 Hours as Crew

Roam around the station on your ambulance. Stabilize injured personnel and bring them into Medical. Low Easy-Medium 3 Hours as Crew

Synthesize medicine for patients. Set up cryo cells. Mix chemicals requested by crew. Low Medium 5 Hours as Crew

Discover genetic powers. Oversee cloning operations. Become an invisible telepathic halfling. Low Medium 3 Hours as Crew

Create beneficial viruses for the crew, cure epidemics, and get lynched for allegedly spreading the common cold. Be a neat freak. Low Medium 5 Hours as Crew

Handle insane patients. Do mental check ups. Have one-on-one psychological sessions with those in need. High Easy to Medium None!

Perform autopsies on bodies, return uncloneable personnel's ID's to the HoP, and keep the morgue tidy. Medium Easy 3 Hours as Crew


Job Role Initiative Required Mechanical Difficulty Requirements

Research Director
Oversee the research department and make sure everything is done according to Science SOP. Low Medium 20 Hours as Science

Research new technology, create explosives, experiment with strange objects or synthesize dangerous chemicals. Low Medium 5 Hours as Crew

Create cyborgs and mechs for the crew to either enjoy, or be horribly murdered by. Repair horrifically dismembered IPC crew members. Low Medium 3 Hours as Crew

Discover genetic powers. Oversee cloning operations. Become an invisible telepathic halfling. Low Medium 3 Hours as Crew


Job Role Initiative Required Mechanical Difficulty Requirements

Manage the cargo and mining departments, oversee all shipments and make sure none of your miners are dead. Low Medium 20 Hours as Supply

Cargo Technician
Manage Cargo's paperwork, order essentials, perform deliveries, and deny every crate the clown tries to order. Low Easy None!

Shaft Miner
Fight monstrosities, mine materials and then smelt them for Research and Engineering. Slowly fill up the morgue with your clones. Low Medium None!

Explore (often dangerous) areas away from the main station. Go to space and supply the station with your findings. Low Hard None!


Job Role Initiative Required Mechanical Difficulty Requirements

Head of Personnel
Manage the service department and civilians. Process job transfer requests. Medium Medium 20 Hours as Service

Mop up dirt, blood, and vomit. Have your pimpin' ride stolen. Point at wet floor signs after people slip. Get lynched for not using space cleaner. Low Easy None!

Prepare, cook and serve meals for the station to enjoy. Get lynched for charging a minimal amount for your food. Low Easy None!

Mix and serve drinks. Shoot unruly patrons with your shotgun. Medium Easy None!

Grow useful plants for the Chef and station or fill the hallway with bees. Low Easy None!

Slip everyone, especially when you shouldn't really be slipping them. Honk! High Low A sense of humour.

Entertain the crew by acting out funny, interesting or dramatic scenes. High Low None!

Spread your faith, organize rituals, assist Security. Be the medium between gods and the crew, and praise the emperor. High Easy None!

Fill the bookcases with books, argue with the Chaplain. Run a D&D session nobody shows up to. High Easy None!


Job Role Initiative Required Mechanical Difficulty Requirements

Stroll around and do whatever assistants do. Be an easily-disposable greyshirt. Meet the Head of Personnel to get a job. High No difficulty None!

Watch antags kill people and flicker lights spookily. None Ghastly! Death!

Ghost Bar Occupant
Get blackout drunk, die a second time, play UNUM! Medium Very Low Death

Observe the round, be a nuisance, get murdered by a Tajaran. None None None!

Do science, worship The Liberator, travel through space and enjoy solitude. Medium Medium None!

Derelict Researcher
You wake up in a dimly lit and dusty room. How long have you been asleep? Where are you? Medium Medium None!

Syndicate Researcher
Perform research without caring about the consequences. Be mission control for traitors. Capture and experiment on Explorers who dare invade your outpost. Have foam gun battles in the hallways. Medium Easy to Medium None!


Job Role Initiative Required Mechanical Difficulty Requirements

Follow your laws to the letter. Be called rogue 24/7. Low Hard 5 Hours as Silicon

Follow your lawset. Assist the station. Low Hard 5 Hours as Crew

Maintenance Drone
Maintain the station. Be the engineer in the shadows. Low Very Easy 10 Hours as Crew

Personal AI
Be someone's constant companion. Act as a translator. Medium-High Very Easy None!


Job Role Difficulty Requirements

Capture crew, steal their hearts, and experiment on them. Hard 20 Hours Playtime

Ash Walker
Protect your sacred hunting grounds. Hunt the wildlife. Hiss at intruders. Medium None!

Expand, overtake the station, get nuked. Very Hard 20 Hours Playtime

Create paranoia and fear. Complete your objectives. Turn into anyone and everyone. Hard 5 Hours Playtime

Serve your new master. Easy None!

Serve your occult god and further their goals. Medium 20 Hours Playtime

Follow the commands of your host. Battle your host's enemies. Medium 20 Hours Playtime

Gurgle. Medium 5 Hours Playtime

Nuclear Agent
Get that fukken disk. Destroy the station with the Nuclear Bomb. Very Hard 20 Hours Playtime

Drain life force from crew members. Achieve spookiness. Medium 3 Hours Playtime

Shadow Demon
Skulk around in the darkness, kill anyone unlucky enough to cross your path. Hard 5 Hours Playtime

Slaughter Demon
Crawl through blood, slaughter and devour the crew. Hard 5 Hours Playtime

Pulse Demon
Travel through cables shocking anyone you touch, syphon the station's power for your own gain. Medium 5 Hours Playtime

Syndicate Researcher
Perform research without caring about the consequences. Be mission control for traitors. Capture and experiment on Explorers who dare invade your outpost. Have foam gun battles in the hallways. Easy to Medium None!

Terror Spider
Nest. Kill. Expand. Terrorise the crew and become their worst nightmare. Hard 5 Hours Playtime

Complete your objectives. Die an honourable death or escape on the shuttle. Medium 5 Hours Playtime

Complete your objectives. Drink blood. Hard 5 Hours Playtime

Create as much mayhem as possible on behalf of the Wizards Federation. Extremely Hard 20 Hours Playtime

Grow. Spread. Repopulate. Medium 10 Hours Playtime


Job Role Difficulty Requirements

Central Command Officer
Work on NAS Trurl, supervising stations throughout the Epsilon Eridani system. N/A Admin Only

Emergency Response Team
Respond to the emergency. Protect the crew. Hard 40 Hours Playtime

Death Commando
Eliminate the threat to the station by any means. Point and Click 50 Hours Playtime

Syndicate Infiltration Team
Complete your objectives without alerting the crew. Very Hard 10 Hours Playtime

Trust your sword and be the Last Man Standing. Scotland 1 Kilt

Trade for credits. Buy plasma. Sell contraband. Easy 20 Hours Playtime

Super Heroes
Save the station and the day! OWLMANNNN! Hoot!

Special Event Roles
Add some variety to the round. Get double takes from everyone. Variable Variable
CaptainHead of PersonnelHead of SecurityChief EngineerResearch DirectorChief Medical OfficerQuartermaster
Nanotrasen RepresentativeBlueshield OfficerNanotrasen Career Trainer
Internal AffairsMagistrate
WardenSecurity OfficerDetective
Station EngineerAtmospheric Technician
Medical DoctorParamedicChemistGeneticistVirologistPsychologistCoroner
Cargo TechnicianShaft MinerExplorer
AnimalAssistantDerelict ResearcherGhostGolemSyndicate Researcher
AICyborgMaintenance DronePersonal AI
AbductorsAsh WalkerBlobChangelingConstructContractorCultistGuardianHereticLavaland EliteMindflayerMorphNuclear AgentPulse DemonRevenantRevolutionaryShadow DemonSlaughter DemonSITSyndicate ResearcherTerror SpiderTraitorVampireWizardXenomorphZombie
Central Command OfficerDeath CommandoEmergency Response TeamHighlanderTradersSpecial Event RolesSuper HeroesSyndicate Infiltration TeamCluwne