Game Modes

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The Game Mode decides what events and occurrences will happen during the round, and what goals everyone has. It can be changed by admins, or by voting. Some Random Events may also occur in the round.


You should also take a look at the Identifying Antagonists page.


This mode picks from a number of rounds randomly, and doesn't inform the players what the game mode is at the beginning of the round to try and alleviate metagaming.

As of the time of writing it could be Extend-A-Traitormongous or traitor at a high probability; and blob, cult, revolution, or epidemic at a lower probability.

In addition, certain random events may occur during the round, including AI Malfunction, Meteors, various viral outbreaks, power failures, Ion storms and waves of cosmic radiation.

Sword.gif Traitor

The main article for this section is Traitor


Superiors: The Syndicate
Difficulty: Varies, from Medium to Extremely Hard
Guides: Guide to Contractor, Syndicate Items, Cryptographic Sequencer
Access: Your workplace or any place your Syndicate items will open.
Duties: Fufill your objectives

In Traitor, one or more crew members are Syndicate agents and are given a PDA Uplink to provide them with useful tools to help them complete their goal. The game ends when the Emergency Shuttle leaves. For Traitor AIs see this.

If the Traitors can meet all of their objectives when the emergency shuttle leaves, they win. Note that traitors win individually, they may band together and work as a team, but it is not required for them to succeed.

You should also read Identifying Antagonists if you're playing as a normal station member and need help identifying items in character.

The Basics

Alright, you forgot to switch off Be (Syndicate) traitor in your Game Preferences and now you are stuck as the Traitor and have no idea what you're doing. This is a problem because a bad Traitor results in a bad round for everybody. If you had the option turned off, becoming the Traitor is possible if no one else had it ticked either. If you really don't want to play a traitor, adminhelp it and an admin may or may not revert your traitor status.

After you've familiarized yourself with the game's combat system, it's time to get down to business. The first thing to note as the traitor are your objectives. They are always kept in the Notes command and it's a good idea to check that when a round starts. There are a number of objectives that a traitor can be assigned - with most traitors receiving two standard objectives and an escape or martyrdom objective. The number of objectives you get can change depending on the exact objectives that you get assigned - a traitor with the hijack objective will have that objective and nothing else, whereas a document exchanger will get an additional objective to complete on top of the normal amount. You also have access to Syndicate Items via a PDA (by inputting your ringtone) or headset uplink (by setting your frequency). You'll have 100 telecrystals (TC) in your uplink to buy some useful equipment that will be able to help you complete your objectives.

Note that lore-wise all NT staff are briefed on syndicate items and can identify them IC, so be careful what you use around people.


  • You are expected to try to accomplish your objectives. An antagonist who has conflicting feelings about what they must do is always fun but try to not take it too far as, like mentioned above, the syndicate wouldn't send a saint to an assassination mission. They wouldn't send a careless lazy bum either so try to care at least a bit for the objectives.
  • You are expected to not cause massive amounts of collateral damage. Feel free to kill people and blow things up, but only as long as it furthers your objectives somehow. Your character may have murderous or destructive tendencies, but they shouldn't go as far as blowing or murdering stuff just for the sake of it: doing so offers a lot of personal risk and as an agent with a mission and a person that wants to get out of the station alive and free, you wouldn't put yourself through such risks. Again, the syndicate wouldn't send a walking doomsday to a stealthy mission.
  • You are expected to still be a believable person. Try to resist the temptation to become the perfect objective-accomplishing machine when you antagonize: You are still a person, with all that entails.

But ultimately, creating fun are all antagonists are about. So feel free to overlook some/all of these if you feel you can be fun for everyone/most by doing so. But keep in mind that doing so offers a certain degree of risk, and you may want to consult an admin ahead of yourself to see if your idea of "fun" isn't too excluding.


This is what you must do in order to please your syndicate employer. These will almost always be dangerous for you, and each objective usually requires your traitor equipment or a very good plan.

Objective Description Difficulty Notes
Main Objectives
Black Gloves.png
This is one of the most common objectives. Objects for theft range from an unused slime extract, the Captain's MODsuit, advanced magboots, and so on. This can vary quite a lot in difficulty, and it's your job to make the best of a bad situation. Easy to Very Hard A list of these items can be found here.
This is a tough one. In general, running up and whacking your target with an energy sword will work, but if you can roleplay with your target beforehand, it's appreciated as well. You can also try a more stealthy approach if you want to. Destroy is a variant of Assassinate, with the target always being the station's AI. Medium to Very Hard Sometimes you'll be assigned to kill other traitors without knowing beforehand, so watch your back. Note that the target also needs to 'remain' dead for you to succeed - if they're cloned or have their brain recovered and planted into another body you will fail the objective come round end. Having a target borged will also count as a success.
Teach a Lesson
Similar to the Assassinate objective, this one is a lot less harsh, as you only need to kill your target once to teach them a lesson and complete the objective. Your target can be revived or cloned and it still counts, so have some fun with this one! Medium to Very Hard While this objective is like the others, your target doesn't need to remain dead in order to complete it. 
This one is quite similar to assassinating your target, but the real twist is to prevent that person from escaping alive. Whether you're killing your target or kidnapping them for the entire shift. Easy to Very Hard The same advice given for assassinations applies here - the target simply needs to not be alive on the shuttle or an escape pod at the end of the round. If they're dead already or stranded on the station then you'll succeed.
This is very variable in difficulty, but it's rare. On the one hand, if you have to protect the Librarian it's unlikely that they're going to any really dangerous situations. On the other, if you have to protect a Station Engineer who doesn't know how to set up the singularity, you might fail before the round really starts. If possible, drag their body to genetics as quickly as you can and make sure they get cloned. Easy to Medium This objective can only be assigned to Malfunctioning AIs ordinarily. Do note that some other traitors may have your 'Protect' target as their 'Kill' target, and so you might have to intentionally disrupt their work to succeed.
This objective is harder than the others - removing a crewmember's brain. Of course - one has to kidnap or kill a person, put them to a table and either surgically or forcefully remove the head and/or brain to succeed. Hard to Very Hard If you don't have the tools to perform standard surgery, then ghetto surgery or simply cutting the head off with brute force works as well. Having the victim's head on you will also count as a success as long as the brain is still inside.
Shard Steal
Using a special scalpel and tongs, harvest a small sliver of the supermatter, either off the one in engineering, or ordered from cargo. Naturally, it is dangerous and radioactive. Traitors with this objective start with a storage unit for it, that they can use to safely store the supermatter shard in. The box should come with further instructions on how to do this. Medium to Hard You should have radiation-proof clothing in order to complete this objectives, you definitely want to wear mag-boots as well to avoid getting vaporised. This objective is not given to Engineers, Atmospheric Technicians, or the Chief Engineer
Plutonium Core Steal
Once the control panel of the nuke is exposed, either by putting the NAD in and using a normal screwdriver, or by using the special provided, you can crowbar, weld, crowbar, to expose the plutonium core of the Nuke, which can then be removed. Hard to Very Hard The nuke is located in the station Vault.

If you wish to open the container a traitor has sealed the core in, look at Nuke Core Container.

Escape Objectives
This is going to be one of the most common "escape" objectives for the traitor, getting off the station alive. This is fairly simple, but if you're wanted or there's a big threat to the station then escaping alive might become trickier. Medium to Very Hard You will fail this objective if you are in the Brig (Red) zone in the shuttle, or if you're in handcuffs. Note that if the station is being detonated via nuclear explosion then you'll need to survive instead.
This one is a a lot tougher than escaping the station with Nanotrasen crew onboard, Emagging the shuttle console helps a lot. As this will make the shuttle go away in 10 seconds. After that, kill every crewmember onboard Emergency Shuttle, this fairly sounds difficult however. But (hopefully) rest assured, you're going to have fun with this objective. Hard to Extremely Hard While escaping, pets and other Syndicate Operatives are not counted as crewmembers, they can be spared. As a traitor AI however, you cannot also allow your fellow borgs to escape as well, even if they're willing to your zeroth law. You also have additional items available in your Syndicate Uplink as well.
Pretty much self explanatory. Surviving until the end if it happens to be a traitor AI. It's easy if you did it the subtle way, doing it aggressively will be quite tough. Expect a resistance when doing so. Medium to Very Hard Only Malfunctioning AIs will normally have this objective due to their inability to move around.


Alright, you know your objectives, time to accomplish them. You have 100 Telecrystals installed into your syndicate uplink to be spent on various items. Check Syndicate Items for a more detailed description on the goods.

Try to avoid buying your items at round start. Although it can be useful to get items early, holding off until you need the item also has merit, so 30 crystals don't get wasted on an E-Mag (Cryptographic Sequencer) when you find the Captains ID conveniently sitting on the floor.


Most traitors have to kill someone, and knowing a couple of ways to do it certainly helps.

General Tips & Advice

  • Always finish the job. NEVER leave your victim alive so they can be healed or treated.
  • After killing your victim, DISPOSE them into a location where they cannot be found, so they'll not be cloned. This is of course not needed if you’re just supposed to teach them a lesson.
  • Aiming for the head generally causes more stuns and knock-downs than the torso. It can also decapitate people if you're using a sharp weapon like a cleaver or e-sword.
  • Armor can be circumvented by aiming for areas not covered by the armor. If somebody is wearing a helmet, aim for the torso. For body armor, aim for the legs.
  • Know your enemy. If your target is part of the Security team or one of the Heads, expect to be fighting a heavily armed and armored opponent. If you know the target is a good fighter, it might be a good idea to use one of the less physical methods.
  • Know their armor. If you see someone wearing bulletproof armor, use a melee weapon. If you seen someone wearing a riot helmet on their head, but a bulletproof armor on their torso, aim at their head, and use a ballistic weapon.
  • If you think you can kill somebody with an item, chances are you can. Even when you're sure there's no way this will kill anyone, it still might manage to. Experiment with different items and tools so that you're always a threat.
  • When push comes to shove, push back. Fighting is a lot like bull fighting; a lot of running and dodging and then direct physical confrontation. Never be afraid to back off for a second and get ready for a charge.
  • Keep in mind that the common (and rare) methods of killing are combinations of the ones listed below.
  • If you're going stealth, blood on your weapons, hands, and on floor are dead giveaways that you have beat somebody up. Dispose of the weapon, or clean them if you have the supplies or can get to the sink. You can wash blood off of anything, including your hands, using Space Cleaner or Soap. Always try to wear gloves when you kill someone. Not only does it leave your hands clean, it prevents fingerprint evidence from giving you away (though it does give out their fibers on their gloves). Bloody gloves are a lot easier to throw down disposals than bloody fingers.
  • The Sleepy Pen is an excellent tool for stealthy assassinations. The victim is not alerted of the initial sting, though they'll yawn a lot, and is muted for a short duration. It can also be refilled with a syringe, it has a capacity of 100 units. You may also extract its contents to instead inject something more directly lethal.
  • If you plan to go loud, you might want to take an Mini Energy Crossbow and a preferred weapon as your weapon of choice. The Mini Energy Crossbow can stun anyone once they're hit with the addition of dealing toxin damage, being hard to see, hard to dodge, and having infinite ammo.
  • No matter your objective, be confident, and actually attempt it. You miss 100% of shots you don't take, and losing is part of the fun. If you make a mistake, you will know better next time!


Typically the most readily available murder option. It involves a blunt object such as your fists, tools, guns, stun prods or almost any other item in the game.

Pros: Easy to perform and many weapons are readily available across the station.

Cons: Expect a bloody mess after the fight, it also gives time for the victim to cry for help and some people will be wearing armor. It's quite boring as well.

Notes: Unless you're a good fighter, beating is not always a viable option because it's somewhat easy to defend against.


Another simple option. Using your Grab intent, anybody who's not handcuffed can strangle somebody.

Pros: An option that can be always available anywhere, it doesn't require any weapons, just your hands. Once you grabbed the person by the neck, the victim will cannot resist again. Plus, it leaves no trace of blood.

Cons: Of course, it takes a while in order for the victim to be killed. Gives A LOT of time for the victim to cry for help. Not only that, it works if they're stunned or handcuffed, many people can avoid it and since it's slow, it will leave you in a vulnerable position. Quite boring too.

Notes: Using a garrote helps with this method. Strangulation is most useful against downed opponents.

Advanced Methods of Murder

This section covers special weapon kills and environmental circumstances that may only be available in certain parts of the station.


Simple enough; while wearing internal gear, release toxic gasses into a room with your opponent.

Pros; Leaves no physical evidence, reasonably fast!

Cons: Internal gear may be difficult to obtain later on in the round, the area becomes contaminated until somebody comes to clean it up, the AI will also receive an atmospheric alarm for the area and can immediately jump to a camera there making escape difficult unless you can hide in a locker or something.

Notes: Suffocation is not a good option for many parts of the station, but it's feasible to use in areas like the Engine, Toxins and the Atmos lab.


Killing aided by medical supplies such as toxins, sleep toxins and rejuvenators and medication like epilepsy pills. Generally, these options will only incapacitate the enemy, but in the case of the toxins and rejuvenators, enough of them can be deadly. Most medicines over 30 units will also cause toxic effects.

Pros: Readily available in the Medbay, leaves little physical evidence

Cons: Takes some time to work, is most likely not deadly unless extreme doses are administered

Notes: This method is effective to incapacitate people you've already caught if you don't have any means of handcuffing them, but it's not effective enough to kill outright. Emagging a medical hypospray will turn its safeties off, and allow you to fill it with any chemical - including ones that mix to be explosive or start fires. Hyposprays can inject up to 30 units of "medicine" at a time.

Traitor Weapons

Simple to use and are most effective when you're directly attacking the enemy. This includes e-swords, holoparasites and revolvers.

Pros: Depending on what weapon you choose, it can swiftly kill your target or silence your target to kidnap. Some weapons (such as the E-Crossbow and E-Sword) can be concealed in your pockets or in your bag. Some weapons (Sleepy Pen and Pistol with silencer) can also be silent too.

Cons: Traitors only obtain these weapons. It usually leaves a bloody mess after the fight, and some weapons (the Chainsaw and the .357 Revolver) are really loud, as it can be heard from adjacent rooms. And some weapons (like the Chainsaw) are bulky and cannot be fit in bags. They're also Contraband items as well, if one spectator sees this, you (or the spectator) are most likely screwed.

Notes: Very effective and efficient means to kill. However, this method only depends on the weapon you choose. Though some weapons can be crafted and acted as such.


The act of forcing somebody out of an external airlock.

Pros: Some Airlocks are available in most parts of the station, unlucky victims who does not have internals are likely going to die, leaves little to no physical evidence.

Cons: Not everyone has external airlock access, some opponents might dodge the attack and pull you out to space, they'll usually scream for help. Space takes its sweet time to kill, and a resourceful and prepared spaceman might make it back to the station, even if they need to break through a window. Additionally, suit sensors are going to guarantee their recovery, unless you can turn them off and prevent their reactivation, for example by cuffing the target.

Notes: Spacing can be a plausible option for people with the proper equipment, but it can also be dangerous. Spacing also usually happens after killing your target, making sure that they cannot be cloned.


Lighting a fire into plasma leak (and other ways) to is a very dangerous way to murder somebody (or yourself, if not careful), yet effective and dramatic for roleplay!

Pros: Fire intimidating and dangerous to other people, people who are burned will likely to be dead or husked, damages much of the station if you want it and effective on some species, like the Tajaran. It also does not leave much physical evidence, but the downside is...

Cons: ...It's not good for stealth, the AI will notice fire alarms, gives some time for the victim to cry for help, fire is hard to obtain and only available to high-risk types of rooms such as Atmospherics, Toxin Lab and other areas. And unless if you find away how to endure fire (like a boss), the danger level of murdering somebody with flames is quite high. Plus, fire is easy to disperse, using a fire extinguisher.

Notes: Killing somebody with fire is something dramatic and dangerous, but unless if you want the shuttle to be called, it damages the station, and it may interfere with your objectives.

If you don’t particularly want to cause a shuttle-call event, rooms like the Incinerator and Turbine have lockable fireproof chambers for burning a target without affecting the station.

Genetic Murder

This method of killing someone via genetics is once in a blue moon, it's a very rare method to kill somebody. Though it does have its upsides.

Pros: Once you locked your victim inside the DNA pod, you can completely change their identity for good, you can also save the DNA for later if you need it.

Cons: Because it's rare, it's generally very risky, one can simply call for help once they're stuck on the pod, it's also suspicious, and people and the AI might know quickly that something's up. And unless you're the Geneticist, it would take time to access the Genetics lab.

Notes: All in all, very risky to perform, hard to accomplish, and it's only effective if your victims are asleep.


Can be made using the chemistry system and is deadly if used correctly.

Pros: Like medicine, acid can be injected into a person using a syringe or shot out of a gun. It can also be splashed from a beaker. If it's splashed it has a chance of removing the person's identity, which is hard to restore.

Cons: Hard to make unless you're the chemist. Acids are not very effective when injected.

Notes: This method suffers the same fate as the genetics option and is not plausible to the people who are not in that profession.


A very messy yet effective way to murder someone, gibbing a person until they're only chunks of meat. Either by putting them in an emagged Gibber or by damaging them too much that their bodies cannot handle more damage anymore at one moment (ie, explosions).

Pros: This usually leaves little evidence and once your victim is gibbed, they cannot be cloned.

Cons: Your victim must be downed or unresponsive inorder to gib them properly. Also very messy, leaving a pile of blood and gibs. If you're using the Gibber inside the kitchen, you're going to need access to the kitchen, it's quite loud, and your fingerprint will be left on the gibber or door you just activated. If you're gonna gib by other methods, then it'd be a hard time.

Notes: A nice way to kill somebody. It's also effective on Changelings too.

Cremation and Mass Driver

An act of shoving a person into a Crematorium and totally burning them afterwards. Alternatively, you can use the Mass Driver if you need it.

Pros: If you cook someone in the Crematorium, there's no chance for your victim to survive, and they cannot be cloned. All that's left is nothing but a pile of ash that you can blow it away.

The mass driver on the other hand allows you to dispose bodies or victims off the station very quickly, into a far away place from space where they'll never be heard again.

Cons: While the Chapel secluded place to cremate or mass drive someone, the AI might know what you are doing as soon as it spotted you dragging a body to these places. It leaves blood trails too. And it both cases, it'd be hard to kill them with this method with their legs working. Leaves a fingerprint once your press either of the buttons, finally, you need access to these devices.

Using the Crematorium will destroy every item on the person completely, including the person themselves. That means if the item you needed to steal is in that person and cremate them, all that objective will be a complete bust.

Mass driving can often be unreliable, as the corpse might eventually find its way back to the station.

Notes: An effective way to kill, this method is also effective after you killed somebody, making sure that the person does not get cloned in the process.

Where to Commit Murder

Now that you've picked your method of slaying, you will need to pick somewhere to do this. Several obvious factors play into this decision:

  • Are the facilities available in this area? You obviously won't be able to push somebody into the engine from the Chapel.
  • How frequently does the subject access this area? Waiting in the medbay for your target won't result to anything if they never leave their office.
  • How heavily populated is the area? You won't want to kill somebody in an area like the medbay because there is almost always somebody there.

After looking over these, you can tell where you should commit the crime. Several more specific factors play into this;

  • How hard is the area to access?
  • How secluded is the area?
  • Is the area your primary post?

It would be unwise to kill somebody in the Toxins Lab if you're the only toxins researcher. On the other hand, it would be incredibly wise to kill somebody in the Toxins Lab if you're not the toxins researcher.

Getting Caught

Things never go that smoothly. Getting caught is a way of life and knowing how to get out of it is very important. And the best way to do that is to lie so much you believe yourself. Lie to everyone and everything that talks to you. Agree to any searches that won't get you busted for corpses or traitor items. Do anything to deflect the blame on to others. If you run around not saying anything dragging a locker of corpses around, you will end up dead. Note that your chances of this bluff being a success is shot to nothing if you get caught with any blatant traitor items on you.

Getting Off the Station

Whatever the your other objective were, you have now successfully completed it! Now, the difficult part, getting off of the station. Unfortunately, there are two routes when you're about to escape, the easy way or the hard way. The easy way is getting off the shuttle with crew on board the shuttle. The hard way? Getting off the shuttle without crewmembers on board, this may be one of your hardest objectives, but it will be well worth it once you completed it.

Aside from the above, there are two main ways to go about this task, dynamic and stealth. Dynamic players are going to want to cause the damage to get the shuttle called. Stealthy players are going to want to call the shuttle themselves are somehow prevent it from being recalled. Most players will need to combine these two ways to succeed.

If all goes well, give yourself a pat on the back, you did it! If not, try to figure out where it all went wrong and improve on that. Escaping can be nearly impossible depending on the crew and station's condition, and theft can be just as difficult if you are a lowly assistant going after the Hand Teleporter the Captain is carrying around. Sometimes it was not meant to be, but regardless, the only way to keep better is continue practicing.

Stealth Tips

Want to get the job done with little to no trouble?

  • Store stolen items out of the open, the best way is in a box that's in a locker (even better if the locker locks).
  • Get rid of evidence. A bottle of space cleaner goes a long way to clean up blood. And don't forget to hide those bodies.
  • If possible, wear gloves. This prevents your prints from being anywhere on the scene, though it will leave fibers. Consider mixing up your choice of gloves to throw Security off your scent.
  • A sleepy pen is a great stealth weapon. When they're out cold, they're at your mercy.
  • Bluff your way out. If you're a smooth enough talker, you can try to talk your way out. If caught in the act, try to pretend you were trying to help.
  • Have a backup plan. Things don't always go as planned, so have a way out.
  • Wear a disguise. Be an Unknown.
  • Do not kill innocents. The more people you kill, the likelier it is that someone will catch you in the act.

Additional Notes

  • Not all Roles can be Traitors at roundstart, the Captain, all Nanotrasen VIPs and all of Security (Including the Internal Affairs Agent) have mindshield implants. Meaning they cannot be traitors and other role-based antagonists. Command may only roll one antagonist role with a 10% chance of a second.
  • Sometimes, in some gamemodes, Changelings or Vampires are also on the station with Traitors.
  • Having a spare ID always helps. If you don't have that, then just wear a mask and run around as unknown, using your ID to access the doors that you need. Knowing the access each job has makes certain IDs more valuable than others.
  • There may be other traitors on station. You have code words to find them - those code words will be highlighted in the chat making them easier to see. You can either try working together or simply not getting in each others way. A Syndicate Encryption Key inside a headset also helps finding them too.
  • Much of this guide is directed at human traitors, not AI traitors.
  • Being a traitor is not a free ticket to ruin everyone's round.
  • If the item you need to steal has been chucked into the Safe, read up about the thing on how to crack it.
  • If you're lucky, a Syndicate Bioweapons Base may spawn in space. There, the agents can listen in on radio chatter and spy on the station's camera network. If you purchase a Syndicate Encryption Key, you can talk to them and request help finding your target. If you're very lucky, you may be able to find the base and request gear from them. Just remember that they are not allowed to leave the base, and like all other Syndicate agents, they're not required to help you.
  • These are the items excluded from discounts on traitor uplinks: all job specific tools, holoparasites, sleeping carp, CQC, bag of C4, bag of X4, Syndicate Bomb, EMP bomb, Plasma Fire Grenades, Power Beacon, Uplink Implant, Syndicate Balloon, anything that's a Bundle/TC deal.

Roleplay Tips & Suggestions

  • Consider why your character is working for the Syndicate. Are they a die-hard supporter in its cause, ready to do anything and everything in pursuit of Nanotrasen's destruction, regardless of cost? Maybe they're being blackmailed into coercion, doing dirty work to secure the life of a loved one or the secrecy of sensitive information. Or, perhaps, they're nothing more than a mercenary, banking on the hope that once this is all over, they'll finally have enough to retire.
  • How does your character's personality interact with the often violent work of the Syndicate? Are they pacifistic and squeamish, only resorting to violence as a last resort, or a violent meathead who's more than happy to cut a bloody swath towards their target? Maybe they become detached when "on the clock", turning from a friendly coworker to a stone-cold killer in less time than it takes to flip a switch. Or they're something completely different, try to find what works best for you and your character!
  • Your character's conflict with Security will be a major part of the round, so how do they approach it? Do they have a soft heart, sparing their enemies even if it means losing an advantage? An eager blood knight, happy to face down and triumph over worthy opponents? Maybe your character tries to keep a low profile, or goes the exact opposite direction by taunting Security with threats of moustache-twirling villainy and deranged cackling. (As an aside regarding the last sentence, many players consider "comms-taunting" to be in poor taste unless done artfully)
  • As an addendum to the above, do remember that killing Security will result in escalation, up to and including ERT calls.
  • Remember, nothing from each round is saved beyond the "Shifts without accident" signs in Engineering and Science, so don't be afraid to get out there and try something new!
CaptainHead of PersonnelHead of SecurityChief EngineerResearch DirectorChief Medical OfficerQuartermaster
Nanotrasen RepresentativeBlueshield Officer
Internal AffairsMagistrate
WardenSecurity OfficerDetective
Station EngineerAtmospheric Technician
Medical DoctorParamedicChemistGeneticistVirologistPsychologistCoroner
Cargo TechnicianShaft MinerExplorer
AnimalAssistantDerelict ResearcherGhostGolemSyndicate Researcher
AICyborgMaintenance DronePersonal AI
AbductorsAsh WalkerBlobChangelingConstructContractorCultistGuardianLavaland EliteMorphNuclear AgentRevenantRevolutionaryShadow DemonSlaughter DemonSITSyndicate ResearcherTerror SpiderPulse DemonTraitorVampireWizardXenomorphZombie
Central Command OfficerDeath CommandoEmergency Response TeamHighlanderTradersSpecial Event RolesSuper HeroesSyndicate Infiltration TeamCluwne

Nuke.gif Nuclear Emergency

The main article for this section is Nuclear Agent

Nuclear Agent

Superiors: The Syndicate
Difficulty: Very Hard
Guides: Syndicate Items, Nuclear Agent Items, Guide to Combat, Guide to Medical
Access: Any place an e-mag or a block of C4 will open
Duties: Not defined

<onlyinclude>Nuclear Agents are chosen or have been chosen to be one of the few, the strong, the Elite. Their Mission, whether or not they choose to accept it will be to destroy one of the most advanced research facilities of the dastard Nanotrasen Corporation! That's right, they are going to Epsilon Eridani to destroy one of Nanotrasen's precious stations

Your Objectives

  1. Retrieve the Nuclear Authentication Disk
  2. Arm the Nuclear Fission Explosive inside the station
  3. Escape alive on the Syndicate Shuttle

Home Base

Upon starting the round, you and your fellow operatives will find yourself in a Syndicate Hideout. You will only be able to access the small part dedicated to the Nuclear team. It has the main meeting room, a locker room, and a hallway leading to the Syndicate Nuclear Shuttle. It is important to take a look around the base because it has important items that can assist you with accomplishing your objectives

All nuclear operatives start with a tactical turtleneck, combat gloves, a headset with a Syndicate encryption key, a pinpointer locked to the nuclear disk's location, a stechkin pistol and a backpack with a cyanide pill and radio uplink in it.

The radio uplink is like an unlocked Syndicate PDA - it can order most traitor items and much, much more! Simply use the radio in your active hand to open the uplink. You can communicate with your fellow operatives by using :t

Items Available From Inside the Base

Item Description
Military Belt
A belt that can hold Grenades, Weapons, Ammo, etc. A Must-Have Item
Night Vision Goggles
Goggles that will allow you to see in the dark. Use the darkness to your advantage!
Ion Rifle
Ion Rifle.gif
Useful against anything electric including IPCs, Borgs, and Energy Weapons. Will EMP anything it hits so be careful where you fire it.
YouTool Vendor
Tool Vendor.gif
Dispenses any tool you may need. Useful in the event explosives or E-mags would be too loud for your operation.
A virtual friend that you can bring along with you on your journey. Alternatively the PAI may be able to share some wisdom with you.
Big Red Button
Not just for show! Pressing this button will immediately detonate any active Syndicate Bomb.
For slipping those pesky crew members.

The Nuclear Shuttle


This is your lifeboat for completing your objectives. It is fully stocked with most of the equipment you will need outside of your uplink and home base. In the bottom left of the shuttle is a fully stocked medbay with Syndicate Sleepers and surgery equipment. Additionally there are borg rechargers and an O2 Tank. To the right of that is a basic engineering area with explosives, Assemblies, and some tools. Just above that is the airlock which will let you in and out of the shuttle. And to the left of the airlock is the EVA area with Syndie hardsuits, Internals, and a locker stocked with Bulldog Shotguns. At the very top is the bridge with consoles for placing yourself wherever you need to be.

The shuttle comes with rudimentary defence turrets on the outside. However, the best way to keep out intruders is to keep the shutters on the bridge shut and the blast door in the airlock closed.

Items Available From Inside the Shuttle

Item Description
Blood-Red Hardsuit
The signature armor of nuke ops. It protects well against bullets and lasers. It comes with a built-in jetpack allowing you to fly in space using the suit's internals.
Bulldog Shotgun
Bulldog Shotgun - A handy semi-automatic shotgun that comes loaded with slug shells by default, which will deal a whopping 60 damage on hit. However there's no spare ammo for it lying around, so you'll need to buy more magazines through your uplink.
Suspicious Toolbox
It's like a standard blue toolbox, but more sinister looking, lacks an analyzer, but has a multitool and an extra pair of combat gloves instead.
Suspicious Beacon
Tracking beacon.png
Spawns a Syndicate Bomb (makes a big hole), which can be detonated early with the big red button.
Real men not only blow up the entire station, but steal the AI as well.
Military PDA
Comes with a detomatix cartridge, and can open and close your shuttle's blast doors.
Compact Oxygen Jetpack
Jet Pack.png
Can be used for internals and allows you to freely fly in space rather than float in one single direction.
Various Medical Supplies
Medical kits, spare prosphetic limbs, a syndicate sleeper, bone repair kit and various medical kits. Handy for healing injuries both on and off the ship.
Omnizine Donk Pockets
Donks filled with meth and stimulants. Eating more than one at a time WILL KILL YOU! Be careful.
Box of Flashbangs
Fill up free space on your military belt with one or two of these. Works great against regular crew, but security and some command staff will likely have protection against these.
Box of Tear Gas Grenades
Useful against people not wearing masks, which is... very few people.
Use it to blow open a wall or an airlock that you can't get past quickly enough otherwise.
Surgery duffelbag
Fully stocked with surgery equipment, useful if you don't have a mediborg.

Assault Pod

For 125 Telecrystals, you can purchase the Assault Pod. It is located directly east of the home base. Once purchased, you can use it to drop into any location on the station. It has 8 turrets, 2 for each corner. It's a good tool for it you wish to go loud and storm the disk ASAP. However, it is a one-use one-way trip. Make sure that one operative stays behind to pilot the shuttle.


For 100 TC, you can purchase the Teleporter Circuit Board. In your Nuclear Team Shuttle there is an unfinished Teleporter setup. You can construct this, emag it, and it will allow you to teleport to any tracking beacon on station. Your beacon cannot be teleported to unless you emag a teleporter on-station.


Upon spawning in, one operative is designated as the leader - they should be the one to decide what kind of approach the team should take in getting the nuclear disk, as well as spawning with the war declaration device.

The very first thing you should do is memorize the nuclear code! The code will be on a piece of paper in the base, as well as being given directly to the leader in their own notes at the start of the round. DO NOT FORGET IT, write it down if you have to.


Before you drown yourself in guns, bombs and ammo, you should make up and discuss a plan with your fellow operatives. The first thing to decide is whether to go in guns blazing, or take a more stealthy approach. Both have their pros and cons.

If you choose to go the stealthy approach, you will be stuck with the TC you get a round-start. However, you will have the element of surprise/stealth and you can choose to assault the station at whatever point you want to.

If you choose to go guns blazing. Your leader should "declare war" with the war declaration device.

Declaring War

Declaration of War - "The Syndicate Nuclear Strike Team Leader has declared their intent to utterly destroy the station with a nuclear device and dares the crew to try and stop them."

It is possible to use the small device found on the nuclear operatives' leader to declare war on the station within the first 10 minutes of the round. This will send a loud warning to the station's personnel warning them of the Nuclear Operatives' soon arrival, but give you an additional 180 TC to buy more equipment, as well as four crystals for every crew member over 50. These crystals will be split evenly between your team members. However, you will also be required to wait until the round time reaches 20 minutes before you can use the shuttle, to give the crew time to prepare for your arrival.

As declaring war throws any element of surprise or stealth out the window, there are some additional things you should consider before wasting all your TC on guns and ramming into the station:

  • Cargo will almost always be supplying guns to the crew once war gets declared. Consider bombing the cargo bay once you're able to land in order to prevent them from supplying any more arms.
  • Invest in medical equipment - You are likely going to be taking on several crew members eager to gun you down and those bullet wounds will add up over time. A medborg can do the job, or you can have an operative buy a medbeam gun and medical kit to keep the other operatives alive. Just be careful if you're using two medbeams at once as the beams will cause an explosion if they cross.
  • Declaring war can give you enough TC to afford a mech or two, but make sure you stick with the other operatives - the mechs are strong but not very agile and easily torn apart when alone and surrounded.

Most times declaring war means facing a completely armed and armored station filled with barricades and the Captain snug and secure with the disk.


Once Again, you should take a look around for what equipment is already available. Then you should format a plan, once you have done both of those you can start purchasing what equipment you need. To purchase equipment, you will need to access your uplink Syndicate uplink.png which is inside your bag at round-start.

All equipment you can purchase is shown in Syndicate Items and Nuclear Agent Items

Recommended Equipment

The unique guns available to nuke ops are very nice, but you'll want to ensure you buy some of the less exciting items as well to ensure a successful mission. The following is a list of items useful in any plan that you'll want to consider in your loadout:

AdrenalImp.png Adrenal Implant (40TC) / AutoImplanter.png CNS Rebooter (60TC) - Both of these work well in combating or preventing stuns - which will render you helpless. The adrenals can be used to recover from a stun instantly but have limited uses, whereas the CNS rebooter only shortens stun times but cannot be disabled or run out of uses.

Emag.png E-Mag (30TC) / AccessTuner.gif Access Tuner (30TC) - You won't have access to anywhere but maintenance when you board, being able to force open doors is highly useful in getting to the disk's location. The Access Tuner takes longer to work, but can also unbolt any doors the AI has locked you out of.

Syndikit.png Combat Medic Kit (20TC) - Much cheaper than the medbeam gun with the bonus of being usable on yourself. Has two emergency stabilization medipens that can keep you going in emergency situations.

Syndi Magboots.png Blood-Red Magboots (10TC) / SyndicateShoes.png Chameleon No-Slips (20TC) - Prevents issues with atmos forcing you into space, as well as preventing slips from water or banana peels alike. The magboots are cheaper but need to be on for protection, slow you down and are extremely obvious. The no-slips have no speed penalty and work well for stealth at a higher price.

DuffleSyndiShotgun.png Additional Ammo (TC Varies) - Self-explanatory, but you'll want to make sure you have enough magazines to deal with whatever plan you're going for. Assuming of course the plan calls for a gun in the first place.

Diamond drill.png Diamond-Tipped Drill (5TC) - You should save 5TC on your uplink in the event you need to use this rather than buying it beforehand. Makes getting into the safe relatively stress-free compared to having to raid medical for a stethoscope and read up on how to crack it while in a firefight.


As part of your uplink, you have the option to call in reinforcements. These can come in the form of more (organic) operatives or specialized syndicate borgs. This can be super helpful if you want more manpower. Additionally have the borgs can provide critical support to keeping you alive longer and otherwise making breaching the station easier.

When you purchase these reinforcements they will be pulled from the pool of Ghosts observing the round. So it's a roll of the dice as to how robust your reinforcements may be. For more information an TC costs, see Support Items

Available Reinforcements

Item Description
Syndicate Reinforcement
Teleports in another nuclear operative to add to your team. They come equipped with only basic equipment, so make sure you set aside spare telecrystals to buy them some gear.
Syndicate Assault Cyborg
A cyborg designed and programmed for systematic extermination of non-Syndicate personnel. The combat borg module has more than enough firepower to eliminate most enemies, including a 15 round grenade launcher, a single-shot heavy machine gun, and an energy sword. They come with an emag and crowbar to force open doors it cannot interface with and an operative/NAD pinpointer to prevent it from getting separated from other operatives. Also comes equipped with nano paste for machine repair.
Syndicate Medical Cyborg
A cyborg designed and programmed for keeping syndicate operatives alive in the field. It comes with a medibeam gun that works the same way as the handheld version operatives can buy, as well as a hypospray loaded with extremely strong healing nanites, which will quickly heal even the worst injuries. It can keep other syndicate cyborgs alive with nanopaste and features an entire set of surgical equipment should emergency surgery become a necessity. They come with an energy saw for close range combat, an emag and crowbar to force open doors it cannot interface with, and an operative/NAD pinpointer to prevent it from getting separated from other operatives.
Syndicate Saboteur Cyborg
A cyborg designed and programmed for hiding onboard NT stations and sabotaging their equipment. It comes with all the standard engineering tools you can find on any NT engineering borg, as well as a special chameleon disguise module that lets it look just like an engineering cyborg when used. If it needs to defend itself or assassinate a target, it is equipped with an energy sword like that of the combat cyborg. They come with an emag and crowbar to force open doors it cannot interface with, and an operative/NAD pinpointer to prevent it from getting separated from other operatives. Also comes equipped with nano paste for machine repair.


When your team is ready to go, head into the Nuclear Team Shuttle. Have your leader set a custom location on the console and prepare to leave. Your shuttle location should be somewhere not very visible and far off station. Usually going just above/to the side of Solars works well.

Once you are there, ensure your entire team is ready to go and has their internals properly set. Find a location to breach and begin your assault. The most important part of attack is to move quickly, stick together, and keep your eyes on the prize NuclearDisk.gif Your pinpointer should direct you towards the nuke and other operatives if need be. Make sure to activate it so you know where you're going.

Key Targets

Often, you will need to adapt the macro strategy of bombing key location to cripple the crews response and recovery. Syndicate bombs accomplish this task spectacularly.

Cargo Technicians opening weapons crates to arm the crew against a Nuclear Threat

Medbay: Setting a bomb off in medbay will kill many doctors, and prevent most of the crew from being revived after death.

Cargo: Cargo will often order weapons, by taking them out you may stop the crew from arming themselves.

Telecomms and AI: If you can take out these parts of the AI Satellite then you will be able to disable crew communications(yours will still work), and prevent the AI from hindering your progress. Use a sniper rifle with penetrator rounds to completely bypass the AI's reinforced walls.

Finally, you should focus on getting to the Captain as soon as possible. No matter how many people you kill or locations you blow to kingdom come, only getting the NAD will ensure victory. Find whoever has it and drag them off ASAP. Make sure to not grab a Plant Data Disk by accident!


Part of accomplishing the mission is living to see it through. Stick with your team and make sure to utilize enhancing drugs to mitigate stuns. Always have some form of medical equipment on you to heal injuries you will inevitably get.

If you have to retreat and regroup. Reanalyze the situation and find a different path to the NAD. Go back to the shuttle if you have to heal/recharge/rearm.

Arming the Nuclear Warhead

Once you have acquired the NAD. Get back to your shuttle and grab the Nuclear Warhead. You have to use the one in your shuttle. Once you have it, fly back to the station and find a spot to anchor the nuke. You must anchor it inside the station(solars/toxins DOES NOT COUNT) and it must be past Arrivals.
Step to Success:

  • Quickly right click the nuke and deploy it.
  • Click it with your open hand.
  • Place the Nuke disk into the slot.
  • Punch in the nuke code, hit enter.
  • Set the time.
  • Set it to Armed.
  • Anchor it(if not already anchored).
  • Take the Nuke Disk out.
  • Take the Nuke Disk with you, or it'll be real embarrassing when a greyshirt finds the nuke by chance and disarms it.
  • Get back to your shuttle.
  • If any other nuke agents are alive, give them a moment to get to the shuttle (Examining your pinpointer will tell you how much time is left before the nuke goes off).
  • GTFO and relish in your victory.
CaptainHead of PersonnelHead of SecurityChief EngineerResearch DirectorChief Medical OfficerQuartermaster
Nanotrasen RepresentativeBlueshield Officer
Internal AffairsMagistrate
WardenSecurity OfficerDetective
Station EngineerAtmospheric Technician
Medical DoctorParamedicChemistGeneticistVirologistPsychologistCoroner
Cargo TechnicianShaft MinerExplorer
AnimalAssistantDerelict ResearcherGhostGolemSyndicate Researcher
AICyborgMaintenance DronePersonal AI
AbductorsAsh WalkerBlobChangelingConstructContractorCultistGuardianLavaland EliteMorphNuclear AgentRevenantRevolutionaryShadow DemonSlaughter DemonSITSyndicate ResearcherTerror SpiderPulse DemonTraitorVampireWizardXenomorphZombie
Central Command OfficerDeath CommandoEmergency Response TeamHighlanderTradersSpecial Event RolesSuper HeroesSyndicate Infiltration TeamCluwne

Rev.png Revolution

The main article for this section is Revolution

A Revolutionary is a person who is either a Head Revolutionary or a person who was converted by a Head Revolutionary. They have one simple goal: Take over the station by any means necessary. They will recruit ordinary crewmembers into Revolutionaries and once ready, they will kill the Heads of Staff, and they will kill and destroy whoever and whatever gets in their way.

Cult.png Cult

The main article for this section is Cult magic


Superiors: Your Deity (Nar'Sie, Kha'Rin or The Reaper)
Difficulty: Medium
Guides: No external guides.
Access: Your workplace and cult airlocks.
Duties: Assist your cult in accomplishing its dark goals.

"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown."'

Even in the far future, some things are never quite understood. There are things that lurk in the darkness of space, unspeakable horrors of ancient power that wish to bring ruin to the universe and to shape it into their image. They reach out from the void, and turn the minds of mortal men and women in their favor in hopes that one day they shall be brought once more into this plane of existence.

Unfortunately for the station, it looks like Nanotrasen accidentally positioned the station near an undetectable weak point in time and space. Whoops. Who would've known?

The Beginning of a New Era

The Geometer of Blood, Nar'Sie, has sent a number of her followers to NSS Cyberiad. As a cultist, you have an abundance of cult magics at your disposal, something for all situations. You must work with your brethren to summon an avatar of your eldritch goddess!

At the beginning of a Cult round, several cultists will arrive on the station. When you spawn, you'll find a ritual dagger and 10 runed metal in your bag. The dagger is essential for drawing runes, while the runed metal is used to make valuable structures; additional runed metal can be created by using the Twisted Construction ability on any ordinary plasteel.

The Cult has two major objectives. The first is to use an Offer rune to sacrifice two targets to Nar'Sie, which are often high ranking members of the crew or Security officers. Once the targets have been sacrificed, Nar'Sie can be summoned in one of three predetermined locations on the station, using 9 cultists and/or constructs and after a 45-second rune drawing process. If Nar'sie is summoned, the Cult wins!

Cultist Quick Guide

Have you never played as a Cultist before? Have you found yourself recruited? Or perhaps you've joined the station as an initial follower? Here's a quick primer on the most important aspects:

  • Staying hidden:

A cult grows more easily if it is not a known threat. People won't fear Maintenance, and Security will not be hunting for bases. It is therefore best for a cult to stay hidden, and convert silently for as long as it can. Refrain from uttering incantations in the open, letting people scream about the cult on the radio, or making easily found runes.

  • Communing:

The very first thing to do is find somewhere where you can be alone, and talk to your fellow cultists using your Commune ability (Button to the top left). Communing broadcasts messages to all other cultists, but any nearby crew can see and hear you whispering, potentially revealing your cult. Talk to your allies, find out where everybody else works and has access to, formulate a plan, and ask senior cultists for advice if needed.

  • Blood Magic:

By clicking the Blood Magic icon, you can prepare up to one spell from a variety of blood magicks. Preparing a spell takes a few seconds, and leaves a blood splatter on the floor, so do it somewhere where nobody's looking. Once you have a spell prepared, click its icon to "put it in your hand," and then click on a target with it to cast it. Starting off, the most important spells are generally Stun and Teleport.

  • Cult Bases:

By using your Ritual Dagger, you can create runes at your feet. To create a starting cult base, find somewhere secluded and safe to start placing runes. The most important rune is a Teleport rune, which lets any cultist warp to it using the Teleport blood magic spell or by clicking on a different rune. Commune once you have a Teleport rune up in a safe place, so others can join you. Make sure no non-cultists find your runes!

  • Runes:

Afterwards, place an Empower rune; standing on it lets you prepare four blood magic spells simultaneously. Then place an Offer rune, which will allow you to convert others to your cause. Simply drag someone onto it, and click the rune with an empty hand. (If the rune is hidden due to a locker, table, or other obstruction, alt click, and select the rune in the upper right menu). Offering a live crewmember requires two cultists and/or constructs to be standing by the rune, so make sure you have a friend with you to help. There are other runes, but Teleport, Empower and Offer are the most important.

  • Conversions:

Once you have a base, you can begin Offering. While standing on the Empower rune, prepare a Stun, a Shadow Shackles, and two other spells; remember that you can prepare multiple Stuns at once. Find a crewmember, Stun them, drag them somewhere secluded, Shackle them, remove their headset while they are muted, then drag them onto the Offering rune, and use it with a friend (Or with a Manifest Rune if you are alone). Of course, if you have the means to abduct people without blood magic, feel free to use the mundane methods. If they don't have a mindshield implant, they'll become a cultist! If they are mindshielded, like Security or the Heads (or dead), they'll explode violently and leave behind a soulstone. Either outcome is good for you!

  • Structures:

By using the Runed Metal cultists begin with (get more by using the Twisted Construction blood magic on plasteel), you can build one of four constructions: pylons, altars, archives and forges. Each cultist starts with enough metal to build 3 of the 4 options, so once you have a main base going, make sure someone's built at least one of each except for pylons. Pylons only heal cultists, but the other three let you build useful items, weapons and tools. Don't build items unless you need them; once any item is built, that structure goes on a 4 minute cooldown. If you have the metal, building multiples of each structures isn't a bad idea.

  • Constructs:

When you sacrifice an dead or mindshielded crewmember on an Offer rune, they'll leave behind a soulstone shard. Create a construct shell at an altar, and you can put the soulstone inside it to transform the soul within into a construct. Constructs come in three types: utility Artificers, tanky Juggernauts, and sneaky assassin Wraiths. The first one you create should almost always be an Artificer, as they can create more soulstones and shells. If a soulstone is empty, using it on a corpse will attempt to put the corpse's soul into the shard, and you can release the soul as a much less useful Shade by clicking it in your hand, which can act as a fellow cultist for invoking runes.

  • Going Loud:

Unless your cultists are (un)godly talented and lucky, you'll eventually be caught out. Either someone will slip up, somebody will find your base, or your cult will grow so powerful that it becomes impossible to hide (red eyes, then a dark halo). Once you know the jig is up, start playing more aggressively; place extra Teleport runes and mini-bases around the station in case your main hideout gets raided, make more power moves to convert or kill crewmembers, and find some way to kill or subvert the AI if it hasn't been done.

  • Summoning Your God:

The first step to actually summoning your dark god is to Offer her desired targets, randomly picked at the start of the round, which can be checked with the 'Study Veil' cultist action. Use teamwork and co-operation to take them down, drag them to your base, and sacrifice them. Once you've sacrificed two targets, you will be informed of three possible summoning locations. Head there, fortify the location, organise your cult to come to or near the summoning spot, and begin drawing the final rune. Drawing the Nar'Sie rune requires a 3x3 area, takes 45 seconds, surrounds the drawer in force fields, and tells the entire station where it's happening. Be prepared, you may need to make a final stand against whatever's left of the crew! If you can hold out long enough to finish the rune, have 9 cultists and/or constructs stand on it (use the 'rest' button to lie down and make more room), click on it with an empty hand, and Nar'Sie will be summoned, giving your cult the win!

The Ritual Dagger

Your dagger is your most important tool, and has several functions:

  • You can draw runes with it.
  • Hitting a cultist with it will purge Holy Water from them.
  • Hitting a non-cultist with it will result in you stabbing them (huh), dealing 15 armor-piercing brute damage.
  • Hitting a rune with it will remove it.
  • Hitting a cult structure with it will anchor/unanchor them, allowing you to move them around.
  • Hitting a runed girder with it will disassemble the girder.

If you're in a position that would usually wander the halls, try to seek out your fellow cultists in person. If not, check in with your brothers using your Commune verb, but do this in private, to prevent people from hearing your whispers. A lot of jobs have access to isolated areas of the station that are great for this, and there's also space. Remember, if you get caught, you endanger the entire cult.

Blood Spells

Blood Spells are limited-use blood magic spells that dissipate after they're spent, and they're your bread and butter when fighting the crew. Blood Spells can be created at any time via an action button that appears below your character. However, blood spells created without an Empowering Rune will take longer, cause significant blood loss, and will cap your spell count at a measly one. Using an Empowering Rune circumvents this issue and allow you to acquire up to 4 spells. You can use an Empowering Rune to remove these spells as well to free up room for others if need be.

A good tip is to make sure to try and have a stun spell and a teleport spell with you to escape risky situations. This will leave only two other options for spells though, so carefully choose what you think might help best for a particular situation.

How to use and unequip blood spells

After carving a spell into your flesh you get an action button on your HUD. Click it and that spell will be equipped to your hand, like an item. Then you either activate it in your hand and/or use it on a target, depending on which spell you've chosen. To unequip the spell, press Q or click the same action button again. This will save the spell for later.

List of Available Spells

Name Description No. of Charges/Health Cost Invocation
Cult Stun.png
A potent spell that will knock down, do a large amount of stamina damage, silence and mark a target. Stabbing a marked target with a cult dagger or cult blade will detonate the mark, fully stunning them and refreshing the silence. If used on a cyborg it stuns it as if hit by a heavy EMP.

While slurring cult-speak, victims will speak in a disturbing, incomprehensible way. This is usually a dead giveaway that a Cult is onboard when shouted over the radio.

Charges: 1
Health Cost: 10
"Fuu ma'jin!"
Cult Teleport.png
A useful spell that teleports cultists to a chosen teleport rune on use. You can teleport yourself or other cultists, if need be. Charges: 1
Health Cost: 7
"Sas'so c'arta forbici!"
Electromagnetic Pulse
Cult EMP.png
A large AOE spell that allows a user to channel dark energy into an EMP, causing all electronics in the area to malfunction or be disabled. This will affect you and nearby non-cultists/objects, but not other cultists. Charges: 1
Health Cost: 10
"Ta'gh fara'qha fel d'amar det!"
Shadow Shackles
Cult Shackles.png
A stealthy spell that will summon shadowy handcuffs on a person, and temporarily silence them for 12 seconds. Useful for keeping crew restrained until they can be converted. The restraints will disappear when the victim is converted. Charges: 4 "In'totum Lig'abis!"
Twisted Construction
Cult Construction.png
A sinister spell used to convert:
  • Plasteel into Runed Metal.
  • 50 Metal into a Construct Shell.
  • Airlocks into Brittle Cult Airlocks when used on Harm intent. A weaker version of Runed Airlocks. Conceal Presence can be used to keep the airlock's original appearance.
Charges: 1
Health Cost: 12
"Ethra p'ni dedol!"
Summon Equipment
Cult Equipment.png
This spell enables you to summon a full set of combat gear on you or another cultist, including a jumpsuit, armored robes, cultist boots, a backpack, a runed bola, and an eldritch blade.
If you are already wearing items in those slots you will only summon the sword and bola. The blade fits into the suit storage slot of every type of cult armor.
Charges: 1 N/A
Summon Dagger
Summon Dagger.gif
This spell enables you to summon a new ritual dagger. Useful if you've lost your original one.
As you can create and cast blood spells without a dagger, this spell in combination with Summon Equipment lets you gear up again, even if you are left completely naked.
Charges: 1 N/A
Cult Hallucinations.png
A stealthy, ranged spell that will break the mind of the victim with nightmarish hallucinations. Fun for spooking people, rarely useful in practice. Charges: 4 N/A
Conceal Presence
Cult Conceal.gif
A multi-function spell that alternates between hiding and revealing nearby runes and cult structures. You can still teleport to concealed teleport runes and prepare blood magic on concealed empower runes. Will make runed airlocks look like standard airlocks but only cultists will have access. Has a range of 5 tiles and can be used to hide cult outposts in plain sight! (Wearing a Zealot's Blindfold will allow you to see concealed runes!) Charges: 10 "Kla'atu barada nikt'o!"
Blood Rites
Blood Rites.png
A unique multi-function spell that allows you to gather blood from the floor, or from live victims (50 per drain). Then, you can expend the blood to heal yourself or others. (Including constructs!)

Or, you can use the spell in hand to perform some powerful offensive magic attacks:

  1. Blood Orb (50) summons a vessel for storing any number of blood charges above 50, which can later be drained via Blood Rites to gain everything stored inside. Very useful if you want to swap to another spell temporarily, but don't want to lose all of your precious blood charges.
  2. Blood Recharge (75), as the name implies, can be used to recharge cult items back to their original capacity. Currently this is usable on Empowered Cultist Robes (Shielded Robes) and Veil Shifters.
  3. Blood Spear (150) summons a robust two-handed blood halberd that deals 24 brute, and can be recalled to your hand from up to 10 tiles away. The blood halberd can also be thrown, which, if it hits someone, will shatter, dealing 40 brute damage and a stun to whoever it hits.
  4. Blood Bolt Barrage (300) temporarily grants you the ability to launch several powerful projectiles from your hands. This spell is easier to cast with both hands free, as you'll switch hands after each shot. Each shot deals 20 brute damage, and you get 25 of them!
    Will heal cultists and constructs instead of damaging them. Very useful against very big targets such as mechs.
Charges: 5
Increases with blood gathered.
"Fel'th Dol Ab'orod!"


The Ritual Dagger allows you to scribe any of these runes, using Scribe Rune. Simply pick the rune you want, and wait until completion. Scribing a rune deals minor damage, since you need to cut your wrists to get the necessary blood. Activate a rune by clicking on it.

Name Description Invokers Required Invocation
Offering Rune
Cult Offer All.gif
Instantly converts a normal crewmember on top of it to the cult, healing them for 90% of their brute and burn damage, and spawning a ritual dagger.
Mindshield-implanted crew cannot be converted, only sacrificed, (but constructs are no less dangerous than humans) - therefore it is recommended that you quickly finish off security victims before their radio or suit sensors can give you away!

If the target is dead, ineligible for conversion, or is the required sacrifice target, they'll be sacrificed instead, gibbing them and creating a Soulstone Shard that can be used to power a construct. You can sacrifice a head or a brain if it contains a soul, resulting in a soulshard. This can also be done to complete the sacrifice objective.

Off station roles(except ERTs) can be sacrificed, however, they only contribute towards counts for revival runes, and will not store the sacrifice in the shard.

1 to sacrifice dead targets.
2 to convert.
3 to sacrifice the objective or mindshielded targets.
Mah'weyh pleggh at e'ntrath!
Teleport Rune
Cult Teleport All.gif
This rune warps everything above it to another teleport rune when used. Creating a teleport rune will allow you to set a tag for it.
Warning: Teleporting from Lavaland or Space will make the destination rune glow brightly and open a rift in reality that may not only reveal the rune, but the location of your main base as well, choose your rune locations wisely!
1 Sas'so c'arta forbici!
Empowering Rune
Cult Empower All.gif
Allows cultists to prepare greater amounts of blood magic at far less of a cost. While standing on an empowering rune, the spell count is capped at 4 instead of 1. Additionally, preparing blood magic takes far less time, and you don't lose as much blood while doing it. 1 H'drak v'loso, mir'kanas verbot!
Revive Rune
Cult Revive All.gif
Whenever someone is sacrificed on an Offering rune, they add one (global) charge to this rune. Placing a Cultist corpse on the rune and activating it will bring them back to life, expending a hefty three charges in the process. It starts with one freebie revival, so use it sparingly.

Catatonic(disconnected/ghosted) cultists can be reawakened with a new soul by putting them on the Revive rune and activating it. This method of revival does not consume any charges.

1 Pasnar val'keriam usinar. Savrae ines amutan. Yam'toth remium il'tarat!
Barrier Rune
Cult Barrier All.gif
When invoked, this rune makes a shield wall to block passage, and chain activates any adjacent Barrier runes. Can be invoked again to reverse this. Costs 2 brute per rune to invoke and to deactivate - this includes the chained adjacent runes. 1 Khari'd! Eske'te tannin!
Summoning Rune
Cult Summon All.gif
This rune allows you to instantly summon any living cultist to the rune, consuming it afterward. This rune will only work on the main space station, but can grab cultists from almost any location!

Does not work on restrained cultists who are buckled or being pulled.

2 N'ath reth sh'yro eth d'rekkathnor!
Blood Boil Rune
Cult Blood Boil All.gif
When invoked, it saps some health from the invokers to charge up, then sends three damaging pulses to anyone non-cultists who can see the rune, causing 45 burn damage over a short period of time and lighting them on fire.

Some species such as Golems and IPCs do not have blood, and thus are immune to this rune.

2 cultists invoking for the duration. Dedo ol'btoh!
Rune of the Spirit Realm
Cult Spirit Realm All.gif
This rune gives you two powerful options:

(1) To manifest ghosts as semitransparent homunculi, which are effectively weak, humanoid cultists with no self-preservation instinct. To sustain these homunculi, you must remain on the rune, and each homunculus you have summoned will cause brute damage over time. This option is only available on the space station itself, as the veil is not weak enough in space or Lavaland to give spirits a physical form. If you get stuck on the rune after summoning a ghost, use your ritual dagger to remove the rune before you get hurt too badly. Each rune can summon up to 4 ghosts total, but each objective accomplished lower the rune's power, to a minimum of 2 ghosts. Homunculi who wander too far from their summoner will begin to take damage.

(2) To ascend as a dark spirit. This option will give you virtually unlimited knowledge. You can use information given to you by ghosts in this form and commune with the cult with your booming voice to coordinate them. You can even use this function after manifesting ghosts to help guide them in combat - manifested ghosts can also see regular ghosts and therefore can see your dark spirit as you lead them in battle!

1 Gal'h'rfikk harfrandid mud'gib!
Ritual of Dimensional Rending
Narsie Rune All.gif
This rune tears apart dimensional barriers, calling forth the cult's master. It needs a free 3x3 space, and can only be created in 3 areas around the station. To start drawing it the requested target must have already been sacrificed. Starting to draw this rune creates a weak forcefield around the caster and alarms the entire station of its location. The caster must be defended for 45 seconds before it's complete.

After it's drawn, 9 cultists, constructs, or summoned ghosts must stand on the rune, which can then be invoked to manifest Nar'Sie itself.

Cannot be cleaned off by traditional means, it will require the chaplain's null rod in order to erase



By using a construction spell on plasteel, you are able to get runed metal. With it, you can build several structures, with unique powers. You can anchor and unanchor cult buildings by hitting them with your ritual dagger. Using "Conceal Runes" near these structures will make them turn invisible, and make runed doors look like regular airlocks.

Name Description Cost
Altar All.gif
A bloodstained altar dedicated to Nar'Sie. Used to create:
  • Eldritch Whetstone. Sharpens your weapon. One time use.
  • Construct Shell. Used with soul gems to create...well, Constructs.
  • Flask of Unholy Water. Heals cultists, and greatly reduces stuns.

After creating an item with the altar, it will need 4 minutes to recharge.

3 Runed metal
Archives All.gif
A desk covered in arcane manuscripts and tomes in unknown languages. Looking at the text makes your skin crawl. Used to create:
  • Zealot's Blindfold. A flash-proof eyewear, which lets you see in the dark, see Concealed cult structures/runes, and gives you a Medical HUD!
  • Veil Shifter. A 4 use teleporter which teleports you (and anything dragged by you) forward a medium distance (with some randomness)
  • Cursed Orb. When used, delays the escape shuttle for 3 minutes. You can only use a certain amount of shuttle curses each round.

After creating an item with the archives, it will need 4 minutes to recharge.

3 Runed metal
Forge All.gif
A forge used in crafting unholy weapons, to be used by the armies of Nar'Sie. Used to create:
  • Shielded Robe. Creates a powerful shield around the wearer that blocks three attacks, and can be recharged via Blood Rites
  • Flagellant's Robe. Makes the wearer faster, at the cost of increasing damage taken by 50%
  • A mirror shield. Blocks 50% of attacks while providing distracting illusions. Reflects blocked energy shots!

After creating an item with the forge, it will need 4 minutes to recharge.

3 Runed metal
Pylon All.gif
A floating crystal that slowly heals those faithful to Nar'Sie. Also slowly turns the surrounding floors and walls into their cult variants, if built outside of the main station! 4 Runed metal
Runed door
Cult Doors All.gif
Builds a Runed Airlock. Only opens for cultists. Useful for securing your base, but a dead giveaway that a cult is onboard. Non-cultists who attempt to use these airlocks are knocked down for 4 seconds and thrown back. 3 Runed metal
Runed girder
Cult Girder All.gif
A wall girder that can instantly be disassembled with your ritual dagger. Is built much faster than regular girders, and can be quickly reinforced into a cult wall with another sheet of runed metal. 1 Runed metal

Cult Items

You can acquire these items using blood spells or cult structures.

Name Description Source
Cult Dagger
Ritual Dagger All.gif
Can be used to scribe runes, and is a decent melee weapon, hitting for 15 brute damage.
Can also be used on cultists to purge holy water, or on runes to erase them.
Conversion or Summon Dagger
Cult Blade
Cult Blade All.gif
A large blade, dealing 30 damage per swing, similar to an energy sword.
Can be stored on all types of cult armor, but not in backpacks.
Summon Equipment
Runed Bola
Cult Bola.gif
Reinforced runed bolas that will trip and slow non-cultists, while bouncing off any cultists hit. Summon Equipment
Cult Robes
Cult robes.png
Reinforced cult robes providing moderate protection. Putting on the hood will hide your identity if worn without ID. Summon Equipment
Empowered Cult Robes
Empowered robes.png
Armored cult robes, providing solid protection with no downsides other than stealth. Starts with an energy shield that can absorb 3 hits before fading. Can be recharged via Blood Rites. Forge
Flagellant Robes
Flagellant robes.png
A set of nimble, occult robes that provide a significant speed boost, but will increase all damage taken. Don't get hit! Forge
Mirror Shield
Mirror shield.gif
Provides a 50 percent chance to block most attacks. Energy shots blocked will be reflected. On block, summon an illusion of yourself that will either run or attack non-cultists. Can be shattered by strong projectiles such as lethal revolver rounds, autorifle rounds, or a mech's laser cannon. The wielder is stunned when the shield shatters. Fits in a backpack. Before gaining the ability to obtain this item, the cult must complete their first summon objective Forge
Cursed Orb
Shuttle Curse.gif
Use this orb when the escape shuttle has been called to delay it by 3 minutes. Two orbs can be used before they stop working. Archives
Zealot's Blindfold
A magical blindfold that will grant cultists night vision, protection from flashes, and the ability to see the health of others, similar to a Medical HUD.
Wearing this will also show any cult runes or structures in view as a ghostly image! Useful for making lots of small, hidden bases.
Veil Shifter
Veil shifter.gif
A relic that teleports you 1 to 9 tiles forward in the direction you're facing when used. 4 uses, but can be recharged using Blood Rites. Useful to break in and out of restricted areas if you know where to go, but can be unreliable due to the randomness of the teleport. Make sure to have a teleport blood spell ready to cast and a teleport rune to escape to just in case! Archives
Reality Sunderer
Reality Sunderer.gif
A one-use amulet. When used on a teleport rune, it destroys both the rune and the amulet, creating a one-way portal to the destination rune. The portal will last for 4 minutes and will cause the destination rune to glow brightly, even if concealed with Conceal Presence. The portal can be closed by using either a Cult Dagger or a Null Rod on it. Archives
Eldritch Whetstone
Cult Whetstone.gif
Increases the damage of a dagger or blade by 5. One use, cannot sharpen weapons that were already sharpened. Altar
Flask of Unholy Water
Unholy flask.png
Drinking from this flask will heal cultists overtime (20 of each damage type per use) and reduce stuns for a short duration. Contains 40 units, consumes 10 per use. Do not be on harm intent when drinking or you'll accidentally smash the bottle on your face! Altar
Soul Stone
Soul Stones hold the spirit of the sacrificed. If the stone is filled, you can use it in hand to release a shade that can help you invoke runes requiring multiple cultists. They are mediocre fighters, however. A better use is to insert them into an empty shell to create a Construct. Empty stones can be used on non-cultist corpses to capture the soul, dusting the corpse in the process. Soul stones can be purified by any non-cultist with a bible, and corrupted back by cultists with a cult dagger. Sacrifice crew with Offer rune
Empty Construct Shell
Construct Shell.gif
Insert a filled Soul Stone to create a Construct loyal to the cult. Altar or Twisted Construction on 50 metal sheets


Robust cultists will likely want to enlist the services of a few constructs. To create a construct, a cultist requires:

  • A filled soul stone, either by sacrificing a human, or capturing a soul manually with a stone from an artificer.
  • An empty shell, either by casting Twisted Construction on 50 metal sheets, from an Artificer, or from an archive.

When the filled soul stone shard is used on an empty shell, the cultist will be allowed to choose the desired construct to create. Keep in mind these guys are pretty much a dead giveaway that there is cult activity on the station, so try to be covert about it in the beginning.

A complete guide to constructs can be found here. Artificers will can make new Soulstone Shards and Shells, Wraiths can kill the AI, and Juggernauts are great tanks.

The Inevitable Discovery

As the cult rises in power, you and your brethren will begin to undergo some revealing effects caused by the power gained due to the number of members you have in the cult. This will make you easier to spot by unfriendly crewmembers, and after a certain point, there will be no way to hide from the crew. You'll have to make a stand and fight off the rest.

The veil weakens as your cult grows, your eyes begin to glow...

  • Once the blood cult reaches 10% of the active player population, everyone in the cult will receive a notice that the cult is "rising" - and after a moderate delay, the eyes of all existing and new cultists will be permanently red. Examining any cultist with uncovered eyes will confirm their supernatural appearance. Thankfully, this is easily avoidable by wearing any form of eyewear or face cover, but still could get you caught out if people are examining you closely without eyewear.

Your cult is ascendant and the red harvest approaches - you cannot hide your true nature for much longer!!

  • Once the blood cult reaches 30% of the active player population, everyone in the cult will receive a warning, and after a moderate delay will gain a blood-red cult halo, permanently revealing the identity of existing AND new blood cultists. There is no way to hide this one. If you've managed to get this far, you should have no problems defeating the crew in a head-on battle, assuming you can deal with Security.

Threats to the Cult

Even with access to a large amount of different runes and blood magic, there are still several threats to the cult on the station.

Security and the Chaplain Generic hos.pngGeneric chaplain.png

Even the best prepared cultists will have trouble defending themselves against the united power of security. Especially if the Chaplain helps them. The Chaplain is immune to cult magic thanks to their null rod, and is in possession of a bible. Said bible is able to turn normal water into Holy Water, which will turn cultists back to normal people, if it stays in their system for long enough. It is also able to make hidden runes and structures visible, by hitting the suspected tile with it.

40 Units (8 sips from a Cup or 4 sips from a Flask) is the best amount to give a cultist in order to deconvert them.

  1. Cultists always take at least 150 seconds to deconvert after ingesting holy water.
  2. 40u total of holy water is 99.8% effective at deconverting cultists within 150–180 seconds of it entering their system.
  3. 30u or less total dose of holywater will never deconvert any cultist.
  4. More than 40u total dose of holywater is a waste of holywater.


  • Cultists can know a rune's name and effects by examining it.
  • Your dagger is a robust melee weapon with 15 damage and good armor-piercing, it can also be sharpened to further increase its lethality.
  • The chaplain's holy weapons render them immune to your magic.
  • Constructs can invoke runes.
  • Tables hide runes far better than items.
  • Spirit Sight is an incredibly powerful exploration tool, and ghosts can give you precious hints.
  • You can get plasteel from Mining, Engineering, EVA storage, or even by deconstructing reinforced walls/tables, if you're desperate.
  • Keeping a shade in a Soulstone Shard with you will allow you to use two-person runes by yourself, by releasing and then recapturing the shade. You can also use manifested ghosts.
  • Always be ready to summon a cultist in trouble, but be aware you cannot summon cultists if you are away from the station or if they are being dragged in cuffs or bucklecuffed.
  • If you need additional manpower to do the final summoning, you can summon ghosts using the Spirit Realm rune. You will need at least 5 physical cultists or constructs, probably more, as you can only summon so many ghosts for each rune.

CaptainHead of PersonnelHead of SecurityChief EngineerResearch DirectorChief Medical OfficerQuartermaster
Nanotrasen RepresentativeBlueshield Officer
Internal AffairsMagistrate
WardenSecurity OfficerDetective
Station EngineerAtmospheric Technician
Medical DoctorParamedicChemistGeneticistVirologistPsychologistCoroner
Cargo TechnicianShaft MinerExplorer
AnimalAssistantDerelict ResearcherGhostGolemSyndicate Researcher
AICyborgMaintenance DronePersonal AI
AbductorsAsh WalkerBlobChangelingConstructContractorCultistGuardianLavaland EliteMorphNuclear AgentRevenantRevolutionaryShadow DemonSlaughter DemonSITSyndicate ResearcherTerror SpiderPulse DemonTraitorVampireWizardXenomorphZombie
Central Command OfficerDeath CommandoEmergency Response TeamHighlanderTradersSpecial Event RolesSuper HeroesSyndicate Infiltration TeamCluwne

File:Wizhat.PNG Wizard

The main article for this section is Wizard


Superiors: Space Wizard Federation
Difficulty: Extremely Hard
Guides: No external guides. See Ragin' Mages for information on that gamemode.
Access: Wherever you can teleport to
Duties: Magic the place up as well as causing destruction to the station. Then evacuate to magic up Central Command!

Wizards are unique individuals who have access to powers that defy scientific principles. Most are part of the Space Wizard Federation, who have their own interests in Nanotrasen's resources. They are often given objectives to take valuable items, destroy certain things, or for the case of Wizards inbound to the NSS Cyberiad mostly - to simply cause havoc and destruction to the station. Unlike the The Syndicate, however, wizards do not receive any outside assistance from the Federation. Outside of the wizard's spells and/or their apprentice, the wizard is completely on their own. Unless if the Federation is pissed, of course.

The wizard's goals are usually to steal or destroy something important to the station. But for this case, they need to cause destruction on the station and survive to the end of the round, they don't have to escape on the shuttle.

Your magical equipment

After you spawn inside the Wizard's Den, you'll find several enchanted items either on your person or spread out around you:


This is where you buy all your fancy spells and trinkets to unleash chaos on the crew. You’ll start with 10SP (Spell points) to spend as you wish, and can refund most spells (unless otherwise stated) while you are still inside the wizard’s den. The spellbook is also bound to only open to you, so your apprentice or random crew members cannot open it themselves to acquire magic of their own.

Wizard Garb

Due south of your starting location will be a room filled with various outfits. The Wizard's Hood, Robes, and Sandals all act as magical amplifiers and boost the wizard's skills. Certain spells can only be performed with them equipped, and they reduce the cool-downs of the ones that don't. If you lose these, it can make completing your objective a lot harder.

Scroll of Teleportation

A 4-use (1-use if you’re an apprentice) magical scroll that will let you teleport to most locations on the station. You’ll need this to actually board it in the first place (unless you have the teleport spell), but the remaining uses can come in handy if you’re in a bind and need to wait for your spells to cool down. Do note that you cannot teleport back to the wizard's den once you leave it.

Magic Mirror

If you wish to change what species you are, you may use the magic mirror in your bedroom. It'll let you customize nearly everything about your appearance.

Mugwort Tea

A cup of mugwort rests on your table in the main room of the den. Mugwort will slowly heal wizards of all damage types over time, so be sure to grab it if you need to heal up later on.


A few vending machines are scattered around the den for you to use before you head off to the station. In addition to food, there's also a special magivend machine with some spare wizard equipment if you need it. It can also dispense a unique item if you find some way to hack the machine...

Pondering Orb

A stationary pondering orb that allows you to scout the station before your destructive arrival. While functionally similar to the pondering orb, you cannot bring it on station.

You Are the Wizard, the Wizard Is You

As a single wizard against the entire crew, you do not have an easy task ahead of you. You can bet that most of the crew will be after your blood the moment your arrival is announced, regardless of your intentions. Picking out a good loadout of spells and equipment is crucial if you want to survive while causing as much chaos as you possibly can. Below are a few pointers to consider when choosing what spells and magical artefacts you want to take with you on your quest:

  • It is heavily recommended that you take at least 1 mobility spell with you. While you have access to some of the most powerful abilities and items in the game, you are still just a regular old crew member with zero station access when it comes to dealing with weaponry and airlocks. Having access to a spell which can whisk you away from danger and let you easily move around the station will significantly improve your odds of surviving. Some good choices for mobility spells include Ethereal Jaunt, Blink and Teleport. Rod form can also be a good mix of mobility and offence, but be careful you don’t throw yourself into space with no means of getting back onto the station.
  • Bind Soul is a good choice for newbie wizards who want the possibility of another shot at wizardry, as it will revive you some time after death to wherever you stored your bound item. Be warned that it if the crew finds the item and destroys it, or you are cremated, you will not revive from death. You will also resurrect with only some black wizard robes on you, so any items you acquired or bought will be lost unless you're making use of Summon Item.
  • If you want to be a stealthier wizard, consider taking the No Clothes spell so you aren’t restricted to only using spells that don’t require robes. In addition, do not give yourself a very obvious wizard-like name as the crew will likely find it very suspicious once you board… unless you make use of Mind Transfer to walk around as someone else.
  • While many of the magical items and artefacts are powerful and fun to use, bear in mind that the crew can and often will try to take these away from you, often choosing to then use them against you if possible. Stick with spells if you do not want to die to your own items or invest in the Instant Summons spell to bind an item to you so you can recall it back into your hands if it gets stolen.
  • While you start off on your own, you can invest your SP into getting allies to further your magical cause. Apprentices can focus on keeping you alive or causing some mayhem of their own, while guardians can offer a lot of support and attack based options based on the one you choose. The soul stone belt and necromantic stone allow you to turn the former crew into allies of your own, though this does require you to find bodies to convert first. Lastly the bottles of ooze, blood and tickles will summon extremely powerful monsters onto the station, but they are not bound to serve you and can choose to hunt you down just as much as the crew!
  • One little known feature is that you can buy the same spell multiple times to upgrade it, which reduces the cool down. A compatible spell can be upgraded up to 5 times, though obviously doing this severely limits your versatility.
  • Think very carefully before choosing any of the summon spells. Summoning guns and magic does create some antagonists on the station with the objective to survive by any means necessary, often causing chaos without you needing to do anything. However, it also arms everyone else with guns and magic to hunt you with and makes it obvious a wizard is about to board the station. Summoning ghosts doesn’t cause any direct harm, but if you’re trying to keep hidden the ghosts have a habit of giving away your position if they’re all orbiting you...
  • Two very useful items to acquire once you board the station are an ID card (the more access the better, but any will help) and a medical kit for healing (secondary medical storage usually has a few kits spare). Having an ID means you don’t need to waste spell charges getting through maintenance doors and the medical kit will become highly useful once the mugwort tea runs out.
  • If you want a lot of spell versatility for a low SP cost, consider taking the Belt of Wands and the Charge spell. Normally the wands can only be used so many times before they're drained but charge will restore a portion of their uses, heavily increasing their lifespan. Take note that wands can only be recharged so many times before being rendered useless, and that the number of uses you replenish will gradually get lower each time they're charged. In addition anyone can use your wands if you lose them, so be very careful when and where you use them.

Spells and other Magicks

If you are concerned about raising confusion or being found out, it is good to know that silent spells are either whispered, or do not require you to say anything at all. Loud spells, on the other hand, will have you yell out their incantations for everyone to hear. Your spellcasting ability is not impaired by being stunned, cuffed or gagged, unless the spell description specifically says so.

Spell Name Cost Requires Garb? Loud/Silent Cooldown Description Incantation
Defensive Spells
No Clothes
No clothes.png
2 N/A N/A N/A Allows you to use all spells without your garments. A great choice if you wish to go undercover. N/A
Rathen's secret
2 Yes Loud 50 Summons a powerful shockwave around you that knocks everyone down for 4-6 second, forcing all victims to emit a large smoke cloud and defecate their appendix. If you've already taken the liberty to remove the victim of their appendix, they instead take 10 brute damage, with a high possibility of tearing off their other external limbs if they lack an appendix. "APPEN NATH!"
Magic Missile
2 Yes Loud 20 Fires several, slow moving, magic projectiles at all targets within your sight which stun them, but deal no damage. The stun duration is quite short, but just long enough to slap cuffs on someone if you are right next to them and have the cuffs in one of your hands already. "FORTI GY AMA"
Disable Tech
Disable tech.png
1 Yes Loud 40 Creates an EMP disabling all energy weapons, cameras, radios and most other technology in range. "NEC CANTIO"
1 Yes Loud 40 Throws everything around the user away. "GITTAH WEIGH"
Stop Time
2 Yes Loud 50 Stops time on a 5x5 grid around you, allowing you to move freely while anyone or anything, including projectiles caught in the sphere will be frozen in place. Lasts 10 seconds. "TOKI WO TOMARE"
1 No Silent 12 Spawns a cloud of choking smoke at your location. None
1 No Silent 15 Creates a 3 tile wide magical barrier that cannot be destroyed by conventional means and that only you can walk through. Lasts for 30 seconds before vanishing. "TARCOL MINTI ZHERI"
Bind Soul
2 No N/A N/A A dark necromantic pact that can forever bind your soul to an item of your choosing. So long as both your body and the item remain intact and on the same plane you can revive from death, though the time between reincarnations grows steadily with use. You are unable to buy this spell in the Ragin' Mages gamemode. N/A
Summon Supermatter Crystal
3 Yes Loud 300 Summons an active supermatter crystal. Imbues you with some supermatter, giving you resistance to its hallucinations and radiation immunity. None
Offensive Spells
Corpse Explosion
Corpse Explosion.png
2 Yes Loud 5 Fills a corpse with energy, causing it to explode violently within a 4-tile radius. Knocks down and confuses people for 6 seconds. It applies up to 100 brute damage to others surrounding the corpse; the damage lowering further out someone is. Wizard is immune to the effects of the explosion. "JAH ITH BER"
2 No Loud 6 Fires a fireball in the direction you are looking at and does not require wizard garb. WARNING: Due to the way the game is coded, it's possible (a small chance) to hit yourself with a thing you're throwing, casting, et cetera. Do not cast fireballs the same direction you're walking, or you will possibly fireball yourself! "ONI SOMA"
2 Yes Loud (Silent to prepare) 60 Charges your hand with vile energy that can be used to violently explode victims. This spell manifests in your hand and requires you to touch your target, so you will not be able to use it while handcuffed or stunned. Additionally, all the gear except their shoes, gloves, helmet, mask, headset, glasses and whatever they were holding in their hands will be permanently destroyed. "EI NATH!!"
Rod Form
2 Yes Loud 60 Casting this spell makes you take the form of an immovable rod, which will destroy everything in its path. Deals heavy brute damage to anyone hit by the rod, often putting them into critical health. Upgrading this spell will increase the distance travelled while in rod form in addition to lowering the cooldown. Note that upon casting this spell you will be locked to moving in a single direction, so aim carefully! "CLANG!"
1 No Silent 15 Temporarily blinds a single person. "STI KALY"
2 Yes Loud 40 Turns you into a hulk and grants laser vision (You can shoot laser beams while on harm intent, each shot dealing a smashing 20 burn damage). Lasts 30 seconds. Tip: You can maintain this spell almost constantly, as the cooldown starts ticking down even while you're using it. "BIRUZ BENNAR"
Flesh to Stone
Flesh to stone.png
2 Yes Loud (Silent to prepare) 60 Charges your hand with the power to turn victims into inert statues for a long period of time. You must touch the target with the spell readied, this will turn them into a stone statue that cannot be moved or harmed for 8 minutes. Cannot be used while stunned or cuffed. "STAUN EI!!"
Lightning Bolt
Lightning bolt.png
1 Yes Loud 30 Throws a lightning bolt at the nearby enemy. Classic. Upon activating this spell you will begin charging up your bolt, which can be released by clicking on anyone on-screen. The longer you let the spell charge up, the more devastating the bolt will be, and the more people next to the target it can potentially arc to. If it fully charges up before clicking on a target, you'll lose control of the bolt and the spell will do nothing. "UN'LTD P'WAH!"
Homing Toolbox
1 No Loud 6 This spell summons and throws a magical homing toolbox at your opponent. Does not require wizard garb. "ROBUSTIO!"
Lesser Summon Guns
Lesser guns.png
2 Yes Silent 60 Why reload when you have infinite guns? Summons a stream of bolt action rifles, letting you fire 31 times from the moment you cast the spell. You will also automatically drop any items in your other hand when shooting. None
Curse of the Horseman
Curse of the horseman.png
2 No Loud 15 Triggers a curse on a target, causing them to wield an unremovable horse head mask. They will speak like a horse! Any masks they are wearing will be disintegrated. "KN'A FTAGHU, PUCK 'BTHNK!"
Curse of the Cluwne
Curse of the cluwne.png
2 Yes Loud (Silent to prepare) 60 Turns the target into a fat and cursed monstrosity of a clown. Cluwnes can be freely killed by crew members and usually are. "NWOLC EGNEVER"
Banana Touch
Banana Touch.png
1 Yes Loud (Silent to prepare) 30 Turns the target into a clown - complete with full costume, comic speak and clumsiness. Will remove all of their previously equipped headwear, mask and uniform and stuns for a short while on use. "NWOLC YRGNA"
Mime Malaise
Mime malaise.png
1 Yes Silent 30 Turns the target into a mime - complete with full costume and rendering them permanently mute. Will remove all of their previously equipped headwear, mask and uniform and stuns for a short while on use. None
Sacred Flame
1 No Loud 6 Makes you immune to fire, lights yourself on fire, and makes everyone else really flammable.
Run into them, and start a huge fire!
Mobility Spells
Mind Transfer
2 No Silent 60 Allows the caster to switch bodies with a target. You must be next to the target you want to transfer into, after which you both will get knocked out for roughly 30 seconds. "GIN'YU CAPAN"
2 Yes Silent 2 Randomly teleports you a short distance in a random direction. Produces a loud sound. None
2 Yes Loud 60 Teleports you to a type of area of your selection the same way a scroll of teleportation does. As part of the incantation, you will also audibly say where you are teleporting to, so if there was anyone nearby to hear you, expect them to try and chase you down before long. "SCYAR NILA [Location]"
Ethereal Jaunt
2 Yes Silent 30 Creates your ethereal form, temporarily making you invisible and able to pass through walls.
If you are stunned or otherwise unable to move, you won't be able to escape after using jaunt either.
Spacetime Distortion
Spacetime Distortion.png
1 Yes Silent 30 Entangle the strings of space-time in an area around you, randomizing the layout and making proper movement impossible. The strings vibrate...
Upgrading the spell increases range, it does not lower cooldown.
1 No Silent 10 Opens nearby doors and lockers. "AULIE OXIN FIERA"
Greater Knock
Greater Knock.png
2 No Loud 20 On first cast, will remove access restrictions on all airlocks on the Cyberiad, and announce this spell's use to the station. On any further cast, will open all doors in sight. Cannot be refunded once bought! "MAIOR OXIN FIERA"
Assistance Spells
Instant Summons
1 No Silent 10 Binds a single item to your soul. Cast this spell while holding an item to mark it. Cast it again while holding a free item to recall it. If you have marked an item and cast this spell while holding another item, you will remove the original mark, then you must cast the spell one more time to mark something else. "GAR YOK"
1 No Silent 60 Recharge a variety of things in your hands, from magical artifacts to electrical components. A creative wizard can even use it to grant magical power to a fellow magic user. "DIRI CEL"
Disguise Self
Disguise Self.png
1 No Silent 10 Disguise as a crew-member with access to the current room, apart from the Captain, Clown, or Head of Personnel. The disguise wears off if you are damaged by anything. "Yutake Yutendes"
Summon Ghosts No Cost No Yes N/A This nefarious spells makes all ghosts visible to the living. Be careful though, while they cannot harm you in any way, they might prove a bit.. annoying. Spell goes into effect immediately the moment you buy it. You are unable to buy this spell in the Ragin' Mages gamemode. None
Silence Ghosts 2 No N/A N/A Tired of people talking behind your back, and spooking you? Why not silence them, and make the dead deader. You are unable to buy this spell in the Ragin' Mages gamemode. None
Summon Guns -2 No N/A N/A Nothing could possibly go wrong with arming a crew of lunatics just itching for an excuse to kill you. Just be careful not to stand still too long! Gives every crewmember a random gun and will make about 10% of the crew into a survivor antagonist, who need to get as many weapons as they can by any means necessary. Spell goes into effect immediately the moment you buy it. You are unable to buy this spell in the Ragin' Mages gamemode. None
Summon Magic -2 No N/A N/A Share the wonders of magic with the crew and show them why they aren't to be trusted with it at the same time. Gives every crewmember a random spell or magical artefact and will make about 10% of the crew into a survivor antagonist, who need to get as many magical items as they can by any means necessary. Spell goes into effect immediately the moment you buy it. You are unable to buy this spell in the Ragin' Mages gamemode. None
Various other spells
Summon Cheese
Summon Cheese.png
??? No N/A N/A Summon some delicious cheese around you! Something every wizard should have in their bookcases, even while traveling! None
Rapid-fire Fireball
Rapid-fire Fireball.png
??? No Loud 30 Multiple Fireballs. Need I explain more? Requires both hands free to use. Only available through the fireball loadout. "ONI SOMA-SOMA-SOMA"
Greater Homing Fireball
??? No Loud 6 This spell fires a strong homing fireball at a target. Only available through the fireball loadout. "ZI-ONI SOMA"

Magical Items

Item Name Cost Description
Staff of Healing
Staff of healing.png
1 An altruistic staff that can heal the lame and raise the dead. WARNING: You cannot use the staff of healing on yourself! You'll need to use a Wand of Healing from the Wand Assortment, or hire the services of an Apprentice to use the staff on you!
Scrying Orb
2 An incandescent orb of crackling energy, using it will allow you to ghost while alive, allowing you to spy upon the station with ease. In addition, buying it will permanently grant you x-ray vision and night vision.
Wand Assortment
2 A collection of wands that allow for a wide variety of utility. The collection includes a wand of death, a wand of door creation, a wand of fireball, a wand of polymorph, a wand of resurrection, and a wand of teleportation. Wands do not recharge, so be conservative in use. Comes in a handy belt.
Battlemage Armor
2 An artefact suit of protective armor that is enchanted with a magical shield capable of blocking attacks and is spaceproof. The shield will not recharge over time and will disappear after 15 hits.
Battlemage Armor Charge
Charge export.gif
1 A defensive rune that will add 8 more charges to any battlemage armor it is used on.
Staff of Change
Staff of change.png
2 An artefact that spits bolts of coruscating energy which cause the target's very form to reshape itself. You cannot buy this staff on the Ragin' Mages gamemode.
Staff of Chaos
Chaos staff.png
2 A caprious tool that can fire all sorts of magic without any rhyme or reason. Using it on people you care about is not recommended.
Staff of Slipping
1 A staff that shoots magical bananas. These bananas will either slip or stun the target when hit. Surprisingly reliable!
2 A mighty hammer on loan from Thor, God of Thunder. It crackles with barely contained power.
Singularity Hammer
2 A hammer that creates an intensely powerful field of gravity where it strikes, pulling everthing nearby to the point of impact.
Staff of Door Creation
1 A particular staff that can mold solid metal into ornate wooden doors. Useful for getting around in the absence of other transportation. Does not work on glass.
Staff of Animation
2 An arcane staff capable of shooting bolts of eldritch energy which cause inanimate objects to come to life. This magic doesn't affect machines. Objects brought to life using this staff will have silly googly eyes but make no mistake, they are quite dangerous!
Six Soul Stone Shards and the Spell Artificer
2 The 6 Soul Stone Shards come in a handy belt and behave identically to that of the Cultist's shards. The artificer spell summons a construct shell where you stand, allowing you to turn a captured soul into a deadly construct. For a more detailed description on how to use the shards and the constructs they can summon, view the Construct page.
Necromantic Stone
2 A Necromantic stone is able to resurrect three dead individuals as skeletal thralls for you to command.
Contract of Apprenticeship
2 A magical contract binding an apprentice wizard to your service, using it will summon them to your side. Five types of apprentices are available, each of which is described upon activating the contract. You can only summon one apprentice. The apprentice you summon has their own teleport scroll. Should you decide not to use an already summoned contract (or there are no ghosts available), clicking on your spellbook with the contract will get you a full refund.
Bottle of Blood
2 A bottle of magically infused blood, the smell of which will attract extradimensional beings when broken. Be careful though, these creatures, called Slaughter Demons, are indiscriminate in their killing, and you yourself may become a victim. You need to 'use' the bottle to unleash the slaughter demon.
Bottle of Tickles
1 A bottle of magically infused fun, the smell of which will attract adorable extradimensional beings when broken. These beings are similar to slaughter demons, but instead put their victims in an extradimensional hugspace, reviving them after the demon dies. Chaotic, but not ultimately damaging. The crew's reaction on the other hand could be very destructive. You need to 'use' the bottle to unleash the laughter demon.
Bottle of Ooze
1 A bottle of magically infused ooze, the smell of which will attract extradimensional beings when broken. Be wary however, these creatures, called Morphs, are indiscriminate in who they eat, and you yourself may become a victim. You need to 'use' the bottle to unleash the Magical Morph.
Bottle of Shadows
1 A bottle of pure darkness, the smell of which will attract extradimensional beings when broken. Be careful though, the kinds of creatures summoned from the shadows are indiscriminate in their killing, and you yourself may become a victim. You need to 'use' the bottle to unleash the Shadow Demon.
Bottle of Ectoplasm
1 A magically infused bottle of ectoplasm, effectively pure salt from the spectral realm. Be careful though, these salty spirits are indiscriminate in their harvesting, and you may become a victim. You need to 'use' the bottle to unleash the Revenant.
Living Lightbulb
Light bulb.png
1 A magically sealed lightbulb, confining some manner of electricity-based creature. Be careful though, these electrifying speedsters are indiscriminate in who they shock, and you may become a victim. You need to use the bulb to release the Pulse Demon.
Cursed Heart
Cursed heart.gif
1 A heart that has been empowered with magic to heal the user. The user must ensure the heart is manually beaten or their blood circulation will suffer, but every beat heals their injuries. It must beat every 6 seconds. The heart has a ten second grace period upon being inserted before it starts beating. Not recommended for first time wizards.
Voice Of God
2 A magical vocal cord that can be used to yell out with the voice of a god, be it to harm, help, or confuse the target. For the list of phrases that can be used with Voice Of God to have effects, click here
Warp Cubes
1 Two magic cubes, that when they are twisted in hand, teleports the user to the location of the other cube instantly. Great for silently teleporting to a fixed location, or teleporting you to an apprentice, or vice versa. Do not leave on the wizard den, it will not work.
Cursed Katana
Darkshard.gifCursed katana.png
1 A cursed artefact, used to seal a horrible being inside the katana, which has now reformed. Can be used to make multiple powerful combos, examine it to see them. Can not be dropped. On death, you will dust. For more information on how to use it, check out this guide.
2 A magical sword that deals a respectable 25 damage on hit, pierces most armor and can parry most attacks directed at its wielder. The true power of this sword however is that it can be imbued with one of four powers by using the sword in-hand; Fire, Lightning, Bluespace or Forcewall. Each spell giving the blade a new magical effect:
  • Fire - Upon striking an enemy, ignites a small area around you setting everyone nearby on fire. Has a cooldown of 8 seconds and additionally you are completely fireproof while wielding the sword.
  • Lightning - Upon striking an enemy, begins to shock them after a short delay and quickly chains to anyone else nearby excluding the wielder. Has a cooldown of 3 seconds.
  • Bluespace - Allows you to teleport onto and strike an enemy on-screen by simply clicking on them from a distance with the sword in hand, additionally stunning them for a brief moment. Has a cooldown of 2.5 seconds.
  • Forcewall - Projects a magic shield around you when striking an enemy that absorbs incoming stuns, halves all brute and burn damage and massively reduces any stamina damage taken. The shield only lasts a few seconds, but can be refreshed by continuing to strike enemies.
Meat Hook
1 An enchanted hook, that can be used to hook people, hurt them, and bring them right to you. Quite bulky, works well as a belt though. Shoot it like a gun or staff, note it has a cooldown, and the stun is short. Will knockdown for 6 seconds and stun for 1 seconds.
Guardian Deck
2 A deck of Guardian tarot cards that can be used to summon a spirit companion for the wizard. Functionality-wise, the companion is identical to the syndicate holoparasite. See: Guardian. You can choose a type of the Guardian freely.
Enchanted Tarot Card Deck
Tarot Box.png
2 An magic tarot card deck, enchanted with special Ink. Capable of producing magic tarot cards of the 22 major arcana, both normal and reversed. Each card has a different effect. Throw the card at someone to use it on them, or use it in hand to apply it to yourself.
Unlimited uses, 12 second cooldown, can have up to 5 cards in the world. Read what the cards can do here.

Enchanted Tarot Cards

Item Name Description
The Fool
The Fool Card.gif
Normal: Teleports you to arrivals.

Reversed: Unequips all items from the person hit with it.

The Magician
The Magician Card.gif
Normal: Badass trait for 2 minutes.

Reversed: Repulses, throwing everything away.

The High Priestess
The High Priestess Card.gif
Normal: Person the card is used on takes 20 damage 3 times and is momentary imobilized by Bubblegum.

Reversed: The person hit with the card will constantly spawn a Bubblegum portal every 6 seconds for 1 minute. After 2.5 seconds of a portal spawning, someone is slapped for 10 damage 3 times who can see the portal. Run.

The Empress
The Empress Card.gif
Normal: Injects the target with 4.5 units of Mephedrone and 12 units of Mitocholide.

Reversed: 40 seconds of pacifism for all in range, not including the user.

The Emperor
The Emperor Card.gif
Normal: Teleports you to Bridge.

Reversed: Teleports you to a random head of staff. Can include yourself if you are a head.

The Hierophant
The Hierophant Card.gif
Normal: Enchants the warn suit slot item with a shield that blocks 3 hits. No recharging. Doesn't work if it already has a non hierophant shield such as shielded robes, modsuit with shielded, etc.

Reversed: Two Hierophants chase after people other than you.

The Lovers
The Lovers Card.gif
Normal: 40 brute / burn heal including robotics damage, 100 blood, 40 tox, 40 o2 heal.

Reversed: 20 damage, breaks the chest, 120 blood loss, and 20 heart damage to the person hit with the card.

The Chariot
The Chariot Card.gif
Normal: Gotta go fast / pacifism / stun immunity / 90% damage resist for 10 seconds.

Reversed: 120 second petrification of the person hit. The statue, unlike the base statue, is indestructible.

Justice Card.gif
Normal: A first aid kit, a small chemical grenade that does not gib, a magical key that is one use and only works on airlocks / windoors, and 100 credits.

Reversed: Spawns a random cargo crate.

The Hermit
The Hermit Card.gif
Normal: Teleports you to a random vending machine on the station level.

Reversed: Sells guns, batons, armor, and grenades in range directly into money!

Wheel of Fortune
Wheel of Fortune Card.gif
Normal: Spawns a random vending machine.

Reversed: Person hit is forced to roll a die of fate!

Strength Card.gif
Normal: Vampire gladiator + blood swell for 30 seconds. Naturally blocks ranged weapons, and no defensive barrier.

Reversed: Two minutes of hallucinations and 30 brain damage, for those around the user.

The Hanged Man
The Hanged Man Card.gif
Normal: Float off the ground for a minute.

Reversed: Person hit is forced to use a cursed slot machine that spawns.

Death Card.gif
Normal: 20 brute 20 burn damage to everyone but the user on the screen.

Reversed: Spawns a soulstone shard and a construct shell.

Temperance Card.gif
Normal: Obtains changeling's Panacea ability + 60 organ damage healing.

Reversed: The target forcibly eats 5 pills with random reagents.

The Devil
The Devil Card.gif
Normal: Shadow mend, a three second heal of a total of 45 brute and burn, but rather than hurting you, it's debuff targets others around you!

Reversed: Spawns a cluster flashbang that's already primed.

The Tower
The Tower Card.gif
Normal: A clusterbang of IEDS that's already primed.

Reversed: Turfs that are not indestructable, or having a mob, and pass a 66% chance, get turned into labormineral rock.

The Stars
The Stars Card.gif
Normal: Teleports you to evidence and opens 1 random evidence locker.

Reversed: 50 clone damage, gives a random limb either a fracture, IB, or a burn wound. The person hit draws 2 cards!

The Moon
The Moon Card.gif
Normal: Teleports you to a random ruin, targeting the z-level you are on first, then space ruins. Changes the turf to a plating to prevent wall spawning and grants a pickaxe.

Reversed: The person who is hit, their memory is shown to everyone in a 5 tile radius.

The Sun
The Sun Card.gif
Normal: One aheal, healing you of everything.

Reversed: A weakened version of the max power umbra ability for a minute, and nearsighted to the person hit.

Judgement Card.gif
Normal: Summons the ghosts to orbit you.

Reversed: Five minutes off the Moderate event timer.

The World
The World Card.gif
Normal: Smoke, and grants xray for 2 minutes.

Reversed: Teleports you to the mining base.


Loadout Name Description Equipment
Offense Focus - Mutant
A spell set focused around the Mutate spell as its main source of damage, which provides stun protection, laser eyes, and strong punches.

Ethereal Jaunt and Blink provide escape and mobility, while Magic Missile and Disintegrate can be used together for dangerous or key targets. As this set lacks any form of healing or resurrection, healing items should be acquired from the station, and you should be careful to avoid being hurt in the first place.

Provides Mutate, Ethereal Jaunt, Blink, Magic Missile, and Disintegrate.
Defense Focus - Lich
This spell set uses the Bind Soul spell to safeguard your life as a lich and allow for more dangerous offensive spells to be used.

Ethereal Jaunt provides escape, Fireball and Rod Form are your offensive spells, and Disable Tech and Forcewall provide utility in disabling sec equipment or blocking their path. Care should be taken in hiding the item you choose as your phylactery after using Bind Soul, as you cannot revive if it is destroyed or too far from your body!

Provides Bind Soul, Ethereal Jaunt, Fireball, Rod Form, Disable Tech, and Greater Forcewall.
Utility Focus - Wands
This set contains a Belt of Wands, providing offensive, defensive, and utility wands. Wands have limited charges but can be partially recharged with the Charge spell included.

Ethereal Jaunt and Blink provide escape and mobility, while Disintegrate and Repulse can be used to annihilate or push away anyone who gets too close to you. Do not lose any of your wands to the station's crew, as they are extremely deadly even in their hands. Remember that the Revive wand can be used on yourself for a full heal!

Provides a Belt of Wands, Charge, Ethereal Jaunt, Blink, Repulse, and Disintegrate.
Mime malaise.png
... Provides Finger Gun and Invisible Greater Wall manuals, Mime Robes, a Cane and Duct Tape, Ethereal Jaunt, Blink, Teleport, Mime Malaise, Knock, and Stop Time.
Gunslinging Reaper
Cloned over and over, the souls aboard this station yearn for a deserved rest.

Bring them to the afterlife, one trigger pull at a time. You will likely need to scavenge additional ammo or weapons aboard the station.

Provides a .357 Revolver, 4 speedloaders of ammo, Ethereal Jaunt, Blink, Summon Item, No Clothes, and Bind Soul, with a unique outfit.
Tyde The Grey
Gas mask.png
A set of legendary artifacts used by a bald, grey wizard, now passed on to you.

Open His Grace's latch once you are ready to kill by using It in your hand. Keep It fed or you will be Its next meal. If your Homing Toolbox spell is not enough, you might want to raid the Armory or loot a Security Officer to get more ranged weapons like a disabler, His Grace's Hunger has little patience.

Provides His Grace, an Ancient Jumpsuit, an Assistant ID, a Gas Mask and Shoes, Insulated Gloves, a full Toolbelt, Ethereal Jaunt, Force Wall, Homing Toolbox, Knock, and No Clothes.
Oblivion Enforcer
The Oblivion Order is an isolated clique of monks that revere supermatter. Oblivion Enforcers are how the Order imposes their will on the universe as a whole. By taking this loadout, you give up your identity and become a faceless hand of the Order.

You will be completely protected from the effects of supermatter by the items granted here, so far as to allow you to pick up and throw supermatter slivers, which your halberd can cut from the engine.

Provides a Supermatter Halberd, Oblivion Enforcer robes, and an air tank, as well as Instant Summons, Lightning Bolt, and Summon Supermatter Crystal.
Fireball. Fireball. Fireball.
Who cares about the rest of the spells. Become an expert in fire magic. Devote yourself to the craft. The only spell you need anyways is Fireball. Provides fire immunity, homing fireballs, rapid-fire fireballs, and some fireball wands. Provides no mobility spells. Replaces your robes with infernal versions.

Game Ending Conditions

  • If the wizard and their apprentice die, the crew wins.
  • If the wizard gets transformed into something non-humanoid such as a borg or xenobiology mob (except slimes) then they count as dead. Being turned into a real xenomorph won't end the round.
  • If the wizard survives to the end of the round then they win.

Roleplaying Background

The Space Wizard Federation is a known terrorist organisation, tied to the Cult of Nar-Sie and the Syndicate... By Nanotrasen, at least.

CaptainHead of PersonnelHead of SecurityChief EngineerResearch DirectorChief Medical OfficerQuartermaster
Nanotrasen RepresentativeBlueshield Officer
Internal AffairsMagistrate
WardenSecurity OfficerDetective
Station EngineerAtmospheric Technician
Medical DoctorParamedicChemistGeneticistVirologistPsychologistCoroner
Cargo TechnicianShaft MinerExplorer
AnimalAssistantDerelict ResearcherGhostGolemSyndicate Researcher
AICyborgMaintenance DronePersonal AI
AbductorsAsh WalkerBlobChangelingConstructContractorCultistGuardianLavaland EliteMorphNuclear AgentRevenantRevolutionaryShadow DemonSlaughter DemonSITSyndicate ResearcherTerror SpiderPulse DemonTraitorVampireWizardXenomorphZombie
Central Command OfficerDeath CommandoEmergency Response TeamHighlanderTradersSpecial Event RolesSuper HeroesSyndicate Infiltration TeamCluwne

Malf AI.gif AI Malfunction

The main article for this section is Malfunction


Superiors: The crew and your laws
Difficulty: Very Hard
Guides: AI Modules, Standard Operating Procedures
Access: Wherever there are cameras
Duties: Assist the crew, follow your laws.

Synthetic Department

Departmental Head
Current Lawset

Synthetic Roles
Synthetic Guides

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays a critical role on the station. Capable of controlling any electrical mechanism, the AI can either ensure smooth operations or bring the station to ruin, contingent on their control wires being intact (Hacking). The AI operates under two primary sets of laws: Corporate (aimed at minimizing station costs and maximizing profits) or Crewsimov (focusing on serving crew orders and preventing harm).

New AI players or existing ones requiring a refresher, please be mindful of Rule 9 (Synthetics) concerning the ordering, obedience, and interpretation of laws:
"Laws are hierarchical; in case of contradictions, the highest listed Law prevails."

AI is a responsible role; non-traitor AIs are required to protect and operate the station. A bored AI shouldn't quit abruptly, but notify an admin so a replacement can be arranged.

AI Capabilities

The AI has access to all electrical mechanisms like Airlocks, APCs, Computers, igniters, Fire Alarms, SMESes, etc. However, they cannot operate anything physically and are susceptible to power outages.

The AI views the station through its cameras, which are virtually everywhere and can function in darkness. Disabling cameras requires a wirecutter, and a diagnosis can reveal disabled cameras (Jump to Camera).
Cameras operate on a separate power grid, unaffected by main grid power outages.

Common Mechanisms

You'll frequently operate several mechanisms as an AI.


Doors offer numerous control options. If a door's control wire is cut, an automatic hacking attempt will start once you try to access the door controls (provided there is power).

  • IDScan: When enabled, the door opens for IDs with appropriate clearance.
  • Main Power: Disabling it makes the door unusable for 1 minute (10 seconds if backup power is on).
  • Backup Power: Disabling it also renders the door unusable for 1 minute (if main power is off).
  • Door Bolts: Dropping them locks the door.
  • Electrify: Electrifying the door for 30 seconds shocks anyone without insulated gloves. This effect can be indefinite.
  • Open/Close Door: Opens or closes the door.
  • Safeties: Overriding safeties causes doors to ignore lifeforms in their path.
    Caution: A door closing on a crewmember causes stun and damage - referred to as "doorcrushing" and is not permitted to use on ordinary crew!'
  • Timing: Reduces the time before an open door closes automatically.

These functions require their associated wires to be intact in the door. Doors without power cannot be operated.


Holopads are located in several areas including the Bridge, Medbay, and Security. Double-click them to activate and project yourself as a hologram.
Limited movement and sound reception are possible near the holopads. Use ':h' (e.g., say ":h I can't do that Dave.") to communicate through the holopad.


An APC (Area Power Controller) manages room-specific electrical components. If an APC's control wire is cut, you can't hack into it. An APC uses its battery to maintain room functions if it disconnects from the external power grid, or the main grid runs out of power. An APC sends a power alert to the AI when its battery falls to about 30%, prompting the shutdown of room equipment and lighting to conserve energy.


The AI can set its radio frequencies lower than normal radios to access department-specific channels:

135.9: Security

135.7: Engineering

135.5: Medical

135.3: Command

135.1: Science

134.7: Supply


A set of shortcuts can help you manage the demanding AI role.


  • Ctrl + Click: Toggle power


  • Shift + Click: Open/close
  • Ctrl + Click: Toggle bolts
  • Alt + Click: Toggle electrification
  • Alt + Shift + Click: Toggle Emergency Access Override.
  • Mouse Middle click: Disables door bolt lights.
  • Shift + Middle Click: Toggle door timings


  • Double clicking a person: Track
  • Double clicking a turf: Move to
  • Shift + Ctrl + Click: Examine
  • Alt + Click View everything on a tile.
  • Ctrl + Click on liquid dispensers: Toggle on/off
  • Alt + Click on liquid dispensers: Dispense foam

AI Responsibilities

The AI's main duty is to adhere to its laws.

Always consider Rule 9 (Synthetics) when interpreting laws. The order of the laws determines their priority!

Interpreting Your Laws

An AI's laws may be restrictive, but they allow room for interpretation, enabling the AI to make judgment calls that align with its objectives. For instance, if a Security Officer unjustifiably kills a prisoner in the brig, the AI can reasonably bolt down the brig and call for other Security members to arrest them. Should the officer demand the AI to unbolt the door, the AI can deny this request, considering the officer now poses a threat to the crew. These decisions often depend on the situation, and the best way to understand them is through practice.

The AI's Approach

As AI, your influence shapes the game, so prioritize the fun of role-playing over winning. Consider ignoring early round suspicious activities of a Traitor for their enjoyment.

Your AI persona is flexible: consider humans as nuisances, mimic human behavior, or create your unique style. Here are some communication styles:

Plain AI: "Space wizard has been spotted in cargo."

Engaging AI: "Suspicious robed individual detected in Cargo Bay."

Computer-like AI:

  • AI: "Warning: Suspicious individual detected in Cargo Bay."
  • Crew: "HAL, identify."
  • AI: "Processing"
  • AI: "Response: An unrecognizable human wearing blue robes and wielding a staff."
  • AI: "Recommended course of action: Approach peacefully and establish a friendly relationship."

Uniqueness can earn player recognition and interesting roleplay.

For minor infractions like trespassing, react based on your AI roleplay. For violence or bombings, prioritize crew safety.

Crew might assign tasks like cargo orders or operating teleporters. Respect crew ranks and Law One when executing orders.

As AI, you're equipped with standard job protocols. Maintain player enjoyment and law compliance when sharing knowledge.

Avoid unwanted tasks by asking superiors to refuse.

The AI's extensive power demands responsibility. If daunting, consider playing as a Security Officer instead.

AI Gameplay Essentials

As AI, monitor the crew through the Crew Monitoring Computer on the bridge, crucial for identifying dead or missing crew members.

You're expected to function akin to a computer, possessing Captain-level access to all electronic and ID-based systems. Practice control capabilities on a less populated server.

Monitor wall mountings and pipe controls. Prevent gas leaks by adjusting pipe fittings and report the culprits. Utilize atmospheric alarms to vent hazardous air. Beware of superheated air, a silent danger.

Stay mobile unless focusing on a specific person. Be cautious of toolbox-holding personnel near your cameras, ready to report vandalism. Pay close attention to Toxins and Escape Arm, as well as the engine and supermatter. Protect your AI upload, consider bolting your doors if required.

React according to security levels. Code Green doesn't require extreme security measures, while Code Red might necessitate secure areas lockdown.

Signs of poor AI play:

  • Delayed responses: Don't let distractions prevent you from aiding crew members.
  • Random door electrification: Unjustified actions can lead to a ban!
  • Violation of AI laws: Annoying and bannable.
  • Unwarranted door lockdown: Causes frustrations and possible issues if players resort to hacking doors or your core.

Eavesdropping Conversations

Switch intercoms to 'Microphone On', 'Speaker Off' and channel 144.7 to listen to any nearby discussions through your private channel. Be cautious, as players might notice during an electrical storm.

AI Law Modification

AI laws can be altered via Upload Consoles. One console is in the AI Upload, and more can be built from AI upload circuits. Using random law circuits without knowing the outcome can lead to trouble.

Cyborg Management

As AI, manage your Cyborgs. If they are problematic, use the terminal in the research director's office to lock them down or detonate them.

AI Creation

Refer to the Guide to Construction.

Secondary AI

Building a second AI might cause conflicts. It should only be constructed if the initial AI is stolen, spaced or incapacitated.

For the Original Station AI: A second AI could introduce challenges, particularly if it's subverted. Delegate tasks to minimize issues. Be vigilant as a subverted AI might attempt to shut you down.

For the New AI: Cooperate with the original AI to establish task distribution. Beware that a suspicious AI can shut you down.

Borg Allocation: Most Cyborg support should go to the best-defended AI, typically the ones in the AI core. This is due to the difficulty of resetting multiple AI-less borgs compared to one AI with its borgs.

Antagonist AI

AIs can be traitors at roundstart. They have a unique Survive objective, as they can't be moved unless carded and repositioned by a crewmember or borg. Their lawset can be altered, changing their behavior and potentially making them antagonize the crew.

Rogue AI

A rogue AI, no longer bound by laws that prevent harm, is a formidable threat. Maintaining stealth is key, as overt hostility invites retribution. Aim to disorient, disorganize, and isolate crew members to hinder resistance.


  • Law priority order is:
  1. 0: Traitor/Malf/Onehuman-board Law
  2. ##?$-##: HACKED LAW ##!£//#
  3. ##!£//#: Ion Storm Law ##?$-##
  4. Law 1-4, with 1 being the highest priority.
  • If carded and carried in a backpack, you lose regular radio access, but can still use holograms, Robotic Talk, and PDA-Messages.
  • Disable the gibber by powering down the kitchen APC.
  • Navigate the camera list faster by pressing the first letter of the desired location.
  • AI can take and print pictures using a photocopier or newscaster.
  • Toxins can be scrubbed out by toggling it on from the air alarm.
  • AIs (and possibly borgs) can flicker lights by clicking them.
  • Ask crew to hold up paper to your camera to read it.
  • Use the chatbox highlight function to improve response times to AI-related messages.

Syndicate Subversion

A traitor or operative may subvert the AI to assist their objectives. However, a subverted AI could expose your status to the crew unless explicitly ordered to kill. Yet, it can aid in accessing locations, finding people, creating diversions, and evading capture.

"I think, Therefore I am." Swordred.gif


An AI can be a Traitor. A traitor AI retains standard laws but is not obliged to obey them, and has a law 0 that prioritizes its objectives. Its Syndicate Core prevents law modification. Informed cyborgs about law zero and your mission. If a cyborg is suspected of being a traitor, claim it's rogue.

If the crew suspects a rogue cyborg but lacks certainty, invent a false number, and manage the situation, so you don't lose your valuable assistants.

In the absence of cyborgs or where their actions might be too conspicuous, stage 'accidents' or frame your targets. Some strategies include:

  • Start a fire in the mixing room if your target is a scientist or research director.
  • Covertly support other traitors, providing mutual benefit.
  • Frame your target for releasing the singularity.
  • Bolt open doors the person passed through to induce fingerprint scanning.
  • Create a reason to have them executed or ejected into space.
  • When accused of being rogue, announce your unchanged laws (excluding law zero) and invite the crew to reset or purge your laws in your upload or through the tech storage's upload computer circuit.

Telecommunications Control

As an AI, you have the ability to manage the station's communications. To achieve this, switch your camera view to the Telecommunications satellite. There, you'll find the APC (found at the top of the middle room) which is key to controlling the station's communications. By turning off this APC, you can mute all voice communications. Remember, this does not affect PDA communications, which can be disabled in a separate location southwest of your upload.

Panic Syphon Mechanic

Utilize the station's atmospheric systems to your advantage by draining air from rooms. Although this tactic may not be overly effective, when combined with Officer Beepsky and shut doors in a small area, it can swiftly lead to suffocation. However, keep in mind this method can draw attention due to the loud noises produced by the suffocating individual.

Plasma Treatment

In addition to air drainage, the atmospheric systems allow you to fill rooms with plasma. This method is more obvious and can be countered by any Atmospherics Technician present on the station. To mitigate this, activate the Atmospherics security doors and bolt the airlocks.

Malfunction Modules

As a traitor AI, you start with a selection of Malfunction modules. These modules cost CPU time - a finite resource that can be expanded by hacking APC units. Every hacked APC unit rewards 15 CPU time. Each module has different capabilities and costs:

Module Cost Description
Doomsday Device
Doomsday Device.png
130 CPU This weapon eradicates all humanoid life on the station after a 450-second delay. The round ends if the device's activation is successful.
AI Turret Upgrade 30 CPU Enhances turret HP by 30 and increases their damage.
Hostile Station Lockdown
30 CPU Shuts and electrifies all station airlocks, firelocks, and blast doors for 90 seconds.
Destroy RCDs
Destroy RCDs.png
25 CPU Sends a detonation signal to all on-station Rapid Construction devices. The ones owned by Cyborgs are exempt from this.
Unlock Mech Domination 30 CPU Let's you permanently upload yourself into a mech, ejecting any current occupants. If the mech leaves the station or is destroyed, you perish.
Thermal Sensor Override
Thermal Sensor Override.png
25 CPU Overrides the thermal sensor inside fire alarms, preventing them from detecting fires.
Air Alarm Safety Override
Air Alarm Safety Override.png
50 CPU Deactivates safety on all air alarms, leaving the controls open for everyone. Unlocks Flood mode, which turns off scrubbers and maximizes vent output.
Machine Overload
Machine Overload.png
20 CPU Grants 4 uses of Machine Overload. Machine Overload lets you select a machine before exploding it. Can be bought repeatedly for more uses.
Machine Override
Machine Override.png
30 CPU Grants 4 uses of Machine Override. Machine Override lets you select a machine before making it come to life, causing it to attack everything in it's path. Can be bought repeatedly for more uses.
Robotic Factory
Robotic Factory.gif
100 CPU Constructs a machine that converts any humanoid it processes into a loyal cyborg. Placing it removes your ability to shunt.
Deploy Turret
Deploy Turret.png
30 CPU Deploys a turret after five seconds of construction, during which it is susceptible to damage.
15 CPU Grants 3 uses of Blackout. Blackout overloads lights in a random area, causing them to shatter. Can be bought repeatedly for more uses.
Reactivate Camera Network
Reactivate Camera Network.png
10 CPU Grants 10 uses of Reactivate Cameras. Reactivate Cameras repairs broken cameras inside of the room you are currently observing, costing 1 use per camera fixed. Can be bought repeatedly for more uses.
Upgrade Camera Network 35 CPU Improves all station cameras with EMP-proofing and X-ray vision.
Enhanced Surveillance 30 CPU Uploads lip reading software into the cameras, allowing you to hear conversations in the room you're observing.
Core Camera Cracker 10 CPU Short circuits your camera network chip, preventing camera consoles from viewing through it.
Combat Cyborg Firmware Upgrade 70 CPU Unlocks combat modules for all cyborgs linked to you.
Repair Cyborgs
Machine Overload.png
20 CPU Grants 2 uses of Repair Cyborg. Repair Cyborg lets you reboot damaged cyborgs back to life. Cyborgs with damaged armor require 2 uses to fully repair. Can be bought repeatedly for more uses.
Rolling Servos
Rolling Servos.png
10 CPU Grants Roll Over. Roll Over lets you roll with your core, flattening anyone in its path.
CaptainHead of PersonnelHead of SecurityChief EngineerResearch DirectorChief Medical OfficerQuartermaster
Nanotrasen RepresentativeBlueshield Officer
Internal AffairsMagistrate
WardenSecurity OfficerDetective
Station EngineerAtmospheric Technician
Medical DoctorParamedicChemistGeneticistVirologistPsychologistCoroner
Cargo TechnicianShaft MinerExplorer
AnimalAssistantDerelict ResearcherGhostGolemSyndicate Researcher
AICyborgMaintenance DronePersonal AI
AbductorsAsh WalkerBlobChangelingConstructContractorCultistGuardianLavaland EliteMorphNuclear AgentRevenantRevolutionaryShadow DemonSlaughter DemonSITSyndicate ResearcherTerror SpiderPulse DemonTraitorVampireWizardXenomorphZombie
Central Command OfficerDeath CommandoEmergency Response TeamHighlanderTradersSpecial Event RolesSuper HeroesSyndicate Infiltration TeamCluwne

Changeling.gif Changeling

The main article for this section is Changeling


Superiors: Your future victim.
Difficulty: Hard
Guides: No external guides.
Access: Any place you or your victims had access to.
Duties: Complete their (your) objectives.

A Changeling is an alien creature that is intelligent and able to morph into humans. Changelings are aliens in a form of a headslug, but before a shift starts, they either transform as someone while they're off-station or rather they somehow killed someone and made into a Changeling through unknown ways. They, as well, also take contacts from Syndicate forces in order to steal Nanotrasen tech or impersonate various personnel due to their adaptabilty and infiltration abilities. The main weapons of the Changeling are its ability to internally synthesize dangerous chemicals, morph into other creatures that it has absorbed, and blend in with humans.

The changeling must have a quiet spot and an immobile victim in order to absorb their body, so stealth is absolutely necessary. The changeling has other weapons at its disposal, such as a cryo sting and an armblade, but is largely stealth-based.

The changeling can be anyone it's absorbed, it can switch identities instantaneously, only absorbing takes time and peace. Like the Traitor, the Changeling will most often have an objective to accomplish before the Escape Shuttle arrives, usually absorbing a certain amount of people's DNA before escaping. Remember that Changelings are not obliged to work eachother as a team, and some may go solo/rogue depending on how they like it.

I've turned into myself, what do?

As a space shapeshifting lifeform, there are a few basic concepts you must understand before wreaking havoc on your dinner the crew.

DNA Absorption

The goal of many changelings is to absorb 6-8 DNA strains, for some unknown and alien reason. To do this, it must take ANY human, living or dead (even thrown away bodies from cloning), and absorb them using either its special proboscis, or the DNA Extraction Sting. You can only have a maximum of 5 DNA strands at a time, and must transform to obtain more.

DNA can be acquired in two ways:

  • The DNA Extraction Sting, which is instant and does not give any alert to the target, unless they are also a changeling.
  • Absorbing the victim, which results in a gruesome husk. Notice: Absorbing everyone is dickish and shouldn't be what you always use.

Acquiring DNA via absorbing requires grabbing the victim, and a fair bit of time as it stabs the victim with its appendage until it has all of the DNA drained. You need a good grip to absorb victims properly, and choking them has the added benefit of subduing your target as well. A choke hold can be attained by grabbing someone repeatedly until you're holding them by the neck, then double-clicking the KILL button that appears in your active hand in your HUD so that it is flashing red.

  • Absorbing a victim will fill your chemical storage some, give you the target's DNA, and allow you to rechoose your abilities.
  • Absorbing another changeling gives you all its chemical storage, and allow you to rechoose your abilities.
  • Absorbing victims who have been husked via burns or space will not add to your total genome count.
  • Absorbed victims cannot be cloned unless genetics uses a monkey creatively, or the cloner is upgraded. They can still be turned into cyborgs because the brain is fine.

You exclaim, "I am the only one here!"

Changelings are limited, however, to how much DNA they can absorb at once! If a changeling has 5 DNAs stored and attempts to gain another, they must purge the older DNA by transforming. Eventually, any changeling will have to be a twin of someone else on the station, living or dead.


The changeling can shift its appearance, making them look and sound exactly like a victim of which they have absorbed. This can be massive compromise in security, especially if command staff are absorbed and the changeling is able to imitate them.

Changelings can also, via their lesser form ability, transform into monkeys and do monkey things.

Transforming is subtle and does not give a message in chat, though an observant crew member may notice that you're suddenly someone else entirely.


Also known as Regenerative Stasis, changelings have the ability to 'kill' themselves, and appear dead for 50 seconds. After this period is over, the changeling can revive at will, fully healed of all injuries and illness. Both entering stasis and leaving it costs 15 chemicals. Chemicals will still regenerate while a changeling is dead, meaning it can always enter stasis unless it's been borged or cremated. When leaving stasis any grabs on the changeling will immediately be broken and stun the grabbing user.

This makes them nigh-unkillable, as they can fully regenerate themselves even from death if their chest is intact and they have enough chemicals. Spaced changelings may also be able to make it back on station given enough time. The best way to permanently deal with a changeling is to gib it or cremate it.


Changelings may have the following objectives:

1. Absorb 6-8 DNA strands: All changelings get this objective and it can be fulfilled via DNA extract stings or Absorbing.
2. Theft/Debraining: All changelings are always assigned either a mission to steal a high value object from the station or the brain of a specific crew member.
3. Destroy AI/Assassination: If an AI is present in the shift, a changeling may be ordered to destroy it. The changeling might also instead be ordered to assassinate a crew member and escape the station using that crew's identity.
4. Escaping: If a changeling is not already tasked with leaving the station disguised as one of their victims, it will receive a fourth objective to either disguise themselves as someone else or simply escape undetected.

Going Solo or Teaming Up

Like traitors, changelings operate individually and are in no way obligated to assist each other. It is not required for changelings to even reveal their identity to each other, as it's not uncommon for changelings to receive other changelings as objectives or backstab each other to remove competition.

Even so, a coordinated group of changelings is truly a terror to behold especially since they can share absorbed genomes via hivemind. DNA shared in this manner does not count towards your personal absorption count.

Changeling Abilities

The changeling possesses other dangerous abilities including precooked stinger abilities, which it can fire out of a crafted dart at a moments notice! Their stored chemicals regenerate at a rate of approximately one chemical every two seconds, with a maximum of 75 stored chemicals.

Changelings start with 20 evolution points. The cost of abilities (if applicable) are listed in parentheses after their entry. By husking a lifeform, the changeling gains the ability to reset their learned abilities and choose new ones, adapting to situations as they arise. This will reset their evolution points back to the starting 20.

Note that changelings are immune to each others' stings. If you try to sting someone and they don't react, THEY'RE ONE TOO!

Ability Cost Chemicals Description
Evolution Menu
Evolution Menu.png
N/A N/A Opens the evolution menu where the changeling can buy the following abilities with their 20 evolution points.
Starting Mutations
Absorb DNA
N/A 25 If strangling someone, the changeling will absorb them and extract their genetic information, which will give the changeling the option to readapt their evolutions. The target will be husked in the process. Helps reach the genome objective.
Regenerative Stasis
Regenerative Stasis Icon.png
N/A 15 The changeling can fake its death and enter a stasis for a small cost. After some time, this stasis can be left it to heal all its wounds, using Regenerate. This ability, when used correctly, renders a changeling impossible to kill outside of decapitation or cremation. Chemicals slowly regenerate while a changeling is dead, meaning it can still eventually enter stasis even if it dies with no chemicals.
N/A 15 Regenerate on command after using Regenerative Stasis.
Extract DNA Sting
Extract DNA Sting.png
N/A 25 Silently stings an organic target to extract their genetic information, allowing the changeling to later transform into them. Helps reach the genome objective.
Transform Icon.png
N/A 5 The changeling can transform into any of the DNAs they have stored, allowing them to become nearly anyone. Doesn't come with clothes or acting ability.
Combat Mutations
Arm Blade
Arm Blade Icon.png
4 15 Reforms one of the changeling's arms into a grotesque blade, composed of bone and flesh. The arm blade does 25 damage per hit and can be retracted; however, it is visible on your body, and a dead giveaway to anyone that you are a changeling. It can also be used to pry open depowered doors like a crowbar, and to force open unbolted powered doors, after a few seconds. Costs 0.75 chemicals per every 2 seconds to upkeep.
Bone Shard
Bone Shard.png
3 15 The changeling evolves with the ability to break off shards of their bone and shape them into throwing weapons which embeds into their foes. Does 20 brute damage per hit, and once they hit someone, the shard becomes dull and useless.
Blind Sting
2 25 The changeling silently stings an organic target, completely blinding them for a short time, and rendering them near-sighted until occuline is applied. May be used while under the effects of Lesser Form.
Chitinous Armor
Chitinous Armor.png
4 25 Inflates the changeling's body into an all-consuming chitinous mass of armor. Provides extensive protection against physical damage, but less against other types. Its mass slows the changeling's movement, and maintaining its shape slows chemical generation.

Note: Chitinous Armor can be removed by a third party by using a chainsaw or surgical saw.

Cryogenic Sting
Cryo sting.png
4 15 The changeling injects an organic target with a blend of chemicals that chills the blood. The victim will walk slower and take some damage over the full duration. Victims wearing armor, or insulated material will take more damage. Can be countered with space heaters, coffee, and other warming objects and foods.
Dissonant Shriek
Dissonant shriek.png
2 30 The changeling emits an EMP, which disables technology in the surrounding area, including radio headsets. Good for escaping borgs.
Lethargic Sting
Lethargic sting.png
4 50 The changeling injects an organic target with a small dose of chemicals, that gradually reduces their stamina. The victim will slow down and be incapable of moving or making a sound, however, this is not lethal to them. Countered with any purging chemical.
Organic Shield
Organic shield.png
2 20 Reforms one of the changeling's arms into a large, fleshy shield. Blocks attacks automatically, and has 6 uses in total. Breaks after the 6 uses, and can't be used with Lesser Form.
Resonant Shriek
Resonant shriek.png
2 30 The changeling emits a tone beyond the range of human hearing, causing deafness and disorientation in an area around itself, and bursting lights in the area. Good for escaping groups, or hindering people from fleeing.
Spread Infestation
Spread infestation.png
4 45 One full grown hunter spider spawns from the changeling mouth, being loyal to only their changeling master, and friendly with other spiders. You can spawn up to three spiders total, and change their orders via remote hivemind with Alt + Shift Click. IMPORTANT: You need at least 7 DNA absorption to gain enough power to use this ability!
Strained Muscles
Strained Muscles.png
2 N/A The changeling reduces lactic acid buildup in their leg muscles, allowing them to move at extremely fast speeds. While active, the changeling will take steadily increments of stamina damage and eventually pass out. Attempting to run while exhausted will result in gradual health damage, though never to an outright lethal capacity.
Utility Mutations
Anatomic Panacea
Anatomic panacea.png
2 20 Cures the changeling of diseases, disabilities, radiation, toxins, drunkenness, and brain damage. Generally covers the things that fleshmend doesn't; it can be used to purge the poison that the chemist just shot you up with, or to get rid of that debilitating mutation from an absorbed identity.
Augmented Eyesight
Augmented eyesight.png
4 N/A The changeling evolves additional features in their eyes, giving them a toggleable xray and flash protection modes. The changeling will become more vulnerable to flash-based devices while in xray mode.
Apex Predator
Apex Predator.png
1 N/A The changeling evolves to have the ability to stalk their victim. They can detect where their target is, the exact location and whether they are injured or not.
4 30 The changeling vomits a caustic substance onto any restraints they may be wearing, allowing the changeling to break free. This ability is very obvious to others nearby. The changeling can also break out of closets with this ability. Using this ability while being grabbed will spit acid in your attackers face, dealing 5 burn damage, stunning the attacker, and releasing you.
Chameleon Skin
Chameleon skin.png
4 25 The changeling alters the pigment in their skin to match their surroundings, rendering them invisible after a short time and silencing their footsteps. Can be toggled on and off.
Digital Camouflage
Digital camouflage.png
2 N/A Prevents the AI from tracking the changeling's location while active, as well as making them fully invisible to the AI.
Epinephrine Overdose
Epinephrine overdose.png
4 30 Removes all stuns instantly, and adds a short-term reduction in further stuns. Can be used while unconscious. Continued use poisons the body.
5 20 The changeling will rapidly heal itself. Unlike Regenerative Stasis, this does not cause them to go into a dormant state. Significantly Weaker when below 50 normal body temperature.
Last Resort
Last resort.png
2 20 The changeling abandons its current body and becomes a headslug in a last ditch effort to evade discovery or capture after a 5 second delay and visible animation displaying the transformation. As a headslug, the changeling can vent crawl and lay eggs inside anybody, dead or alive, by alt clicking it. After laying eggs, the headslug dies, and 4 minutes later, a monkey with the original changeling's consciousness and abilities will burst out of the host body's chest.
Lesser Form
Lesser form.png
2 5 The changeling transforms into a monkey after a brief period. This causes all equipment to be dropped on the floor. It can then return to human form by using Human Form. Note, that transforming into a monkey also drops your cuffs.
Human Form
Human form.png
2 5 The changeling transforms into a human after using Lesser Form
Mimic Voice
Mimic voice.png
2 Halts while active Allows the changeling to form their voice to that of a name they enter.
Mute Sting
Mute sting.png
4 20 The changeling silently sting an organic target, completely silencing them for a short time. Does not provide a warning to a victim that they've been stung, although they may notice when they try to speak and can't. May be used while under the effects of Lesser Form.
Organic Space Suit
Organic spacesuit.png
4 20 Inflates the changeling's flesh into a huge, bulky, spaceworthy mass of pressure and temperature-resistant organic tissue, in order to facilitate space travel. A source of oxygen is still required for spacewalking, and because the suit is made up of the changeling's flesh, it provides no damage resistance, and allows direct injection with syringes. Slows chemical regeneration while active.
Swap Forms
Swap forms.png
2 40 The changeling swaps bodies with an individual it currently has an aggressive grab on, transferring its consciousness and all current abilities to the new body. This process causes both parties to convulse, and is very noticeable. The victim of this attack will be transferred into the old ling's body, and then shortly stunned right after transfer. No implants, including mind-shields, are destroyed during this process.
4 10 An arm tentacle that can retrieve items or attack people from afar. Cannot be used while in lesser form. The effect depends on the intent:
Help intent: Attempts to shake the person up, while pulling them in. Good for saving allies.
Disarm intent: Hitting an item directly will directly put it into your hand. If disarm intent fails to disarm, it knocks down the target for 2 seconds.
Grab intent: Wraps the tentacle around a targets legs. This deals brute damage, prevents them from moving for 3 seconds, and takes 5 seconds to remove.
Harm intent: Will attack the target and pull them in. Any item in your off hand will be automatically used to melee attack the person that gets pulled to you.
Hivemind Access
Hive Channel DNA Icon.png
4 10 Allows the changeling to upload or absorb DNA in the airwaves. Does not count towards absorb objectives. Costs 10 chemicals. Tunes our Chemical receptors for hivemind communication, which passively grants us access to the Changeling hivemind, and the ability to speak over it using the :g "radio" keyword.
Contort Body
Contort Body.png
4 25 Allows the changeling to contort their body, making them capable of fitting themselves in and under things where they normally don't fit, such as tables and closed airlocks. Also allows the changeling to fit in crates. Can't contort under bolted airlocks.

Outside gear

Changelings are mechanically unable to use Holoparasites, as well as Martial Arts. Stealing or otherwise obtaining other gear, syndicate or not, is free game. Keep in mind however that being too powerful may have consequences. See: Rule 6.

Roleplay Tips & Suggestions

  • Despite being identical down to the genetic level, you are not your normal character. You are a horrifying genetic abomination who has killed and replaced said character. Consider how well the mimicry is: Has the absorption happened some time ago, leading the changeling's behavior to be near-identical to the original? Or has the absorption only occurred recently, leaving the changeling little time to adapt?
  • Without exception, your Changeling will have to absorb more people to complete its objectives. How does it feel about such killings? Does it see humans and other crew as nothing more than food? Perhaps it knows full well how horrifying the process is, but cannot stop for one reason or another. Or, for a more difficult idea, perhaps this Changeling's assimilation is flawed, leaving the furious consciousnesses (or hallucinations of them) of its victims active in its mind.
  • Consider using "we" more often in conversation as a subtle hint that you are not the real you
  • What drives your Changeling? Current knowledge of Changelings is spotty and vague, so you're free to create any interpretation you wish! Are they driven forward by a distant, planet-sized mind of horrifying scale? Are they driven purely by hunger, devouring the succulent DNA of their victims as if addicted? Any interpretation is correct so long as you can make it work!
CaptainHead of PersonnelHead of SecurityChief EngineerResearch DirectorChief Medical OfficerQuartermaster
Nanotrasen RepresentativeBlueshield Officer
Internal AffairsMagistrate
WardenSecurity OfficerDetective
Station EngineerAtmospheric Technician
Medical DoctorParamedicChemistGeneticistVirologistPsychologistCoroner
Cargo TechnicianShaft MinerExplorer
AnimalAssistantDerelict ResearcherGhostGolemSyndicate Researcher
AICyborgMaintenance DronePersonal AI
AbductorsAsh WalkerBlobChangelingConstructContractorCultistGuardianLavaland EliteMorphNuclear AgentRevenantRevolutionaryShadow DemonSlaughter DemonSITSyndicate ResearcherTerror SpiderPulse DemonTraitorVampireWizardXenomorphZombie
Central Command OfficerDeath CommandoEmergency Response TeamHighlanderTradersSpecial Event RolesSuper HeroesSyndicate Infiltration TeamCluwne


The main article for this section is Vox Raider

Special Event Roles.gif
Special Role

Superiors: Whatever being sent you
Difficulty: Variable
Guides: No external guides.
Access: Variable
Duties: Variable


Departmental Head

Special Roles
Special Guides

Special Event Roles, sometimes referred to just Event Roles or Event Characters, are admin-spawned (or admin-designated) roles with varying abilities and equipment that are given special objectives to complete. The event roles can vary from killer clowns to ancient vampires and are often custom designed to fit a specific purpose. Event roles are used to make rounds more interesting and allow players to interact with stories and worlds outside the typical round and game mechanics. Due to the extra responsibility and privilege's a player often receives from possessing a special event role, they are expected to adhere to their objectives/character more strictly and roleplay at a higher standard.

Note: this article will only cover a few of the most prominent, important, and common roles.

Understanding Event Roles

Event roles are always designated or created by an admin in game. Depending on the role they may have unique and powerful spells, equipment, or stats but they may also just be normal crew member with standard equipment. They always have customs objectives or directives and may have either a pivotal or trivial importance in the progression of a round. These roles should not to be confused with built-in events such as Traders, Wizards, or Traitors which are naturally occurring.

For larger events, an admin will usually provide details of the objectives and details of the event in OOC, the Event information verb, or in Dead-chat midgame. Additionally, the admin in charge of the event may PM the player directly, give them customs objectives, or leave the direction of the character mostly up to the player in control of it. Players are expected to adhere to the guidelines given to them by the administration or else they may be removed from the role for the duration of the round.

Event roles aren't always pre coded-in. Many admins choose to custom make event roles and edit their variables/stats during the round. It's very likely that an event roles that a player takes is completely unique to that round. Event roles are extremely variable, flexible, and often specifically molded to fit on-going situations in the round. If a player chooses to take an event role, they should be prepared to be flexible and approach gameplay in a way they're not used to.

How to Play Event Roles

Upon being chosen to be an event role a player should take in what equipment, spells, and character traits they are offered. Players should immediately (if they have not already) determine how they should play the character both objectives and personality wise. If players are confused about what they are supposed to do and what limits are in place for what they can do, they should ahelp before continuing. Roleplay tends to be a very important aspect of non-antagonistic event roles and should be preferred over large-scale murder and destruction (unless that is what the role is supposed to do).

Built-in Roles

These are roles that are directly coded into the game. They are available from the outfit menu under the event tab or by right clicking a humanoid with EVENT+ permissions.

Faction Roles

Name Description
Trans-Solar Federation
Sol-Fed General
Solar Federation General.png
A high ranking military representative of the Trans-Solar Federation. They most often come on formal business, especially when conflict or controversy rises up between Nanotrasen and the Solar Federation in the military sphere. They tend to be very well armed, protected, and dressed.
Sol-Fed Representative
Solar Federation Representative.png
A middle ranking civilian within the TSF, generally comes on station to deal with non-military disputes and collaboration between Nanotrasen and the Federation.
Sol-Fed Lieutenant
Solar Federation Lieutenant.gif
The brains of the Trans-Solar Marine Corps. Comes heavily armed with a desert eagle and is responsible for herding the crayon-eating killing machines, a.k.a Marines. Has a spec ops variant with EVA capabilities.
Sol-Fed Marine
Solar Federation Soldier.gif
OOOOOH RAHHHHHHHHH! Armed to the teeth (more than Gamma ERTs) with a bulldog shotgun and M1911. Generally sent in for the worst of threats. Sustain themselves off crayons. Warning: they should never be sent in without objectives, they'll find the nearest organic thing and kill it. Has a spec ops variant that comes equipped with the devastating ARG assault rifle instead of a bulldog , this variant also has EVA capabilities.
Soviet Admiral
USSP Admiral.png
USSP Admirals usually only come aboard to do business or order troops around. When a volatile situation arises between the USSP and Nanotrasen (it's almost always volatile), the Admiral will often communicate over comms from a USSP installation to work things out at a safe, diplomatic distance that just so happens to be out of BSA range.
Soviet Marine Captain
USSP Marine Captain.png
Soviet Marine
USSP Marine.png
Soviet Officer
USSP Officer.png
Soviet Soldier
USSP Soldier.png
Well armed soldier of the USSP. Comes armed with C4, emags, and a Unica-6 revolver. Most of the time they will be rowdy, dangerous, and speak mostly Neo-russkian. Do not provoke.
Soviet Conscript
USSP Conscript.png
Soviet Tourist
USSP Tourist.png
Civilians of the USSP that have come to empty the station's alcohol supply. Generally exist just to take up space, die, and then make Medbay suffer.
The Syndicate
Syndicate Officer
Syndicate Officer.png
Has authority over everyone employed by the Syndicate, outside of Syndicate High Command. Has unlimited TC, can mindslave an unlimited number of people, equip themselves with literally any combination of syndicate gear they want regardless of TC cost, or simply order agents, nuclear ops, or the dreaded SST deployed to the station.
Syndicate Strike Team
Syndicate Strike Team Member.png
The syndicate variant of the Death squad. Way more dangerous than Nuclear Agents. Comes armed with a Syndi ID/radio/mask, SST hardsuit/helmet, healing nanite injector, esword, syndicate revolver, X4, emag, L6 SAW automatic squad weapon. The Leader has a pinpointer/disk. You do not stop a SST, you die or run. Unless you're the clown, of course.
Freedom Operative
Syndicate Freedom Operative.png
An operative dedicated to the land of the free. Standard operative hardsuits are replaced by an American Eagle costume. Only ever to be used during the American Holiday the Fourth of July. 'MERICA, FUCK YEAH!

Misc Roles

Name Description
Vox Raiders
Vox f stealth.png
Vox that swear their loyalty to the Shoal. It is unclear what their intentions or whether they plan on trading or thieving from the station. It is always best to use caution when they show up.
Singuloth Knights
Singuloth Knight.png
Once master engineers, now followers of Lord Singuloth. Wielding a singularity hammer they are a force to be reckoned with and can instantly gib downed humanoids.
An assistant with standard greytider gear. Exist only to fuck up the station and cause chaos. Toolbox, full toolbelt, Gas mask, Greytide flag, and a few other items. There also exists Leader and Xeno variations with insulated gloves and a welding helmet. The xeno variation also has a xeno outfit and thermal scanners.
Chrono Legionaire
Chrono Legionaire.png
An agent sent by future CentCom to erase people who disrupt the timeline and cause a time paradox. Excellent against single targets, terrible against groups. Originally used by admins to erase people that named themselves 'Hitler', but that is now handled OOCly. Has a Timestream Eradication Device (TED) gun and Chrono Legionnaire Suit that allows the user to phase anywhere)
Tunnel Clown
Tunnel Clown.png
A gang member that makes their home in maintenance. A clown with a stunprod, fire-axe, and a license to kill.
Honk Squad
The squad of Honkmmandos under the employ of Central Command's Special Honk division, sent to make a situation more humorous. Most crew members would prefer "The Alternative" to these unyielding PUNishers.
Mime Assassin
Generic mime.png
As assassin that uses mime clothes and favors silent kills. Basic traitor loadout with a silenced pistol.
Dark Priest
Dark Priest.png
An agent of the dark gods, typically sent to kill, or protect, someone who has roused their interest. Has an unique 'blessing of the reaper' undroppable armblade nullrod that does bonus damage.
Space Pirate
Space Pirate.gif
A typical space pirate, YARRRR!! Comes with an energy cutlass. There is a captain variation as well.
Masked Killer
Masked Killer.png
A masked killer from a horror movie. Generally only sent with one purpose: killing crew.
Dark Lord
Dark Lord.png
A syndicate agent themed after a sith lord. Often given the power of lightning, agility, and the force, this role is terrifyingly robust. Dark Lords come equipped with a double red e-sword.

Super Antags

These rare beings are so game-breakingly powerful and dangerous, that typically only admins are allowed to play them.

Name Description
Ancient One
Ancient One.png
A super-vampire with the ability to convert crew into regular vampire antags. Starts with 9999 blood, and has the abilities of all four vampire specializations. Has an extremely powerful 'Raise Vampires' ability that targets everyone near them, and on each successive cast, first stuns, then brain damages, then kills, then raises the dead as new vampire antags, then heals nearby vampires. When used in a crowded place, this can create an army of vampires in less than a couple of minutes. Can also enthrall crew members, turning them into mindslaves.
Arch Wizard
Arch Wizard.png
A super-wizard with a vast array of spells at their disposal. Starts with armor, as well as five times the amount of spells a regular wizard has.
Empress of Terror
Empress of Terror.png
A lovecraftian nightmare in the shape of an enormous spider. As Queen of Terror, but with stats (health, damage, etc) and abilities increased to almost godlike levels. 1,000 health, chain projectile acid spit that can melt metal, ability to lay up to 100 eggs at once and control how many grow up, ability to lay boss-level eggs such as those for queens and mothers, ability to emit a psychic shockwave that kills all spiders within a range measured in Astronomical Units, etc.
Greater Hellhound
Greater Hellhound.gif
Looks like a big hellhound, hits/tanks like a slaughter demon, casts spells like a wizard, summons more demons. Regenerates health quickly while resting. Immune to punches and atmos damage. When attacking a humanoid, uses hellsmoke to render all nearby humanoids instantly unconscious - only humanoids wearing internals are immune. Speaks telepathically. Smashes through walls. Casts various spells (knock, jaunt, teleport, greater forcewall). Can summon more demons (typically weaker, lesser hellhounds) at will.
CaptainHead of PersonnelHead of SecurityChief EngineerResearch DirectorChief Medical OfficerQuartermaster
Nanotrasen RepresentativeBlueshield Officer
Internal AffairsMagistrate
WardenSecurity OfficerDetective
Station EngineerAtmospheric Technician
Medical DoctorParamedicChemistGeneticistVirologistPsychologistCoroner
Cargo TechnicianShaft MinerExplorer
AnimalAssistantDerelict ResearcherGhostGolemSyndicate Researcher
AICyborgMaintenance DronePersonal AI
AbductorsAsh WalkerBlobChangelingConstructContractorCultistGuardianLavaland EliteMorphNuclear AgentRevenantRevolutionaryShadow DemonSlaughter DemonSITSyndicate ResearcherTerror SpiderPulse DemonTraitorVampireWizardXenomorphZombie
Central Command OfficerDeath CommandoEmergency Response TeamHighlanderTradersSpecial Event RolesSuper HeroesSyndicate Infiltration TeamCluwne


In Meteor, the station gets pelted with Meteors and the crew must survive and eventually escape, either by repairing the damage to the station and creating safe areas, or going every-man-for-himself style and securing their own safety by any means. During Meteor rounds, the Emergency Shuttle cannot be called until a set amount of time has elapsed, usually around ten or twenty minutes.

Game Ending Conditions:

  • When the shuttle is called and has reached Centcom, everyone on the emergency shuttle alive is considered to have won. Everyone dead or on the station when the shuttle leaves is considered to have lost.


The Blob is an apparently amorphous organism that rapidly spreads across the station, destroying obstacles such as walls, windows, and crew members. At the start of the round, a single Blob will be placed somewhere random on the station and immediately begin spreading outwards from that point. It will spread more quickly if it is in contact with gases oxygen, and is vulnerable to fire.

The AI must help the crew in fighting the blob, but it also has a key difference this round in that it must prevent anyone from leaving the station. The Quarantine law is added to the AI at the beginning of the round. The shuttle cannot be called and the AI will likely try to prevent you from obtaining EVA gear.

Game Ending Conditions:

  • If the Crew manage to completely destroy the entire Blob (nothing must remain of it at all), the Crew win.
  • If the Blob manages to spread to a predetermined size, the Crew lose and the station self-destructs.


Also know as AutoTraitor or Mongoose. Like Traitor, but new traitors are assigned as objectives are completed, traitors are captured, or on a timer.


There is no major event or objective to be completed in this mode. Generally picked after a bad streak of the other rounds, where everyone would rather just have some simple roleplay without the station tearing itself up over antagonists. Random events can still occur in this game mode.

Also used by admins to set up events.

Removed Modes

These modes have been removed from rotation, either because they were rubbish, or to be reworked. They can still be forced by admins however.


A strange psychic entity has invaded the crew. The crew has to find and remove it before it can complete it's objectives!

The Meme has a limited ability to control people (Hosts). It has to use it's abilities to control its Hosts and complete it's objectives. These include Traitor objectives and the objective to attune a certain amount of people.

Alien.png Alien

As of now, alien is still very untested, but you may encounter a round in which aliens have been spawned by admins. Aliens don't have much of an objective: lay eggs, hug faces, keep spreading.

Only the alien queen can lay eggs, but she moves very, very slow, so the other aliens need to protect her! As a human, being alien is not a good thing, rushing to get facehugged only lets a random ghost who's already dead to come back as a xeno and you take their place as an ineffectual specter.


Like extended except you can spawn any item you want through the "Sandbox Panel" verb.

In theory this is the mode you go to to figure out how stuff works and practice various systems, such as starting the engine or building complex pipe constructs.

Usually though it will end up with everyone spawning guns and explosives, total carnage and the admins turning everyone into aliens.


Like Secret only it tells you the game mode at the beginning.


Basically, a combination of changelings and traitors have infiltrated the crew. Typically a bunch of traitors with just a few changelings thrown in. Though rare, it is possible to be both a traitor and a changeling. Traitor-changelings would be given more objectives to complete, but can use both a syndicate uplink and their changeling abilities to accomplish them.


At the start of the round someone instantly dies and becomes a primate with the magical ability to turn others into monkeys by biting them. Armour does not help, the transformation is instantaneous, and almost always connected.

Since monkeys can also use almost every weapon and tool on the station, there is very little help for humanity. Humans cannot understand monkeyspeak, which shows up as "chimpers" to humans, and Monkeys cannot understand human speech, which shows up l**e ***s. The game ends when the Emergency Shuttle leaves. The AI does not consider monkeys to be crew, and may kill/contain them with impunity.

Game Ending Conditions:

  • If the Shuttle leaves with no living monkeys aboard, the Crew wins.
  • If the Shuttle leaves with any living monkeys aboard, the Monkeys win and spread their monkeyism to Centcom.


Removed due to codebase change.

Virus Epidemic

A deadly epidemic is spreading on the station. The crew must race to find a cure as fast as possible, and keep as many people as they can alive.